Before Su Qingyu finished speaking, Yu Tianheng hurriedly covered his mouth, "My ancestor, don't talk nonsense about this, and how did you know."

Covered by Yu Tianheng's sweaty paw, Su Qingyu would not spoil him, and kicked Yu Tianheng directly in the stomach.

He knows how to strike, and this foot hurts a little at most.

"If you come to take refuge, just stay here honestly, do you hear me?"

Yu Tianheng nodded subconsciously, and suddenly he felt something was wrong, "Have you made a breakthrough?"

"Can not be done?"

"Okay, why can't it work?"

As he said that, Yu Tianheng's tone became weaker and weaker. If he remembered correctly, the boy in front of him is not yet eight years old!

There was a pervert in my heart, and a smile appeared on my face, "That's right, I came to you, and there are other reasons."

Yu Tianheng eloquently explained that the main reason is that a black iron mine appeared on the border of the two empires, and its reserves are abundant.

Black iron is the most commonly used high-end metal in Douluo Continent.Whether it is forging armor or weapons, as long as a little black iron is added, its strength will increase by one level.

There are not many veins of black iron in the Douluo Continent, and the metal of black iron can be said to be rare.

Therefore, for this black iron mine, the two empires are determined to win.

Especially the Heaven Dou Empire, they can't beat the Star Luo Empire themselves, the black iron veins are really important to them.

In the original book, Dai Mubai said that if it wasn't for the Spirit Hall, the Star Luo Empire would be able to destroy the Heaven Dou Empire at any time.

As a prince, his words are not groundless, the Star Luo Empire really has the ability to destroy the Heaven Dou Empire.

Perhaps it was God's blessing that [-]% of the ore veins this time were within the territory of the Heaven Dou Empire.

This makes the people of Tiandou Empire overjoyed, especially the Emperor Xue Ye who is the emperor.

"So, you came to me just to say this?"

Su Qingyu frowned, he always felt that the boy in front of him had malicious intentions.

"Listen to me, the Star Luo Empire intends to use [-]% of their territory to bet with the Heaven Dou Empire. If the Heaven Dou Empire wins, [-]% of the Star Luo Empire's mineral veins will be given away."

"If they lose, [-]% of the ore veins from the Heaven Dou Empire will be given to the Star Luo Empire."

Su Qingyu's first feeling was that the old guy Xue Ye was gone!

Moreover, it's not just floating around, is it that Xue Ye can take advantage of the Star Luo Empire if he wants to?

In the face of huge benefits, not only Xue Ye, but also the noble class of the entire Heaven Dou Empire are also stunned.

Over the years, they who have been oppressed by the Star Luo Empire seem to have found an outlet.

Chapter 66 Uninvited to Xueqinghe

The rules of gambling are very simple, soul masters below the third ring win three out of five rounds, but the age is stuck at 14 years old.

"Don't tell me, are you planning to participate?"

Yu Tianheng nodded resolutely, "That's right, Grandpa has already told me that if I participate in this event, it will be very important to whether I can lead the Tiandou Royal Academy's team in the future."

In the original book, Yu Tianheng, a soul master from the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, is in charge of the Emperor Fighting Team, so that's what happened.

It is also an exchange of interests.

Yu Tianheng is 12 years old today, five years older than him, with a soul power of level 27, he is considered a genius in the eyes of the world.

But if he was to be the successor of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, Yu Tianheng would be far behind.

At least, his cousin Yu Tianxin from Thunder Academy is his strong rival.

Since coming to Tiandou Royal Academy this year, Su Qingyu has also discovered that Yu Tianheng has a good temper.

Although he was a little glass-hearted at first, but it didn't take long for him to adjust his mentality.

If it hadn't been for the fact that he often retreated and practiced to improve his cultivation level in the past year, Yu Tianheng would have come to challenge him and avenge his shame.

However, after getting acquainted with Yu Tianheng, he also gradually understood that it was not easy for Yu Tianheng, the young master of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

How to put it, Yu Tianheng represents the direct line of the suzerain, and Yu Tianxin represents the collateral line.

In the Blue Light Overlord Sect, there has never been a strife between the direct line and the collateral line. His uncle "Master" Yu Xiaogang is the victim of the power struggle between the two sides.

It was also because of the serious strife within the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect that Yu Yuanzhen directly sent his grandson out.

After being sent to Tiandou Imperial Academy, Yu Tianheng also understood that his family had nothing to count on, and he could only rely on himself.

"Hey, it's enough to waste time if you get bored with Dugu Yan. Be careful that you will be beaten and cried by the children in the future."

These words can be regarded as a warning to him, and I hope he can listen to it and practice honestly.

Otherwise, it is inevitable that he will be abused by Tang Junzi in the future.

Yu Tianheng rolled his eyes, and will come, as if you never abused me.

Of course, he still listened to it.

When the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus rex martial soul is cultivated to the soul master, the speed of improvement will become very slow.

If you don't work hard at the stage of a great soul master, I'm afraid that you will really be thrown by Su Qingyu so that you can't even see your shadow.

Sometimes people lack a sense of crisis, and the appearance of Su Qingyu just put a lot of pressure on Yu Tianheng.

"I'll bring it here, I guess His Royal Highness will definitely look for you."

Yu Tianheng spread his hands, there was really no way to do this, the entire Heaven Dou Empire was impatient.

After being oppressed by the Star Luo Empire for so many years, they finally had an opportunity to feel proud and cheat the Star Luo Empire. How could they give up?

On the other side, in the Eastern Palace, "Xue Qinghe" kept rubbing his temples, "Having a headache, this group of people who don't care about money, don't they understand that if they dare to bring it up, they will surely win the Heaven Dou Empire!"

It's useless for her to say anything now, after all, she is only a crown prince, not an emperor, and facing the vast majority of the ruling class in the Tiandou Empire, she is also a crown prince who speaks lightly.

Moreover, regarding the Black Iron Mine matter, Xue Ye gave her full responsibility.

Now she can only execute the order and collect people who can participate in the gambling fight as soon as possible.

Suddenly, she also thought of Su Qingyu, "I haven't seen him for a long time, and I don't know how he is doing at the academy."

She is usually busy with government affairs, and the Soul Gathering Pill that Su Qingyu refined for her was also sent by She Long.

I remember, the last time she met Su Qingyu was when Su Qingyu beat the avalanche violently.

"Come here, show me, I'm going to the Royal Academy."

Going to the Royal Academy was not on a whim, but mainly to find suitable contestants.

Although Tiandou Royal Academy has declined, its reputation has gradually been caught up by the five elemental academy and other established academies.

But no matter how you say it, with the big waves washing the sand, there are so many noble students, no matter what, you can find two talented geniuses.

Moreover, she was also instructed by Emperor Xue Ye that the heir of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is in the Tiandou Imperial Academy.

Although she was quite disgusted, to be able to become the heir of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, and to be able to walk the back door to Emperor Xue Ye, she was certainly not incompetent.

"Xue Qinghe", the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, came out of the Heaven Xun Dou Royal Academy, which naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Among them is the gaze of Ning Fengzhi, the good teacher of "Xue Qinghe", the suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

"Fengzhi, black iron ore is rare in the mainland! Moreover, the reserves of black iron ore discovered this time are quite rich, we..."

Sword Douluo Chen's heart was also quite moved. If the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School can intervene in such a good thing, the benefits will definitely not be small.

However, as the suzerain of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, Ning Fengzhi was not very interested, "This kind of thing is hot, we can't take it by ourselves. Send a message from Qinghe, if you need any help, I, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, will definitely Full support."

Ning Fengzhi's attitude did not surprise Chen Xin too much, after all, if the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect ended the battle between the two empires, it would definitely not work.

Support one or two, no harm!

On the Tiandou Imperial Academy side, the three education committee members, Mengshenji, Baibaoshan, and Zhilin also rushed to welcome "Xueqinghe".

They have completely turned to "Xueqinghe" now, and they are already well-deserved princelings.

"Xueqinghe" usually has a lot of work to do, and now it is an honor for the three old men to be able to visit their academy.

A year has passed, "Xue Qinghe" is still so gentle and elegant, with a handsome face, it seems that he has grown a lot, and the trace of greenness has disappeared.

"Qinghe met three seniors!"

The three education committee members were flattered, because if nothing else happened, the one in front of them would be the future emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Her tone and attitude were well-chosen, and after a while of pleasantries, she said apologetically: "I'm really sorry, Qinghe has delayed the time of the three education committees. Father, please tell me some things, can I let a mentor guide Qinghe?" Take a look at the academy."

The three old guys are old and sophisticated, so they naturally understand that "Xue Qinghe" deliberately has something to hide from them.

They didn't try to figure out what "Xue Qinghe" was thinking, so they simply called Qin Ming who had just returned, and asked him to take "Xue Qinghe" around the Royal Academy.

Looking at the continuous mountains where the Tiandou Royal Academy is located not far away, she was also quite happy in her heart.

Little brother Herring, since you are hiding from my sister, then I just have to come to you personally.

After sending Yu Tianheng away, Su Qingyu had just meditated for a while, when suddenly he was shocked, why did he always feel that someone was thinking about him.

Chapter 67 Departing from Fanos

"How did you come?"

Looking at "Xue Qinghe" who was sitting on her bed with a smile in front of her, Su Qingyu always felt something was wrong.

"Xue Qinghe" took a leisurely look at Su Qingyu's room, "Why, can't you come and see if you have nothing to do?"

Oh, I believe you have a ghost.

Of course, Su Qingyu just thought about it in his heart, he didn't dare to speak out his inner thoughts.

"The border of the Heaven Dou Empire, the Black Iron Mine!"

"Xue Qinghe" had a hint of surprise in his eyes, "So you already know, so I don't bother to talk nonsense with you, Father has already entrusted me to handle this matter."

Just as Yu Tianheng said, "Xue Qinghe" came here to find him and other members who participated in the competition.

However, that guy Yu Tianheng already knew it, he made it by default, and he couldn't change it.

Winning three out of five games means that she can find at least four more talents to complete the task.

"Then His Royal Highness, hurry up and find someone. It's not worth delaying your trip."

Hearing Su Qingyu's words, she immediately jumped up, her face was only two inches away from Su Qingyu.

This made Su Qingyu not like it a bit, I know you are a stunning beauty, but you have a man's face, how can I adapt to it!

"Didn't you also break through level [-]? Do you want to come to me as a substitute?"

The corner of Su Qingyu's mouth twitched, and said respectfully: "His Royal Highness, go slowly, I won't see you off!"

These words made her very unhappy directly. The little princess of the Wuhun Temple, who she always said was the only one, was rejected by a little boy who had just broken through to become a great soul master.

As proud as her, how could she bear it?

Under Su Qingyu's shocked eyes, she directly tore off the mask on her face. She hadn't seen her exquisite and beautiful face for a year, and she was a little more mature and less youthful.

It can only be said that she is still developing, and she is getting more and more beautiful, and one day she will transform into a stunning beauty in the world.

A big sister like Qian Renxue is actually quite lethal to a little boy like Su Qingyu.

The beautiful pretty face smiled slightly, "Brother Herring, don't make trouble, okay, I'll just go and be a substitute, there is a high probability that you won't be allowed to play."

"Okay, let's go with you then."

Although I saw Qian Renxue's beautiful face again, the way she clenched her fists made it impossible for Su Qingyu not to bow her head.

(¬_¬), if you have the ability, don't clenched your fists to scare me, otherwise I will stick to my opinion and resolutely not get involved in the gambling game between the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire.

As soon as Su Qingyu agreed, Qian Renxue smiled sweetly, and lightly pinched Su Qingyu's face with her fair and slender fingers, "Hey, it's not too bad, he really is my good brother."

Women are fickle, even though Qian Renxue is only 15 years old, she is still a model.

After getting Su Qingyu's reply, he didn't stay for long, but asked Su Qingyu to go to the East Palace a few more times.

After all, she is really depressed, and there are endless memorials to deal with every day.

To be honest, she herself regretted the bet with Bibi Dong.

However, since she has agreed, she must complete this plan perfectly, and not let Bibi Dong underestimate her!

Changing back to the face of "Xue Qinghe" again, she calmly left Su Qingyu's apartment.

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