Although the Star Luo Empire was very unwilling, it still handed over the mine veins in its own territory to the Heaven Dou Empire.

On the day when the contract was handed over, Davis, as the eldest prince, had as ugly a face as he wanted.

After all, he and Zhu Zhuyun broke up prematurely, after all, Su Qingyu's bad taste cannot be solved by just a cat or a dog.

Davis had to be honest if he didn't want Zhu Zhuyun to be burned to death by the blood in his body.

Although he hated Dugu Yan very much, he, even the Star Luo Empire, couldn't afford to offend Dugu Bo.

If Dugu Yan is really killed, a barefooted Dugu Bo who is not afraid of wearing shoes, who has no worries and can kill on a large scale is really too terrifying.

That's why, when Dugu Bo became a Douluo, someone from Wuhun Hall invited him to be an elder.

Although his spirit power is weak, Wuhundian has to admit that they are really afraid of Dugu Bo.

He can't beat any Title Douluo, but he can beat no one under your Title Douluo!

"Xue Qinghe" is in a very good mood, "Qinghe is here to thank you all for this trip to Fanos. Please rest assured, Tiandou Empire will definitely do what you promised."

Having received the promise of "Xue Qinghe", the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, even those people from the Fanos province who came to help out were also extremely happy.

After some entertainment, under the escort of General Wang, the defender of Punk City, a group of people left the Tianluo Mountains in a mighty way.

After arriving at the place where the horses of the Royal Knights were placed, General Wang left with his men.

In the future, His Royal Highness "Xue Qinghe" does not need to worry about the mining of the black iron veins, and the Heaven Dou Empire will have a special person in charge.

However, before leaving, the "Xueqinghe" Royal Knights escorted the recently mined black iron ore.

Looking at the big bag in her hand, it was used to hold all kinds of soul tools for black iron ore.

Su Qingyu picked up one casually, and took out a piece of silver-white ore.

After looking at it for a while, Su Qingyu also found that this iron ore was really good, and it was several grades higher than the Aozhou rich iron ore he had seen before.

As long as this kind of black iron is refined, its hardness is roughly infinitely close to the level of ordinary special steel in Su Qingyu's previous life.

"Well, if this black iron is forged, it will be quite precious, and it will cost dozens of gold soul coins per catty!"

"Xue Qinghe" was a little proud, although she couldn't take it all by herself, but she quietly took some black iron, no one would question it.

Su Qingyu looked indifferent, "Well, it's not bad."

Minerals such as black iron are indeed very good, but for Su Qingyu who has seen all kinds of material masters, that's it.

After all, if there were no soul masters in the Douluo Continent, at most it would be a civilization that was generally in iron.

Throwing the ore casually to "Xue Qinghe", Su Qingyu was silent in her cultivation again.

It was different from when they came here, the speed of the mighty team returning to the court was quite slow.

The road that should have been completed in Fanos Province in three days, the convoy walked for seven days abruptly before arriving at the junction of Fanos Province, Barak Kingdom, and Heaven Dou Empire.

The cultivation of a great soul master is different from that of a soul master. Although the amount of absorbed soul power increases, the difficulty for a great soul master to advance is three times that of a soul master.

This is also why, many soul masters are always stuck in front of the soul master, and they can't step over the threshold of the elementary soul master no matter what.

After nearly a month of training, Su Qingyu still hasn't broken through level 24.

However, he has nothing to complain about, after all, he is still less than eight years old!

Under the protection of the Royal Knights of the Heaven Dou Empire, Su Qingyu was also bored, chatting casually with "Xue Qinghe" who was watching the memorial.

This season happened to be summer, and it was cool to say that Tiandou City was cool.

But in the south of Tiandou City, Fanos Province and Balak Kingdom, which are more than 2000 kilometers away from Tiandou City, these southern regions are quite hot.

"I said, you let the team speed up, it's really hot here."

Saying that, Su Qingyu condensed a few huge ice cubes and placed them comfortably around her.

"Xue Qinghe" put down the memorial, gave Su Qingyu an angry look, and snatched half of the ice from his side.

"You think I don't want to, but the Royal Knights have sent a lot of "filial piety" from the province of Fanos!"

Su Qingyu rolled her eyes, well, pretend he didn't say anything.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, he still understands "Xue Qinghe", so many good things, no one can bear to throw them away, hot spots are hot spots.

Just when she was planning to develop a relationship with Su Qingyu, at least to make Su Qingyu feel at ease as her younger brother, a message made "Xue Qinghe" not calm down.

"What, how dare they!"

In front of and behind them, there are [-] elite infantry blocking the way.

There are [-] elite light cavalry on the east side, completely surrounding them.

As for the west side, don't ask, within a dozen miles is the forbidden land of soul masters in the Douluo Continent - the Star Forest!

If he really breaks out in the direction of the Star Dou Great Forest, it will be death.

The three armies are getting closer and closer, especially the [-] light cavalry in the east, a few kilometers away, and the opponent can rush over in a quarter of an hour.

According to the investigations of Stabbing Blood and Snake Spear, these troops probably have been lying in ambush nearby for a long time, and their purpose is self-evident.

The meaning of the two Huo Ha Second Generals is obvious, that is, they will take Qian Renxue away directly, and they will not care about the lives of other people.

It's just that when Qian Renxue thought of that woman, she really couldn't be reconciled. She didn't want to go back to grandpa in such a mess.

Therefore, she directly ordered Bloodletting and Snake Spear not to save her until it was a matter of life and death!

The Royal Knights, as the trump card of the Heaven Dou Empire, although it was quite late, they still noticed the movement around them.

After a report, she planned to lead the Royal Knights and the geniuses of each family to rush out of the siege together.

However, Su Qingyu's face was solemn. In his opinion, since the opponent dared to attack, his power must not be weak, at least stronger than the thousand royal knights around "Xue Qinghe".

All of this is probably not that simple!

On the "Xueqinghe" side, they directly gave up all their luggage.In order to break through as soon as possible, she directly chose the east side, and her opponent was the ten thousand light cavalry!

Before and after, the three enemy troops in the east and the light cavalry in the east have the strongest combat power and mobility.

But because of this, relying on the toughness of the heavy armor of the Royal Knights, after tearing apart the 1 light cavalry, they were able to evacuate as quickly as possible.

Due to the difference in distance, the three enemy forces arrived at the same time. Under the guidance of "Xue Qinghe", everyone including Su Qingyu brazenly launched an attack on Ten Thousand Qingqi.

Chapter 74

Among the Royal Knights, Su Qingyu released their soul rings one by one.

Among the thousands of heavily armored cavalry, including "Xue Qinghe", just ten soul masters are so dazzling.

Fortunately, in order to transport those good things, "Xue Qinghe" used a lot of horses, otherwise their soul masters might have to snatch the horses from the enemy.

A man in black armor seemed to be the commander on the opposite side. Under his command, [-] infantry rushed towards the Royal Knights.

And those [-] light cavalrymen all bent their bows and set up arrows. Under the azure blue sky, the arrows were densely packed like rain.

"Defense, raise your shield!"

Under the command of "Xue Qinghe", the Royal Knights all raised their shields, and the light cavalry arrows that often had insufficient lethality all fell on the shields.

Ding Dang Dang Dang, the sound of arrows hitting the shield sounded very crisp.

Such dense attacks only left a little trace on the shield of the Royal Knights.

However, this is just an appetizer, [-] pawns, a sea of ​​people, they are about to be surrounded by Su Qingyu and the others.

"Everyone, Qinghe has troubled everyone today, but the situation is critical now, please follow me to fight!"

Holding a high-quality long sword and stretching white wings, under the leadership of "Xue Qinghe", the Royal Knights directly launched an attack on the ten thousand Qingqi.

Cavalry is very powerful against infantry, and the same is true for heavy cavalry against light cavalry!

Although the Royal Knights are only one-tenth of the light cavalry, ten thousand light cavalry are like ten thousand chickens in front of the top heavy cavalry of the Royal Knights.

The extremely heavy spears and swords are not very sharp weapons, but they can smash a light cavalry wearing leather armor to pieces in one blow.

Some people who are lucky may get their life back and become disabled for the rest of their lives.

But the vast majority of people are the souls of the Royal Knights under the heavy sword and spear.

Just these thousand knights of the Royal Knights are like an awl, ruthlessly piercing through the pocket array arranged by the army of unknown origin.

Perhaps because he was aware of Qingqi's flaws, there were still four or five soul sects hidden behind the unexpected Qingqi.A strong man at the level of a soul king.

For a while, their appearance caused some changes in the Royal Knights.

As the name suggests, the Royal Knights guard only the royal family.

Even if Yu Tianheng and Duguyan are the direct descendants of Titled Douluo, they won't care about it.

"Everyone protects His Royal Highness and evacuates!"

The captain of the knights who had killed the enemy yelled loudly, and the remaining 500 knights moved closer to "Xueqinghe".

In order to let her ability to control elements affect as many people as possible, Su Qingyu has always cast spells at the end.

Just as he was about to approach the Royal Knights, he was blocked back by rows of spears from the Royal Knights.

Having experienced blood and fire in the previous life, Su Qingyu naturally understood that the Royal Knights in front of him were obviously eager to kill.

Su Qingyu was not the only one who was left behind, Osat and Xuefeng also fell behind because of the horses.

Xuefeng was accidentally killed by the soul skill of the only soul king.

As for Osat, he also planned to join the Royal Knights.

However, Osat was not as vigilant as Su Qingyu, and was caught off guard by dozens of spears from the Royal Knights and was directly pierced into rags.

Ten thousand light cavalry were indeed killed by the Royal Knights. At least on the battlefield, there were no larger cavalry groups except the Royal Knights.

Under their support, "Xue Qinghe" quickly rushed out of the encirclement, leaving only Su Qingyu behind.

He used the flame of extreme ice to the extreme, and each condensed ice thorn could carry an enemy.

Trapped by the pawns, he was undoubtedly unable to escape.

"Damn it, I really can't get out this time!"

His soul power is stronger than soul masters of the same level, but there are tens of thousands of infantry in front of him, even if he is lined up to kill him, he can't kill them all!

Fortunately, those soul masters were all attracted by the followers of the Royal Knights, otherwise a single soul master would be enough to catch him without a fight.

He snatched a long spear from a dead soldier of the Royal Knights. With the physique of a great soul master, he swung the long spear, saving a lot of soul power for a while.

But after all, there is no way, Su Qingyu can only bite the bullet and break out towards the west where there are few people.

No matter how human can run, he can't run a war horse. After walking nearly 300 meters among tens of thousands of pawns, he finally broke free from the pawns.

But behind him, there are still a large number of pawns chasing and killing him.

It was only a dozen miles away from the Star Dou Great Forest, and it was no problem at all against well-trained pawns.

Although they ran slower, they were still able to surround Su Qingyu in a detour.

At this time, the road ahead of Su Qingyu is undoubtedly to enter the Star Dou Forest!

Having walked on the knife edge of death, Su Qingyu naturally would not have any hesitation.

Crisis, there is danger, but there is also a chance of life. Although the Star Dou Forest makes ordinary people in the entire continent change color, it is better than ten deaths and no lives behind them.

Just as Su Qingyu thought, how could ordinary people dare to break into the Star Dou Forest, which is extremely dangerous for soul masters.

After approaching five miles from the Star Dou Great Forest, all the pawns stopped chasing Su Qingyu.

Regardless of how many of them there are, for the soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest, it would be too much for them to treat them as snacks.

However, they didn't retreat, they still stayed there, as if they were still waiting for Su Qingyu's change of heart.

After entering the dangerous distance of Star Dou Great Forest, Su Qingyu gave up his horse.

As far as the quiet forest is concerned, the noisy sound of horse hooves will attract the attention of some powerful spirit beasts.

This time is no different from the Peerless Tang Sect period. Although the spirit beasts are showing signs of decline, it is too easy to encounter a thousand-year-old spirit beast outside the Star Dou Forest.

Therefore, at the moment of entering the forest, Su Qingyu was already mentally prepared.

His purpose is very clear, walk along the periphery, reach the northernmost end of the Star Dou Great Forest as soon as possible, and leave from there.

Similarly, this is also the first time that Su Qingyu has entered the Soul Beast Forest alone, and it is impossible to say that she is not excited.

Moreover, in a place like the Star Dou Forest, which is similar to a rainforest, there must be many good things.

Plant-like soul beasts, rare treasures, and parts of soul beasts can also be collected.

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