After some self-inner encouragement, Su Qingyu almost forgot the troubles of being hunted down and abandoned, and started his treasure hunt.

Not very far from the current core of the Star Dou Great Forest, in the real core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest, dozens of figures are absorbing the strong power of heaven and earth from the silkworm baby placed in the center.

It's just that what they absorb is the corners, and most of them slowly escape into the void and are absorbed by a mysterious existence.

A cold voice said to the man closest to the silkworm baby: "Go and have a look, there is a great horror coming to the outer periphery of the star!"

"It's the Lord!"

Chapter 75

"What are you talking about, didn't I tell you to keep an eye on him!"

In the East Palace, the prince's bedroom, she has already changed back to her daughter's attire.

Qian Renxue never expected that She Long would ignore her orders.

On the day of breaking out, she asked She Long to stay by Su Qingyu's side.

After all, there is still blood around her, which is enough to protect her safety among thousands of troops.

"Young master, the order given to us by the great priest is to ensure your safety no matter what. Even if we are sent to die, there will be no complaints. That Su Qingyu, my subordinates admit that he has a good talent, but He and Wuhundian are not of the same mind!"

With a cold light, Qian Renxue directly put a long sword on She Long's shoulder, and stared at him with a pair of golden eyes, "That's it? Just because of this, you don't care about him, let him be killed by those people." Siege!"

"The subordinates only obey the orders of the great priest to ensure the safety of the young master. If they want to be beaten or punished, let the young master decide!"

The long sword fell from Qian Renxue's hand, and immediately after she heard her shout, "Get lost!"

She Long wanted to stop talking, but in the end she left without saying anything, leaving Qian Renxue alone in this huge and lonely bedroom.

Her beautiful eyes were slightly closed, and two drops of clear tears ran across her fair cheeks.

Why, since she was a child, whenever she came into contact with outsiders, she would be reprimanded by her grandfather.

In the hall of worship, except for a few priests, she has no acquaintances.

Even, one day, she saw a little girl next to her "sister".

Although she didn't want to admit it, she was indeed envious.

The "sister" who hated her very much since she was a child would actually dote on a little girl so much.

It was precisely because of this that she chose to bet with her "sister" and came to the unfamiliar Heaven Dou Empire.

Under the panic in her heart, she killed her first friend, the eldest prince Xue Qinghe.

At the beginning, she was just curious about Su Qingyu.

But as time went by, she also got used to his presence.

In other words, from the bottom of his heart, he regarded him as his younger brother.

She also knew that Su Qingyu was on her guard.

But she never cared about it, she believed that she brought him to her side with her feelings.

But not long after it started, he just disappeared!

Her heart was so painful that she even planned to find him herself.

But her current status really does not allow her to do so.Since her return, she has also been confined in the East Palace, and everything has to wait for the Tiandou Empire to find out the truth.

However, she didn't need it. She had received the news a long time ago. It was the Barak Kingdom under that woman's command!

This time, it can only be said that the Barak Kingdom's arbitrary decision has nothing to do with the Pope's Palace.

However, how could Qian Renxue believe it?

Although she can't do anything about that woman, it's okay to clean up the stragglers under her command.

Having obtained a large number of treasures, Kundela, who is proud of himself, probably doesn't know that he has already become a victim of the power struggle inside the Spirit Hall...

At the same time, on the outskirts of the Star Dou Great Forest, Su Qingyu, who was still dressed in extraordinary clothes, has turned into a little savage.

These days, he has been heading northwest along the periphery of the Star Dou Forest.

Along the way, he met a lot of spirit beasts. After thousands of years, he killed quite a few of them like tigers, bears, and deer.

Of course, he can also deal with thousand-year-old soul beasts. Generally, as long as the soul beasts are not more than 2000 years old, they are not his opponents.

But whenever he encountered a thousand-year-old soul beast, he actively avoided it.

Some of them can indeed be killed, but fighting with thousand-year-old soul beasts is really too much noise.If more powerful soul beasts are attracted, it will be troublesome, and the gain outweighs the loss.

"As expected of the Great Star Dou Forest, even the outer areas are so rich in resources."

Unlike the Extreme North Ice Field close to Tianshui City, although the Star Dou Forest is not as large in size, the abundance of resources is not comparable to that of the Extreme North Ice Field.

After all, soul beasts and treasures that can survive in the extreme northern ice field are very rare.

The ice field is covered with white snow, a vast expanse of whiteness, even if there are good things around you, you may not be able to find them.

With the fighting during this period of time, Su Qingyu's soul power also improved slightly, and now she is a level 24 great soul master.

Just today, it happened to be his eighth birthday.

In order to celebrate, he also tearfully turned a thousand-year-old tender rabbit into a beggar rabbit.

Didn't you say he doesn't know how to provoke thousand-year-old soul beasts?

Hey, he really didn't provoke him, it's just that the rabbit was stupid and bumped into a big tree that couldn't be hugged by ten people.

The tree is fine, but the rabbit is a dead rabbit.

He took out a tiger-claw-shaped animal bone and slapped it twice on the huge mud shell, and a tempting aroma rushed to his face.

The nearby soul beasts are basically a hundred years old, and most of them have been cleaned up by him. Even if he saw him lighting a fire and roasting rabbits here, he just ignored them.

After all, although century-old soul beasts have no intelligence, they are also smarter than ordinary beasts. After being beaten up, they will not be so stupid as to trouble Su Qingyu.

Just when Su Qingyu tore off a hind leg of a rabbit that was bigger than his face, a middle-aged man came to his side with a smile, "I met you in Heaven!"

Su Qingyu who heard the name almost choked on the rabbit meat in his mouth, what the hell, the script is wrong, now is not the time for you to come out!

"Sure enough, my lord is aware of my existence."

Su Qingyu's eyes can't hide from Di Tian at all, after all, this is the second oldest fairy in Douluo Continent.

At this time, Su Qingyu was under a lot of pressure. After all, this man has been running for three eras without dying. How can he be an ordinary person?

Di Tian sat beside Su Qingyu very familiarly, "My lord, can I reward you with some food? I'm a little hungry after coming from a long way."

Although he didn't understand what was going on, he could see that Di Tian's respect for him seemed unreal.

Dividing the Beggar Rabbit into two, Su Qingyu said coldly: "Beast God Ditian, what can I do?"

Di Tian waved his hand, enjoying the Beggar Rabbit very comfortably, "Sir, you don't have to be so tactful, I'm here just for a promise from you."

Immediately, Di Tian's expression changed, and he said very respectfully: "My lord asked me to speak, I hope that when your lord is crowned the highest, you can erase the restrictions that this world has placed on my soul beast family."

Su Qingyu's eyes were full of surprise, "Why do you say that?"

"Only you, my lord, can do this, and Xing Dou is willing to defend your way before your lord ascends to the highest place!"

The next moment, Di Tian's figure disappeared, leaving only some emerald green crystals.

Outside Douluo Star, there is a mysterious space, "Hmph, these people with fur and horns are a bit clever!"

Chapter 76 Return, Alienation

Su Qingyu understood what Ditian meant, but the other party's request might not be so easy to fulfill.

He is still too weak now, if he has the support of the Star Dou Forest in the future, his path will be more or less smooth.

Picking up the emerald green crystals left by Ditian, Su Qingyu's Eye of Everything also detected what they were.

The gold of life is a metal condensed from the purest life force. Although its purity is not as high as the life crystal of the goddess of life, it is also a high-grade natural treasure.

This thing is formed very slowly, so it is also very cherished on Douluo Continent.

It's just that the Star Dou Great Forest has been around for a long time, and there is no shortage of such things.

The life gold left by Ditian weighed four to five catties, which showed that the Star Dou Forest was really rich and powerful.

After parting with Ditian, Su Qingyu continued to walk along the periphery of the Star Dou Forest.

Almost a month later, Su Qingyu finally arrived at the northernmost end of the Star Dou Forest.

Here, it is snowy, and everything around is covered with ice and snow.

If it weren't for the large number of trees standing in the wind and snow, Su Qingyu would have thought that she had come to the Arctic ice sheet.

A very tattered looking animal skin map was snatched by Su Qingyu from a great soul master who wanted to catch his attention.

"Frozen Forest, are you here yet?"

The Frozen Forest is just a medium-sized forest in the northern part of the Star Dou Great Forest, and its area is far smaller than a large forest like the Sunset Forest.

The environment is peculiar, where three quarters of the ice and snow attribute soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest inhabit.

Among them, there are many soul beasts of ten thousand years, and some people have even encountered a soul beast of 10 years here.

Legend has it that it is a snow leopard spirit beast, but no one has ever confirmed the truth of this news. After all, no one can guarantee that he can survive under the eyes of a 10-year spirit beast.

Su Qingyu would not continue to move forward in a foolish way, and moved towards the east along the boundary between the Frozen Forest and the Star Forest.

After walking for a full day, Su Qingyu finally saw the light of day again after being a wild man for more than two months.

After advancing for more than 20 miles, Su Qingyu came to a small town of hunters, who basically came to the Frozen Forest or the Star Dou Forest to hunt soul beasts.

Soul beasts themselves are valuable existences. Apart from the numerous powerful forces in the Douluo Continent, a considerable number of soul masters are engaged in hunting and killing soul beasts.

Every time I enter the Soul Beast Forest to hunt souls, it basically takes half a month to start, and the people who come out are almost inhuman.

Therefore, like a savage, Su Qingyu, who didn't even have a decent suit of clothes, did not arouse anyone's suspicion.

And Su Qingyu found a small shop in Ke, and after washing up, she changed into clean clothes.

After being in the field for a long time, he was highly concentrated, and he fell asleep immediately after lying on the bed.

When he woke up again, six hours had passed.

Soothing her muscles and bones, Su Qingyu stretched lazily, and came to the small shop.

Xiaosi in the store saw Su Qingyu's extraordinary clothes and temperament, and immediately came up to him, "My lord, what do you need?"

Seeing the buddy approaching, Su Qingyu was not polite, and directly ordered a bunch of food with him.

Because it is located on the edge of the soul beast forest, most of the people who can come here are hired soul masters.

The food in this small shop is basically soul beast meat. Although the taste is passable, the price is quite high.

It's just a town of hunters, and Su Qingyu didn't care about it, and solved everything on the table as soon as possible.

"Hey, have I seen you?"

A crisp and pleasant voice came, and a little loli with yellow and white hair who looked smaller than Su Qingyu was standing in front of Su Qingyu.

Seeing the little girl in front of her, Su Qingyu almost spit out the tea in her mouth, "Xue Ke, why are you here?"

That's right, the little loli in front of her is the sister of Xue Qinghe's compatriot.

Even "Xue Qinghe" doted on her quite a bit, and Su Qingyu saw this girl by chance once when she was going to the East Palace.

Seeing an acquaintance, Xue Ke was quite happy, and took the initiative to tell her the reason for coming here.

She came here only to obtain her first soul ring.

"In short, it took a long time for my father to find out that there is a group of condensed water and flying mandarin ducks on the southwestern edge of the frozen forest. It is no wonder that Uncle Mo and the others brought me here to obtain a condensed water The soul ring of the flying mandarin duck."

Looking at Xue Ke in front of her, Su Qingyu sighed in her heart, arranging a large number of people to investigate for half a year for a soul ring, that old thing Xue Ye is really willing.

Sometimes you have to admit that the difference between ordinary commoner soul masters and people from great powers is really too great.

Not to mention the year of the soul ring, but the degree of compatibility of the soul ring, at the same level, ordinary soul masters are completely incomparable.

Just like his mother, Lan Xiaoyue, who worked hard in the offensive system, turned into a control system in the end.

"By the way, Brother Herring, you should hurry back to Tiandou City, my brother is crazy looking for you. It has been a long time since that guy Kundla came to the Imperial Capital to make amends, but it seems that the big brother's intentions are not easy. Let him go."

Afterwards, the little girl told Su Qingyu some things that happened in Tiandou Empire during this period.

If I had to describe it in one word, it would be chaos!

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