When it comes to acting, Qian Renxue is really a professional, life is like a play, if it wasn't for the hasty operation at the end, Tang San might really be foolishly kept in the dark.

Therefore, Su Qingyu is extra cautious towards her, and will not trust her too much.

"You can understand it however you want!"

Qian Renxue propped up her lazy body, and said very seriously: "The day after tomorrow, you must be by my side, don't leave me half a step, understand?"

The room suddenly became quiet, and the two looked at each other. Su Qingyu's ice-blue eyes revealed a hint of understanding, "Isn't this technique a bit rough?"

Mist filled the golden eyes, and two drops of clear tears flowed down her fair and beautiful cheeks.

"In your eyes, is my sister like this? But do you understand, this is not what I mean at all, but someone deliberately wants my life!"


It's addicting, isn't it?

How should I put it, you have two Titled Douluo around you, so with the two brushes of the Heaven Dou Empire, you can still move you?

Of course, this can't be said now, after all, in her eyes, she is regarded as a royal princess, not the young master of Wuhun Palace.

Frowning slightly, Su Qingyu said suspiciously: "What do you mean by this, is it possible that someone still dares to murder you, the prince of the country!"

Qian Renxue stood up slowly, and staggered to Su Qingyu's body, "Yes, but some people only see me as the crown prince, and wish to kill me soon!"

Embarrassed to death (?﹏?)!

It always feels a little weird to act like this, like performing a stage play on the stage!

However, she was willing to go all out. As long as she didn't feel it, it wasn't her who was embarrassed.

Su Qingyu thinks so too ヾ(??`.ヾ)

Two people with ulterior motives, flirting with each other, seeing the pricking blood and the snake spear peeping from behind, were stunned for a while, their young master seemed to be a little bit wrong!

It was only the time for a cup of tea, Su Qingyu felt that she was going to be overwhelmed, so she sighed, "Such intrigues, Sister Xue, you have not had it easy all these years, it must have been very hard!"

These words directly touched Qian Renxue's heart.

In Tiandou Empire, playing the role of his first friend, fighting with others, if he said he wasn't tired, he would be lying.

She was really tired, except for the second general Heng Ha who secretly protected her, he never cared about her and asked her if she had worked hard.

Inadvertently, Qian Renxue threw away the mask in her heart, and wrapped her slender jade arms around Su Qingyu's shoulders.

Fortunately, Su Qingyu has grown very fast in the past two years, and she is nearly 1.6 meters tall when she is less than ten years old.

Compared to Qian Renxue, although she is still a bit shorter, it is still enough for her to hug her.

"Let my sister lean on for a while, okay?"

Her voice was soft and sincere like never before, which made Su Qingyu unconsciously relax her vigilance and let her lean on her body.

However, what Su Qingyu couldn't see was that Qian Renxue's rosy lips were slightly pursed, and the corners of her mouth were raised, revealing a beautiful arc.

Chapter 90 The Challenge of "Xue Qinghe"

For a day, Su Qingyu and Yu Tianheng stayed in the hunting camp.

Yu Tianheng was better. Su Qingyu didn't know any of the children of the nobles.

On the contrary, quite a few noble girls ran to Su Qingyu's side to strike up a conversation.

But who Su Qingyu is, his other half has already been decided, and Shui Binger's position in his heart cannot be replaced.

Thus, Yu Tianheng saw the operation of his snail bug in one day.

"How old are you? How much soul power?"

"At such an old age, an old cow eats tender grass!"

"You still have a lot of potential to develop in your soul power cultivation, young people have to be patient!"

"Ahem, too young, it's not suitable!"

"Sorry, your martial spirit is too ugly, we are not suitable."


All kinds of fancy refusals dazzled Yu Tianheng.

Even so, he was still unwilling to give up, and he finally escaped by fleeing to Qian Renxue's palace.

During this night, on the surface, Su Qingyu had been meditating, but in fact he had immersed his spiritual power into the Soul Guidance Tower.

Still in that white simulation space, Su Qingyu has been learning the basic pattern of soul guidance.

What he didn't expect was that the inheritance of soul mentors in the Tower of Soul Guidance would start from the soul master of the third ring.

In the words of Aimo, the librarian, everything below the third ring belongs to the stage of laying the foundation.

A qualified soul engineer must have a solid foundation, and the cultivation of soul power is also the top priority.

Because only if the soul power can keep up, can you go further on the road of the soul guide.

This is a bit different from Su Qingyu's thinking. After all, the Sun Moon Continent, which drifted here after a long time, although soul mentors are popular, taking drugs has become a habit for them.

In the simulated world, Su Qingyu continued to study and spent the night. It was not until Ai Mo reminded that Su Qingyu withdrew her mental power from the Soul Guidance Tower.

Although only one night has passed in reality, Su Qingyu's ability to draw basic patterns in the simulated world has greatly improved.

The accuracy rate of the basic patterns has stabilized at 60.00%, which is not bad for a first-level soul engineer.

After changing into light armor, Su Qingyu just left the room when she met a familiar person, Xue Qinghe's younger sister Xue Ke.

The little girl is only less than nine years old, and her soul power has already broken through to the fifteenth level, which is considered a pretty good genius in the royal family.

After all, the Swan Martial Soul itself is relatively weak, and with this progress, coupled with the protection of the elder brother "Xue Qinghe", the little girl will not be too sad in the royal family.

"Good morning, Your Highness Xue Ke!"

Xue Ke, who saw Su Qingyu at a glance, smiled, "Hi, I didn't expect you to come to the hunt."

"Thanks to His Highness the Prince's love."

"Okay, Xue Ke, don't listen to some people's nonsense. When the time comes, they will sell it, and you silly girl will count the money for them!"

"Xue Qinghe" glanced at Su Qingyu, and scratched Xue Ke's little nose angrily.

Su Qingyu doesn't know what to say, she's not your own sister, and besides, I'm not interested in this little girl either!

Xue Ke didn't quite understand, in this weird atmosphere, she always felt that something was wrong.

However, before she could react, "Xue Qinghe" had already led the royal hunting team, a group of thousands of people, went straight to the hunting ground.

Su Qingyu obeyed "Xue Qinghe" and leaned tightly around him.

Everyone had already arrived, and the person in charge of the prey also tried to shoot, and threw the prey prepared in advance from the jungle not far away.

A cute-looking soft bone rabbit, a vegetarian like spotted deer, and a little soul beast that hasn't broken through ten years of cultivation were driven out.

"Xue Qinghe", who was walking in the front row, raised his bow and aimed at a soft bone rabbit, and the arrow flew out directly.

With a slight sound of breaking through the air, the arrow quickly ran towards the panicked rabbit.

Just when the arrow of "Xue Qinghe" was about to hit, an arrow from nowhere suddenly knocked the arrow of "Xue Qinghe" into the air.

Except for a few people, the audience was in an uproar, who is so bold!How dare he snatch the prey of His Highness the Crown Prince, the heir apparent of the Heaven Dou Empire.

"Xue Qinghe" had a delicate but not so handsome face with a slight smile on his face.

An untimely voice suddenly sounded, disrupting the noisy hunting ground, "I'm sorry, I'm old, I really didn't see the arrow of His Highness the Crown Prince."

"Xue Qinghe" bowed respectfully, "Who am I, to have such exquisite archery skills, I never thought that you, uncle, would be so secretive."

Immediately, the words of "Xue Qinghe" became more respectful, "Your Majesty Dugu, long time no see, how are you doing?"

Seeing how "Xue Qinghe" gave him face, even as a titled Douluo, Dugu Bo was a little flattered.

It's just that he is currently in Prince Xue Xing's camp, so he can't have too much interaction with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Heaven Dou Empire.

"Please take care of me, everything is fine."

Dugu Bo still maintained his indifference, which made Prince Xue Xing secretly heave a sigh of relief.

As for "Xue Qinghe", this dear nephew, Xue Xing knew how terrible he was.

It must be nothing good to be targeted by his dear nephew.

After some conversation, in the eyes of outsiders, "Xue Qinghe" and Xue Xing are completely in harmony with each other.

But in the eyes of this old dude Dugu Bo, it's a battle of gods, you can do whatever you like, don't affect me, poor Title Douluo.

"Uncle Huang, when I was a child, I also heard that Uncle Huang is capable of both civil and martial arts. Qinghe dares to compete with Uncle Huang today. I don't know if Uncle Huang can perfect Qinghe!"

Upon hearing this, Xue Xing's complexion immediately darkened.

"Xue Qinghe" directly fed him to death. If he disagreed, the people of Tiandou Empire would think that he was really old and his power had been reduced.

But if he agrees, no matter whether he wins or loses, he will give the ministers under "Xue Qinghe" a handle.

If the prince is old, a lot of power will be stripped from his hands.

In an instant, Xue Xing thought of a lot, and after weighing the pros and cons, he chose to agree.

"Okay, since His Royal Highness is so interested, I will naturally accompany you to the end!"

The competition between the crown prince and the prince attracted the attention of many people.

For the sake of fairness and justice in the competition, "Xue Qinghe" randomly selected several court ministers as judges.

For her, this game has nothing to do with winning or losing, she has already won.

There's just one thing, if she, the bait, doesn't take the initiative to attack, the old fox Xue Xing won't do it either.

In order to crack Xue Xing's plan as soon as possible, she can only "take the risk with her own body".

At this time, Su Qingyu, who was still watching the play, smelled a fishy smell in the air, and her heart trembled.

Chapter 91

"Hey, boy, are you Ye Shengxin's closed disciple?"

With long dark green hair, a strange fishy smell exudes from his body.

He lived in the wild in his previous life, and he could smell the black shoots, green bamboo leaves, etc., and this special smell was exactly the smell of snakes.

"Junior Su Qingyu, I have met Senior Dugu Bo!"

With the favor left by Dugu Yan and Ye Shengxin, he has never been afraid of this moody and weird Poison Douluo.

In fact, Dugu Bo's weird temper was forced by Wuhun.

After all, this old guy lost his father when he was young, lost his wife when he was middle-aged, and lost his son when he was old. He had all three major tragedies in his life.

It was so miserable that the baby in the family even made a wedding dress for the protagonist.


Thinking about it in turn, Tang San picked all the fairy grasses in one go, Dugu Bo might have been really angry at that time.

Such greed, no one can accept it!

Don't say anything about saving lives, if he wasn't afraid of Tang Hao, as a titled Douluo, no matter how condescending he was, he wouldn't put himself so lowly.

It wasn't until later that he realized that he had gone on a road of no return for a day, and there was no turning back.

In the battle of Jialing, 50 innocent souls, and they still bear such karma at the end.

Dugu Bo felt his back go cold, and he always felt that someone was plotting against him with ill intentions.

Dugu Boxu helped, and said calmly: "No need, the old man wants to ask you, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince or Prince Xue Xing, who can win."

"The obvious ending, can't you see it, senior?"

"How can it be impossible to see that His Highness the Crown Prince has been invincible from the very beginning. But if someone insists on breaking the rules, His Highness the Crown Prince's advantage will naturally cease to exist."

Sure enough, Xue Xing is just a prince after all, although he has a lot of power in the Heaven Dou Empire.

But his own ability is limited. Facing Qian Renxue, he has more than enough heart but not enough strength.

Even Dugu Bo understood that his savior was just hitting a rock with an egg against Qian Renxue.

Get rid of those who could threaten her, and suppress the rest of the royal family at the bottom with absolute power. Qian Renxue's approach is indeed very safe.

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