He also didn't expect that these two people got mixed up so early?

Yu Tianheng didn't want to come at first, but he couldn't hold back Lonely Yan and threatened him with Dugu Bo, and Yu Tianheng, who was a little depressed, also came with her.

"They came by themselves."

Ye Lingling still looked indifferent. Ye Shengxin's departure took away the last trace of her emotions, but it also gave her a reason to continue living.

For Ye Shengxin, for her parents, live well...

These words made Dugu Yan somewhat unhappy, as the granddaughter of the Titled Douluo, she hadn't dared to show her face yet.

Unlike Dugu Yan, who has a relatively simple personality, Yu Tianheng has seen many power struggles within the family since he was a child, and even his uncle was a victim of power struggles in the family.

He could tell that Ye Lingling's state must have happened to something bad.

In the morning, Su Qingyu had a deep impression on Yu Tianheng. Yu Tianheng admired Su Qingyu for being young, possessing a dragon spirit, and daring to confront the head teacher.

"Brother Su, Xia Yu Tianheng, can we chat?"

Dugu Yan, who was still sulking, also noticed Su Qingyu.

However, Su Qingyu was so good-looking that Dugu Yan immediately grabbed Su Qingyu's face.

Su Qingyu tried hard to keep herself from getting angry, and even murmured silently in her heart, her family was poisoned, and her grandfather had a treasure...

After repeating a few words in her heart, Su Qingyu's anger dropped a little.

Yu Tianheng, who couldn't see the past, also stopped Duguyan from continuing to play tricks.

"Yes, but it's inconvenient to say it here."

Su Qingyu glanced at Ye Lingling's room, Yu Tianheng and Duguyan understood, and the three quickly left the apartment.

Along the way, Su Qingyu talked about the relationship between Ye Shengxin and Ye Lingling. Once they heard that Ye Lingling's martial soul was a nine-heart begonia, the two people with profound family backgrounds understood it.

"Hey, I also provoked Heaven's jealousy. Fortunately, our family comes from the Assault Department."

Yu Tianheng knew even more that even the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, the number one auxiliary martial soul, also had serious flaws.

"Okay, Tianheng, don't talk about this matter. Ye Shengzhe is one of the few close friends of Grandpa and his old man, so leave Lingling to me."

Duguyan, in the original book, is one of the few people Ye Lingling can get close to, and according to Duguyan, the two of them have a lot of connections.

Just as Su Qingyu thought, the relationship between Dugu Bo and Ye Shengxin is very good.Even Dugu Bo himself had received Ye Shengxin's favor back then.

Duguyan has already made up her mind about Ye Lingling's matter. She believes that her grandfather will take care of it.

Seeing the two of them off, Su Qingyu also sighed a little, "Perhaps even Ye Shengxin himself could not have imagined that the kindness he has spread for decades has quietly become a huge network of contacts."

Even without the help of the Eastern Palace, no one would persecute Ye Lingling at the cost of offending a large group of unknown soul masters.

However, when Su Qingyu returned to the apartment, there was a yellow-haired boy who looked about eight or nine years old, and there were several attendants behind him.

Pulling Ye Lingling's hair with a playful smile, intending to pull her out of the apartment, his followers kept applauding.

Su Qingyu's expression turned cold, and his right hand instantly turned into a dragon's claw, grabbing the yellow-haired boy's arm.

With a click, Su Qingyu, who possessed the Dragon Martial Soul, was so strong that he easily crushed the boy's arm.

There was a burst of shouts like killing a pig, and the followers of the yellow-haired boy panicked one by one.

"Bold...you are so impatient that you actually made a move against the Fourth Highness!"

When Su Qingyu heard this, the strength in her hands increased a little.

He was still wondering who it was, it turned out that this guy who wanted to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger like others, but almost became a pig in the end, the fourth prince Xue Beng of the Heaven Dou Empire!

Chapter 59 One Year, Breakthrough!

Prince's Mansion, as the only remaining younger brother of Emperor Xue Ye, Xue Xing has a pivotal position in the Heaven Dou Empire.

"Uncle Huang, you must avenge me!"

Xue Beng's two hands were directly crushed, and only then did he find Xue Xing, the uncle who loved him so much.

But Xue Xing's face was not very good-looking, "Are you sick? That guy has the badge of the East Palace, which proves that he belongs to your elder brother. And do you know who the little girl you bullied is?"

Xue Beng's face was slightly pale, he just wanted to drive away the people around his good brother, so it doesn't matter.

Seeing this unworthy nephew in front of him, Xue Xing sighed in his heart, and taught him to hide himself, if this matter got out, it would ruin all the popularity of Tiandou Empire.

"Go away, don't provoke him in the future, or your big brother is likely to attack you!"

After being frightened by Xue Xing, Xue Beng, who was only a teenager, was extremely afraid of his unpredictable elder brother.

He understands that he can only admit it...

Time flies, in the blink of an eye, Su Qingyu has been in Tiandou City for a year.

During the Chinese New Year, he went back to Tianshui City once.

Shui Bing'er has already entered Tianshui Academy, while Shui Yue'er is a newly awakened martial soul, Yingyu Dolphin, with an innate soul power of eighth level, considered a top genius.

And during this year, he has been constantly improving his soul power and polishing his body.

In this year, the soul power broke through four levels one after another, jumping to level nineteen.

His physical fitness, according to his calculations, can now completely withstand the second spirit ring within 500 years.

The result was very surprising, his second spirit ring was completely comparable to other people's third spirit ring.

"The last level of soul power, just use it directly."

Su Qingyu casually took out a lead box, and the crystal clear purple skull-shaped soul bone was exactly the soul bone of the evil spirit spider.

Although this skull is only 8000 years old, it is less than 4 years old.But the evil soul spider is a strange soul beast on the Douluo Continent, so the soul bones produced by it are naturally not comparable to ordinary soul bones.

Coupled with the fact that the spirit power of the evil spirit ghost spider is inherently strong, this also leads to the fact that the produced soul bones are not suitable for the spirit power.

The improvement has great benefits.

In itself, it is completely the best soul bone no less than 5 years old.

The absorption of the soul bone, Su Liefeng had taught Su Qingyu a long time ago, put the soul bone sticker on his forehead, and silently circulated his own soul power.

The skull of the evil soul spider turned into a purple awn and slowly merged into Su Qingyu's body, and a huge spiritual power gradually spread from the soul bone towards his mind.

Su Qingyu didn't panic, and used her own spiritual power to refine it quickly, taking the spiritual power in the soul bone for her own use.

Although he was already refining with all his strength, it still took nearly an hour to complete the process.

Finally, it is the soul power left by the soul bone itself. As long as these soul powers are refined, Su Qingyu's soul power will at least rise by one level.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the refining of soul power was much better than mental power. Su Qingyu quickly completed the final refining and successfully absorbed the top-quality soul bone produced by the evil spirit spider. .

The moment he finished refining the soul bone, a soul skill also appeared in his mind, to be precise, it was the soul bone skill.

Soul tide, mental power increased by 100%!

For Su Qingyu, this soul power can be said to be quite good.

The skull of the evil spirit ghost spider has added a lot of spiritual power to him. If he uses this skill again, it will have a very good effect on dealing with spiritual and confusing attacks.

Immediately afterwards, Su Qingyu sensed the soul power in his body again.

Sure enough, he has already reached the bottleneck of level [-], as long as he gets another soul ring, he can become a great soul master.

At this time, his age was only seven and a half years old!

As the saying goes, step by step, step by step!

As long as he can maintain this high-speed increase in soul power, he will be able to turn the tables in the scuffle between the two families in the not-too-distant future.

However, these are still far from the present.It's not what he should consider now.

The most important thing for Su Qingyu now is to obtain the second soul ring and quickly break through the realm of a great soul master.

True.As the master said, soul power can be accumulated without a soul ring.

But is the speed at which a great soul master accumulates soul power comparable to that of a soul master?

Therefore, to be able to obtain the soul ring quickly, it is still necessary to obtain the soul ring as soon as possible.

After a long delay, the one who is dragged down is myself after all!

As for the hunt for the soul ring this time, Su Qingyu had already planned it out.

Last time he came to Tiandou from Tianshui City, and now it has been half a year, so he also plans to go back to Tianshui City again, and he hasn't seen those two little girls for a long time.

Furthermore, in the next six months, he also plans to go to the Great Soul Arena to improve his actual combat ability.

After all, he has devoted all his energy to cultivation in the past year, except for the one time when he hit an avalanche, he has never done anything else.

Just when Su Qingyu was thinking about how to improve herself in the next step, the door of the apartment cabin opened suddenly, and it was Ye Lingling who came back.

During this year, Ye Lingling's personality still hasn't improved much.

Dugu Bo also came to see her in person, and asked his precious granddaughter to protect Ye Lingling well.

Therefore, currently only Dugu Yan can chat with him a few words, others still can't.

It is worth mentioning that, because Ye Lingling's appearance attracted the covetousness of many noble children, Dugu Yan, her good sister, almost poisoned those noble children.

It was also because of this incident that Ye Lingling put on a veil, which already had the charm of a cold goddess.

The relationship between her and Su Qingyu is still the same. In a year, the conversation between her and Su Qingyu did not exceed a hundred sentences.

And Su Qingyu couldn't tell her how she felt, she could only say that Ye Shengxin had paid her for being entrusted and loyal.

After packing her things, Su Qingyu left a note on the table in the living room, and left Tiandou Imperial Academy in the dark.

But just after he walked out of the gate of Tiandou Imperial Academy, he met a familiar person.

Qin Ming, the teacher who greeted him at the school gate.

"Student Su, it's so late, where are you going?"

"Hello, Teacher Qin. I'm going back to Tianshui City. I haven't been back for half a year. I plan to go back and visit my parents."

"Well, pay attention to safety and be careful on the road."

After speaking, Qin Ming left directly.

But Su Qingyu, who has a keen sense, can detect that this teacher Qin seems to be not very happy, did something happen?

However, he was not very familiar with Qin Ming, and it was not easy for an outsider to inquire about his affairs.

After getting on the carriage to Tianshui City, Su Qingyu headed directly to the north.

Chapter 60 Return, Su Liefeng who resigned

After riding in the carriage for several days, Su Qingyu finally rushed back to Tianshui City.

The air is still mixed with coldness, even if it is not covered by ice and snow, the white air in the breath can still be seen.

It can only be said that Tianshui City is very cold all year round, and for some reason, the temperature in Tianshui City is always much lower than that of other surrounding areas.

After paying the driver's fare, Su Qingyu headed directly to Tianshui College.

At this time, apart from the housekeeper, Old Uncle Li, and a few ordinary people, no one in the Su family was at home.

At the gate of Tianshui College, an amiable old lady blocked Su Qingyu's way.

"Hehe, let grandma see, who is here?"

Li Jing, a veteran soul emperor of Tianshui College, who had no hope of breaking through, took the initiative to ask for a post as a porter.

Due to the majesty of Li Jing and her old man, those young soul masters, as well as the nobles and sons of rich merchants in Tianshui City, dare not wander around at all.

She knew Su Qingyu, and she usually sighed that this little guy annoyed her more and more as she grew up.

"Grandma Li Jing, I'm waiting here, I won't go in."

Su Qingyu smiled mischievously, he didn't dare to offend Li Jing, an old soul emperor should take care of him as a little soul master, it would not be too easy.

"Hahaha, it scares you, the old woman still eats you?"

Li Jing laughed loudly and waved to him, signaling that he could go in.

And Su Qingyu also quickly ran in after thanking her.

He is still young, and he can still go through this kind of back door. In a few years, he will have to be honest and wait for Tianshui Academy to retire.

After entering Tianshui College, Su Qingyu came to Lan Xiaoyue's office with ease.

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