In the next few days, "Xue Qinghe" has been investigating people.

Moreover, it is not only the two empires that need black iron ore, but also many kingdoms with huge armies, the principality is also very coveted.

However, due to the absolute power of the two empires and the masters behind them, they still don't plan to give them a head.

They could only find another way, and the kingdoms in the Heaven Dou Empire headed by Barak Kingdom actively provided participants.

As a condition of exchange, they hope to exchange black iron.

In this regard, "Xue Qinghe" as the prince categorically rejected them. After all, the well-equipped and powerful army has become the last trump card of the Tiandou royal family.

After rejecting the major kingdoms, "Xue Qinghe" finally came up with a list. The first one was of course Yu Tianheng, and the second one was Xuefeng, with Bai Xue carving a martial spirit. It seemed that he was from the royal family.

The third one is Dugu Yan, her soul power is the same as Yu Tianheng's, also at level 27.

The fourth one is named Osat, a nobleman, just a month away from reaching the red line of 14 years old, and he just broke through level 29, which is considered the one with the highest soul power.

The fifth one is more interesting, it will be Yu Tianxin, level 28, just one level higher than Yu Tianheng.

The rest are substitutes. Besides Su Qingyu, there are three others I don't know, but judging by their clothes, they are also geniuses from other colleges.

Among the crowd, Su Qingyu is undoubtedly the most eye-catching one.

"Hey, where did you come from here, you little brat, go home and find your mother!"

Relying on his own cultivation level being the highest, Osat didn't put anyone in his eyes except Yu Tianheng and Yu Tianxin, the brothers.

Having been in Tiandou Imperial Academy for a long time, Su Qingyu actually doesn't dislike the nobles, most of them are polite, and there are very few dandies like that.

But as the saying goes, there are all kinds of birds in the forest, and the Osat in front of him is an individual.

Yu Tianheng frowned, "Osat, shut up, he is chosen by His Highness the Crown Prince."

Osat, who was still mocking at first, froze, and shut his mouth obediently.

With the shadow of a famous tree, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is obviously not someone who can be provoked by the son of an earl of Orsat.

As the team leader this time, "Xue Qinghe" came late, "I'm really sorry, there are so many things in the palace, I kept everyone waiting for a long time."

Although she came late, but she is the prince, no one will blame her, after all, she is the benefactor of this gambling competition!

A total of three carriages were prepared, and the first one belonged to "Xue Qinghe".

Su Qingyu got into her carriage directly under her signal, and the others took the main one and the substitute one.

The ones who escorted them to the border of the Heaven Dou Empire this time were also members of the Royal Knights. This time there were a total of 1000 people, a brigade of people.

After getting into the carriage, "Xue Qinghe" spoke a lot more casually, "This time our target is the province of Fanos, surrounded by the Barak Kingdom, there may be changes at that time."

Money touches people's hearts, and the current king of the Barak Kingdom has been replaced by Kundera, whom Su Qingyu once met.

This person is at odds with the Heaven Dou Empire, although he hasn't broken his face yet, but he is already serving soldiers on the border of the kingdom.

Su Qingyu pretended to be relaxed, and chuckled, "This is not what you, a prince, should care about. After all, your father is still in his prime."

Naturally, there was something in his words, Qian Renxue was equally intelligent, so why didn't she understand what he meant.

"I found something."

"Xue Qinghe" glanced at Su Qingyu meaningfully, "I'm afraid you know something."

"What is His Highness the Crown Prince talking about, can't I understand?"

The two also had a tacit understanding, especially for Qian Renxue, once they knew something, they knew it, and it was no big deal.

Chapter 68 Notting City, Master!

It has to be said that in an empire under the feudal slave society system, things used by the royal family are always the best, because they enjoy it more than others.

The carriages they made for travel alone are very exquisite in workmanship, and all the top materials in the mainland are used.

While the chariots and horses move forward quickly, they will not cause a little discomfort to people, which is really embarrassing and amazing.

Starting from the imperial capital, Tiandou City, to reach the farthest province of Fanos, it usually takes at least a month for ordinary people.

But under this kind of rapid march, they arrived in the territory of Fanos Province in less than ten days.

As soon as he entered the province of Fanos, as the governor of the province, he greeted the people from the imperial capital directly outside the city of Fanos.

Fine, the governor of the province of Fanos, is 82 years old and also a level 82 Contra powerhouse.

In such a huge province, the Star Luo Empire is peeping outside, and the Barak Kingdom is coveting inside.

If the chief executive here doesn't have a certain strength, he will only be eaten so that there are not even bones left.

The moment "Xue Qinghe" got off the carriage, Fan led the whole family and the head of the Fanos province to salute, "See Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

A huge team of more than a hundred people kneeled together, and the scene was quite spectacular.

After some deep love between the monarch and his subjects, after "Xue Qinghe" helped Fan up, the others followed suit, but they got up a little later than Fan.

However, none of them, including those from Fanos Province, can stay here.

Under the leadership of Fine, the people of Fanos Province followed the Royal Knights and continued to rush towards the area bordering the Star Luo Empire in Fanos Province.

at the same time!

Barak Kingdom, Barak City, Royal Palace.

As the new king who had just enthroned not long ago, Kundela was listening to the report of his subordinates.

Beside him, there were two other women surrounded by him forcefully, not daring to make a sound.

Although Kundera is a very capable monarch, he is also a ruthless and arbitrary monarch.

As long as he is even slightly dissatisfied, the two beauties who are favored in his arms may die in the next moment.

"Oh, that brat Xue Qinghe really didn't give me face!"

For "Xue Qinghe"'s ignorance, he himself is very upset,

Moreover, what is there to be proud of for "Xue Qinghe", isn't it that he was born?

If he was born in the Heaven Dou imperial family, he might already be the emperor of the entire Heaven Dou Empire!

"Your Majesty, calm down. It's really not worth it to get angry with a brat. What we have to do now is how to get that brat to spit out some black iron ore for us."

A middle-aged man with a gloomy expression, his eyes are like poisonous snakes, even Kundera doesn't really want to face this one in front of him.

The lord of the Martial Soul Hall in Barak City, Man Snake, is a Soul Saint-level powerhouse of the Snake Martial Soul.

Although some things are no longer secrets, such blatant ones as Kundera and Man Snake are still a minority.

Although Kundela was ruthless, he was never reckless, "Snake, why don't you take a lone army to intercept it, and you will be indispensable after it is done."

But Man Snake is not an ordinary person, he is a snake, a vicious, cunning and unpredictable poisonous snake,

How could he participate in such a thing?

"It's better for the king to arrange this matter himself, and I will take my leave."

After speaking, Man Snake left directly.

After all, it is not under the same name. Although Kundela is dissatisfied with the attitude of the wild snake, he can't control others.

"Hmph, cunning guy! Come on, make arrangements, and make sure to entertain our Crown Prince well."

Although the wild snake rejected Kundera, how could someone like Kundera give up so easily.

It was a different person. The [-] soldiers prepared by Kundera in advance had already changed into the costumes of the Star Luo Empire, and silently blocked the only way for "Xueqinghe" to return to Tiandou City from behind. .

Fanos province, after meeting with the governor of Fanos province, Fanos, a group of people headed towards Punk City where the black iron mine was discovered.

All the way down south, I finally came to a small town not far from Punk City.

"His Royal Highness, there is Notting City in front of us, and after Notting City is not far away, there is Punk City, the front pass. It's getting late now, are we going to be stationed in Notting City?"

It was the captain of this Royal Knights who spoke, and he could be regarded as the person in charge of security for "Xue Qinghe" from the side of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Although the carriage was very comfortable, after ten days or so, she couldn't take it anymore.

"Set up camp, it's getting late, so don't disturb the city."


"Xue Qinghe" stretched lazily, "Come on, follow me to the city?"

Su Qingyu, who was practicing in a carriage, opened her eyes.

The cultivation speed of a great soul master is simply not comparable to that of a soul master. According to the changes in the soul power in the body, the speed at which a great soul master refines the soul power of heaven and earth is at least twice the level of a soul master.

This has nothing to do with talent, it's just a ratio to one's own cultivation speed.

Before going to Notting City, "Xue Qinghe" also asked other people's opinions, but no one was willing to go.

After all, it's just a small country town, so it's really contemptuous for these proud people who take part in the gambling competition.

In the end, only Fine, the veteran Contra powerhouse, followed "Xue Qinghe" to Notting City with him.

I have to say that Notting City is really not that good.

The city wall was short and dilapidated, and the soldiers on guard and patrolling in the city were in various postures, so unrestrained, they looked like some old soldiers who lived in vain.

The sparse crowd in front of the city gate are all people from Notting City who come and go from nearby villages.

Notting City is a small border town, and there is really nothing outstanding about it.

To be honest, next year there will be a work-study student named Tang San.

When entering the city, no one was embarrassed.

After all, they are dressed in extraordinary clothes, they are either rich or expensive, no one would be so stupid.

A group of people strolled on the streets of Notting City, but found that there were almost no people in the city at this time, and there were very few people coming and going.

"It's really cool enough."

Su Qingyu sighed casually, and Mr. Fine, who was beside him, chuckled, "Then what can be done, a small border town may be affected by the flames of war one day."

On this point, "Xue Qinghe" also nodded in agreement.

Just as she was about to say something, a person walked up to her.

The person who came was a man dressed in black, with a short crew cut and messy beard, and his face looked very ordinary, even a little scruffy, the kind that could not be found after being thrown into the crowd.

But his pair of black eyes were extremely indifferent, pulling his face, as if someone owed the money.

For some reason, "Xue Qinghe" was always a little upset when he saw this person.

Su Qingyu wasn't too surprised. Notting City was only about the size of a palm, so it wasn't surprising that she bumped into this person.

He was thinking, should he tell that guy Yu Tianheng that his uncle is here?

Chapter 69 The Inadvertent Life-Saving Grace

Facing the oncoming Su Qingyu and his party, the master didn't even take a look, and just walked away on a detour.

As a member of the Blue Electric Overlord Sect, he can naturally tell that the "Xueqinghe" in front of him is either rich or expensive.

Moreover, he also knew the logo of the Heaven Dou Royal Family, but he didn't understand why the majestic members of the Heaven Dou Royal Family appeared in the small city of Notting City.

"The man looked familiar just now, but the old man couldn't remember who he was."

Fine frowned, he had some impression of the master, but he didn't know where he had seen it.

"There are so many similar people in the world, and it is understandable for Manager Faen to admit his mistake."

"Xue Qinghe" smiled slightly, in fact he already knew who that person was just now.

After all, as the little princess of Wuhundian, she knows some things, as long as they are not too top secret.

The person who recognized the master was naturally the Second General Heng Ha beside her. Li Xue and She Long had seen him when they were in Wuhun Palace.

However, due to Qian Daoliu's gag order, the two of them did not tell Grandmaster about their relationship with Bibi Dong.

There is nothing to do in Notting City, after the three walked around the city.Just left.

I don't know, in a tavern in Notting City, a very sloppy looking man opened his drunken eyes, "The Heaven Dou Imperial Family, I never thought they would recruit such a genius!"

Even Lianxue and She Long, the two titled Douluo, didn't notice the existence of this person, and he himself noticed Su Qingyu who was following "Xue Qinghe".

Relying on his profound cultivation, Su Qingyu's soul power and age cannot be hidden from his eyes.

It was also because of this that he was also a little worried that it would not be a good thing for his sect that someone from the Heaven Dou Empire would grow up.

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