"Heh, you can't do it if you're afraid, I'll find a safe place to hide, do you have an opinion?"

Qian Renxue shook her head with a smile, "No, it's your freedom to go wherever you want, and I don't care."

With a light lotus step, Qian Renxue came slowly behind him, and slapped Su Qingyu on the back of the head, "Hmph, I really can't control where you go, but it's not that you and I have nothing to do Small reason!"

Slightly annoyed, Qian Renxue folded her fair white hands, shook her head, and flicked her golden hair, leaving only the back of her head unhappy.

I touched my head, the hit just now didn't hurt very much, I guess she didn't use much force at all.

It's not the first time that Su Qingyu plays missing when she has nothing to do.

Although he knows that sometimes he has done a lot of mistakes, but some things cannot continue.

Su Qingyu put the silver-white crown prince's token on the table, "I'm here to tell you that I have met the graduation requirements of the Senior Academy, and I'm here to say goodbye to you today."

As soon as the words fell, Qian Renxue quickly came to his side, holding Su Qingyu in her white hands.

She, who is about to break through to the Soul Emperor, can ignore the interfering soul guide and feel the state of the soul power in Su Qingyu's body at close range.

In her perception, the soul power in Su Qingyu's body is like a great river, majestic and surging, without any frivolity. This kind of phenomenon does not want to know that the soul master who has just broken through is hard to match even the soul sect.

Qian Renxue suddenly fell silent. Her grandfather told her when she was a child that every soul master on the mainland has their own opportunities.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with this phenomenon in Su Qingyu's body, after all, she also had her own secret, didn't she?

Let go of Su Qingyu's hand, "Okay, no problem, where do you plan to go after graduation?"

There was an unavoidable trace of loneliness in her tone, but as the movie king, how could Qian Renxue let others discover her feelings?

"Go back to Tianshui, where is my home."

"Go home!"

The expression in the golden eyes was extremely complicated, and home was so out of reach for her.

She stayed in Tiandou Palace for nearly ten years, sometimes she was confused, is she the saint of Wuhun Palace, or the prince of Tiandou Empire?

Although Xue Ye is not a wise gentleman, she is still good to her "son".

People are not plants, so how could she, Qian Renxue, be born a heartless person?

But she made the move after all, just because Xue Ye blocked her way, or victory!

She didn't want to lose to that woman, she had to become the Emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire and make that woman look up to her with admiration.

Tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, but Qian Renxue still didn't realize it. When she realized it, Su Qingyu just saw the tears from the corners of her eyes.

A smile appeared on Jumei's face, "Okay, I will tell the three education committees. But remember to come to Tiandou City, this cold palace, and see me in the future!"

Chapter 101

The silver token with the swan pattern was still held by Su Qingyu, but Qian Renxue did not take it back.

Recalling her words carefully, Su Qingyu really didn't know how to face her in the future.

With a slight sigh, let's take that sentence one step at a time.

The so-called world is like chess, one move counts three times, how many people are there in the world who can really count as exhaustive?

As the true leader of Tiandou Royal Academy, the news that Su Qingyu is going to apply for graduation, although not many people know about it.

In the eyes of the three education committees who are second only to Emperor Tiandou and the prince in power, Su Qingyu is no different from the kind of deviant person.

Although Su Qingyu's talent can overwhelm everyone, after all, they don't have much tolerance for those who are out of control.

In the original book, Yu Xiaogang said that these three education committee soul masters are highly respected people.

But under the blessing of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, he has cultivated to level 29, and has been protected by others, so how can he understand the darkness of the soul master world.

Among other things, there have never been any good people who can step on the corpses of countless soul masters to reach Contra.

Due to the existence of "Xue Qinghe", it was impossible for the three education committees to take action against Su Qingyu, but others were not necessarily so.

As the only prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, Xue Xing, the younger brother of Emperor Xue Ye, has been at odds with "Xue Qinghe", it's not been a day or two.

With their identities in the Heaven Dou Empire, it is really easy for the three education committees to reveal this kind of matter.

Not long after "Xue Qinghe" issued the order, Zhi Lin, who was the third chairman of the Tiandou Royal Academy's education committee, had already sent the news to Xue Xing's residence.

"Uncle, the news is true!"

Over the years, Xue Xing has grown up a lot.

Of course, he's just growing physically.

Still the same sentence, it is dangerous to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and often wait for the opportunity to wait for yourself to become a pig!

Xue Xing looked at his unworthy nephew in front of him, and felt very uncomfortable, "It's true, Xue Beng, have you forgotten what your uncle taught you? There has never been a real enemy in this world. If there is one, it is you who hinder him." Interests, or he hindered your interests, have you checked it out!"

Hate iron but not steel, talking about the snow star in front of me!

In the past, he felt that Xue Beng was still very smart, at least no worse than Xue Qinghe, who was mediocre before.

However, in the past few years, he felt that his nephew had become more and more stupid, and he couldn't even see such an obvious murder with a borrowed knife!

Fortunately, Xue Beng wasn't really stupid. After some clarification from Xue Xing, he also understood, "That's great. If that's the case, Uncle, when shall we do it?"

There was a cold light in Xue Xing's gloomy eyes, like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter, "Don't worry, wait until he leaves Tiandou City for fifty miles before doing anything. After all, your dear big brother is not an easy-going lamp!"

As soon as "Xue Qinghe" was mentioned, Xue Xing's eyes were full of fear, even fear.

During the royal hunt a few months ago, he never imagined that more than two-thirds of the noble forces who had taken refuge in him would be cut off.

Fortunately, many people under his command did not go, or those who were not qualified to participate in the royal hunting, otherwise he would have been alone.

After leaving Tiandou City, Su Qingyu went directly to Tiandou Royal Academy.

Although the time he stayed here was limited and there was nothing worthy of his nostalgia, he still wanted to bid farewell to Ye Lingling and the others.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, they were taken out for training as the preliminary selection team of Tiandou Royal Academy.

Since she didn't see anyone, Su Qingyu left a letter in her apartment and left directly.

Not long after Su Qingyu walked out of the apartment hut, three old men in red robes with benevolent faces slowly landed on the roof.

"Leave anyway, why is he unwilling to stay?"

The person who said this was Bai Baoshan, the second education committee. He usually has an easy-going personality and can take anything seriously.

However, Zhi Lin, as the last board member promoted, didn't think so.

"Hmph, if he can stay, we will definitely pull the Hall of Spirits down from the altar in the next Soul Master Competition, and then our Heaven Dou Royal Academy will also be able to sweep away the decline!"

The Mengshenji who stood in the middle didn't speak, but he knew very well in his heart that the championship of the Soul Master Contest was of little significance.

It is always power that really decides the final outcome. The Heaven Dou Empire is too weak in front of the Spirit Hall and the Star Luo Empire.

Sometimes ranking lower is a way of self-defilement and self-preservation.

On the other hand, if they really won the first place and rubbed the faces of Spirit Hall and Star Luo Empire on the ground, the unlucky one would be the Heaven Dou Empire after all.

It's just that he can't interfere with all of this, whether it's the royal family or the nobles, what a victory in a game can bring is nothing more than self-deception.

And Su Qingyu's refusal to participate in the competition, to a certain extent, is a disguised form of offending these forces that are eager to win the soul master competition.

You have the ability, why don't you participate in the competition?

From the moment Su Qingyu walked out of Tiandou Imperial Academy, Tiandou City was already undercurrent.

It is true that Su Qingyu has the Prince's Token on his body, but this can only save his life.

Since it is not for them to use, then on the premise of not harming Su Qingyu's life, completely destroy him.

Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, Glazed Pavilion.

As the world's richest and most adept at businessmen, the news of Ning Fengzhi arrived very quickly.

Ning Fengzhi casually handed the note in his hand to Sword Douluo Chenxin standing beside him.

"Uncle Jian, I have to trouble you to go over this matter."

Jian Douluo, who usually looked cold and hard, also smiled lightly, "No problem, I didn't expect this little guy to become a soul lord so soon, and it's no wonder those old bastards from Tiandou Royal Academy should play like this."

"It's nothing more than some delusional people, the champion of the soul master competition, hehe..."

It's not just the people on the field that the soul masters fight, the people off the field fight even more cruelly.

Ning Fengzhi, who is at the helm of a great power, naturally understands this point.

Unless it is similar to the stunned youth of the protagonist group, the title of this champion is quite hot.

At the same time, Su Qingyu, who left Tiandou Royal Academy, also noticed that the atmosphere was not right.

So this time, he didn't covet the ease of riding in a carriage, but directly spent a lot of money to buy a tame ten-year-old soul beast, the Black Lin Horse.

Now it is the end of autumn, and it is raining in the sky, and it is frosty and slightly cold.

This kind of soul beast horse is famous for its endurance, although its speed is not as fast as the wind horned horse of the Feng family, it is not much worse.

Just about sixty miles out of Tiandou City on a black-lin horse, Su Qingyu was already blocked by a group of men in black robes.

Without saying a word, this group of people directly possessed their spirits one by one.

Count carefully, "Hehe, three soul kings, eight soul sects, that's not a small skill!"

It's just that the other side never paid any attention to Su Qingyu, and the eleven spirit masters with different spirits directly charged towards him.

War is unavoidable, either the enemy dies or the enemy dies!

Chapter 102

Su Qingyu stepped on the head of the black horse, one yellow and one purple, possessed by martial souls, and two soul rings appeared at the same time.

This time, Su Qingyu didn't hide anything, and the extraordinary configuration of the soul ring made all the killers stunned for a moment.

What Su Qingyu wanted was this effect. In an instant, the Chiming Yang Excalibur with the external soul bone was held in his hand.

Immediately, he attacked a stupefied soul sect of the agility attack department with a mouse martial soul.

As a high-ranking existence, how could Su Qingyu not follow the rules of team fighting, the crispy shooter and assassin must be killed first!

But he miscalculated a little bit, even if the soul sect couldn't react for a while, it would be difficult to kill him with just one sword.

The Chiming Yang Divine Sword cut off an arm of the Mouse Soul Sect in an instant, and the ears and scalp were all cut off.

For a moment, the pain was unbearable, and the roar of the Mouse Soul Sect attracted the attention of all the killers.

Except for Mouse Soul Sect, the other ten killers were terrified.

From Su Qingyu's martial soul possession to chopping down the mouse soul sect, they had just reacted.

This group of killers also smelled the breath of colleagues from Su Qingyu, but didn't the intelligence say that this kid is a student?

Not allowing them to think too much, Su Qingyu fled quickly after a blow.

"Go to hell, the fourth soul skill, Snake Kiss Stab!"

A soul king killer with a black short dagger in his hand immediately used the fourth soul skill, killing Su Qingyu directly.

The other killers didn't dare to be careless anymore, and used their soul skills one after another.

Among the ten killers present, the weakest soul skills are all third soul skills, thousand-year-level soul skills!

Su Qingyu's expression was cold, and he fled quickly with the Chiming Yang Divine Sword in his hand.

Then he directly kicked the black horse beside him out to resist the attacks of the killers.

Fortunately, Su Qingyu's physical fitness broke through the level of the soul king, and even the black horse that weighed a thousand catties was kicked out by him.

A series of vicious and tricky soul skills directly tore the black horse into pieces.

Taking advantage of this gap, Su Qingyu clenched the Blazing Yang Divine Sword in his hand, and shot an ice blast at the nearest soul king.

Because it was instantaneous, the power wasn't too great, but it still hurt the soul king.

Ultimate ice, this is also one of the surprises brought to Su Qingyu by the power of the Ice Fire Dragon King.

Ordinary ice bursts and extreme ice ice bursts are completely two concepts.

The other killers were also in a very embarrassing situation. A child who was less than ten years old actually made them look ashamed.

Nights are long and dreams are many. For killers, they must end the mission as soon as possible, otherwise it is easy to cause accidents.

The soul king who had just been injured was heartbroken, and holding a short dagger, he went directly towards Su Qingyu's assassin.

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