After all, there is a huge difference between the Heaven Dou Empire with Title Douluo and the Heaven Dou Empire without Title Douluo.

He wanted to keep Su Qingyu here completely, so as not to let Su Qingyu affect the interests of his sect in the future.

But the existence of Lianxue and She Long made him a little numb.

It can be said that Wuhundian has a deep hatred with him, and it is impossible for him to keep the two of them with injuries on his body.

As long as Li Xue and She Long escape, Wuhundian will hunt him down again.

It doesn't matter if he is alone, but when he thinks of his mistress.

He understood that he couldn't let Xiaosan live a life of ups and downs with him.

Speaking of which, he would show up in Notting City to find out the news.

After all, the quarrel between the two empires was not small, and he didn't want to be exposed to the vision of the Spirit Hall because of the battle between the two empires.

After investigating for a period of time, he found that the situation was relatively stable and would not affect Notting City, or Saint Soul Village.

So he no longer cared about the situation outside, and went back to Saint Soul Village with peace of mind and continued to live and dream.

Su Qingyu also didn't know that the second general Heng Ha who was beside Qian Renxue unexpectedly saved his life.

The next day, at dawn, the mighty team of the Heaven Dou Empire set off again, heading towards the border city of Punk City.

This road can be said to be a flat river. It was not until we came near Punk City that we saw many continuous mountains.

The Tianluo Mountains got their name because they were located in the middle of the two great empires, Tiandou and Xingluo, and had served as the dividing line between the two empires for many years.

As a frontier, Punk City happened to be set up on a main peak of a Tianluo Mountain Range.

At the foot of the mountain, everyone got out of the carriage, and the Royal Knights also abandoned the horses where they were.

On the mountain, it is difficult for horses to walk, and they can only go all the way up.

When Su Qingyu and the others arrived at Punk City, across from Glenn City of the Star Luo Empire, there was a handsome young man with blond hair. His clothes were luxurious and uncommon, and his expression was unruly. He was David, the contemporary eldest prince of the Star Luo Empire. s.

Beside him, there was a girl with an extremely foul figure, with a trace of charm in her immature face.

It was hard to imagine that a girl who looked only twelve or thirteen years old would have such an astonishing sense of charm.

"Hehe, I heard that those trash from the Heaven Dou Empire are also here?"

The girl wrapped Davis's neck tightly with her white and tender arms, and said something resentful.

She is not an ordinary person who can be so presumptuous in Davis' arms, she is Zhu Zhuyun, the eldest daughter of the Duke Nether's family of the Star Luo Empire.

Davis took a sip of the red wine lightly, and cast a contemptuous glance at Punk City, which is only thirty miles away from Glenn City, with his domineering and unruly eyes, "Come and come, this black iron mine delivered to your door, our Xingluo There is no reason for the empire not to eat."

As soon as these words came out, Zhu Zhuyun immediately started giggling, and the people who followed Davis to participate in the gambling fight were also laughing.

They didn't pay attention to the Heaven Dou Empire at all. It is true that their Star Luo Empire is not willing to provoke the upper three sects in the territory of the Heaven Dou Empire, but it is not easy to deal with the Heaven Dou Empire.

After the arrival of "Xue Qinghe", the defender of Punk City also respectfully handed over the power of Punk City directly, "All ownership of Punk City is determined by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

"Xue Qinghe" still maintained a gentle and refined appearance, and said very modestly: "Qinghe is not good at marching. If there is any change in Punk City, we still have to rely on General Wang."

As the general guarding the pass, General Wang also had a good impression of the prince "Xue Qinghe".

What he was afraid of was that this "Xue Qinghe", the crown prince, would not know how to march and fight, so he would mess around.

What he didn't expect was that His Highness the Crown Prince respected him so much, and he didn't intend to take away his military power at all.

"His Royal Highness, this is the terrain area around the black iron vein, please take a look."

Immediately, General Wang brought up the first animal skin, which depicted the location of the black iron ore vein.

"Xue Qinghe" who had seen the animal skin map smiled indifferently, "Thank you, General Wang, tomorrow is the time for gambling, and the safety of my palace and all the geniuses will still depend on General Wang."

Immediately afterwards, under the arrangement of General Wang, everyone lived in the camp in Punk City.

Su Qingyu also came to his room under the signal of "Xue Qinghe".

Inadvertently glanced at her room, Su Qingyu couldn't help curling her lips, "As expected of His Royal Highness, this place is much better than the barracks we live in."

"Xue Qinghe" smiled gently, "This is specially prepared for the royal family, and there are other passes too, if you want to blame it, blame yourself for not being the Tiandou royal family."

Being ridiculed, Su Qingyu didn't care. The woman told him to come over, there must be something wrong.

"If you have anything, just say it!"

"Xue Qinghe" tilted his head, this kid, can't I ask you to come over and talk if I have nothing to do?

It's too tiring to pretend every day, sometimes she just wants to find someone who can talk to her.

However, she didn't know that Su Qingyu had been wary of her from the beginning to the end, so naturally she wouldn't trust her so easily.

In this way, two of you who are not on the same channel say yours, and I do mine.Until late at night, both of them were bored and fell asleep.

Chapter 70 Yuanci Valley, Lost in the first battle

On the second day after arriving in Punk City, before dawn, the Royal Knights had assembled.

Although they lost their trusted war horses at this kind of mountain border, they are still the most elite warriors of the Heaven Dou Empire.

But what people didn't expect was that "Xue Qinghe" who was the prince seemed to have a bad face.

As this time the military force of the Heaven Dou Empire, Faen, the governor of the Fanos province, was also a little worried.

"His Royal Highness, your complexion looks a bit unwell, are you worried about something?"

Hearing Faen's worried voice, "Xue Qinghe" smiled gently, "Helpless, I just forgot the time while reading a book last night and slept a little late."

Since she, the prince, said it was all right, Fine stopped talking.

What he didn't know was that it wasn't just her who didn't sleep well, but also Su Qingyu.

Su Qingyu, who was with the participating team, yawned, just in time for Duguyan to see it.

"What's the matter, little herring, you look very tired."

Yu Tianheng who heard the voice looked back, "Hey, where did you go to mess around last night?"

While talking, Yu Tianheng blinked at Su Qingyu, making a look that any man could understand.

Su Qingyu tried her best not to get angry, "Heh, Yu Tianheng looks like you understand it very well!"


Before he finished speaking, Yu Tianheng suddenly felt a little chilly, and Dugu Yan was looking at him with an unkind expression.

"Cough, brother herring, did you say anything just now?"

Xuefeng, who was born in the royal family, is not the kind of person who lives in peace, "Herring, you seem to understand what I said just now."

One sentence directly condemned Yu Tianheng, and Dugu Yan glared at him, "Hmph, wait, I'll tell my grandpa when I get back, you bullied me!"

Under the protection of the Royal Knights, the group of them headed towards the Yuanci Valley where the black iron mine was located.

However, the nine people were clearly divided into three groups, Su Qingyu, Dugu Yan, Yu Tianheng, and Xuefeng formed a group.

Osat, who was born in a noble family and had the highest soul power, was in the same group as the other three substitutes.

As Yu Tianheng's cousin, Yu Tianxin is alone in a group, and his aloof appearance seems to disdain to be with others.

Not long after, the captain of the Royal Knights who was walking in the front suddenly shouted: "In Yuanci Valley ahead, everyone put down their weapons and change their armor!"

Including the accompanying Punk City defenders, all the soldiers immediately gave up their steel armor and weapons.

The Royal Knights put on a kind of leather armor made of animal skin, and the accompanying army immediately changed drastically.

Su Qingyu was a little surprised. He also heard the shout of the captain of the Royal Knights just now.

Yuanci Valley, when he heard the name, he was a little surprised, as if he always felt a little familiar.

The large group of people continued to move towards the Yuanci Valley, but just when they entered the valley, Osat disappeared.

"Help, what's going on!"

Everyone looked in the direction of Osat shouting, just in time to see him being hung on the rock wall.

Osat was hung on the stone wall by his own necklace, and the necklace was also quite firmly attached to the stone wall.

Fortunately, this kid reacted quickly, and with both hands, he took off his neck from the necklace.

When he landed on the ground, he was also deeply relieved.

"There is an inexplicable force in the Yuanci Valley that will absorb metal and iron objects. Please put away any inconvenient things, otherwise you will hang on the stone wall like this little brother just now."

The person who spoke was General Wang, the defender of Punk City. He has been guarding Punk City for many years, and he is quite clear about the Tianluo Mountain Range.

Su Qingyu also remembered, isn't this just a natural magnetite vein?

This thing itself is relatively rare, even in his previous life, he only encountered it once.

After a small episode, as the group of people marched forward, they finally met people from the Star Luo Empire who came in from another entrance.

On the side of the Star Luo Empire, there were more people than the Heaven Dou Empire, and the escorting army unexpectedly had no less than 5000 people.

On the side of the Heaven Dou Empire, there are less than [-] fighters at full strength, and their combat power is even slightly inferior to that of the Star Luo Empire.

"Director Fine, I'm sorry!"

Under the order of "Xue Qinghe", Fa En directly possessed his spirit, with eight spirit rings lingering around him, and walked straight to the center of the valley.

On the side of the Star Luo Empire, there is also a Contra, but different from Fine, this one is from the White Tiger lineage of the Star Luo Empire's royal family, an 84-level offensive Contra, Dai Tianying.

"Long time no see, Brother Fane, did you bring the letter of credence and contract?"

Fan didn't say a word, and directly handed Dai Tianying the credential that "Xue Qinghe" gave him.

Dai Tianying, who received the letter of credence and the contract, chuckled, "Excuse me, just wait a moment, the Heaven Dou Empire lost the game, Brother Fane is not going to make a fuss!"

Faen snorted coldly, and returned directly to the camp of the Heaven Dou Empire with the credentials and contract of the Star Luo Empire.

According to the pre-discussed rules, three out of five rounds, Xue Qinghe's side also began to choose from among the crowd.

"The victory of the first round is related to morale, which is more important. Is Yu Tianxin sure?"

Yu Tianxin didn't answer directly, and glanced at Yu Tianheng first, "Of course, this young master will naturally let the other party know the prestige of my Blue Lightning Overlord Sect!"

Everyone present knew who the words were being addressed to.

After all, he was still a teenager, and Yu Tianheng was also aroused by Yu Tianxin.

Yu Tianxin strode forward swaggeringly, not provoking Yu Tianheng any more.

He also has a sense of proportion, in front of the two great empires, if he and Yu Tianheng fight, the people of the two great empires don't have to compare, just look at their jokes about the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

The Star Luo Empire also sent its first soul master to participate in the competition, "Li Yang, Martial Soul Giant Winged Bird, a level 27 great soul master."

"Hmph, Yu Tianxin, a level 28 great soul master, a martial soul blue electric Tyrannosaurus!"

Saying that, Yu Tianxin shot directly without hesitation.

The second soul skill, Thunderbolt, can be close or far away, and it directly smashed towards Li Yang.

Facing Yu Tianxin's sudden attack, Li Yang was already prepared, and his huge wings directly lifted into the sky.

Yu Tianxin, who hadn't learned how to transform into a dragon, was directly blacked out. If this continued, he would definitely be kited to death by Li Yang of the Star Luo Empire.

The first battle of the Heaven Dou Empire was undoubtedly in a stalemate.

But as a substitute, Su Qingyu didn't bother to care about it. What he cared more about was that this Yuanci Valley could destroy most of Tang Junzi's hidden weapons.

Although he still doesn't know what relationship he will have with Tang San in the future, it's always right to keep his hand in everything.

As time passed by, Yu Tianxin had no choice but to face Li Yang who was able to fly.

Although he was not reconciled, he was consumed to death after all.

The defeat in the first round also made the Heaven Dou Empire's side more depressed.

Chapter 71

The first round was a good start, making the Star Luo Empire's arrogance even more arrogant.

"Heh, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, the number one beast spirit in the world, why... is a bit ineffective!"

The person who can say this, and who dares to say it, is of course the First Prince Davis of the Star Luo Empire.

The white tiger, the inherited martial spirit of the Xingluo royal family, is also an extremely powerful beast martial spirit.

Although they don't have the ability to transform into dragons and control lightning elements like the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, they have been tempered for thousands of years, and they have profound attainments in the research of their own martial arts and soul skills.

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