Su Liefeng, Su Qingyu and his son were on the road to a volcano in the Sunset Forest.

According to what Su Liefeng said, when he and Lan Xiaoyue traveled to the mainland, they heard people say that there were dragon-type soul beasts with fire attributes appearing here.

In Douluo Continent, dragon is synonymous with power.

Whether it is a soul beast or a human martial soul, as long as it has a dragon character on it, it is almost inevitable to be powerful.

He remembered that Dugu Bo once introduced to Tang Junzi that the Bilin Snake Emperor of Dugu's family was the so-called sub-dragon species.

Although in Su Qingyu's eyes they are all western bastards, it cannot be denied that they are the only dragons on the Douluo Continent.

Therefore, every time there is news of a real dragon in a place, it will cause quite a stir in the soul master world.

The news about Su Liefeng was probably more than ten years ago, but they have not been found for such a long time, the probability of the news being false is not small.

The further the father and son moved towards the volcano, the vegetation and trees around them became sparser and sparser.

Looking at the endless volcanoes in the distance, Su Qingyu remembered the old saying in her previous life, looking at the mountains and running dead horses!

Although they are constantly approaching the volcanic group, they are still dozens of miles away from the volcanic group.

Although the soul beasts in the sunset forest are not too powerful.But this does not mean that the number of soul beasts in Sunset Forest is small.

On the contrary, there are many soul beasts in the setting sun forest, and there are soul beasts appearing from time to time.

There are no trees in the area where the father and son are located, and it seems to be a grassland.

In such a flat place, it is easy to notice any movement.

No, not long after they entered this grassland, a group of fiery red figures rushed towards them.

The flame lion is a very common soul beast in some grassland soul beast areas.

Their aptitude and strength are also top-notch among the soul beast clan, and their group activities also give them the capital to run rampant on the grassland.

And now, this group of flame lions were clearly targeting their father and son.

"Heh, it's just a group of hundred-year-old kittens, they're really rampant."

Without further ado, Su Liefeng was directly possessed by the martial soul.

Under the influence of Fengmohu Wuhun, Su Liefeng instantly changed his appearance.

A pair of solid tiger claws slapped directly towards the forehead of a flame lion.

The soul sage is a soul sage after all, even if he didn't use the soul ring, with this palm, the flame lion would die immediately.

Afterwards, Su Liefeng continued to shoot, and several flame lions were easily killed by him.

It is instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, even if it is a soul beast, it cannot be avoided.

After seeing his own kind being killed so easily by the humans in front of him, the flame lion also knew that he had encountered a problem.

Immediately, the remaining dozen or so flame lions fled quickly, fearing that Su Liefeng would slap them to death.

"Oh, really, these little lions can't help being funny!"

Looking at Su Liefeng who was pretending in front of her, Su Qingyu never thought that her father could be scared away with a single coercion.

It's really bad fun, bullying a group of hundred-year-old soul beasts, showing off in front of a quasi-great soul master, is it interesting?

Of course, Su Qingyu's skin is not itchy now, so he naturally wouldn't say that.

After Su Liefeng dealt with the flaming lion group, the father and son encountered several fire-attributed soul beasts that were around 5000 years old.

It's a pity that the quality of his bloodline is so poor that Su Liefeng used it as a punching bag.

Fortunately, Su Liefeng was still sensible and didn't kill those soul beasts.

In the afternoon, Su Qingyu and Su Liefeng finally arrived at the volcano.

The black and brown mountains are alternated, and countless mountain passes are level, and some of them have no movement, just standing there quietly.

On the other hand, there is red hot magma flowing on the mountain, and the pungent smell of sulfur makes most spirit beasts stay away from this place.

This stretch of mountains is composed of volcanoes. Most of the volcanoes have been dormant or dead, and only fire-attributed soul beasts are extremely enthusiastic about this place.

"Hingyu, follow me closely later, the spirit beast near this volcano is very irritable, please pay attention to safety later!"

After being reminded by Su Liefeng, Su Qingyu also became vigilant.

Simply, he activated the Martial Soul directly, possessed by the sapphire dragon, and his right hand instantly transformed into a dragon.

He followed closely behind Su Liefeng, not daring to be careless.

After all, although he is talented, Su Liefeng knows more than him in this dangerous place where soul beasts gather.

There are basically no weaklings among the soul beasts living on the volcano side.

Along the way, the father and son encountered thousands of thousand-year-old soul beasts everywhere. Even if Su Liefeng could beat the thousand-year-old soul beasts, they would not go to the hard steel.

One is to preserve the soul power, and the other is that they are not alone, Su Qingyu is Su Liefeng's weakness.

After advancing for about an hour, the father and son did not find a better soul beast.

The soul beasts encountered, although the age is enough, but they are too ordinary, and they don't fit Su Qingyu's sapphire dragon.

Gradually, the sky darkened, and they also had to find a relatively safe place as soon as possible and set up camp.

Fortunately, they were still not far from the outskirts of the volcanic group, so they went back the same way and set up camp on the nearby grassland.

The two shared a tent, and Su Liefeng kept watch in the middle of the night in order to take care of Su Qingyu.

Su Qingyu kept watch in the first half of the night, not daring to be in a trance, and observed the movement around her very vigilantly.

Time passed quickly, and the first half of the night was about to pass.

But at this time, there seemed to be movement on the volcano not far away.

When Su Qingyu hesitated to wake up her father, her father had already woken up.

As a soul sage, Su Liefeng still sensed the movement on the volcano.

"At this time of year, there can't be a wave of beasts in the Sunset Forest. It's just a small-scale chaos of soul beasts. It looks like someone is hunting for souls."

Su Liefeng's words made Su Qingyu's face condense slightly. There are many soul masters who came to the Sunset Forest to hunt and kill soul beasts.

But he understands that compared to spirit beasts, humans encountered in the spirit beast forest are more dangerous.

In a situation without civilized and moral constraints, there are many people who are desperate for profit.

In this situation, Su Liefeng's way to deal with it is to avoid it and not have any interaction with them.

The two cleaned up quickly, and Su Liefeng immediately picked up Su Qingyu and ran in another direction.

When the soul saints are on their way with all their strength, they are naturally much faster. Soon they are getting farther and farther away from the volcano area, and they will not be affected by the volcano people anyway.

On a volcano, a young man who looked to be in his twenties looked pale and felt very unwilling.

But he understands that he can only choose the 8000-year soul ring in front of him, otherwise the people he hired might give him up here.After all, their reputation is not very good, so they don't care too much about the safety of his employer.

Chapter 63 Variation, One-horned Fiery Dragon!

At dawn, the movement around the volcanic group gradually disappeared.

But for the sake of safety, Su Liefeng still planned to change direction.

The main reason is Su Qingyu, who is the oil bottle, otherwise, Su Liefeng, who is a soul sage, can exist freely in most places in the sunset forest.

The two of them made a long detour, and after walking for half a day, they arrived at the west side of the relatively unstable volcano group.

In recent years, the volcano on the west side has erupted several times. Basically, soul masters who come to the volcano will not stay on the west side of the volcano group.

Su Liefeng didn't think about staying here on the west side either. He mainly entered the central area of ​​the volcano group from the west side, where there are many spirit beasts.

Because of the instability of the West Volcanic Group, ordinary fire-attributed soul beasts would not stay here, except for the elemental soul beasts that were a mixture of earth and fire similar to the Flame Lord.

Otherwise, even if it is a fire attribute soul beast, it will die in the event of a volcanic eruption.

Su Liefeng took Su Qingyu with him, and the father and son walked smoothly along the way, hardly encountering any soul beasts.

Soon, they arrived at their destination, a special valley located in the middle of the volcano group.

Surprisingly, there is such a valley full of vegetation in this area surrounded by volcanoes.

This valley used to be called Fire Valley, but since someone discovered the ten thousand-year-old real fire dragon, it was changed to Fire Dragon Valley.

As far as the eye can see, the entire Fire Dragon Valley is a piece of red, which is the color of those special plants.

In Fire Dragon Valley, fire-attributed soul beasts would appear from time to time, among them there were vegetarian soul beasts such as Huoyun rabbit and fire-misering moose.

"Let's go, let's go quietly. There are many soul beasts in this valley, and there is always one suitable for you."

Su Qingyu followed behind Su Liefeng, and the two of them headed straight towards the depths of the Fire Dragon Valley without disturbing these cute looking herbivorous soul beasts.

The deeper the valley goes, the more and more red vegetation there is, and the colors become brighter and brighter.

The answer given by Su Qingyu's Eye of Everything is that these are ordinary plants, but they have become like this after absorbing a large amount of fire elements over the years.

Such a rich fire element is undoubtedly a treasure land for fire attribute soul masters.

At this moment, Su Liefeng stopped and hugged Su Qingyu with one hand.

Under Su Liefeng's gesture, Su Qingyu saw the six soul beasts that looked quite familiar.

This time, Su Qingyu couldn't help but whispered: "Father, isn't this a one-horned fiery dragon?"

The one-horned fiery dragon is exactly the martial soul of Huo Wushuang that he has seen, and it is also the inherited martial soul of the Huo family's direct line.

Huo Li, the president of Blazing Academy, also possesses a one-horned fiery dragon.

Although it is not a real dragon, it is still one of the top dragons among the sub-dragons, and its strength is naturally quite powerful.

Using a sub-dragon soul beast like the Unicorn Fire Dragon as the second soul ring is definitely quite suitable.

Su Liefeng looked at Su Qingyu with a smile, which made Su Qingyu a little confused.

"Why, don't you wonder why there is a one-horned fiery dragon in this place?"

Su Qingyu was startled, and suddenly thought of something.

"That's right, it was discovered by the Huo family, but it's a pity that the kid from the Huo family didn't know what to say, and directly said that his second spirit ring came from the Sunset Forest.

I personally know a little bit about soul beasts. The one-horned fiery dragon is a kind of soul beast that lives in groups, and the probability of being alone is extremely small.So I came this time with the attitude of giving it a try, and I didn't expect to be pleasantly surprised. "

Su Qingyu was immediately dumbfounded. The one-horned fiery dragon was not mentioned in the book as living in groups.

Some people just mentioned a place name, and his father was able to find the tribe of the one-horned fiery dragon. He always felt that his father was really a little scary.

However, fortunately, the father belongs to his own family.

The Unicorn Blaster, as its name suggests, has a huge one-horn on its head.

Although it is called a dragon, it is actually similar to a unicorn, and looks very much like a dinosaur.

The big horn on its head itself is brown, bright yellow for a hundred years, white for a thousand years, and jade-like, crystal clear for ten thousand years.

Of the six one-horned fiery dragons in front of me, three have bright yellow horns, and three have white horns.

But look at the patterns on the horns of the three thousand-year-old one-horned hot dragons, one is in the early 1000s, and the remaining two are 5000 years old.

Su Qingyu set her sights on the one-horned fiery dragon in the early 1000s, "Dad, that's the only one, the others are not suitable."

However, Su Liefeng shook his head, and pointed to the three hundred-year-old one-horned fiery dragons, "Look around them, that one is the most suitable for you."

Looking in the direction Su Liefeng pointed, Su Qingyu saw that the surrounding red grass was obviously moving.

A guy with red body and three horns on his head stood up.

"This is a mutated soul beast?"

Just like the variation of human martial souls, the soul beasts also have mutations.

But different from human beings, the mutation of soul beasts becomes stronger and stronger, and very few of them become weaker and weaker.

This red three-horned guy stood up, and the other thousand-year-old one-horned fiery dragon was obviously afraid of it, and even avoided the two 5000-year-old one-horned fiery dragons.

The red one-horned fiery dragon snorted and didn't care at all.

"Herring, you wait here, I'll catch it right away!"

Su Liefeng flicked his wrist, the spirit possessed him, the wings behind him fluttered, and seven spirit rings emerged.

The sudden attack startled the unicorn fire dragon population.

The coercion of the soul saint is not something that mere millennium soul beasts like them can resist.

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