Prince, the future crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire has been attacked, which has already touched the bottom line of the Heaven Dou Empire.

As the instigator this time, it was discovered that Kundera, the king of Barak Kingdom, was trapped in Tiandou City.

After chatting with Xue Ke for a while, Su Qingyu bid her farewell and headed towards Tiandou City.

Three days later, when Su Qingyu appeared in front of Tiandou City, he was immediately recognized by the generals guarding the city.

In a short while, Su Qingyu has arrived at the East Palace of "Xueqinghe".

After Emperor Xue Ye's ban was lifted, he was the first person to set foot here.

The person in front of her was still gentle and refined, but Su Qingyu did feel a tired feeling from her body.

"came back?"


"How was the time?"

"It's okay, Kundera, what are you going to do with it?"

Although Kundela is targeting "Xueqinghe" this time, Su Qingyu is an innocent disaster, and he really can't swallow that breath in his heart.

"I've let you down, I can't do anything about him now, he has a thick thigh in his arms!"

Su Qingyu could hear the sarcasm in her words, and there was no doubt that Kundela was from the Pope's Palace.

Therefore, even if she uses the power of Wuhundian, she can't really destroy Kundla.

"Take your time, don't worry, your career still needs your own efforts after all, doesn't it?"

After speaking, Su Qingyu left directly.

This made Qian Renxue feel a little dazed, and she couldn't accept the inexplicable sense of alienation.

Chapter 77 Opportunities for Field Growth

After leaving the Eastern Palace, Su Qingyu did not stay in Tiandou City, but directly returned to Tiandou Royal Academy.

As soon as she returned to her apartment, she happened to meet Ye Lingling who was about to go out.

Su Qingyu just nodded slightly, and didn't say anything, after all, he was used to getting along with her like this.

"Are you OK?"

Su Qingyu was a little taken aback by the sudden cold voice, when did she, who never spoke, care about herself?

"It's nothing, it's just a big circle outside the Star Dou Forest."

Ye Lingling hesitated to speak, "Well, the three education committees entrusted me to tell you that they hope you can join the next Huangdou team. And if you can achieve good results in the competition in the future, they are willing to show you in front of Emperor Xue Ye." I recommend you the title of Earl."

Hearing this, Su Qingyu chose to refuse without the slightest hesitation.

"I've said before that I won't participate. As for the earl's title, I'm sorry, I have no luck."

As soon as she stepped into the door, Su Qingyu didn't talk to Ye Lingling again.

Seeing Su Qingyu who was unmoved, Ye Lingling also shook her head.

She also said the entrustment of the three education committees, but Su Qingyu didn't give face, so it was not her responsibility.

Back in her room, Su Qingyu was somewhat surprised.

It has been at least three months since he left Tiandou Imperial Academy, and there is no dust in the room at all.

Someone is cleaning for him. Although he doesn't know who, Su Qingyu doesn't care.

After all, he was kind and well-intentioned, and his personal belongings were also placed in the water mandarin ring, so why not accept it?

However, the three old men still didn't give up, which somewhat surprised him.

Su Qingyu has always sneered at the so-called team of Douluo Dalu.

Born in Tianshui Academy, he has also received some information about the Douluo Dalu team battle.

The seven-on-seven fight match is a long-standing tradition in the Douluo Continent, but no one knows exactly when it appeared.

However, Su Qingyu found that this so-called team was basically powerless after reaching the fifth ring, and the two sides could only fight hard.

If it comes to the Seven Rings, then the so-called team is useless.

In this way, it's like playing a game. No matter how high your personal economy and strength are, you can't bring together a group of mediocre teammates.

That is to say, in this team, after all, there are some people who are going to the top, and some people who stay still and can't keep up with the rhythm.

Still the same sentence, only a few people can reach the top, and most people will gradually become mediocre and become unknown.

So, for Su Qingyu, who intends to reach the top, how could she waste time with a group of talented but mediocre people.

For those three old men who refused to give up, Su Qingyu was too lazy to talk to them.

With that time, why not sort out what you have gained in the Star Dou Great Forest.

The blue brilliance flashed, most of them were good things that Su Qingyu collected from the Star Dou Forest.Among them are rare herbs, spirit beast armor, animal horns, animal bones, and even the tree hearts of sixteen plant spirit beasts.

At the beginning, Su Qingyu was only curious about plants and soul beasts.

It wasn't until he killed a 300-year-old pagoda tree and escaped from the tree with the heart of the tree that contained gentle soul power, that he changed.

How to put it, Su Qingyu has been yelling at some plant soul beasts that grow alone all the way.

From south to north, along the way, he killed no less than two hundred individual plant soul beasts ranging from a hundred years to three thousand years old, and only then did he obtain these sixteen tree hearts.

Although the plant spirit beasts are weak, he really can't deal with a gathering of races with a strength of more than 3000 years.

Moreover, more than 200 soul beasts only found [-] tree hearts. This probability is not high, and it is only much higher than the probability of obtaining soul bones.

According to the existence of enough rare treasures like Shu Xin, coupled with the family background he obtained from the Star Dou Forest, it is enough for him to complete the liquid medicine that he envisioned in advance, to continue to temper his body.

Immediately, after taking a sip of the Yunshen Soup that she prepared, Su Qingyu felt her head empty, and her mental power was also growing extremely slowly.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the biggest gain in this time's Star Dou escape from the Water Mandarin Ring, the gold of life.

This thing is an excellent heaven and earth treasure for soul masters or soul beasts, prolonging life and prolonging life, breaking through bottlenecks is trivial.

However, for Su Qingyu, it has a greater use.

Under Su Qingyu's deliberate suppression, the congenital domain born under the influence of his bloodline - the rejuvenation of all things was quietly released.

It also involves the existence of vitality, but Su Qingyu's rejuvenation of all things is more like a rough supernatural power that cannot be rougher.

Even so, the rejuvenation of all things is still an existence above everything.

For it, the gold of life, a treasure of heaven, material and earth that contains huge vitality, is undoubtedly of great benefit.

According to the feedback, Su Qingyu also understood that this strange metal can promote the further improvement and evolution of his field.

This is undoubtedly good news for Su Qingyu. After all, the field of rejuvenation is also one of his biggest trump cards.

However, Su Qingyu has no intention of cultivating here.

His place is secluded, but after all, Tiandou Royal Academy is a place full of people, some things cannot be done here.

Not long after Su Qingyu put away his harvest from the Star Dou Great Forest, a person appeared outside his apartment.

The person who came was a young man with an elegant face, Su Qingyu was quite familiar with him, it was Qin Ming who was the only one from Shrek besides the future seven monsters.

"Mr. Qin, why do you come to my place when you have time?"

Qin Ming smiled slightly and said, "Why, aren't you welcome?"

It has to be said that Qin Ming's personal charm is good, and it is difficult for ordinary people to feel bad for him.

After pouring Qin Ming a cup of Yunshen Soup, Su Qingyu ignored him and sat quietly at the table reading a book.

This operation somewhat embarrassed Qin Ming, but he didn't care.

God knows, how much hardship he suffered to enter the Tiandou Royal Academy where there are many aristocrats as a commoner.

Regarding Su Qingyu, Qin Ming did not hide anything, and directly told Su Qingyu that he was a lobbyist sent by the three education committees.

"The education committee said that the captain's identity has been determined by default. They can fight for the vice captain's identity for you, and they will double the compensation for you in terms of resources. After all, the captain's identity involves the internal successor struggle of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, so I hope you understand .”

"Well, I understand. After finishing speaking, Mr. Qin, please feel free."

Qin Ming naturally heard the meaning of Su Qingyu's refusal, but when he was about to leave, Su Qingyu said, "Teacher Qin, please tell me something, just tell the three education committees that they rely on the team to be promoted to Contra?"

Chapter 78 Fighting Soul, Gale Blade

Heaven Dou Royal Academy, Education Committee Building!

The three old men with white beards and hair looked at each other in blank disbelief. They couldn't believe it.

"Qin Ming, are you sure he said so?"

Qin Ming who was standing below said respectfully: "Yes, his attitude is very firm."

Meng Shenji, the leader, sighed, "I didn't expect that we, the immortals, would be manipulated by a little guy."

Bai Baoshan chuckled, "Who says it's not, but Douluo Dalu has such rules, so what can we do?"

Although it was a joke, there was a hint of helplessness in his tone, the situation in the mainland was not up to their three little Contras to make irresponsible remarks.

Zhi Lin, who was quiet on the side, waved his hand, "Thank you, Teacher Qin, you can go down first."

After casually dismissing Qin Ming, Zhi Lin said in a deep voice: "No matter what, he must be allowed to participate. I also heard that the one in the Pope's Palace has accepted a disciple. If I expect it to be correct, The next disciple will definitely end up."

These words made Bai Baoshan silent, "In the soul master competition, the Heaven Dou Empire has not defeated the Star Luo Empire for a long time, we still have to try our best to win."

"Don't waste your time, is it possible?"

Mengshenji, the highest-cultivated education committee member, directly negated the two of them with one sentence.

For this kind of person who sprints towards the Titled Douluo (Meng Shenji's understanding), he has witnessed a person who has no other distractions, and only a higher realm is their pursuit, and the worldly things will not let them do it for them. move.

Hearing Mengshenji's words, Bai Baoshan and Zhilin, who were originally unwilling, gave up completely.

After all, they are also the witnesses of that person, and they are also very concerned about Su Qingyu's plan.

On the other side, Su Qingyu stayed in his hut for the past few days after his return.

In addition to researching the new medicinal liquid for tempering the body, he also received two acquaintances, Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan, who knew that Su Qingyu had returned safely, also came here to sit for a long time.

At the same time, Su Qingyu also discovered the reason why Ye Lingling gradually became popular, and that was the carefree Duguyan.

That is to say, being with an optimistic person like Duguyan can slowly revive Ye Lingling's dead heart.

He also spent the past few days, after constantly adjusting the ratio of medicinal materials for tempering the body, the method of processing the medicinal materials, the order of adding them, etc., and a series of complicated procedures, he finally made the new medicinal liquid for tempering the body. out.

No matter which world it is, rich and poor, it is basically an inevitable law.

The cost of newly developing this kind of medicinal liquid for tempering the body unexpectedly reached three thousand gold soul coins.

Fortunately, he had accumulated a lot of inventory when he was in the Star Dou Great Forest, otherwise he should really use the money Qian Renxue gave him.

Thinking of this, Su Qingyu fell silent.

Although Qian Renxue said it was a reward for him, but he dare not spend a cent of this thing!

Favors are always the biggest debt, if he uses these golden soul coins, it will inevitably lead to a loss in his favor.

Moreover, regarding Qian Renxue, Su Qingyu's mentality is quite complicated.

It is true that he wanted to help Qian Renxue in order to make her better check and balance Tang San who was doomed in the future.

But he is not stupid, Qian Renxue must have given something to convince his mother who occasionally went offline.

Tianshui Academy, parents, will always be his greatest weakness.

He didn't understand what Qian Renxue meant, and he didn't want to understand, as long as their current relationship can last, it doesn't matter how long.

Trying not to think about it, looking at the liquid medicine in his hand, his heart was quite complicated.

Immediately, he poured one-fifth of the medicinal liquid into the bathtub, which really made him feel distressed for a while.

Six hundred gold soul coins just flew away.

In order not to let himself lose money, after some stirring, he also quickly sat in the bathtub and soaked quietly.

The medicines he developed are generally relatively mild, and most of the medicines are relatively slow.

An hour and a half had passed until the charcoal fire under the tub was completely extinguished and the water cooled down.

Sensing that the potency of the medicine was weak, Su Qingyu jumped out of the tub.

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