At this time, Lan Xiaoyue, Miss Lan was planning the expenses of Tianshui College for the coming year, and she caught her long hair like a chicken coop.

Although Lan Xiaoyue was overwhelmed by the expenses of the coming year, Su Qingyu's arrival still did not escape the eyes of her soul sage.

In order to maintain her motherly image in front of Su Qingyu, Lan Xiaoyue quickly put her foot against the office door, and after tidying up, she smiled and opened the door for Su Qingyu who was blocked outside.

"Oh, let me tell you why I feel like my eyelids are twitching today. It turns out that our little herring has returned."

Lan Xiaoyue rubbed Su Qingyu's little head affectionately, "How is it? How have you lived in Tiandou City for the past six months?"

Hearing the gentle greeting from her mother, Su Qingyu felt warm in her heart, "It's not bad, I came back this time, and I just want you to help me get the second soul ring."

"Oh, so it's the second..."

"What, you said the second soul ring!"

Lan Xiaoyue was a little numb, but she remembered that Su Qingyu had only awakened her martial soul for a year and a half, so why did she reach level [-].

Out of concern for her son, Lan Xiaoyue directly penetrated her soul power into Su Qingyu's body.

After some inspection, no problems were found, but his foundation was found to be very solid.

"It scared me to death. Fortunately, it wasn't what I thought, but how did you break through so quickly!"

Lan Xiaoyue really didn't understand.His son's breakthrough speed is too scary.

She remembered that Shui Bing'er, who had been studying at Tianshui Academy, only broke through level seventeen last month.

To break through level [-], it is estimated that he will have to wait until next year, that is, a little over eight years old.

After this comparison, Su Qingyu's speed was almost a year faster than Shui Binger's!

It is precisely because of this that Lan Xiaoyue was so panicked just now, for fear that Su Qingyu used some improper means.

In her impression, those methods to increase soul power extremely quickly are all improved by consuming life essence.

Regarding Lan Xiaoyue, Su Qingyu didn't hide anything, and told her about giving up her daily training, specializing in improving her soul power, and about the evil spirit's spider soul bone.

"Little fish, do you think your mother and I are old? I always feel that I can't keep up with you, a young man."

Su Qingyu shook his head and smiled wryly. For more than a year, he was naturally aware of the danger.

Even now he is walking on the tip of a knife, in order to make his parents, and Shui Bing'er and the others safer.

Although Tianshui Academy, Kamikaze and Chihuo are now allies, they advance and retreat together.

But in fact, Tianshui College is really out of tune with them.

A college full of women, even if the students and teachers are all soul masters, they are still women after all.

In the coming chaotic world, no matter who joins, they will end up being used as tools or cannon fodder for others.

"I don't know. If you don't wait for my dad to come back, you can ask him."

Although Lan Xiaoyue is his mother, Su Qingyu thinks it is better to let her father who is far away in Shenfeng Academy solve this fatal problem.

Next, with the help of Su Qingyu, Lan Xiaoyue finally completed the plan for the coming year before dark.

After Lan Xiaoyue submitted it to Shui Ningyuan for approval, the mother and son returned home happily.

As soon as they entered the house, the mother and son saw a horned horned horse.

Different from the two hundred-year-old ones raised by Grandpa Feng Xiaotian, this one didn't even last ten years!

The horned horned horse is the general mount of the Kamikaze Academy, and only one person can ride it to Su's house.

Lan Xiaoyue and Su Qingyu looked at each other, and the mother and son rushed towards their small cafeteria.

Just in time to see Uncle Li serving dishes, a familiar figure came out from the kitchen not far away.

"Gefeng, why are you back?"

Lan Xiaoyue was quite surprised. It is reasonable to say that her man would take at least seven or eight days to come back. Why was it so much earlier this time.

With a wave of his hand, Su Liefeng asked the housekeeper, Old Uncle Li, to take a few servants down.

After there were no outsiders, Su Liefeng spoke eloquently.

"Why should you take the responsibility for what his kid caused!"

Lan Xiaoyue really couldn't bear it, her husband was being bullied, she couldn't be more angry.

"Sit down, the herring is still here!"

Although reluctant, Lan Xiaoyue sat down anyway.

The reason is very simple. At this year's Elemental Academy party of Kamikaze Academy, people from Thunder Academy came.

There are many dandies from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family in Thunder Academy, and among them, a guy from a remote collateral line flirts with Huo Wu, who is still a little girl.

Feng Xiaotian, who couldn't get angry, beat up that collateral boy and taught him a lesson.

At that time, Feng Xiaotian was somewhat irrational, and even broke the man's right hand.

Trouble came, turn the other day, a direct descendant from the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect with a soul power up to level 42, who called Feng Xiaotian by name.

The dominance of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect came from the bottom of his heart. Although Feng Zhengjie and Feng Xiaotian's father felt sorry for Feng Xiaotian, he still let Feng Xiaotian fight against the direct descendant of the Blue Electric Overlord Sect, the Soul Sect, not long after breaking through level 34. .

Relying on the old dragon Yu Yuanzhen, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect will eat up all the forces to death.

Feng Xiaotian, who had only broken through to the soul master for a year, was undoubtedly defeated by the direct descendant of the soul sect.

Thanks to the dominance and arrogance of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, that direct descendant didn't bother to bully the weak, so Feng Xiaotian didn't suffer any harm.

But at this stall, Su Liefeng resigned on his own initiative.

Chapter 61

Su Qingyu also didn't understand, her father was supposed to be pretty good at Shenfeng Academy, so why did he resign.

In front of her parents, Su Qingyu will not deliberately hide her heart.

Seeing Su Qingyu's puzzled look, Su Liefeng smiled and touched his head, "Because the Kamikaze Academy is the Kamikaze Academy of the Feng family after all! But [-]% of the students in the senior department are their clansmen."

This made Su Qingyu feel a little bit stunned. He said emotionally that the Blazing Fire and Kamikaze were families in the guise of an academy.

On the surface, this has little to do with Su Liefeng, but after thinking about it carefully, Su Qingyu also understands.

"Dad, it's not like you're talking about the vice-principal again..."

Su Liefeng smiled and nodded.

Just as Su Qingyu said, Su Liefeng was named during the aftermath.

Some people who were usually close to Feng's family, or those who coveted Su Liefeng's position as the teaching director, directly reported Su Liefeng to the dean Feng Zhengjie.

The reason for the accusation is also very simple, that is, as Feng Xiaotian's teacher, Su Liefeng has not fulfilled his due responsibilities as a teacher.

Feng Zhengjie showed embarrassment, and finally gave Su Liefeng a punishment of not being allowed to participate in the selection of professional titles in the hospital for five years.

This seemed to Su Liefeng, who was about to get in touch with the senior management of Shenfeng Academy, it could only be said to be painless.

But in fact, five years is enough time for Feng Xiaotian's second uncle, the second generation of the Feng family with the best talent, to break through to the soul sage.

When Feng Xiaotian's second uncle breaks through to the soul sage again, everything will be different.The same soul saint, if Feng Zhengjie chooses again, no one will comment on his unfairness.

In short, in a word, Su Liefeng, as an outsider, cannot become a senior executive of Shenfeng Academy.

"Come back as soon as you come back. Anyway, there is no hope of rising, and if you stay any longer, you will be giving your life to others. Moreover, the people of the Feng family have gradually begun to control various lifeline industries of Shenfeng Academy, and some old friends have also left."

Taking a sip of the tea, Su Liefeng looked away, at worst, he would guard his wife and son in Tianshui City, wouldn't it be better?

Lan Xiaoyue also felt that it was nothing. No matter how you say it, the soul sage has stepped into the ranks of high-level soul masters, and she is quite popular almost everywhere.

Immediately afterwards, Lan Xiaoyue also informed Su Liefeng about Su Qingyu's advancement.

"Xiaoyu, you have been sensible since you were a child, and it is too rare for you to concentrate on breaking through your soul power. However, let me tell you that you should try to avoid shortcuts in the cultivation of soul power, otherwise you will be the one who will suffer at the time."

Although Su Qingyu was fine, Su Liefeng was still very worried.

My son is too courageous, nothing happened, if something happened, it would be too late to regret it.

Su Qingyu nodded, "Dad, I know, I will be careful. However, I still have to trouble you to take a trip to Sunset Forest with me to obtain the second soul ring."

Su Liefeng really didn't expect his son to be such a genius.

Although they are all born full of soul power, but Su Liefeng who taught Feng Xiaotian understands that Su Qingyu's talent is much better than Feng Xiaotian's.

In the past, he thought that congenital soul power was synonymous with arrogance.

But now it seems to him that even Tianjiao is divided into ranks and ranks.

The family enjoyed themselves and chatted until midnight before giving up.

However, Su Qingyu, who returned to his room, was not idle either. He has been thinking a bit lately.

Until the dawn of the next day, Su Qingyu yawned sleepily, "It's finally finished. Although it doesn't work very well, it can be used after all, right?"

A large book that is more than ten centimeters thick is densely filled with various combinations of medicinal materials, as well as the methods and effects of different treatments of medicinal materials.

At the bottom, dozens of medicinal materials with different treatments form a formula called Yunshen Decoction.

As the name suggests, the Yunshen soup made by this recipe can enhance people's spiritual power.

And the medicinal properties are very mild, but the effect is too weak.

It is more like a drink, and it must be drunk for a long time to have the effect of improving mental strength.

In general, little is better than nothing, and it would be nice if it works.

And this thing is different from medicinal baths, one silver coin of medicinal materials can cook a large pot.

Just as he was perfecting the prescription and was about to go shopping, Su Liefeng who had just made breakfast stopped him.

"Go out after eating, and Binger is here."

Su Qingyu is a good boy, so she will listen to her father, and she definitely doesn't miss that little girl Shui Bing'er.

At the dinner table, Lan Xiaoyue and Shui Binger had already sat together, looking quite happy.

Having not seen each other for half a year, Shui Bing'er was quite excited when she saw Su Qingyu.

But Shui Bing'er is quite shy, plus Shui Ningshuang's usual "warnings", the little girl's behavior is still so well-behaved.

"Brother Herring, long time no see, how are you at the Royal Academy?"

Su Qingyu didn't hide anything. At the dinner table, she told her some things, and she was also telling her parents.

After listening, Su Liefeng and Lan Xiaoyue were fine, but Shui Binger was a little worried, "Brother Qingyu, do you mean that Miss Ye is still coming out now?"

"Outsiders can't help you with this matter, and Herring is still a man."

Su Liefeng spoke at the right time, and gave Su Qingyu a meaningful look.

Different from Su Liefeng, Su Qingyu and his son, Lan Xiaoyue and Shui Bing'er both had to go to Tianshui College.

After Lan Xiaoyue took Shui Bing'er away, Su Liefeng also took Su Qingyu out of the house.

This time, the father and son still chose to drive to Sunset Forest.

After all, Tianshui City is much farther away from Sunset Forest than Tiandou City.

The Sunset Forest is a pretty good gathering place for spirit beasts, apart from the Star Dou Forest and the extreme northern ice field.

After all, here, there are very few soul beasts with a high age limit of more than 5 years, and it is not easy to encounter them.

In addition, there are many types of soul beasts, and there are soul beasts suitable for most soul masters.

Therefore, the reputation of Sunset Forest is quite high in the world of soul masters.

A few days later, Su Liefeng and Su Qingyu finally came to the setting sun forest.

"Hingyu, have you thought about it, the attribute of the soul beast cannot be sloppy."

Su Liefeng was also a little worried. After all, Su Qingyu planned to absorb a thousand-year-old fire attribute soul beast this time.

In terms of the age limit, he wasn't too worried, after all, he had checked Su Qingyu's physical fitness.

However, the attributes of this second soul ring and Su Qingyu's first soul ring's ice and water (ice is an extension of water) attributes restrain each other!

Su Qingyu understood Su Liefeng's worries, but he believed in his own martial soul, since he subconsciously chose a fire-attributed soul beast, there must be a reason for it.

Chapter 62 pass by

The area of ​​Sunset Forest is not small, and the terrain is also very complicated.

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