Dugu Yan, who took the jade box, handed it to Ye Lingling directly, "This must be kept well, after all, this is the first gift that Herring gave you."

The innocent Ye Lingling didn't understand Dugu Yan's tricks, so she simply put away the jade box, planning to go back and look at it again.

When the group of people came out, it was already late.

Except for Su Qingyu, everyone else has to go to class tomorrow morning.

At the gate of Tiandou Pavilion, Su Qingyu watched the five of them leave.

Immediately, he himself returned to that small courtyard, which should be said to be Su Qingyu's small courtyard now.

Fortunately, there have been hired people to clean regularly before, so Su Qingyu returned to her room, sorted out her belongings, and then fell asleep.

However, what Su Qingyu didn't know was that the news of his coming to Tiandou City had already reached the East Palace.

Looking at She Long with a respectful expression, she sighed after changing back to her daughter's outfit late at night, "Take care of him in secret, don't worry about the rest."

Regarding Qian Renxue's orders, She Long would naturally not disobey them, and quickly disappeared into the hall.

Once again, there was only one person left in the huge dormitory. Qian Renxue looked towards the south, which was where Su Qingyu was, and where the Holy City of Wuhun was.

It has been several years since she turned into another person. She usually acts like a real person, and sometimes it makes her wonder whether she is Qian Renxue or Xue Qinghe?

At this time, only grandpa, that woman, and Su Qingyu can help her find out her identity.

She is the little princess of the Wuhun Palace. In the future...she has never thought about who she will be.

There was already a girl younger than her by that woman's side, and it seemed that she was ready to replace her existence.

One big one and one small one have a deep love between teachers and apprentices, and she is the only one in this cold palace, wearing a mask to intrigue and fight with some strangers.

She understood that she would not be able to go back until she obtained the power of the empire.Su Qingyu is the only candlelight she lights by her side. Although the candlelight is a little distant, it is what she touches after all, isn't it?

Time is like quicksand, gathering and dispersing indefinitely, and going with the wind.

It touched the fingertips lightly, but it couldn't be retained.

The Tiandou Great Soul Arena, the home court, the least ones who can participate in the soul fighting here are soul master level existences.

Today, however, this record was broken, a level 27 great soul master confronted a level 43 beast martial soul soul sect.

There is no such record even in the Great Soul Arena of Heaven Dou City.

Now, Su Qingyu, who is wearing a blue mask, is creating this record, or history!

The Soul Sect on the opposite side is an existence of the assault system. At this time, he was also planning to put all his eggs in one basket, and directly used the last second soul skill, "Wrath of the Bear!"

For a moment, the man possessed by the barbarian spirit became much bigger, and a pair of giant fists directly hit Su Qingyu.

But Su Qingyu didn't have the slightest fear. He transformed into a dragon with both arms, and directly caught the man's fourth soul skill abruptly.

Seeing the field under Su Qingyu's feet cracked, this really frightened the man a lot. This is not a life-and-death fight, the opponent is still a force, if he smashes someone out of good or bad, he still has his own good.

This move of the savage bear's wrath was indeed very powerful, but the damage it caused to him was really limited.

But he forgot that he has a dragon spirit that surpasses a real dragon, and with a body that is comparable to a high-level soul sect, how could it be possible for a low-level soul sect to hurt him.

Immediately, on Su Qingyu's dragon claws, one hand was made of ice, and the other was made of fire, which were fused together inconceivably.

The ice and fire are shattered, which is his biggest gain this year.

The elements of water and fire were mixed, and the burst of time directly exploded the soul guide shield on the stage to the point of collapse.

The savage bear soul master who was fighting with Su Qingyu was directly blown out. His injuries were serious, but luckily they were all skin injuries.

"I announce that the Great Sapphire Soul Master has won, let us congratulate him on becoming the owner of the Purple Gold Badge!"

The audience in the main venue went crazy, but Su Qingyu, who was exhausted, left early.

In the past year, he has been fighting souls in the Great Spirit Arena. Apart from assisting the soul masters, he has seen many soul masters with all sorts of strange spirits.

His own combat experience with soul masters has also increased a lot, and he has also learned a lot of methods to deal with soul masters.

It's just that when he returned to the small courtyard, he found that the doors in the small courtyard were open.

Su Qingyu frowned, few people come to this place, could it be that Ye Lingling is back?

However, he should be vigilant, he is not lacking at all, and the martial soul is ready to possess the body to meet the enemy at any time.

The people in the courtyard seemed to be aware of his arrival, and a lazy and joyful voice sounded, "Congratulations, you have obtained the Purple Gold Fighting Soul so quickly. Also, don't mind if I sit here for a while!"

Su Qingyu took a closer look, he never expected that she would come here.

Chapter 81 Invitation, Compassionate Shui Binger

She was wearing a long golden dress, her waist-length hair was loose, and a pair of golden eyes smiled slightly, looking at Su Qingyu indifferently.

"Brother Herring, long time no see!"

Su Qingyu didn't know what to say. During this year, he was still deliberately avoiding her.

"Your Highness, I don't know why you are interested in coming to my place, but also..."

She casually brushed the hair by her ear, and parted her red lips, "I'm also a girl, so why don't I like beautiful dresses? I came here for one thing."

"Your Highness, but it's okay to say."

Su Qingyu secretly heaved a sigh of relief, he wasn't afraid that something might happen to Qian Renxue, what he was afraid of was that she would come to him.

Upon hearing Su Qingyu's words, her golden eyes dimmed slightly.

But after staying in the palace for such a long time, ordinary people can't even notice the speed of the change of expression.

She smiled sweetly and took out a bronzing invitation card with the word "hunting" written on it.

Immediately afterwards, Qian Renxue spoke eloquently.

The matter is also very simple, that is, Emperor Xue Ye's body is ill, and this time the royal hunt is presided over by the crown prince "Xue Qinghe".

Su Qingyu glanced at Qian Renxue strangely, did he attack Xue Ye so soon?

Qian Renxue, who was stared at by Su Qingyu, always felt that Su Qingyu had malicious intentions, which made her feel uncomfortable.

Bei Chi bit her red lips lightly, and after struggling for a while, she lightly patted Su Qingyu's head with her white palm, and messed up his ice-blue hair.

"Tell you, don't think about anything bad!"

After finishing speaking, Qian Renxue left without paying any attention to him.

However, Qian Renxue's heart was extremely restless, what was she doing, he was clearly still alienating herself!

Similarly, Su Qingyu didn't know what she was thinking, and looked at the bronzing invitation in front of her with a complicated expression.

Hopefully, that day will come later.

Putting away the invitation, Su Qingyu quickly returned to her room and soaked in the medicinal bath for an hour.

During this year, he participated in soul fighting competitions in the Great Spirit Arena every day, and his reputation spread, at least in Tiandou City.

Although the cultivation of soul power is a bit slower, but in the stage of great soul masters, the speed of three-level soul power in a year is also faster than ordinary geniuses with eight or nine-level soul power.

Most importantly, Su Qingyu's physical fitness has already reached a bottleneck. At present, his physical fitness is completely comparable to that of the 48th-level attack system soul sect.

In the next time, he planned to go back to Tianshui City.

He also heard that Shui Bing'er had broken through level [-] some time ago, so it was time to visit her.

The moon was falling in the western sky, and the sky was slightly bright. Su Qingyu, who was still meditating, opened her eyes.

A person left the small courtyard, and left Tiandou City directly.

After several days of traveling, Su Qingyu returned to Tianshui City again.

Qian Renxue's royal hunt is in autumn, and although the invitations have been sent, it will take two months.

During this time, he planned to stay in Tianshui City for a while.

On the second day after Su Qingyu returned to Tianshui City, Shui Binger, who was studying at Tianshui College, had already arrived.

"Brother Herring, long time no see!"

During this period of time, the little girl has grown rapidly, and although her pretty face is still quite immature, it is still budding like a flower.

It's just that she is still a little shy, even with Su Qingyu, Su Qingyu's childhood sweetheart.

"Well, long time no see, I heard that you got your second soul ring, so I came back to have a look."

Shui Binger blushed pretty, and said shyly in a warm and soft voice: "I got it two months ago, when I hunted an 800-year-old Lin Bing Jia, a mutant Lin Bing Wang Jia."

As she said that, Shui Bing'er possessed her own martial soul, and there was a crisp phoenix cry, and the ice-blue phoenix loomed on her body.

There are two yellow soul rings, one of which is obviously darker in color, it is the soul ring provided by the 800-year-old Linbing King Armor.

According to Shui Bing'er's explanation, Linbing Holy Armor is a single-body defensive soul skill, and its function is that ordinary attack-type soul masters are difficult to break.

Su Qingyu was a little surprised, sure enough, although he only interfered with Shui Binger's first soul ring, her original second soul ring was also affected by him.

Although it is not armor provided by a group, it has improved a considerable level for personal protection.

After praising Shui Bing'er, Su Qingyu was also a little surprised to find that there was a person poking his head at the door.

After seeing the person coming, Su Qingyu chuckled, "Bing'er, have you educated that girl Yue'er recently? Let me tell you, if she keeps making troubles, I'll give her a hard lesson and let her be good. Long memory."

Shui Bing'er was a little bit taken aback, but soon she understood, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, "Well, I think so, in case some little girl messes with me all day long in the academy."

After all, she was still innocent, and Shui Yue'er, who was hiding outside the door, instantly frowned after being caught by Su Qingyu and Shui Bing'er.

"The surname Su, I knew it was you, and you were the one who broke my sister!"

Shui Bing'er's icy blue eyes turned slightly cold, and Shui Yue'er, who had just flirted with Su Qingyu, suddenly became like a quail.

A pair of watery eyes did not dare to look directly at Shui Bing'er, this... can only be said to be one thing for another!

In front of Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er is really too humble.

"Okay, Yue'er, your older sister is playing crazy every day for your own good, how do you have time to practice!"

Although Shui Yue'er was a bit naughty, she could still listen to her words.

Moreover, Su Qingyu took out a lot of Tiandou City's special snacks from the Water Yuan Ring, she was quite heartless, and the haze disappeared immediately.

Even Shui Bing'er is not exempt, little girls like these snacks and the like very much.

Afterwards, the girl Shui Yueer ran away with all the snacks in her arms, never paying attention to Su Qingyu and Shui Binger.

Watching Shui Yue'er who took away all the snacks, Su Qingyu sighed, "I feel that this girl is normal, I am somewhat too old."

Shui Bing'er, who was playing with her soft hair, smiled slightly, "Who says it's not, sometimes I want to be as carefree as Yue'er."

Su Qingyu was a little moved when he heard this, and Shui Bing'er seemed to know what he wanted to say, "It has been confirmed in the academy, and I will be the captain of the next Soul Master Competition of Tianshui Academy."

This really made Su Qingyu unable to realize what her mother and Aunt Shui were thinking. It stands to reason that at most Shui Binger would be allowed to enter the main election.

"Brother Herring, I know what you're thinking. The status of the preliminarily selected captain was won by myself."


"Well, I want to improve myself quickly so that I can help you. I always feel that you are under a lot of pressure. Although I don't understand what you are burdened with, Brother Herring, I am willing to bear it with you."

Speaking of this, Shui Binger's face turned slightly red, "I mean, don't put too much pressure on yourself."

Chapter 82

Shui Bing'er had already left, and once again only Su Qingyu was left in the huge Su family's backyard.

At this time, Su Liefeng, who had gone out, came back and happened to be in the backyard.

"I'm back, how is it at Tiandou Royal Academy?"

Su Qingyu nodded, "It's okay, the students are very friendly."

Student of Tiandou Royal Academy: Yes, yes, you are right, everything you said is right!

This made Su Liefeng somewhat puzzled. If Su Qingyu Tiandou Royal Academy had good resources, he didn't think there was anything wrong with it, after all, it was indeed the case.

But if you want to say that those nobles who go to school are friendly, Su Liefeng is suspecting that his son is using him to get rid of him.

But he didn't doubt anything, after all, his cub knew that Su Qingyu would not be called Su Qingyu if he suffered a disadvantage.

"It's rare to come back, why don't you get some dishes this time."

Upon hearing Su Liefeng's words, Su Qingyu immediately agreed.

Now he is away from home all year round, and it is rare to come back once. It is okay to cook a few vegetables.

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