But since he is from the Feng family, Su Qingyu can only say sorry.

Feng Xiaotian felt guilty in his heart, he really couldn't cheer up, and he didn't want to fight Su Qingyu either.

Immediately, a pair of blue wings appeared behind Feng Xiaotian, and he accelerated away in one direction.

Watching Feng Xiaotian leave, Su Qingyu relaxed a little, dissipating the soul power condensed on her body, ready to be possessed by the martial soul at any time.

This wilderness area is very large, there is no sun and moon, and it is not known what everything here grows on.

Su Qingyu didn't go far, when a saber-toothed tiger suddenly popped out from the bushes.

It's just that it doesn't look big. It's not so much a saber-toothed cat as it is a saber-toothed cat.

Despite its small size, Su Qingyu clearly felt that this saber-toothed cat was not easy to mess with.

Thanks to his intuition of wandering between anger and anger for a long time in his previous life, Su Qingyu immediately possessed his body with a martial soul, and his right arm was transformed into a dragon, and the first soul skill was directly attached to his dragon claw.

The saber-toothed cat also sensed the danger, but instead of running away, it grabbed Su Qingyu's dragon claws.

The several white light blades were inspired by the sharp claws of the saber-toothed cat, similar to the existence of soul skills.

The sudden change made Su Qingyu unavoidable. A layer of ice was attached to the dragon's claws, and it hit those light blades directly.

The light blade broke and dissipated, and the solid ice attached to Su Qingyu's dragon claws also shattered.

Powerful, this is the first feeling given to Su Qingyu by this kind of sabre-toothed cat spirit beast that has never been seen before.

"It's powerful, next, let's see how my move goes."

The second soul skill, Flame of Bright Light, also appeared on Su Qingyu's dragon claw in the form of attachment.

Although it is said that flames can irritate soul beasts, flame itself is the most lethal existence to most soul beasts.

With the activation of the second soul skill, Su Qingyu consciously controlled the fire of bright light to surround the saber-toothed cat.

He didn't believe that a saber-toothed cat could jump out of a pillar of fire nearly ten meters high?

Su Qingyu also seized the opportunity, and the other dragon claw was covered with frost.

The ice and fire are shattered. For a kitten, although it is a bit cruel, this is also the best way.

The elemental power of blue and red blended directly towards the saber-toothed cat surrounded by the pillar of fire.

A shrill voice sounded, and Ice and Fire sang an elegy for the ferocious saber-toothed cat.

After the huge roar, the pillar of fire dissipated long ago, and a big hole was blown out in place, and the body of the saber-toothed cat was also blown away.

However, the purple crystal caught Su Qingyu's attention.

For safety's sake, Su Qingyu wrapped the purple diamond-shaped crystal with a piece of cloth.

"It looks like it belonged to a saber-toothed cat, so I don't know what it's for?"

Afterwards, Su Qingyu put the purple crystal in a jade box and continued to move in one direction.

After passing the saber-toothed cat, he also clearly understood the danger of this place.

This is still one, and it has already made him go all out.If there were more or more powerful species, Su Qingyu really couldn't imagine how terrifying it would be.

Finding Shui Binger and the others as soon as possible is the most important thing for Su Qingyu right now.

Along the way, Su Qingyu was also more cautious, even if he encountered some soul beasts, he would decisively avoid them.

Sometimes, it is really impossible to hide, so Su Qingyu will stay and deal with it.

At the beginning, it was quite smooth, but when Su Qingyu met the strange white bird, his life was almost lost.

The icy flames of the white monster bird catching Su Qingyu were shattered, not even dropping a single edamame, scaring Su Qingyu and ran away.

Until now, he never imagined that there would be such a powerful existence in this wilderness.

According to the calculation of the soul beast, that white strange bird is at least a ten thousand year existence.

Su Qingyu couldn't afford to be offended, and Su Qingyu couldn't hide. When he was about to be overtaken by the strange white bird, the strange white bird stopped.

There was a ferocious aura in the pair of red eyes. Although he was unwilling, he still left.

Su Qingyu, who had been chased all the way, was out of breath, and he was almost, just a little bit away, he would die.

Similarly, he was getting more and more worried about Shui Bing'er and the others. He really couldn't imagine that there was something similar to that strange white bird in this wilderness.

What made him puzzled was why did the strange bird let him go just now?

Look at that posture, if you say it is a vegetarian, you wouldn't believe it if you killed Su Qingyu!

A dark stone tablet is only three or four meters away from Su Qingyu. It looks broken. In his eyes, some lines that resemble ghost symbols give him a headache.

"It looks a bit like bronze inscriptions (PS: ancient Chinese metal utensils, such as the lines on bronze ware.), but it doesn't look like it!"

In terms of ancient prose, his previous life was his weakness, and he was really helpless in this kind of ancient prose from another world.

After recording the ancient text on the stone tablet, Su Qingyu continued to move forward.

But before he had gone far, he met an acquaintance, Xue Wu from Tianshui College.

Shui Bing'er, who was carried behind her, had a pale face and looked very weak.

Su Qingyu immediately went up to meet her, the first time she saw Su Qingyu's Xuewu's eyes were slightly red, "I'm sorry, Qingyu, if it wasn't for me, Binger, I wouldn't have been hurt."

According to Xue Wu's explanation, in order to protect her, Shui Bing'er fought with a leopard-like soul beast.

In the end, Shui Bing'er won. Although she killed the leopard-like spirit beast, she also suffered serious injuries.

"By the way, this is something from that soul beast."

Xue Wu's white palm handed a bright yellow rhombus crystal to Su Qingyu.

This Su Qingyu is too familiar, after all, he killed several soul beasts here, except for the saber-toothed cat he met at the beginning, which was purple, the others were all bright yellow.

This made Su Qingyu think of the soul ring. Among the few soul beasts he encountered, only the saber-toothed cat had the power of a thousand-year soul beast, and it was not an ordinary thousand-year soul beast.

Afterwards, Su Qingyu checked Shui Bing'er's body. Except for the serious skin trauma, that is, the overdraft of soul power, the problem is not very big.

After treating the wounds on her body, Shui Bing'er also woke up leisurely, just in time to see Su Qingyu sitting beside her.

Chapter 85 Tower of Soul Guidance, Aimo!

After Shui Binger woke up, the group continued to move forward.

Not only because of the powerful white strange bird, but also because Su Qingyu discovered that the woods became thinner and thinner along the way.

Coupled with the broken buildings just seen, the front is very likely to be their purpose this time.

"It's strange, it took us a long time to go after we met, why..."

Shui Bing'er wrinkled beautifully, she always felt that something was wrong.

"Yeah, it's really unreasonable that we haven't encountered any soul beasts in such a long time."

Following the two of them, as an auxiliary system, Xue Wu said worriedly: "I don't know, there may still be danger ahead."

Su Qingyu shook her head, "Regardless of danger, we must move forward. Besides, I don't believe that there are no other things in this huge ruins except for some traces of buildings and some strange spirit beasts."

After strengthening their inner determination, the three of them walked out of the wild and sparse forest after walking for a while.

In front of me was a flat plain of grassland, at most there were some trees near the forest.

Most importantly, not far from them, the tall building surprised Su Qingyu and the others.

A complete building is most likely the most valuable place in the ruins!

Of course, Su Qingyu was also prepared to get nothing, and gave Shui Binger and Xue Wu a vaccination in advance to prevent them from being too sad if they didn't get anything.

After a while, the three of them approached and came to this tower which was made of a single piece of metal and was [-] to [-] meters high.

Rao Su Qingyu was also very surprised. It is not very difficult to make the whole body out of metal, as long as there are a few fire elemental soul masters in the Douluo Continent to assist.

But the tall tower in front of him is made of a piece of metal, Su Qingyu always feels that this kind of craftsmanship is simply not something that Douluo Dalu can do, at least not now.

At the gate of the tower, there are several diamond-shaped grooves.

Su Qingyu seemed to have thought of something, and took out the yellow crystal that she had obtained from hunting the soul beast before.

But before he put it on, Shui Binger stopped him, and saw that there was an identical white crystal in his hand, which was a circle smaller than the yellow crystal in Su Qingyu's hand.

Taking advantage of Shui Bing'er's lack of reaction, Su Qingyu took the white crystal in her hand and pressed it down on the groove on the tower door.

It's just embarrassing that nothing happens at all.

With an attitude of giving it a try, Su Qingyu pressed the yellow crystal on it again, and the tower reacted a bit.

The crystals were completely absorbed, but there was still no sign of opening the door.

However, this is enough, at least it proves that the crystals in their hands are useful.

Su Qingyu and Shui Binger looked at each other, and they took out all the crystals they had obtained.

Put one by one on the groove of the iron door, every time it can cause some reactions.

When Su Qingyu used up all the yellow crystals in his hand and pressed the last purple crystal on it, a line of Douluo Continent's characters appeared in front of the three of them.

"Please be careful when you open the gate, it's not good, run away!"

Su Qingyu hugged Shui Bing'er with one hand, pushed Xue Wu away by the way, and stepped aside.

Immediately afterwards, with a bang, the iron gate on the tower was smashed down.

Both Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu were startled, and the two women were also terrified. If Su Qingyu hadn't reacted quickly, she would have shed a layer of skin even if she was not dead.

"Welcome to the Tower of Soul Guidance, the identity is being scanned...Confirm the race of human beings, and you are allowed to enter."

A gender-neutral electronic sound sounded.

In an instant, the three of them were directly drawn in by a blue light.

Under the traction of this light beam, although they can move freely, they cannot rely on the traction.

After the three people headed by Su Qingyu entered, the door of the Soul Guidance Tower was closed again.

When the three of them opened their eyes again, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

Su Qingyu was the most shocked. Although it was a different civilization, these were just soul guides, but its style was quite sci-fi, as if it was a top-notch laboratory.

This is really unimaginable. The Douluo Continent in the outside world is still not even considered a feudal period, and there should be such a high-level soul guide tower here.

This has crossed the gap of several eras, similar to the existence that a native Douluo like Shui Bing'er can't understand at all.

"Welcome everyone. Although I don't know how long it has been, I hope to pass the next test! Let me introduce you officially, I am Aimo, the librarian of the Tower of Soul Guidance!"

A blue ball of light appeared in front of the three of them, and welcomed them with a gentle tone.

Not allowing them to refuse, Aimo immediately began to test the three of them.

The surrounding scene changed instantly, and the three of Su Qingyu appeared in a white space.

There is a transparent crystal in the center of the white space, and the content of the first level test was also sent to the minds of the three of them.

In the mental power test, if the mental power reaches [-] points, that is, the psychic state is qualified.

Xue Wu, who was the first to test, took a deep breath, and carefully placed her hand on the crystal.

In an instant, the crystal showed her mental strength level, 103, barely passing!

Then there was Su Qingyu, when he put his hand on the crystal, the number exceeded three digits in an instant, directly reaching 2100, which was more than twenty times that of Xue Wu!

Shui Binger, who was ranked last, although not as good as Su Qingyu, reached 134, much better than Xue Wu.

Pass the first pass!

Su Qingyu's strong mental power also made the librarian Ai Mo's eyes shine. If he cultivated more, he would take off directly in the future.

Then, under Aimo's guidance, they came to the second level, copying the soul guide formation, copying the formation in the first-level soul guide in their hands, with an accuracy rate of [-]%, that is, they are qualified.

Under Aimo's deliberate arrangement, the three were divided into different places, and it seemed that they did not want them to whisper.

It was still a white space, Su Qingyu looked at the soul guide in his hand, he still felt quite novel.

It's strange to say that there are storage soul guides in places like Douluo Dalu that are almost insulated from soul guides, and the quality is quite good.

In the past, he only heard from his parents that it was excavated from the ruins. It seems that things are not that simple!

Carefully observing the core of the first-level soul guide in his hand, he always felt that the texture of this thing looked familiar.

He didn't react for a while, so he had to follow Aimo's request and started to copy the patterns on the core of the soul guide.

"Very good, this time it looks like I should be able to leave this place where the birds don't shit."

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