Su Qingyu led the horse and walked to Dugu Bo's side. While waiting for the hunting results, the two were also discussing the efficacy and role of some medicines.

Dugu Bo, who is proficient in toxins, still has a certain basis in medicine, but it is a bit biased.

From his mouth, Su Qingyu has heard words like "I love you a piece of firewood" several times.

On the surface, Dugu Bo is taciturn and keeps away from strangers, but he is rather sullen, a proper old otaku.

At the time when the two were talking, "Xue Qinghe" was hunting with the soldiers of the Royal Knights, and the number of prey had begun to match that of Xue Xing.

She herself was also used to this kind of hunting, an arrow flew out and directly shot down Prince Xue Xing's arrow.

Immediately afterwards, there were two more arrows, one of which was shot down by Xue Xing in revenge, and the second one directly pierced the head of a soft bone rabbit.

"Xue Qinghe" bowed to Xue Xing and smiled lightly, "Uncle Emperor, I've accepted it!"

Being defeated head-on by "Xue Qinghe", even though he felt a bit offended, Xue Xing still respectfully returned the salute.

"His Royal Highness is unparalleled in martial arts, but he has a bit of the demeanor of the emperor when he was young."

Although the tone was a bit perfunctory, Xue Xing had admitted defeat.

Throwing down the bow and arrow in his hand, Xue Xing ran towards the distance directly.

When "Xue Qinghe" was about to follow, a soldier of the Royal Knights behind her directly stabbed at her.

The lightning was so fast that she never thought that the subordinates she had replaced would actually attack her!

Two yellows, three purples and one black, a soul emperor level powerhouse, with a lot of skill!

"It seems that my uncle is a little clever, but a little soul emperor, plus a dozen soul masters, soul sects, must look down on me too much."

A cold light flashed in "Xue Qinghe"'s eyes, she didn't like such a small trick.

"Hmph, Your Royal Highness, don't be stubborn, the prince said, let us brothers take good care of you!"

The soul emperor who possessed the red dog spirit led his subordinates to attack "Xueqinghe" in an instant.

But before they rushed to "Xue Qinghe", they were horrified to find that their soul power had become difficult to operate.

An inexplicable coercion suppressed their sense of soul power, and the enormous coercion made the Chigou Soul Emperor's face quite ugly.

At least they are Contra-level powerhouses, otherwise, how could they be suppressed by coercion alone.

"Don't worry, I have arranged everything, you can play with them here."

The other side of the hunting forest is actually the forest where the Heaven Dou imperial family raises spirit beasts.

Although the Heaven Dou Empire is going downhill, after all, the emaciated camels are bigger than the horses, and there are still captive bred soul beasts of the ten thousand year level.

Among them, a 3-year-old soul beast named Snow Lion King was raised by the Heaven Dou Empire.

Although the power is quite powerful, it is still caught out like a kitten.

In addition, there are several ten thousand year spirit beasts near the Snow Lion King, which were thrown at the junction of the hunting forest and the hunting forest of the Tiandou imperial family.

Driven artificially, they could only escape, and the direction of escape happened to pass through this team of fake Royal Knights headed by the Red Dog Soul Emperor.

In a short time, as "Xue Qinghe" stepped out of the forest, the escaped spirit beasts headed by the Snow Lion King happened to meet Chigou and others who were intimidated by Snake Lance's soul power coercion.

An unprecedented crisis, relying on a dozen soul masters with three or four rings under control, plus a soul emperor, how could it be possible to stop the Snow Lion King with a cultivation base of 3 years?

The moment the snow-white lion's claws tore apart the Red Dog Soul Emperor, an angry lion's roar resounded through the entire forest.

Xue Xing's expression changed, and he looked at the somewhat embarrassed "Xue Qinghe" in fear.

It's like this again, it's not the first time he has encountered a soul beast attack.

"Uncle Huang, Qinghe is incompetent. If the knights of the Royal Knights hadn't been protecting me, they wouldn't have..."

There was a smile on Xue Xing's face, "It's okay, the royal knights are here to protect the royal family. As the prince, Qinghe, you are the foundation of a country, so you must be more careful in the future."

Immediately, Xue Xing respectfully saluted Dugu Bo who was chatting with Su Qingyu, "Senior Dugu, the incident happened suddenly, so please help me."

As for Xue Xing, Dugu Bo didn't have a good face. After nodding his head in agreement, he flew directly towards the depths of the hunting forest.

Su Qingyu just rode a war horse to the side of "Xue Qinghe" who was still in shock, "His Royal Highness is safe and sound, and Qingyu is here to congratulate."

"Oh, but I said, you'd better not leave my side."

Chapter 92 The Ritual of Life Release, Howling Moon Wolf

All the soul beasts hunting in the forest were driven back by Dugu Bo. Rao, the snow lion king with a cultivation base of 3 years, met Dugu Bo, the weakest title Douluo, who was a big cat.

Royal hunting is different from hunter hunting. Each hunting basically lasts for ten days and a half months.

This is just the beginning, and there are still a lot of things waiting for someone who is irritated in the next time.

In the Xinggong, the left and right have been shielded by people, only Su Qingyu and Qian Renxue, who has changed back to her daughter's costume, can stay here.

However, what is unexpected is that the young master of the Wuhun Palace in front of him seems a little uncomfortable.

Su Qingyu has no doubts, women, when they reach their age, there are a few days every month that they are irritable.

Su Qingyu, who was holding a notebook in her hand, wrote and drew, and didn't want to talk to Qian Renxue, letting her vent freely.

However, sometimes when a person is angry, there is a high possibility that nothing is pleasing to the eye.

"Hey, I said you are flipping through the big book in your hand every day, is that interesting?"


Seeing that Su Qingyu ignored her, Qian Renxue was like a deflated ball.

Although the royal etiquette of hunting is very cumbersome, it is not the first time she has participated.

The reason why she looks irritable is nothing more than to attract Su Qingyu's attention.

But Su Qingyu's indifference made her lose her way.

Immediately, she stopped covering up, "Remember that, don't be too far away from me these days."

After finishing speaking, Qian Renxue went back to the bedroom to rest, and he was the only one left in the hall.

Closing the notebook in his hand, he threw it into the water mandarin ring, Su Qingyu stretched his waist, "The timing is not yet ripe, just like this, you come and go, a little bit of oppression, it's really not a good habit !"

However, he has no control over how Qian Renxue chooses.

For Su Qingyu, working hard to reach the level of soul master first is the most important thing at present.

Before that, however, some things should be done.

As for the God Realm, Shura God, etc., he really didn't pay attention to it.

After ten days in a row, His Highness the crown prince "Xue Qinghe", under the instruction of a group of courtiers, finally completed all the tedious etiquette like a puppet on a string.

Su Qingyu also obeyed her words, and followed her obediently, never leaving her more than 100 meters away.

At night, after shielding the left and right, Su Qingyu helped her take off the heavy dress.

With a sound of touching, Qian Renxue tore off the pure gold crown inlaid with various gemstones from her head, and smashed it directly on the floor.

It weighs nearly twenty pounds, and carrying this shit for a whole day puts a lot of pressure on her neck.

In addition to the outfit she was wearing just now, which weighed nearly eighty catties, she really didn't understand that the Emperor Xue Ye would bring these things every time in the past, wouldn't he be tired?

After inviting "Su Qingyu" out, Qian Renxue changed back into women's clothing.

The storage soul tool in his hand flashed, and several jade bottles appeared on the table.

"Look, how is this thing?"

Qian Renxue smiled triumphantly, this thing was made by that family, she didn't believe that Su Qingyu would look down on it.

He picked up a jade bottle casually, and the moment he opened it, Su Qingyu had already identified what the medicine was.

In the blink of an eye, Su Qingyu had already figured it out one by one, "One bottle heals wounds, one bottle restores soul power, and one bottle requiems; the remaining five bottles are all poisonous, one bottle is suitable for immediate death, and four bottles are for immediate death. Chronic."

"It's not bad, the technique is rough, and the medicine doesn't make sense. It's purely mud pills and medicinal soup mixed according to the properties of medicinal materials."

Regarding medicinal materials, Su Qingyu is serious, a pile of tatters is regarded as a treasure by some people, but it is worthless in his eyes.

Although she didn't know what Qian Renxue meant by keeping him by her side, even if it was deep in the palace, she could smell a bloody smell, probably it was the prince in front of him who did it.

You know, following her, not only courtiers who supported her, but also a large number of nobles who opposed her.

But no matter who it is, no one can escape today's life and death disaster.

The courtiers and nobles are nothing but the resources for her to ascend to the throne of God.

For a while, the palace they were in was also in chaos.

Qian Renxue's golden eyes stared at Su Qingyu with a smile, her red lips parted slightly, "Aren't you afraid of the voices outside?"

"It's enough to be buried with you!"

After being found out, Qian Renxue was a little tired. Would she be so smart? In order to avoid suspicion, she even killed the ministers who supported her. She couldn't hide this from him?

Su Qingyu was still writing and drawing on some prescriptions, with the corners of her mouth raised, "I'll give you five words, I'm not in the game!"

After coming up with a practical prescription, Su Qingyu is naturally in a good mood.

Time passed bit by bit, and the shouting and killing finally came to an end after reaching a climax.

As the marshal of the Heaven Dou Empire, Ge Long respectfully stood in front of Qian Renxue who had become "Xue Qinghe" again.

"His Royal Highness, all the rebels have been strangled, but unfortunately they have not been caught alive. The origin of those people is temporarily unknown!"

"Xue Qinghe" had a gentle smile on his slightly pale face, "Thanks to Marshal Ge Long, Qinghe is safe and happy."

After so much love between the monarch and his ministers, Su Qingyu almost vomited.

In any case, since Ge Long can appear here, everything is over.

There is no doubt that Xue Xing, the prince, had a collision with Qian Renxue this time.

As a result, there was no doubt that in Qian Renxue's eyes, just relying on Xue Xing's small troubles was nothing at all.

The royal hunting has come to the last day in a blink of an eye.

Yu Tianheng sneaked around, looked left and right, and after confirming that no one had noticed, he took out two sleeping puppies from his arms that looked like one-month-old puppies, and handed one of them to It was given to Su Qingyu.

"Here, here are the things you want, are you sure we really want to let them go?"

Su Qingyu smiled slightly, "Of course, the last life-releasing ceremony is a gesture of gratitude to heaven and earth. We are also participants in this royal hunting, why can't we participate in this life-releasing ceremony?"

Hearing this, Yu Tianheng gently stroked the head of the "little puppy", but roared wildly in his heart: "Life release ceremony is one thing, but what's the matter with you asking me to get two howling moon wolves?" ?

In addition, Yu Tianheng can't guarantee that these two Xiaoyue wolves, who look like puppies, grew up at an astonishingly fast rate a hundred years ago.

The hunting forest has been closed for one year, and when Emperor Xue Ye comes to hunt again, are you sure you won't scare him?

Su Qingyu didn't say anything, just glanced at Yu Tianheng with a smile.

Reluctant to be oppressed by someone, Yu Tianheng Ye had no choice but to choose Congxin.

At the same time when others released deer, rabbits, chickens, etc., two more unique little guys also rushed into the hunting forest.

Su Qingyu stretched her body casually, and Shui Yuanjie's hand exuded a soft and dim radiance.

Chapter 93 Yu Tianheng Wants to Hit the Wall

When Su Qingyu went to Tiandou Royal Academy again, there were obviously fewer people.

The changes in the hunting forest caused great changes in the upper layers of the entire Heaven Dou Empire.

The few people in the Tiandou Royal Academy are the members of the nobles who followed to the royal hunting.

Many of them rejoiced when they received the royal hunting invitation.

But it was also these people who never came back after they left.

"I really didn't expect it, the struggle of Tiandou..."

Yu Tianheng, who was walking beside Su Qingyu, sighed, he had always been fierce in the struggle between the direct line and the collateral line of the Blue Light Overlord Sect.

But that night, under the protection of the family masters, he saw the ministers and nobles who were killed in horror.

"Oh, if you don't tell me, I still wonder how you escaped being killed that day."

Yu Tianheng glanced at him speechlessly, please, he is the heir of the Blue Electric Overlord Sect, so someone should protect him secretly, okay?

After joking with him casually, Su Qingyu bid him farewell.

He didn't come back for half a month. When Su Qingyu returned to the apartment, he happened to see Ye Lingling who was disturbing the room.

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