Immediately, Sword Douluo Chenxin took out a square box from his storage soul guide.

Su Qingyu is quite familiar with the box that Chen Xin took out, this material is clearly the one used to preserve soul bones!

Needless to say, what is contained in the box in front of me is naturally a soul bone!

There was no one else present, Ye Shengxin could be honored as a saint by everyone in the mainland, not just the soul master, this soul bone really wouldn't be taken seriously by others.

The lead box was opened, and there was a bone like amethyst that resembled a human skull.

"This is the soul bone of the Evil Soul Pluto, a 8000-year-old skull. Although the Evil Soul Spider is so vicious, the soul bone it produces has incomparably pure soul power."

Touching this soul bone, Su Qingyu would naturally be able to reach it, as Chen Xin said, the soul power of this soul bone is very pure.

This soul bone is not suitable for the soul master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, and the soul bone is not easy to replace, let alone the skull, Chen Xin wanted to chop off his own head.

In addition, Ning Fengzhi gave Su Qingyu another 300 million gold soul coin card.

As for Ye Shengxin, Ning Fengzhi didn't give him money, but gave him some rare herbs or rare treasures.

This is not Ning Fengzhi being stingy, but Ye Shengxin's rules.

Soul masters pay one medicine, commoners pay one copper, this is Ye Shengxin's rule.

The meaning is very clear, if the soul master asks him to cure a disease, he will pay for a blind medicinal material, and a commoner will be fine with a copper coin.

As a junior, Ning Fengzhi naturally did not dare to break the rules of Ye Shengxin, a senior assistant system soul master.

It is precisely because of Ye Shengxin's rule that even Qian Daoliu, who is of the same generation as Ye Shengxin, but who has been greatly favored by Ye Shengxin, will respect him three points.

This time, the task of "Xue Qinghe" apprenticeship was overfulfilled.

Although Su Qingyu was the one who saved people, the person who brought Su Qingyu here was not the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Since then, the position of "Xue Qinghe" has been completely secured, and with a clear backing, she can speed up her control over the entire empire.

When Su Qingyu was about to return to Tiandou City with "Xue Qinghe", Ye Shengxin's grandson, who was supposed to be sent back by Gu Rong, got into the carriage of the Tiandou imperial family.

"Ye Shengzhe, have you really thought it through?"

"Xue Qinghe" couldn't react for a while, because Ye Shengxin's request was really beneficial to him!

Ye Shengxin looked dotingly at her granddaughter Ye Lingling, "Those who have been favored by me, I also took their medicinal herbs. But this is my personal matter, I can't trouble others, I just ask His Royal Highness to take good care of me." This granddaughter."

Chapter 55 Entrust, take advantage of the situation!

People have birth, old age, sickness and death, even the saint Ye Shengxin, who is famous all over the mainland, cannot escape the shackles of life and death after all.

It is true that no matter how good his medical skills are, in the end he can cure the disease, not save his life!

Shouyuan is approaching, which cannot be stopped by ordinary power.

Normal life, old age, sickness and death, even the best life-sustaining treasure will not have much effect.

Moreover, Ye Shengxin, who has practiced medicine all his life, respects nature even more.

In other words, since my lifespan is approaching, why bother to struggle with drugs?

At this time, Ye Lingling, who had been keeping a cold face, also quickly threw herself into Ye Shengxin's arms, her soft voice choked with sobs, "Grandpa... didn't you say that you would always be with Lingling?"

Ye Shengxin looked dotingly at the granddaughter in his arms, and sighed, "His Royal Highness, I seldom ask for help in this life, but this time I beg His Royal Highness to take Lingling after my death."

This kind of thing is also very helpless for "Xue Qinghe", the Ye Shengxin in front of her is of the same generation as her grandfather.

Moreover, its virtue is highly respected, even in the Heaven Dou Empire, there are many people in the Wuhun Hall who have received Ye Shengxin's favor.

Taking Ye Lingling in would indeed give her a lot of gains. Some soul masters in the current Heaven Dou Empire would have a good impression of her.

"Okay, I promise you!"

Ye Shengxin stroked his beard and smiled, "The old man would like to thank His Highness the Crown Prince. To be honest, you and that guy Xue Ye really don't look like father and son. I met that kid Xue Ye when I was young. You are very narrow-minded, having a son like you is also the luck of that kid."

"Xue Qinghe" felt chills when he heard these words, "You are joking, father has always had a good heart."

It can only be said that she is indeed an old monster. She is of the same generation as her grandfather, and her thoughts are clear, and she probably thought of a lot long ago.

Ye Shengxin has practiced healing all his life, and has seen all kinds of people. In terms of seeing people, most people in the world can't compare with him.

When they returned to Heaven Dou City, it was already afternoon.

Under Ye Shengxin's repeated pleas, Su Qingyu had no choice but to follow Ye Shengxin to his temporary residence.

Moreover, Ye Shengxin blatantly said in front of "Xue Qinghe", "Some secrets between us doctors, I don't want to let go of these inheritances."

Under Ye Shengxin's leadership, within half an hour, they came to a quiet residential area.

Different from the prosperous residence of the nobles, the people living here tend to be more secluded, and usually living here are usually some people with status and status from other places.

Among them are many high-level soul masters, and Ye Shengxin's house was brought to him as soon as he arrived in Tiandou City.

In the huge house, there were only Ye Shengxin and Ye Lingling's grandfather and grandson.

Ye Shengxin was very curious about how Su Qingyu used golden needles to seal the meridians that day.

This really made Su Qingyu a little embarrassed. After all, he is only a half-baked person in the art of acupuncture and moxibustion.

At most, it's meridians or something, and he doesn't know how to prick acupoints with golden needles. After all, what he is best at is medicine.

Although there is a big difference in age between the two, and their medical skills are not in the same system.

But as the saying goes, stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade.

Whether it's Su Qingyu or Ye Shengxin, both of them have benefited a lot after some discussion.

At this time, Ye Lingling, who was nearly three years older than Su Qingyu, suddenly walked out of the room.

The smell of food made Su Qingyu somewhat hungry.

In addition to the more hearty meals on the dinner table, there were three sets of bowls and chopsticks, all of which were prepared by Ye Lingling in advance.

Ye Lingling's craftsmanship is really good. After eating, Ye Shengxin took out more than a dozen thick scrolls wrapped in animal skins and put them in front of Su Qingyu.

The old man stroked the animal skin lightly, "These are only a small part of my Ye family's accumulation of medicine and medicine for many years, and most of them are left by other surnames of Jiuxin Haitang before our Ye family."

A martial soul can only survive two people at the same time, what a tragedy this is.

Three years ago, when Ye Lingling was about to awaken her martial spirit, he entered the Star Dou Forest to seek death.

Because only in this way can Ye Lingling's martial soul be awakened into Jiuxin Begonia.

But luckily, he stayed in the Star Dou Great Forest for a month, but what he waited for was the news that his son and daughter-in-law were killed by the evil soul master.

His old friend from the Wuhun Palace saved Ye Lingling only after desperate efforts, and since then, only their grandparent and grandson have depended on each other for life.

"Damn it, the owner of this Nine-Hearted Begonia must not commit suicide, or I should have forced my old friends to cut off my head!"

Anyway, it's too late!

Ye Shengxin's expression was still a bit bitter, "I found my little friend today to entrust Lingling to you. After all, the "Prince" is really too troublesome behind the scenes."

Immediately, a grass-green bracelet was thrown over.

Su Qingyu caught it subconsciously. At this moment, a soul master with a flying martial spirit suddenly appeared, directly carrying Ye Shengxin.


Ye Lingling looked around and ran out the door, but she didn't see anyone.

Missing the little girl, she ran out of the residential area directly.

"You really don't even give a chance to refuse, Ye Shengzhe?"

In desperation, Su Qingyu had no choice but to follow Ye Lingling who was running around.

After an unknown amount of time, night fell quietly, and at a street intersection, Ye Lingling finally stopped after running away.


Finally, he called out the title of the relatives who still existed in this world, and then his eyes went dark, and he passed out immediately.

Su Qingyu, who had been following behind Ye Lingling, sighed, and immediately hugged her who had fainted.

I'm afraid the old man has already prepared it. Even if there is no him, the old man will leave on his own initiative.

It is true that this will make Ye Lingling more withdrawn and indifferent, but sometimes for a girl, this is often more of a layer of protection.

Even if Ye Lingling wants to hate him, then she should hate him. Ever since her son and daughter had an accident, Ye Shengxin has long had the will to die.

In the feasting and feasting of Tiandou City at night, Ye Lingling's running all the way naturally attracted the greed and coveting of many Xiaoxiao.

Su Qingyu's expression was cold, and he directly took out the token of the Eastern Palace that "Xue Qinghe" gave him, "The Eastern Palace is doing business, you dare to stop it, are you planning to rebel?"

Left and right are just a group of noble dudes, this kind of people like to make troubles the most, and are also the most afraid of troubles.

As soon as the words fell, a dozen or so thirteen or fourteen-year-old half-grown boys scattered like birds and beasts.

Before he grows up, taking advantage of the situation is an effective method, which can buy him enough time to grow.

Pulling her tiger skin, Tiandou Empire and Wuhundian are unlikely to find trouble with him or Tianshui Academy.

Once he grows up, hmph, then who is the king and who is the minister, it depends on whose fist is harder

Chapter 56

In the Eastern Palace, "Xue Qinghe" is still busy. Since she became the Prince of the Eastern Palace, most of the insignificant memorials have been sent to her.

Only some urgent matters would be sent directly to Emperor Xue Ye.

While hastily correcting the memorial, "Xue Qinghe" said indifferently: "Have you decided?"

"Well, the yard left by Senior Ye is not small, so it's okay for me to move there. Besides, Ye Lingling is not very easy to mess with in this Heaven Dou City where fish and dragons are mixed together."

"Xue Qinghe" frowned. Naturally, she was very clear about those noble dudes.

Even, one of her dear "brothers" is also a member of the playboys in Tiandou City.

"Well, Senior Ye Shengxin planned to ask me to take care of Ye Lingling, but I never thought that you would be the one who really took care of her. And I was tricked by someone else once, and I acted as a protective umbrella for Ye Lingling."

As soon as the words fell, "Xue Qinghe" took out two neat admission notices from the storage soul guide, and there was a swan mark of the Tiandou Imperial Family on them, which belonged to the Tiandou Imperial Academy.

"This is what I promised you a long time ago, this is what I promised you a long time ago, and the other is for Ye Lingling."

Su Qingyu glanced at it casually, then put it away directly, "Thank you, then you should be busy and say goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, Su Qingyu walked away directly, making "Xue Qinghe" a little angry, why can he be so leisurely!

Rubbing her chest lightly, she repeatedly warned herself that it was not worth getting angry with a little boy like Su Qingyu, otherwise she would still be the one who hurt.

Yu Long and Li Xue, who were hiding in the dark, looked at each other helplessly.

To be honest, they didn't want her to come here as an undercover agent, not to mention delaying the progress of her practice, but also to face a man's face all day, always feeling that something would go wrong sooner or later.

However, they are just subordinates, these things only need to be understood in their hearts, and they will not care about the rest.

On the other side, after Su Qingyu left the Heaven Dou Palace, she went directly to the courtyard where Ye Shengxin lived.

It was given by a soul emperor who had been favored by Ye Shengxin.

After Ye Shengxin left, that person sent a lot of things, and he also declared that he can come to him for anything in Tiandou City.

Another point, Su Qingyu did not expect, Ye Shengxin announced that Su Qingyu was his closed disciple.

This made Su Qingyu somewhat sigh, it was not that Ye Shengxin deliberately took advantage of him, but that he tried to help him as much as possible when he was dying.

In Douluo Continent, Ye Shengxin's reputation is so high that [-]% of the forces will give him some face.

The status of a closed disciple also makes it more convenient for Su Qingyu to get in touch with the soul master world in the mainland.

However, there is still a problem, and that is Ye Lingling.

Since being brought back by Su Qingyu, she has become even colder.

I usually hide in the yard, quietly reading medical books, or meditating.

Hearing Su Qingyu coming in from outside the door, Ye Lingling looked up, her silvery white eyes were extremely indifferent, without a trace of emotion.

If she was just withdrawn a few days ago, then Ye Lingling is completely paralyzed now.

"Well, Miss Ye, there is something I want to tell you."

Su Qingyu was somewhat embarrassed, the girl in front of her was three years older than him.

Counting from Douluo, he is only a six-year-old child, but including his previous life, he is in his early thirties.

The mischief in her heart made Su Qingyu really unable to call her sister. After all, she was only coerced and lured by calling her sister Qian Renxue.

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