Aymo's voice was a little cheerful, and it was the first time in countless years that it was so excited.

Chapter 86 Obtaining the Tower of Soul Guidance

In this white space, time seems to be infinite.

Fortunately, Su Qingyu was able to hold her breath, and kept revising the copied patterns.

Similarly, Shui Bing'er is also a more patient existence, with a delicate mind like her, even though she is not as good as Su Qingyu in terms of mental strength, her copying speed is still not much slower than Su Qingyu.

The situation on Xue Wu's side is a bit different. Although her own spiritual power is not bad, an auxiliary soul master is also quite sufficient.

But she fell into the item of copying, the soul guide pattern she drew was completely different from the one shown on the soul guide device.

Although she has tried her best, her talent is such that no one can change it.

In the outside world, Ai Mo was overjoyed when he saw Xue Wu who copied the soul guide pattern into a four-faced Xue Wu.

It turns out that there are soul guide idiots like it in this world!

With the last stroke, Xue Wu was the first to complete the copying of the pattern of the first-level soul tool.

"The completion rate is 100%, and the accuracy is [-]%. Congratulations, you failed to copy, and the second test is over!"

Aimo's gloating voice naturally fell into Xue Wu's ears, making the usually gentle Xue Wu shy for a while.

It's just that Aimo's vulgar taste is more serious than Xue Wu thought, and it even broadcast the news of Xue Wu's elimination in the space where Su Qingyu and Shui Bing'er were.

About half an hour later, Su Qingyu completed it first, with an accuracy rate of 70.00% five!

Slower than Su Qingyu, the accuracy rate of Shui Binger that was completed later also reached 50.00%.

This wave directly hit Xue Wu and Ai Mo, geniuses are the most annoying!

However, the test will continue, but there will be one less person participating.

After Su Qingyu and Shui Binger entered the third stage of the Soul Guidance Tower test, a lot of changes happened on the other side of the wilderness.

All of this can't escape the eyes of Aymo, who is a librarian. It's just some broken storage soul guides and the like.

Of course, there is also a small thing here, which is quite good, the soul of the sky fox, which has accumulated dust there for an unknown period of time.

Tall, with a charming appearance, short yellow hair is fluffy, and a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes are particularly eye-catching.The seductive aura revealed from her from time to time can't help but make some unsteady people make all kinds of weird and ugly gestures.

Huliena, the Virgin of the Pope's Palace, is the real protagonist of this site exploration.

It can be said that all forces from all directions are serving as cannon fodder for this saint.

Of course, there are also those who want to stop her, but unfortunately, they are no match for her in terms of strength.

Seeing the soul of the sky fox in her hand that suits her very well, the corners of Hu Liena's mouth rose, "I never thought that I got this treasure so smoothly. It's really no challenge."

"That's right, Nana is a disciple under the Pope's crown, that's something that these humble people can't compare to!"

The person who said this has fiery red hair is Hu Liena's dead licking dog, Yan!

"Okay, now that we got the things, we should leave too. Let these people let them go first."

It has to be said that no matter how humble the vast majority of people are, once they stand on a high ground, they will also look down on existences that are the same as they used to be, or even lower than them.

People who have broken away from their lowliness try their best to get themselves out of the connection with their lowliness.

Hu Liena's alms-like appearance completely forgot the difficulty of both her and Xie Yue's parents dying, and she was already a disciple of the Pope who was already aloof.

If Su Qingyu was here, he would understand more thoroughly. People are always the most fickle, especially when they suddenly possess great power or influence. Sooner or later, the lack of mentality will make people fall hard.

Ai Mo, who watched Hu Liena and her party leave, curled his lips, "Cut, what the hell, no wonder the future ends so badly, it deserves it!"

Immediately, Ai Mo set his sights on Su Qingyu, who was undergoing the third test, "Some people will change because of you, but there are also some people who are doomed to have a miserable life."

Different from the first two levels, the test of the third level is completely life-threatening.

There is no time limit for learning the basic [-] soul guide formations, and it is required to be able to completely describe them. The specific rewards will be calculated according to the number of qualified basic formations.

The difficulty of the task prolongs the time to complete this level too much, and it is quite difficult to describe a hundred complete basic patterns without anyone teaching it.

I don't know how much time has passed, even Su Qingyu and Shui Binger are a little upset.

When doing something for a long time, people's attention is easily lost.

Finally, Shui Bing'er was the first to take it no longer. After half a month in the silent white space, she gritted her teeth and spent a hundred basic patterns.

"Congratulations to Shui Bing'er, the accuracy of the seventeen basic formation patterns of the soul guide has reached the standard!"

Aimo's voice was a little cheerful, seventeen complete basic patterns, even at that time it was quite a good result.

Moreover, Ai Mo also discovered that Shui Bing'er had never been in contact with the soul guide pattern before.

To be able to perform like this without being in contact with the soul guide pattern, his talent is simply amazing!

This time, Su Qingyu's speed was even slower. He carefully drew several patterns for each pattern, and only selected the last one.

This made Aymo look a little sleepy, "This guy is really homey, he can compete with those old men before!"

As he said that, Aymo yawned. If it didn't work, he planned to sleep for a while.

After an unknown amount of time, Su Qingyu finally disappeared into that small white room.

"Congratulations to Su Qingyu, 53 kinds of complete basic soul guidance patterns have reached the standard!"

Aymo almost yelled out these words, and he was too excited right now.

After so many years, it can finally go out!

The three disappeared from the white space, and when they realized it, they were still in front of Aymo.

Looking at Ai Mo in the blue crystal ball, Su Qingyu was a little puzzled, "Have we completed the test?"

"Ahem, that's right, according to the rules of the Soul Guidance Tower, you and Shui Bing'er have passed the Soul Guidance Tower's test. Now is the time to distribute the rewards!"

The first is Shui Binger, who has drawn seventeen basic formation patterns without a foundation. Ai Mo gave her a seven-level melee soul guide of ice and snow, and a inheritance that can become a nine-level soul guide .

"Next, it's you. Congratulations... Genius, you have completed the highest test of the Soul Guidance Tower, and you can obtain the ownership of the Soul Guidance Tower."

A moment later, the three of Su Qingyu walked in the wilderness, and the original Soul Guidance Tower was hung around his neck by Su Qingyu.

Under the reminder of Aimo, the librarian of the Tower of Soul Guidance, they avoided the area where the white strange bird was.

But when they came to the exit in the middle of the wilderness, there was one thing that Su Qingyu and the others couldn't understand.

Chapter 87 You are not happy

Before the exit of the ruins, soul masters from many forces, large and small, gathered here.

Xue Wu said with some doubts, "I remember staying there for a long time, it stands to reason that they should have gone out long ago."

However, at this time, Aimo's voice sounded in their minds, "Hahaha, isn't it weird! If you want to know, I can tell you!"

Su Qingyu looked indifferent, and Shui Binger, who grew up with him, understood that Brother Qingyu seemed to be angry.

"Oh, I was wrong, can't I!"

Su Qingyu sent the control over the Tower of Soul Guidance, and Ai Mo, who was still weird just now, explained it a little listlessly.

Regardless of the fact that they always feel that they have gone through such a long assessment time, it is actually an application similar to the virtual world.

Although they have experienced a long time in the virtual assessment space, in reality, it may only be a few minutes in the real world.

After knowing everything, Su Qingyu spared Aimo.

This guy has been locked here for too long, and his brain has broken a lot.

It used to have human thinking ability, but now it looks more like a neurosis.

But as Su Qingyu and the others stepped into the exit of the ruins, everything here was over.

The three of them came out following the others, and the first one they encountered was Ju Douluo Yueguan.

With his eyes closed at this moment, faint fluctuations of soul power swept past everyone.

But when he glanced at Su Qingyu, his eyes suddenly opened.

Cautiously glanced at Su Qingyu's defense line, seeing that Su Qingyu and others did not respond, Yueguan's heart was slightly relieved.

Although his Yueguan is not weak, he is still a small person after all, and it is better to stay away from some things.

Passing through the area where the Wuhun Hall is located, the three of them finally saw the anxious Shui Ningshuang.

"Aunt Shui!"

"Second Mother!"

"Dean Shui!"

Shui Ningshuang felt relieved when he saw Su Qingyu and the others.

She was most worried about Su Qingyu and the three of them. After all, the three of them were not superior in terms of age and soul power.

"Just come back, let's wait, there are still people in the academy who haven't come out yet."

Shui Ningshuang's words naturally have two meanings. First, it is true that someone did not come out.

Secondly, it is to warn them that what happened will be discussed when they go back, because there are too many people here.

Su Qingyu and Shui Bing'er naturally reacted, and they stood obediently beside Shui Ningshuang.

As for Xue Wu, she is the oldest and she understands this truth better.

Not long after, everyone from Tianshui College came back one after another.

Shui Ningshuang is in a good mood, as long as people are fine, if you can't get some things, just don't.

As the only women's academy in Douluo Continent, Tianshui Academy doesn't have much ambition, so just keep your own Tianshui Academy.

On the contrary, the Elephant Armor School, the Feng Family and the Huo Family seem to have lost a lot.

Especially Tuoba Yong, whose bronze-colored face changed color in an instant, with such a huge loss, now the suzerain Tuoba Zhen didn't even scratch his skin!

Of course, the most unlucky one is not the Elephant Armored Sect, but the Blazing Huo Academy, to be precise, the Huo Family!

This time, under the name of the ruins, the Huo family let various forces, large and small, do nothing for the Wuhun Hall invisibly.

Undoubtedly, while offending many forces, he was clever enough to be misunderstood by his cleverness, making all the big and small forces in the Heaven Dou Empire hate the Spirit Hall.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Huo family had clearly expressed their attitude, otherwise, at the close of the month, it was time to teach them a lesson.

As an old fritter in the world of soul masters, Shui Ningshuang also felt that something was wrong with the surrounding environment, so she didn't say anything, and quietly led the students of Tianshui Academy away quickly.

"Friends, please stay!"

An untimely voice sounded, everyone around looked over, and Shui Ningshuang's plan to evacuate quietly also fell through.

The person who spoke was none other than Yu Luokun, the team leader sent by the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, a person of the same generation as Yu Yuanzhen and Yu Luomian.

Although the Martial Soul is Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, his cultivation talent is not very good, and he still hasn't broken through to the Contra level in his [-]s.

Without enough strength, this is why the bottom came to be the team leader.

Shui Ningshuang naturally knew this old guy. When she was a child, this old guy was an out-and-out playboy in Tiandou Empire.

Even at the age of 60 or [-], he was still promiscuous outside, but for some reason, this old guy was almost beaten to death, and then he settled down.

"Senior of the Blue Electric Overlord Sect, I don't know what advice I can give you!"

"That's it. I think Tianshui College is weak. My Blue Lightning Overlord Sect and your college happen to be on the way, so I can protect you for a while."

Yu Luokun said with a smile, the wrinkles on his face could pinch mosquitoes to death.

Seeing the old man's appearance, Su Qingyu felt very bad.

This old guy must be paying attention to something, but Tianshui Academy is not qualified to reject the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

Many forces around, including the two elemental academies of Kamikaze and Blazing Fire are also hanging high, looking like they are watching a show.

When Yu Luokun was young, his reputation was not small. More than ten years ago, his reputation was second only to the pair of brothers from the Haotian School.

It's just that the latter is a good name, and the former is a bad name.

Shui Ningshuang has already planned to do something, although they Tianshui College are all women, but they can't be bullied like this!

If she hadn't been concerned about the juniors behind her, she really wanted to gouge out Yu Luokun's squinting eyes staring at her!

"Heh, Yu's dog, get lost!"

A golden light flashed, and without waiting for any reaction from the people present, Yu Luokun was beaten half to death!

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