Especially among the first five fixed soul skills (Dai Mubai's fourth spirit ring was made by a master, otherwise he would have mental attacks like Davis.), unexpectedly there will be three boosting soul skills.

This is also to make up for the lack of technique. The Xingluo royal family is quite dissatisfied with the fact that the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex is the best in the world.

Yu Tianheng naturally mocked Yu Tianxin. At this time, what they need is to be unanimous.

However, at this moment, "Xue Qinghe" stopped them, "Alright, the Star Luo Empire wins this round!"

Although Yu Tianheng and Yu Tianxin were angry, they were not out of their minds. Since "Xue Qinghe" handed them the steps, they were going to come down.

On the side of the Heaven Dou Empire, Xue Qinghe dispatched Xuefeng, who was born in the royal family, after careful consideration.

Xuefeng, who possesses the mutated swan spirit Bai Xuefeng, has a soul power of level 27, and his hard power ranks last among the five candidates.

But the flying martial soul gave him a lot of advantages, as long as the soul masters of the same level did not have special means, they would basically be kited to death by him.

With the way of the people, also treat the body of the people.

"Xue Qinghe" was planning to use the same method to deal with the Star Luo Empire, so as to win the round.

Just as she thought, there is only one flying spirit master in the Star Luo Empire.

Davis arranged for the second appearance to be a soul master of the assault system, and there was nothing he could do to take Xuefeng who was flying in the air.

In the second round, Xuefeng relied on his own martial soul advantage to exhaust the soul power of the soul masters of the Star Luo Empire, thus moving back to the round.

"I heard from someone that Feng Shui turns in turn, little brother Davis, let it go!"

"Xue Qinghe" smiled lightly, although he didn't say a single dirty word, it made Davis very angry.

Davis, who was already arrogant and conceited, said with a half smile: "No, my Highness dare not call Prince Tiandou brother or brother."

On the side, Zhu Zhuyun's soft voice, who was holding Davis's neck, sounded, "Your Highness, don't be angry. You will inherit the throne in the future. Sooner or later, this Xue Qinghe will kneel in front of you and bow down."

For Davis, Zhu Zhuyun's words were something he couldn't refuse, and his soft words made him less angry with Xue Qinghe a lot.

They don't know each other, but "Xue Qinghe" has been watching their every move.

The Second General Heng Ha who was following her has been monitoring the movement of the Star Luo Empire, and will tell her directly if there is anything unusual.

I saw a murderous intent flashing in her eyes that is difficult for ordinary people to detect. If it wasn't for the burden of her current status, she would have killed Davis and Zhu Zhuyun long ago.

Su Qingyu also found out that after only two matches, the atmosphere between the two sides has become so wrong. I'm afraid this gambling fight won't end well!

Fortunately, there are Contra-level powerhouses on both sides, so Dai Tianying and Fine will naturally not allow any changes in this gambling fight.

"Time is running out. For the third game, the two sides will discuss the candidate immediately within a quarter of an hour."

Dai Tianying deliberately used her soul power to expand the transmission ability of her voice, pouring a basin of cold water on both parties who had petty intentions.

In the third round, the Heaven Dou Empire sent Osat with the highest soul power, a level 29 agility attack system great soul master, and Wuhun Black Panther.

The Star Luo Empire is a level 27 control system great soul master, which made Osat's face turn green when he just played.

The status of the agility and attack department has always been rather embarrassing, hard steel can't beat the assault department, and the control department can restrain them to death.

Although he has two levels of soul power advantage, it is still difficult to make up for professional restraint.

At the beginning of the third match, Osat originally planned to rely on his own advantage in spirit power to consume his opponent like Xuefeng.

But in fact, he is still naive, the speed of the soul master of the control system on the opposite side is far behind him.

When Osat, who reacted, was just about to complete his work and launch a full-strength blow, he realized that the opponent's net was already waiting for him.

In this round, there is no doubt that Osat, who was tied up, lost, and the Heaven Dou Empire was defeated in the third battle!

"His Royal Highness, I underestimated the enemy just now, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, if you lose, you lose. Everything will be in the imperial capital, and I will explain it to your father."

Osat was unwilling, and just about to explain, but saw the slightly cold face of "Xue Qinghe", and swallowed all the words directly.

Today's two to one, if the Heaven Dou Empire loses another game, it will lose [-]% of the black iron mines in the territory to the Star Luo Empire.

The remaining people, Dugu Yan and Yu Tianheng have the highest soul power.

At this moment, Dai Tianying, the White Tiger Soul Douluo representing the Star Luo Empire, came over.

"I have seen His Royal Highness Prince Tiandou!"

Although Dai Tianying is a member of the royal family of the Star Luo Empire, he still respects the "Xue Qinghe" of the crown prince of a country very much.

"Senior Dai, I don't know why you came here!"

Dai Tianying glanced at Faen who was following him, and then directly said what Davis gave him.

The meaning is very clear, the last two betting fights will be combined into a two-on-two game, and the winner will get two points.

"Fane means that he does not agree, so I came to ask His Royal Highness Prince Tiandou, what's your opinion on this matter?"

"Hehe, the Baihu Dai family and the Youming Zhu family, who in the world of soul masters doesn't know the name of the Youming White Tiger? Do you think it is possible for me to agree?"

Dai Tianying's eyes were slightly fascinated, "I have already brought what the eldest prince asked me to bring. I think my Star Luo Empire only occupies the territory between Glenn City and Punk City. You don't have any objections, Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

Compared to the strength of the Star Luo Empire, the Heaven Dou Empire is really too weak.

This kind of blatant threat forces you to agree. If you don't agree, you will get nothing?

"Xue Qinghe" pretended to be ugly, "Alright, tell Davis, Tiandou Empire agrees."

The corners of Dai Tianying's proud mouth rose slightly, ah, it's fine if it's like this, and I need to spend more time talking.

Relying on the strength of the Star Luo Empire, Davis forcibly changed the rules, and the second match was changed to two-on-two. There was no need to guess who appeared on the opposite side, Davis and Zhu Zhuyun.

On their side, Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan are undoubtedly the main candidates, one for attack and one for control, the configuration is quite good.

But even so, it was too pale in front of the Nether White Tiger, which was comparable to the strength of a high-level Soul Sect.

Martial soul fusion technique, how can it be so easy to resist?

Chapter 72 The Man Behind the Scenes Su Qingyu

"Hey, I'm really sorry, if the Star Luo Empire forcibly occupies the land outside Punk City, we really..."

"Xue Qinghe" sighed, "Brother Tianheng, Miss Dugu, this matter is really unavoidable, Qinghe has no choice but to ask!"

As for "Xue Qinghe's" helplessness, they naturally saw it, but there was nothing they could do about it, if they really fought recklessly, the Heaven Dou Empire really couldn't beat the Star Luo Empire.

Neither Yu Tianheng nor Dugu Yan came from ordinary backgrounds, so they are naturally aware of the difficulties of "Xue Qinghe".

Moreover, they all take what they need and agree to do it, no matter what the result is, they must do it.

Just when the two were about to agree, Su Qingyu came over, "Wait a minute, I have something to tell Sister Yanzi, Tianheng, do you have any objections?"

Dugu Yan smiled and tugged at Su Qingyu's immature face, "It's okay, I'll lend him my courage, and he doesn't dare to have any objections. Tell me, what do you want to tell my sister."

"There are a lot of people here, there are some things that need to be avoided, His Royal Highness?"

Although "Xue Qinghe" didn't understand what he meant, he still trusted him.

Maybe, he still has a way to dissolve the opponent's martial soul fusion skills and turn defeat into victory.

Su Qingyu handed her a jade bottle, which was a non-toxic medicine he developed some time ago.

The effect is far inferior to the strange poison of yin and yang - the water is shining, but it can't be easier to deal with two great soul masters who are not yet soul masters.

Dugu Yan took it carefully, and pampered Su Qingyu's head, "Well done, brother, Hui Tiandou, sister treats you to a big meal."

Having obtained the magic weapon to win, Dugu Yan's steps became much lighter.

As for why Su Qingyu wanted to help Duguyan, it wasn't just because he was dependent on others and needed to give Qian Renxue some support.

He mainly admires Duguyan. In the original book, there are not many girls who can not dump Tang Junzi, and Duguyan happens to be one of them.

Soon, under Davis' impatient urging, Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan went directly to the field.

Davis, his own talent is much worse than that of Dai Mubai, he only broke through level 13 when he was 29 years old, and there is still a short distance away from the soul master.

Zhu Zhuyun is similar to him, she is nearly 13 years old this year, and she is already a level 28 great soul master.

The two of them didn't say anything, relying on their own soul power advantages, they directly launched an attack.

However, when confronted head-on, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex will never frighten anyone.

Especially with the power to control the elements of thunder and lightning, Yu Tianheng faintly gained the upper hand in the confrontation with Davis.

On Dugu Yan's side, relying on the control of the toxin, Zhu Zhuyun of the agility attack department was surrounded by danger.

For a while, the two with the superiority in soul power didn't take advantage of it, and were suppressed.

Whether it's Davis or Zhu Zhuyun, both of them are nobles, and they haven't suffered the slightest bit of humiliation since they were young.

Although Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan both had extraordinary backgrounds, they still felt that being suppressed by outsiders was a shameful thing.

The two were trained since they were young. Although they just met in the past few years, they also know what the biggest hole in their hands is.

The two retreated to one place in a tacit understanding, looked at each other, and immediately hugged each other, urging their martial souls with all their strength.

For a moment, the powerful soul power burst out instantly, "Xue Qinghe", Su Qingyu's expression changed, and he looked solemnly at the phantom of the white giant tiger that gradually formed on the field.

"The Nether White Tiger, it's really not easy. Just two great soul masters can burst out with high-level strength comparable to high-level soul sects."

Su Qingyu also brought the two of them into it, if it was him, how should he deal with this amazingly powerful martial soul fusion technique.

It has to be said that the martial soul fusion technique is quite incomprehensible in Douluo Dalu.

This is just two people, if the number of people with martial soul fusion skills can be superimposed without limit, the level will be quite terrifying.

After thinking about it, Su Qingyu didn't think that she would have any good solution at the moment, except to break it with force, the only way to kill it is to kill it with poison!

On the field, Yu Tianheng's expression was also quite unsightly in the face of the Hell White Tiger.

A trace of anxiety flashed in Dugu Yan's green eyes, why can't it work!

A roar of tigers resounded through the entire Yuanci Valley, and Davis, who is the leader of the martial soul fusion technique, glanced at Yu Tianheng contemptuously, "Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex? I'll let you see today, who is the best in the world?" The number one beast spirit, die for me!"

Davis has never taken the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Sect seriously, and is even more worried about the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon's title of number one in the world.

Therefore, today he will use the blood of the Blue Lightning Overlord's lineage to prove that the White Tiger Martial Soul of their Xingluo Royal Family is the most powerful Beast Martial Soul in the Douluo Continent!

The white tiger claws with condensed soul power stepped on Yu Tianheng directly.

But before the tiger's claws fell to the ground, the ferocious Nether White Tiger shattered in an instant.

Under Yu Tianheng's confusion, Davis appeared in front of her with Zhu Zhuyun in his arms.

It's just that Zhu Zhuyun's expression was a little bit wrong, her delicate and pretty face was extremely rosy, with an indescribable charm.

Davis, who grew up in the deep palace, naturally knew what was going on with Zhu Zhuyun. After thinking about it carefully, "Dugu Yan, you actually cheated!"

Dugu Yan said innocently: "No, don't you guys know that my first soul skill, Jade Lin Red Poison is a hyperactive poison?"

There is nothing wrong with these words, Dugu Yan's Bilin Red poison is actually almost the same reaction.

It's just that Dugu Yan's Bilin Red poison stimulates the soul power, and the medicine Su Qingyu gave her can only be relieved by contact with the opposite sex.

It's just that if Dugu Yan doesn't talk about this kind of thing, who would know?

Seeing his bosom fluttering, shouting heat constantly, ripping off his clothes indiscriminately, and even Zhu Zhuyun's happiness leaked out, Davis knew that he had to eat this loss!

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Davis said in a hoarse voice: "The Star Luo Empire admits defeat in this round, and please ask Miss Dugu to detoxify my fiancee."

Dugu Yan shook his head, "I'm really sorry, I'm not good at learning, and I can only release poison at present, but I can't detoxify it. Isn't she your fiancee, or you can..."


Davis couldn't stand listening to these words. A soul master broke his body too early, and both male and female would have a great impact on his cultivation.

If he and Zhu Zhuyun really broke down together, wouldn't that just give his good brother more hope of rising?

It's just that Dugu Yan looked helpless, Davis and Dai Tianying didn't dare to go too far with Dugu Yan.

After all, Dugu Bo is really the last existence they want to provoke, even if they provoke Wuhundian, they don't want to provoke Dugu Bo.

"Okay! This time, your Heaven Dou Empire has won! Withdraw!"

Su Qingyu concocted this kind of poisonous thing, unless Yang Wudi took action, otherwise no one could solve it.

Zhu Zhuyun couldn't support it until then, and Davis had no choice but to go all out in the end.

Seeing the army of the Star Luo Empire leave in a mighty manner, Su Qingyu's icy blue eyes showed a smile, "Although the effect is not too great, it will help you to some extent, right?"

Chapter 73 Hand in hand!

The competition for the black iron veins has come to an end.

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