Girls often grow up much earlier than boys, and the existence of this transcendent power of soul power in the Douluo Continent has a very good effect on promoting the development of the human body.

It's just that she is less than three years older than Su Qingyu. Ye Lingling, who was just 12 years old, is already slim now.

Because of the bewitching of some people, every time Ye Lingling saw Su Qingyu, her eyes always averted.

Especially like this, when she was in the same room with Su Qingyu, her pretty face immediately turned rosy when she was in love.

"came back."

Su Qingyu was very surprised that Ye Lingling could take the initiative to greet her.

I don't know how that careless Dugu Yan did it.

"Well, I just came back, thank you for helping me clean the room."

Like a kitten whose tail has been stepped on, Ye Lingling quickly put her hand holding the feather duster behind her.

"I'm usually fine...just do it!"

After speaking, Ye Lingling quickly ran out of Su Qingyu's room.

Su Qingyu was also a little puzzled, just now Ye Lingling looked more or less wrong.

But after hesitating for a while, Su Qingyu still didn't catch up to ask.

After all, Ye Lingling is already a little girl no matter what, so it's better not to inquire about some things.

From the moon to the sky, looking at the crescent moon outside the window, Su Qingyu took out a pen and paper and wrote down some recent events.

Besides, he just hugged peace and asked about Shui Binger's cultivation progress.

Soul Master is different from other levels. In the original book, even Oscar was stuck for a long time before level [-].

Soul masters at this stage, no matter how much innate soul power they have, almost always have certain bottlenecks.

The 1-year-old ice phoenix soul bone in his water mandarin ring is really suitable for Shui Bing'er, except that it is a little younger.

Therefore, Su Qingyu also intends to let Shui Binger use this spirit bone when she reaches level 29.

In this way, breaking through the soul master saved her a lot of time.

Furthermore, the soul bone has reached the level of ten thousand years. It is not only the age, but the degree of compatibility is the most important thing.

A ten-thousand-year soul bone with a low age and a high degree of compatibility with oneself has a completely different effect than a ten-thousand-year soul bone with a high age.

Just thinking about the origin of this soul bone, Su Qingyu still had a headache, "Qian Renxue, tell me how I should treat you."

He knew that Qian Renxue was very kind to him, but he really couldn't get used to that kind of character that controlled everything.

What's more, the Wuhun Hall itself is a pit. The battle between the Pope's Hall and the Elder's Hall is fierce. If you mix and enter at will, you may be swallowed by others, even the bones will not be left.

She was a little bored in her heart, but Su Qingyu also understood that it was impossible to solve this matter in a short time, just let it go.

Besides, Su Qingyu couldn't think of any good solution.

After folding the letter, he put it in the water mandarin ring and mailed it out at some time.

After half a month of tossing in the royal hunting, Su Qingyu also felt very tired.

After soaking in the medicinal liquid for body training, Su Qingyu fell asleep directly.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already a woman... the sun was already rising.

After getting up, Su Qingyu stretched a little lazily, feeling that his whole body was going to be crisp.

After changing into blue clothes, Su Qingyu left Tiandou Royal Academy directly.

The people of Tiandou Imperial Academy also turned a blind eye to Su Qingyu, and the doorman and guards were also used to Su Qingyu going out from time to time.

Just at the door, Su Qingyu met some acquaintances.

As the youngest teacher at the heavenly level in recent years, Qin Ming Qin Ming was also in the limelight for a while.

Including Wuhundian, Tiandou Empire, Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, almost all the big powers have come to recruit this talented teacher from Tiandou Imperial Academy.

Qin Ming's talent is indeed quite good. In a simple environment with almost no resources, he became a soul master at the age of 14, which is already very remarkable.

But because of this, he came from an ordinary background and no one took care of him, so he is more aware of the dangers of the human heart.

For the solicitation of the major forces, Qin Ming directly refused without any hesitation.

It is true that he has good talent and strength, but these are all achieved by him step by step, gritting his teeth and working hard.

He sold himself with just a casual solicitation, Qin Ming is not that stupid.

Moreover, compared to the complicated world of soul masters, he prefers the simplicity among students.

Tiandou Royal Academy's treatment is also very good, so why would he move around at will?

When Su Qingyu noticed Qin Ming, Qin Ming also noticed him and waved at him.

"Long time no see, Student Su. Here we are going to Sunset Forest to get the third soul ring for Tianheng and Yanzi. Do you want to come together?"

The destination overlaps with his somewhat, and Dugu Yan is still there.

Su Qingyu immediately agreed, which made Qin Ming a little uncertain as to what was going on.

Soon, Yu Tianheng, who was riding a carriage from the Blue Electric Overlord Sect, came to the gate of the school, and Su Qingyu also got into the carriage.

"Why did you come here? Could it be that you have broken through the third ring?"

Yu Tianheng let out a strange cry and glanced at him in disbelief.

How is it possible that this guy broke through within a month after he broke through?

Seeing Yu Tianheng who was a little scared, Su Qingyu chuckled lightly, "Don't worry, I'm not that good, I'm still two levels away."

This made Yu Tianheng slightly less stressed, but when he thought that Su Qingyu was less than ten years old, he suddenly felt like hitting a wall again.

In front of Su Qingyu, he always felt like a waste.

Chapter 94

Looking at the fallen leaves outside the setting sun forest, Ye Lingling mustered up her courage and said in a low voice: "The Tiandou Empire is located in the north, and many soul beasts are preparing to hibernate at this time, isn't it a bit strange that we came here?" Isn't the time too good?"

Su Qingyu didn't know what to say, it was really not good in general.

At this time, those soul beasts that need to hibernate are basically storing food and energy for the winter.

Only if you eat enough before hibernation, will you survive hibernation safely and not starve to death.

Because of this, the current Sunset Forest is extremely unfriendly.

Some powerful soul beasts that need to hibernate are storing energy. In order to be able to eat enough, it can be said that they are desperate and become extremely violent.

"Let's go, it's dangerous at this time, but my grandfather lives nearby, so I'll call him right away!"

To be on the safe side, Dugu Yan plans to call Dugu Bo out.

Under the leadership of Qin Ming, the group walked directly towards the depths of the Sunset Forest.

Fortunately, the place where Dugu Bo lives in seclusion does not have too powerful soul beasts.

Although their journey was somewhat thrilling, they still came to the place where Dugu Bo lived in seclusion.

There was a white mist in front of him, and Dugu Yan, who knew its horror well, warned everyone, "This is a poisonous miasma set up by my grandfather, don't move around!"

Immediately after explaining to everyone, Dugu Yan yelled directly into the depths of the mist.

As a veteran otaku, Dugu Bo, apart from fighting with Yueguan, spends most of his time quietly in his old den researching drugs.

He has already been named Douluo, so there is no problem, but Dugu Yan can't.

In order not to let his granddaughter follow his own old path, or to prevent a white-haired person from giving a black-haired person to him again, Dugu Bo never relaxes for a moment.

Looking at the dried up liquid medicine in the medicine cauldron, Dugu Bo sighed and failed again.

He has become numb now, why is the fate of his Dugu family so miserable, and the generations to bear such heavy shackles!

The mist formed by the poisonous miasma was not far from Dugu Bo's lair, and with the blessing of Dugu Yan's soul power, his voice easily reached Dugu Bo's ears.

Dugu Bo, who was holding a medicinal herb and intending to continue his research, was a little surprised, "It's strange, why did I seem to hear the sound of Yanyan? No, it's Yanyan!"

He could not hear the voice of his own granddaughter.

Dugu Bo disappeared in his old nest in the blink of an eye, and appeared in front of everyone in Tiandou Royal Academy with one breath.

Dugu Yan was very happy to see his grandfather, and hugged Dugu Bo coquettishly.

Dugu Bo is aware of the smell on his body that makes him feel disgusting. Although his precious granddaughter has never disliked him, he still breaks Dugu Yan off his body as he dotes on her granddaughter.

The old face was serious, and he said to Dugu Yan quite seriously: "Nonsense, who told you to come, have you forgotten what grandpa said to you?"

However, Dugu Yan didn't buy Dugu Bo's attitude at all, and gave him a blank look with a pair of pretty eyes, "Hmph, you don't even look at it, your granddaughter has been a soul lord for a long time, and you won't come to help her." I get the soul ring."

With a flick of his greenish-green hair, Dugu Bo's heart ached like a needle prick.

But he knew in his heart that there were some things that he could not let his precious granddaughter know.

"That Yanyan, please forgive Grandpa. I'm in seclusion during this time. When I reach level 92, maybe I can make that old chrysanthemum look good!"

Dugu Yan looked at his old man contemptuously, as if I couldn't believe it.

It's hard to imagine that Dugu Bo is a real Title Douluo even though he only has level 91 soul power.

But even though no one would have guessed that he was as rebellious as him on weekdays, but it turned out to be controlled by a granddaughter.

Shi Momo and Momo brothers from the Shi family scratched their heads, they saw this kind of thing, this Poison Douluo wouldn't kill people to silence him!

Su Qingyu's expression is calm, and the changes in a person's mood basically lead to physical movements.

If it is not deliberately covered up, it is not difficult for Su Qingyu to find out.

When Dugu Bo saw Dugu Yan's hair, he showed grief.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, even if I am invincible in the world, what's the point without the company of relatives around me?

Under Dugu Yan's unreasonable troubles, Dugu Bo agreed to help them hunt the soul ring without saying a word.

Of course, the main purpose is to help Dugu Yan. After all, the first three soul rings of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect are also fixed, as long as they find the corresponding soul beasts.

Coincidentally, the Thunder Tyrannosaurus that Yu Tianheng needed for his third soul ring had a lot of habitats in the Sunset Forest, so just grab one for him.

Walking in front of the team, Dugu Bo smiled indifferently, and said to Su Qingyu: "I really didn't expect that, but I heard that that night was quite chaotic."

Su Qingyu nodded, "That's true, but it's none of my business, what's the use of me caring about those?"

Dugu Bo sighed, "I'm also warning you, don't get too close to the royal family. Even if the current prince has an absolute advantage. The royal family is troublesome. You must know that old fellow Ye Shengxin is your only apprentice!"

"It's okay, I just don't know what the relationship between Senior Dugu and Master is."

Dugu Bo did not hide anything, and revealed his relationship with Ye Shengxin.

When he was young, in order to become a Title Douluo as soon as possible, he practiced desperately to save his life.

However, increasing the soul power regardless of the cost will eventually bring about vain soul power and poison backlash.

If he hadn't met Ye Shengxin and treated him for a long time, he would have died long ago on the way to pursue Title Douluo.

"So, what I, Dugu Bo, owed him, can't be repaid!"

Just as Su Qingyu was talking to Dugu Bo, they all came to the territory of a group of blue electric tyrannosaurs.

Those blue electric tyrannosaurs are huge in size, they are said to be sub-dragon species, but they are actually a branch of Tyrannosaurus rex.

Many of the ten-thousand-year soul beasts in the entire Sunset Forest have been beaten by Dugu Bo.

The leader of this blue electric tyrannosaurus happened to be on this list, and the first time he saw Dugu Bo, he planned to retreat with his clansmen.

Dugu Bo didn't talk too much, so he grabbed a blue electric tyrannosaurus that looked nearly six meters high, knocked him unconscious, and threw it in front of Yu Tianheng.

"Hmph, don't say that this old man has treated you badly. It's been nearly 800 years. Do you dare to accept it?"

The year exceeded the standard set by someone, but as the heir of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, how could Yu Tianheng's pride make him refuse.

Apart from anything else, it was a lightning claw that ended the life of the blue lightning tyrannosaurus.

Dugu Bo was somewhat satisfied with Yu Tianheng, but that was all.

Chapter 95

Yu Tianheng was still absorbing the soul ring, Su Qingyu handed a piece of yellowed paper to Dugu Bo.

"I found it in the master's room some time ago, senior, please see if it is useful."

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