It was Yueguan standing not far away who made the shot, the golden stamens swaying slightly in his hands, making people ecstatic.

Yu Luokun was trembling, and was helped up by the disciples of Thunder Academy and Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, "I don't know how to offend Your Majesty, please, for the sake of my suzerain, rest the anger of Thunder!"

However, Yueguan's next words made Yu Luokun half dead, "Hehe, it's nothing, I just see you are upset. I'll give the old dragon face, get out!"

Yu Luokun fainted immediately and almost slapped me to death all of a sudden, just to see me unhappy?

Shui Ningshuang is not the kind of person who is not flattering, and immediately rushed over to express her gratitude to Yueguan.

"It's okay, hurry up and go back, you guys are really eye-catching."

Yueguan reassured him, and what he said was exactly the same reason, the teachers and students of Tianshui College are all women after all.

In the Douluo Continent where there are less than [-] soul masters, female soul masters are even rarer, and have even become a kind of resource.

Even Yueguan couldn't help admiring that the establishment of Tianshui College was a miracle, and the first dean was such a magnificent and wonderful woman.

However, Yue Guan, who was daydreaming, didn't know that a random act of his would bring him such a big reward in the future.

Chapter 88 Do good deeds without leaving a name

After finishing the trip to the Blazing Academy, the group from Tianshui Academy went all the way north. When they arrived in Tiandou City, Su Qingyu did not follow them back.

The little girl Shui Bing'er was still a little reluctant to leave, and she separated from Su Qingyu only a few days after meeting.

Before leaving, Su Qingyu also told Shui Binger and Xue Wu not to reveal what they got.

The things in the Tower of Soul Guidance are enough to change the pattern of the entire Douluo Continent. If such things are exposed, Tianshui Academy will be torn to pieces by all forces in an instant.

The two women understood the reason and said they would not use these in public.

After some warnings, Su Qingyu embarked on the road to Tiandou City alone under Shui Binger's reluctance.

On the way, Su Qingyu asked with some doubts: "Ai Mo, are you giving Xuewu those soul guides for hush money?"

He has encountered many such things in his previous life, and those people who talk with money have caused him a lot of trouble.

However, Su Qingyu's words made Ai Mo feel guilty.

"Hey, part of it is like this, the most important thing... is that this little girl is a nice person, isn't she the one who is kind and kind?"

"is it?"

"Of course, you still doubt me!"

Ai Mo was so confident that Su Qingyu was a little uncertain whether what this guy said was nine falsehoods and one truth, or it was all lies.

It's just that Ai Mo's heart is crying, who can blame him for his handicap!

In the past, she thought it was the only one in this world, but she didn't expect that there was another existence like it.

At the same time, can Aimo take care of the handicapped friend?

After walking a short distance, Su Qingyu came to Tiandou Royal Academy.

As soon as he arrived at the gate, he ran into Xue Beng, the fourth prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, who was molesting a female student from a minor noble family.

It was Su Qingyu who was in high spirits, and his original interest was immediately poured with cold water.

Ever since Su Qingyu broke his bone, he has always been very afraid of Su Qingyu, but at the same time longing for revenge on Su Qingyu.

It's just that he didn't expect that Su Qingyu had already caught the killing intent on his body.

After all, in his previous life, he was more of a murderer than a saver.

To kill is to be prepared to be killed, and Su Qingyu is naturally very sensitive to the killing intent.

Turning his head, he happened to see Xue Beng, smiled lightly, and walked past him without paying attention to him.

"Hey, there was something wrong with that kid just now, I guess he was holding back something!"

Although Ai Mo is no longer human and has no human perception of killing intent, but in the Tower of Soul Guidance, he can use the Tower of Soul Guidance to calculate and analyze people's micro-expressions, so as to spy on some of the inner thoughts of others.

This method may not be useful to those old foxes who don't change their faces, but it can't be easier to analyze a stupid pig who wants to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and is almost eaten by a tiger.

"I know, he is the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire."

Su Qingyu's words were very meaningful, but Ai Mo could still hear what he meant, nothing more than that it was not easy to do anything.

Before returning to her apartment cabin, Su Qingyu knocked on the door after a little hesitation.

After all, there is a difference between men and women. If Ye Lingling has something to do in the living room, it would be embarrassing if he ran into her.

After a while, the door was opened, but the person who opened the door was not Ye Lingling, but someone Su Qingyu didn't know.

"Hey, where did you come from, you little brat, go away!"

A boy who looked about fourteen or fifteen years old, with long blond hair and a handsome face, chased Su Qingyu angrily.

Yufeng, the son of a small noble family who came from a kingdom some time ago, was admitted by the three education committees of Tiandou Royal Academy because of his talent.

Not too long ago, relying on the nobleman's long-sleeved and good at dancing, he successfully made friends with Yu Tianheng, one of the heirs of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

Su Qingyu looked calm, and said indifferently: "I live here, are you sure you want to chase me?"

⊙?⊙! , Yufeng seemed to have remembered the entrustment of his boss, and said cautiously: "Excuse me, are you Su Qingyu Senior Su?"

Nodding his head slightly, Yufeng's expression changed instantly, "Oh, I'm really sorry, the senior looks really young, I didn't recognize it for a while, it's my fault."

Immediately, Yufeng enthusiastically opened the door and welcomed Su Qingyu in.

During his year in Tiandou City, this hut has become the place where Yu Tianheng and his small group meet secretly.

As soon as he came in, he saw Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling who were preparing meals.

To Su Qingyu's surprise, Ye Lingling's veil was actually taken off.

"Yeah, Brother Herring is back, we just happen to be together!"

Duguyan was still so carefree, holding a spatula in his hand, Yufeng immediately hid behind Su Qingyu.

Ai Mo in the Tower of Soul Guidance sighed, "This child is so pitiful."

But no, the conditions are launched.

At this time, it was almost ready, Ye Lingling took off her apron, sat on the side and planned to rest for a while.

Su Qingyu leaned over, but she didn't care.

Regarding Ye Lingling, Su Qingyu really didn't know what to do.Thanks to Dugu Yan, Ye Lingling's condition looks much better now.

"Long time no see, how are you doing at the academy?"

Ye Lingling held a cup of hot tea in her hand, her red lips parted slightly, "Well, everyone takes good care of me, it feels... very good."

Afterwards, several people chatted a few more words, Yu Tianheng, brothers Shimo Shimo also came.

Su Qingyu exchanged a few words with Yu Tianheng, and basically told him about the invitation from Blazing Fire City, except for the Tower of Soul Guidance.

Regarding Yu Luokun's matter, Yu Tianheng was furious, "It's all these ghosts and snake gods from the collateral lineage, one by one, they are ruining our family's reputation all day long!"

As he said, there is almost no possibility of reconciliation between the direct line of the Blue Lightning Overlord's lineage and the collateral lineage.

It's a pity that those sidelines are fighting happily with the direct lineage, but they don't know that their superior status is brought by Yu Yuanzhen, the direct line suzerain.

Without Yu Yuanzhen, the Super Douluo, who would pay more attention to the Landian Tyrannosaurus family?

But Yu Tianheng didn't intend to sue for this matter, firstly, he couldn't sue those sidelines, and secondly, he was also afraid that those sidelines would come to Su Qingyu's trouble.

While the two were talking, Duguyan smiled slyly and pulled Ye Lingling back to the room.

It's just that Su Qingyu also got a message, "Are you also going to participate in the prince's hunting?"

Yu Tianheng nodded, "That's right, it was originally my father who went there, but I replaced it temporarily. In the words of my grandfather, it's a signal to the outside world, and by the way, beat some restless people in the family!"

On the sixth day of next month, there are less than ten days left.

After drinking and eating, all the things that should be discussed were finished, after sending Yu Tianheng away.

Su Qingyu, who was standing at the door, felt his shoulders sink, and suddenly disappeared again.

Looking back, Ye Lingling's fair face was rosy, and she ran quickly towards her room.

(Dugu Yan: Hey, if you don’t leave your name behind when you do good deeds, let’s look at this girl!)

Chapter 89 Blast!Show your true feelings?

In a blink of an eye, more than ten days passed.

During this period of time, Su Qingyu has raised one level again, and her soul power level has reached level 28.

There is still less than half a year before his tenth birthday, and before the age of 11, the bottleneck of the soul master can't stop him.

Royal hunting is huge, and this kind of thing usually happens once in a long time.

Of course, this mainly depends on the current emperor's interest in hunting. If he meets a housekeeper, he may never come out to hunt for the rest of his life.

Emperor Xue Ye, who has always boasted that he has both civil and military skills and unparalleled talents, is naturally extremely enthusiastic about hunting.

(So? This is why you, a soul master, bully ordinary vegetarian animals (¬_¬)?)

It's just that some time ago, Emperor Xue Ye's health was not very good, and he didn't recover until now, so he handed over the scheduled royal hunting to the prince "Xue Qinghe" to preside over it.

Similarly, this royal hunt is also a very important event for "Xue Qinghe" to consolidate the status of the crown prince and win the support of nobles and courtiers.

Su Qingyu and Yu Tianheng also changed their clothes and rushed towards the hunting ground.

They are not like those courtiers and nobles who have to come with the prince and abide by some complicated etiquette.

The status of soul masters allowed them to be much freer than those nobles and courtiers.

The royal hunting ground of the Heaven Dou Empire is similar to a pockmarked wooden enclosure in the previous life.

Arrange tens of thousands of troops to confine the forest which is comparable to the Hunting Soul Forest near Tiandou City, and expel or kill the soul beasts and wild beasts that can threaten human life.

Then send someone to put some harmless, cute vegetarian animals into it for each emperor to shoot to show his "bravery"!

The hunting ground is fifty miles northwest of Tiandou City, not very far from Tiandou City.

But just like that, the manager of the hunting ground told the two, "The two young masters came too early, and the royal hunting will not start until two days later."

Even if Yu Tianheng was dumbfounded by this, he didn't know, no one told him this.

Didn't he think it was just hunting with a bow and arrow? Isn't that simple?

Su Qingyu also thought so, but the facts told them that their thinking was too simple!

"Then what are we doing all the way here, waiting for someone?"

Su Qingyu flicked the longbow in his hand. It is said that this thing is made of the material of the ten-year-old spirit beast. The body of the bow is bitter bamboo, and the bowstring is made of the leather of a special cow-like spirit beast.

The duo of young guys didn't know that the support of "Xue Qinghe" had just left Tiandou City!

It was not until sunset and dusk that the royal hunting team came slowly from a distance, and the one walking in the front was the crown prince "Xue Qinghe".

Hearing the news that her Second General Heng Ha was investigating, she couldn't help laughing, but at the same time, she was also a little worried. Isn't that kid from the Yu family being stupid?

It was another heavy red tape before everything finally came to an end.This time, even her high-level soul king couldn't hold on anymore.

"Really, after I ascend the throne, I will definitely abolish all these broken rules!"

He rubbed his slightly swollen ankle, which was accidentally caused during the day, and the swelling has not subsided until now.

After finally being free, Qian Renxue quickly used the gentle soul power in her body to heal the pain on her ankle.

After a moment of effort, he stretched his waist casually, and lay straight on the soft bed.

Planning to take a rest for a while.Su Qingyu just walked in.

With Xue Qinghe's badge, no one in the entire hunting team dared to block his footsteps.

Looking at the lazy "Xue Qinghe" in front of her, Su Qingyu couldn't help but think of a word that some young people often say, is it bad?

She also noticed Su Qingyu, and immediately waved her hand to block the left and right, "Come on, sit wherever you want."

"What's wrong with you?"

Taking off the mask on his face, Qian Renxue gave him an angry look, "What's the matter, I'm tired!"

Immediately afterwards, for nearly half an hour, Qian Renxue was always talking and Su Qingyu was listening.


Qian Renxue looked at him amusedly, and said eloquently, "Why, I can understand that little brother Qingyu is feeling sorry for sister?"

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