After changing into new clothes, I took a closer look at my physical fitness, and it has already improved a little.

"The effect is not bad, but it's still uncertain to what extent this liquid medicine can strengthen my physical fitness."

Before, the medicated bath made with only medicinal materials was not effective for him whose physical fitness has surpassed that of the Soul Sect.

Now, it just happened to use the heart of the plant soul beast as the raw material to refine this liquid medicine as a substitute.

Now that some opportunities have been seized, the cultivation of the Great Soul Master stage can be slowed down a bit.

It also happened to take advantage of this period of time, and he planned to improve his battle experience with soul masters.

It is true that the relative strength of soul beasts is slightly higher than that of humans.

But unlike spirit beasts, human beings have all sorts of strange and strange soul skills, which are much more difficult to deal with than spirit beasts of a fixed race.

Picking up a mask prepared in advance, Su Qingyu left Tiandou Royal Academy directly by herself.

The Great Soul Arena was his first stop.

It is inevitable even for him to compete with soul masters of the same level, or even higher.

Before breaking through to the Soul King, he planned to train here, and when he breaks through to the Soul King, it will be the beginning of the next stage of his plan.

Fortunately, with the blessing of the beast spirit, his height reached 1.5 meters, and he looked like a shorter eleven or twelve-year-old boy.

"Sapphire, level 24, this is your fighting spirit badge, please keep it safe."

The staff of Tiandou Great Soul Arena are very polite, and they don't seem to be indifferent.

After collecting her soul fighting badge, Su Qingyu also signed up for a soul fighting competition.

The rules of the soul fighting field itself are quite strict, each soul master can basically only participate in the soul fighting once a day.

Unless it was a life-and-death battle, no one would participate in the second round.

But just ordinary soul fighting competitions are also dangerous in themselves.

In the central hall of each big spirit arena, there is a densely packed stone tablet engraved with names.

There are soul masters who died because of fighting spirits. Although there is not a drop of blood on the stone tablet, it is full of bloody smell.

"Invite the Great Soul Master Qingyu and the Great Soul Master Gale Blade to the third branch to participate in the soul fighting competition..."

The sound came out from a soul tool similar to an audio system, and it was repeated three times.

After hearing the notification, Su Qingyu also followed the road signs directly to the No. [-] fighting spirit branch.

As soon as he arrived at the exit, he had already heard a lot of cheers.

In a bustling city like Tiandou City, and a place like the Great Soul Arena, it's really hard not to make money.

Su Qingyu walked onto the fighting spirit arena indifferently. Opposite him was a young man who looked to be fourteen or fifteen years old and also wore a mask.

There is nothing stupid to be able to come here.Except for those regular visitors to the big spirit field, the people who came basically concealed their identities.

"Galewind Knife, a level 28 agility attack system soul master, please advise!"

Chapter 79 Ye Lingling, Birthday?

This Gale Blade is also a newcomer, and it seems that he should be a genius who came out of a certain force.

"Su Qingyu, Wuhun Qingyulong, a level 24 great soul master!"

After all, Su Qingyu's body was immediately possessed by a martial soul, and two bright yellow soul rings lingered in front of her body.

As for why it wasn't a thousand year spirit ring, it was all thanks to the spirit bone of the evil spirit ghost spider that he had absorbed.

It itself endowed Su Qingyu with powerful spiritual power, and he didn't change the color of the soul ring, it just gave people a visual error.

As long as it is a soul master above the soul saint, it can still be seen through careful observation.

But how many soul masters of that level are free to care about the soul ring of a little big soul master.

Attached to Su Qingyu's right arm like a blue jade, the first soul skill was activated directly, and the pale ice flame went directly towards Gale Blade.

As the name suggests, the martial soul of the Gale Sword is a light sword martial soul similar to a scimitar.

For Su Qingyu's first attack, he didn't care at all, and directly used his first soul skill, Crescent Moon Shield, a defensive soul skill.

A crescent-like knife shadow blocked the Gale Knife, which also gave him a lot of confidence. After all, no one in the family could break through his crescent moon shield.

However, the reality slapped him hard. When the flame of extreme ice touched the crescent moon shield, it immediately turned into ice crystals.

Su Qingyu, who controls the rhythm, has long been able to skillfully use this trick, the ice blast technique!

Countless ice crystals exploded in an instant, and the soul guide shield immediately rose on the arena of the soul fighting arena.

That Gale Blade was terrified, his meniscus shield was shattered by the ice explosion in an instant.

A little panicked, he immediately used his first soul skill, Crescent Moon Shield.

In the end, he was still unable to resist. Seeing that the ice blast was about to affect him, he remembered that he still had a second soul ability, Blade Shadow Heavy Slash!

Dozens of scimitar shadows emerged and slashed towards Bingburst.

Only the aftermath of the ice blast is already within the tolerance range of the second soul ability Gale Knife.

In short, this trick of ice blast was finally resisted by him.

Haifeng Dao finally understood his grandfather's warning to him, there are people outside the people, and he didn't expect to meet such a strong person as soon as he came out.

However, Su Qingyu didn't give him time to be dazed from the beginning to the end. The sapphire dragon's claws sank vigorously, attached to the bright fire, and broke through the second soul skill of the Gale Blade at once.

The dragon claw and the scimitar collided, and the Gale Blade, which had the advantage of soul power, didn't have the upper hand at all, and was knocked out by Su Qingyu all of a sudden.

However, he also became serious, the scimitar in his hand was icy cold, and his saber technique was even more ruthless.

"Heh, I didn't expect your saber technique to come from the army. It's really not bad."

Su Qingyu recognized the origin of his saber technique at a glance. After all, attack and kill techniques are basically aimed at people.

"good eyesight!"

Haifeng Dao's heart trembled, and he only said three words.

Su Qingyu chuckled, although he only used one hand to transform himself into a dragon for the sake of training himself, but it was enough to deal with the Gale Blade right now!

His gestures changed, his figure changed, suddenly, he became a battle-tested veteran.

Su Qingyu is naturally not bad at attacking and killing. Although he has practiced Baji in his previous life, he has also blazed his own path.

He didn't deliberately use ultimate moves, every punch and every move was used to grind people, after all, it wasn't a life-and-death fight.

But even so, the Gale Blade in front of him couldn't hold back, and his own soul power was exhausted after persisting for a while.

In a trance, Su Qingyu immediately took a picture of the ring with a dragon claw.

"Congratulations to Great Soul Master Herring for winning, and please go to the front desk to collect points and rewards."

After a commotion, Su Qingyu also came to this ring.

It's just that when he was about to leave, someone appeared in front of him, it was the Gale Blade who was still wearing a mask.

"Thank you, sir, for your advice, but due to family rules, I really can't take off this mask."

Gale Knife came here to thank Su Qingyu on purpose. He is not stupid from a family background, so he can naturally see that Su Qingyu is keeping his hand.

"It's okay, so am I."

Su Qingyu pointed to her mask and said something half-jokingly.

The two exchanged a few words, without saying much, they hurriedly settled the points, and left the Great Spirit Arena from different directions.

Fortunately, Su Qingyu's time for fighting the soul was in the morning, otherwise, he might not be able to go back to Tiandou Royal Academy.

However, this time he went back just to pack his things.

Tiandou Royal Academy is outside the city after all, in order not to waste time on the road.

He planned to go back to Ye Shengxin's small courtyard during the period of honing his soul power, which was very close to the big soul fighting field.

In the afternoon, he returned to Tiandou Royal Academy, the apartment hut where he lived.

But what surprised him was that there seemed to be a lot of people here!

Ye Lingling, Dugu Yan, Yu Tianheng, Shi Shishi Mo brothers.

"Long time no see, the two brothers Shi Moshishi."

The two brothers themselves were very dull. Seeing the emotions, Shi Mo, the eldest brother, also smiled innocently, "It's not that Sister Yan asked us to come here, she said it was for Sister Lingling's birthday."

Well, this somewhat caught him off guard.

To be honest, he just remembered the birthdays of his parents and himself, plus at most a Shui Bing'er.

After all, he and Shui Bing'er had the same birthday, and they celebrated their birthdays together when they were young.

He accepted Ye Shengxin's promise, but he really didn't understand this kind of thing.

Dugu Yan, who was careless on the surface but actually thoughtful, also saw Su Qingyu's embarrassment.

"Oh, I asked Tianheng to book a banquet at Tiandou Pavilion tonight, don't forget it then."

Dugu Yan blinked at him, as if to remind him.

After Su Qingyu agreed, she also went back to the room to pack her things.

Soon, after packing his things, he also got into the carriage with a group of people, and returned to Tiandou City.

There is no rush to go back to Ye Shengxin's small courtyard, so Su Qingyu followed them all the way to Tiandouge, the largest, most luxurious and highest-standard restaurant in Tiandou City.

With the name of the country, the forces behind it are naturally self-evident.

Those who can go here, as long as they are not more powerful than the Heaven Dou Empire, have to settle down here, it can be regarded as giving the Heaven Dou Imperial Family a face.

As one of the heirs of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, Yu Tianheng reserved a nice private room.

After Su Qingyu and his party took their seats, several people also took turns to present gifts.

Especially the two brothers, Shimo Shimo, who seem to want to pursue Ye Lingling.

Under the guidance of Dugu Yan, Ye Lingling has finally learned to accept other people's kindness.

A slight smile on the young and pretty face was like melting ice and snow, blooming in early spring, which directly surprised the honest Shi family brothers.

If Yu Tianheng hadn't woken the two of them up with electricity, they would have been embarrassed.

It's just that Dugu Yan is unhappy, how could he forget this pair of idiots?

"Ahem, Herring, Lingling's birthday, don't you have anything to say?"

Chapter 80

Duguyan called out the name, and Su Qingyu, who was still competing with Yu Tianheng to show off more, almost choked.

Ye Lingling handed him a glass of juice in a timely manner, and drank it all in one gulp, so she didn't choke to death.

He is also quite complicated in his heart, what should he give.

After all, although that old man Ye Shengxin forced him a bit, he still left him a lot.

Just relying on the inheritance of that medical book can create a good force in this Douluo Continent.

In fact, the most troublesome thing is Yu Tianheng. This guy has a good character, but the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect behind him can't let Su Qingyu not think about it.

"Hey, have you thought about it, or you can give yourself to Lingling!"

This panic was no longer Su Qingyu, Ye Lingling glanced at Dugu Yan shyly, as if asking what she was talking about.

Duguyan embraced Ye Lingling's slender waist, "Hehe, didn't I find you a bodyguard? You don't know, this kid is quite good at hitting, even Tianheng was beaten black and blue by him."

Yu Tianheng, who was still flaunting the meat of the soul beast, was stunned. What's going on, why did the topic come to him?

And your boyfriend was beaten by Su Qingyu, are you still happy?

Looking at Yu Tianheng's innocent eyes, Dugu Yan smiled slyly and didn't say anything.

At this time, Su Qingyu, who had been struggling for a long time, took out an emerald green crystal the size of half a little fingernail from the water mandarin ring, which was the living gold that Ditian gave him.

He also had no choice, the things in his hands were either unable to be taken out, or the value was too low, so he simply took out the leftovers left over from the absorption of his own domain.

Everyone present, except Ye Lingling, did not see the strangeness of the soul gold.

Fortunately, he packed this thing in a jade box in advance, and a good box of packaging would not embarrass him too much.

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