After all, when he was five years old, Su Liefeng started to put him on the stove.

Fortunately, my mother gave me the strength, and with a roar of the dragon, I carried my father who had some bad intentions at that time and threw it into the kitchen.

Now that he has grown up, let's help his father who is at the bottom of his family.

In addition, medicine and food come from the same source, and Su Qingyu's cooking skills are also very good.He also intended to take over Su Liefeng's right to enter the kitchen, so that Su Liefeng could relax after returning home.

Unlike Su Qingyu's previous life, where industrial biology and other high-level interventions in agriculture caused many ingredients to lose their original taste, everything in Douluo Dalu is still very good now.

Especially the ingredients, the soul beast meat is much better than the cold fresh meat in his previous life.

When Lan Xiaoyue returned, it was already dark.

"Well, this smell, why doesn't it smell like Gaefeng's handwriting?"

"Xiaoyue, you're back! Come, sit down, just one more dish."

Su Qingyu was holding a pot of seafood and vegetable soup, just in time to see this scene.

How to put it, he always felt that even if he had taken over his father's job of cooking, his father would not be able to support himself!

He sighed slightly in his heart, the matter between his parents is not what he should care about, otherwise he will be the one who will be unlucky for a mixed doubles.

However, one thing is good, that is, Lan Xiaoyue recognized Su Qingyu's craftsmanship very much.

"Hi, my little herring is still the best, so many new dishes, it really fills my mouth!"

Lan Xiaoyue directly took Su Qingyu into her arms and ravaged her.

However, Su Liefeng had some resentment, he never thought that his son could really cook, and he could cook it so well.

Originally, he planned to watch Su Qingyu's joke with impure purpose, but he didn't expect that he was the joke.

It is rare for the family to gather together, and Su Qingyu likes this atmosphere more and more.

After drinking and eating, Lan Xiaoyue said something surprising, "I want to tell you something, Blazing Academy, no, it should be Huo Family, they have been causing trouble again recently."

This made Su Liefeng and Su Qingyu's father and son look serious. After all, whether it is the Blazing Huo Academy or the Huo Family, they are both the Five Elements Academy, but after all, they are not the same people.

Lan Xiaoyue heard the news from Dean Shui Ningyuan. The specific meaning is that a site of soul master forces in ancient times was discovered near Blazing Fire City. They plan to invite all soul masters in Douluo Continent to develop it with them. .

"I'm afraid the Huo family is not that kind. This ruins must be quite dangerous, if nothing else."

Su Liefeng directly guessed the Huo family's careful thinking, just as he guessed, the ruins discovered by the Huo family are quite dangerous.

Thirty Huo family disciples went in, and only the leading soul emperor came back alive.

"Yes, Huo Li has disclosed to us that there is a certain degree of danger."

There was a hint of contempt in Lan Xiaoyue's eyes, she wanted them to be cannon fodder, and she said it in a tactful way, what a fool!

"Then what are you going to do, I'm afraid it's not appropriate not to participate, Five Elements Academy, we are so connected!"

In the second half of the sentence, Su Liefeng lowered his voice three degrees, and gave Lan Xiaoyue a meaningful look.

Lan Xiaoyue didn't seem to notice Su Liefeng's tone and eyes, she was still a little careless: "Of course I went, after all, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, the Elephant Armor Sect, and the Wuhun Palace have all gone, so why don't we join in?" join in the fun."

As Lan Xiaoyue said, the top strengths in the mainland have all gone, so can the little Tianshui Academy not go?

After this incident was over, the family of three chatted for a while, and then they all went back to the room to rest.

The next morning, according to Lan Xiaoyue's instructions, Su Qingyu got up early and prepared a five-point breakfast.

Not long after, the door of Su's house opened, and a pair of people in blue clothes walked in like a mother and daughter.

"Good morning, Aunt Shui, and Binger!"

The mother and daughter who came were Shui Ningshuang and Shui Binger, and after greetings, they sat down at the dining table.

"As soon as I heard that Herring is back, I brought Binger over early in the morning to take a look, Xiaoyue, you won't welcome me, right?"

Lan Xiaoyue, who had changed into a blue outfit, curled her lips, "Well, I'm very happy that Bing'er can come."

Shui Ningshuang just smiled, God knows, which nerve of Lan Xiaoyue is wrong again, she doesn't want to provoke this female Tyrannosaurus rex.

This time, it was Shui Ningshuang who led the team to Blazing Fire City. Lan Xiaoyue, as the next dean of Tianshui Academy, usually stays at the academy to study with Shui Ningyuan.

After all, the situation has changed too fast these years, and Shui Ningyuan spends most of her time practicing, striving to further improve her own strength before the situation changes.

In order to be able to devote all her energy to cultivation, she has already started to delegate power to Lan Xiaoyue.

After breakfast, Su Qingyu followed Shui Ningshuang and left directly.

The reason why Su Qingyu was sent to Blazing Fire City was entirely because Lan Xiaoyue was worried about Shui Binger.

In this way, last night, she directly asked Su Qingyu, who had just returned home, to follow Shui Ningshuang to Blazing Fire City.

In Lan Xiaoyue's words, her fiancée was optimistic about her, which directly made Su Qingyu lose her temper.

This time, time was running out, and the group did not choose to take a carriage.

Except for Su Qingyu and Shui Binger, two little guys with two rings, the rest of the group are above the third ring.

The speed of a soul master is not comparable to that of an ordinary carriage. Even if their soul power can only support them to run at top speed for three hours a day, it is still enough to cover a distance of more than three hundred miles.

After a group of people traveled at full speed for seven days, they finally arrived at Blazing City.

Seeing the city in front of him, Su Qingyu still remembered that he followed Feng Xiaotian when he came to Blazing Fire City for the first time.

Now... some things can't go back after all.

As the old saying goes, different paths do not conspire with each other. Shenfeng Academy is already the Kamikaze Academy of the Feng family, and Zhihuo is also the Zhihuo of the Huo family. After all, he is not the same as half of Tianshui Academy.

Chapter 83 The Ruins Open

"Haha, I didn't expect it to be you, Shui Ningshuang. I thought it was Lan Xiaoyue's female Tyrannosaurus!"

A pair of rough voices sounded, the visitor was more than two meters tall, with a burly figure, standing in front of the Tianshui Academy team like a wall.

"Tuoba Yong, if you talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I will tear your crap out of your mouth!"

An icy voice sounded, although Shui Ningshuang usually did not get along with Lan Xiaoyue, but if someone dared to say a bad word about Lan Xiaoyue, she was also the one who reacted the most.

Tuoba Yong seemed to have thought of something bad, snorted coldly, and led the disciples of the Elephant Armor Sect who were like hills around him to get out of the way.

He wasn't very afraid of Shui Ningshuang, but Lan Xiaoyue, he really didn't want to provoke her.

A pair of clear eyes cast a cold glance at Tuoba Yong, and Shui Ningshuang led everyone from Tianshui College, Shui Binger and Su Qingyu into an inn.

Su Qingyu also clearly saw the logo of Tianshui College on the plaque of this inn, which is naturally the property of Tianshui College.

"Girls, there are so many people in Blazing City right now, stay here honestly for the past two days, don't go out, understand?"

The students from Tianshui College who followed Shui Ningshuang all obediently agreed.

Immediately, Shui Ningshuang glanced at Su Qingyu again, "Not only them, but you too, stay here honestly."

When he went out, his parents had already told him to listen to Shui Ningshuang.

Naturally, he would not disobey Shui Ningshuang's instructions, and after nodding in agreement, he casually found a room to rest.

The food was delivered by the people in the store, and it was already night when Su Qingyu woke up again.

Shui Ningshuang came back, but looking at her face, she didn't seem very pretty.

"Hingyu, Binger, Xuewu, you three come with me."

Without hesitation, the three of them followed Shui Ningshuang to a relatively secret place that looked somewhat similar to the meeting hall.

When everyone arrived, Shui Ningshuang sighed, "To be honest, I was going to give up on this matter, and I didn't expect that it was never Blazing Academy who used us as cannon fodder."

Su Qingyu was very interesting, and a flash of understanding flashed in her eyes.

"Although it was the Huo Family who summoned us in the name of the Blazing Academy, it was actually a cover for one person, and that the current saint of the Spirit Hall!"

As soon as these words came out, a cold light flashed in Su Qingyu's eyes, and the killing intent was hidden in his heart.

Wanting to use him as cannon fodder, he wanted to see if the Holy Maiden of the Wuhun Temple had that ability.

Immediately, he also noticed Shui Bing'er beside him. If it really didn't work, teach that saint a lesson.

It is impossible to kill, otherwise, if that crazy woman goes crazy, no one will be able to stand it.

But to let a person be hurt unknowingly, that crazy woman has to endure it if she wants to go crazy.

After all, her own power and foundation are not enough now, and the Palace of the Pope does not yet have the confidence to turn against the Palace of the Elders.

Immediately afterwards, Shui Ningshuang asked the three of them to come back safely even if they didn't gain anything.

As long as you are still alive, some so-called chance benefits, if you give up, you will give up.

"Bing'er, Xue Wu, actually I'm most worried about you two. Don't use that move unless you have to. Even if you use it, you have to do it when Herring is by your side. Do you understand?"

The two women looked at each other, and agreed very obediently.

Before departure, Su Qingyu made some preparations in the inn.

From time to time, some weird things would be sent over, not to mention the eyeliners who were probing nearby, even the inn staff didn't know what was going on.

This situation continued until the day when the ruins were opened. Under the leadership of Shui Ningshuang, the students of Tianshui College came to the ruins near Blazing City.

It is only fifty miles away from Blazing Fire City, and less than thirty miles away from the Hunting Soul Forest near Blazing Fire City.

It is hard to imagine that a site from ancient times can be found on a slope with a lot of people.

It wasn't too early for Tianshui Academy to come. When they arrived, Thunder, Chihuo, Weevil, and Kamikaze Academy had already arrived.

In addition, there are other large and small forces.

The most eye-catching figure is a figure dressed in white, isolated from the world, floating like a fairy, with a pair of clear eyes and a smile, making people extremely comfortable, I don't know which girl it is.

Fortunately, Su Qingyu knew the script, and when she saw the chrysanthemum pattern on that person's body, she already knew who this person was.

Fortunately, Su Qingyu also learned a lot of observation methods in order to perform tasks in her previous life.

Because some people are particularly sensitive to sight, it is essential to learn some observation methods.

Relying on the memory of her previous life, Su Qingyu did not attract the attention of the Chrysanthemum Douluo in front of her.

After another period of time, Ju Douluo took a glance and saw that the people had almost arrived, so he shouted loudly: "Everyone who comes from the various powers, I entrust you all to explore the ruins this time. Please Everyone take good care of my saintess at the ruins, I will definitely come to the door to thank you personally at Yueguan!"

This is completely a threat, and it is still a blatant danger. Which force here can not be afraid.

Of course, there are people who are not afraid.

"Hehe, Your Majesty Yueguan, why don't you just wait for your arrival on Zongmen Mountain?"

It is not Yu Tianxin from Leiting Academy who said this. Unlike Yu Tianheng's stability, he is a more ostentatious kind.

Yue Guan's complexion also darkened, he went to find the old dragon, didn't he mean that the meat bun beat the dog?

Not saying anything, except for Thunder Academy, students or disciples from other forces quickly entered the ruins.

Soon it was Tianshui College's turn. Walking through a very simple-looking portal, a feeling of dizziness came. Su Qingyu and Shui Binger, who were still holding hands, disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When Su Qingyu came to his senses, he was in a wilderness, and Shui Binger was not by his side.

"The power of space, the power of space controlled by humans in the ancient times of Douluo Continent?"

For ordinary people, there is nothing strange about such things as ruins, or they have subconsciously ignored them.

But Su Qingyu herself was very shocked. It seems that there were definitely many secrets in the ancient times of the Douluo Continent.

But now is not the time to think about these things, Su Qingyu must join Shui Binger and the others as soon as possible.

Su Qingyu walked cautiously in the wilderness, closing the ruins for so long.Inevitably there is nothing there.

What he didn't expect was that instead of encountering the weirdness of the ruins, he first met a person he didn't want to see.

Similarly, he is also the existence that the other party least wants to meet.

Chapter 84 Stone Monument, Final Encounter

"How could it be you!"

The two said in unison, Su Qingyu met none other than his former senior brother Feng Xiaotian.

Su Qingyu was vigilant and did not relax at all. If Feng Xiaotian did anything wrong, he would keep him here.

Feng Xiaotian also felt the hostility from Su Qingyu, sighed, and said, "That's what the family meant, and Grandpa didn't want to, if Master..."

"Oh, sorry, you have nothing to do with my old man now."

The cause of this incident was Feng Xiaotian, although he himself was not at fault.

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