He didn't believe it anymore, a small quasi-soul master could defeat him as a soul king in close combat.

The Chiming Yang Excalibur and the dagger collided lightly, and the dagger kept attacking Su Qingyu like a poisonous snake spitting out letters.

Although Su Qingyu's martial soul is more like a mage, his own combat power is not weak.

Although I haven't learned much swordsmanship, I can replace the spear with the sword, and I have the upper hand with three or two moves.

At this time, the other nine killers also shot at the same time, and immediately surrounded Su Qingyu.

"Hmph, I'll see where you're going this time, kid!"

It was another soul king killer who spoke, a white falcon-like martial soul, quite eye-catching among all the killers.

Right now, Su Qingyu is still besieged by ten masters who started from the Soul Sect. If he really fights, he is definitely not an opponent.

Su Qingyu's expression remained unchanged, and he said coldly, "I would like to know who sent you, three soul kings, eight soul sects, and ordinary second-rates will also feel pain for a while."

The Falcon Soul King with white wings behind him understood Su Qingyu's meaning, "Oh, boy, I admit that you are very powerful, but even if you can surpass the two great realms of the Soul King, you still want to..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Qingyu moved like a rabbit, the blazing sun sword in his hand shone, and the sun-like brilliance made all the murderers close their eyes subconsciously.

In an instant, Su Qingyu's dragon-like claws grabbed the necks of the nearest soul sects.

The soul masters of Douluo Dalu had little difference in defense ability compared to ordinary people before the soul saints. It was similar to the method of cutting throat, even the soul emperor would be killed with one blow!

The three soul sects fell to the ground, with blood continuously spraying from their mouths and necks that had been cut open by the dragon's claws.

This kind of fatal injury is impossible for Soul Sect to survive.

Su Qingyu, who succeeded, also just escaped from the gap, and confronted the remaining killers again.

The faces of the three soul kings were ugly. They thought they were sure of winning, but they didn't expect to be tricked by Su Qingyu's soul bone skills.

The accompanying soul skill of the Chiming Yang Excalibur - Chi Yang, can emit brilliance like the sun.

To put it bluntly, it is a large light bulb, Su Qingyu felt quite tasteless at first.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would be intercepted by a killer.

Is the brilliance of the sun visible to the naked eye?

The answer is no, the radiant Blazing Yang Excalibur is like a small sun, which is why Su Qingyu took the opportunity to succeed.

However, Su Qingyu also exposed the fact that the Chiming Yang Divine Sword is an externally attached spirit bone.

Greedy looks appeared in the eyes of all the killers. It's really unfair that such a treasure as an external soul bone will appear on a young man's body!

The Falcon Soul King at the head said loudly: "Boy, if you give me the soul bone in your hand, I will leave you a whole body."

Su Qingyu chuckled, "Really, in fact, this is what I want to say to you!"

As soon as the words fell, the four soul sect-level killers shook their heads, feeling like they were spinning around.

In their sight, some wretched people surrounded them, and their strange laughter made their hearts flustered.

Immediately afterwards, the three soul kings also lost their minds, and those who were killed by him appeared in front of them.

The dignitaries, the poor and orphans, and the brothers and sisters in the camp all demanded their lives.

The soul king of the falcon-like martial soul took the lead, "Hmph, I am the Heaven Dou royal family, kill you and you are lucky, die for me!"

Reality and fantasy are intertwined, and the falcon soul king who made his move also attracted the resistance and attack of the two soul sects.

Under the guidance of the illusion, the remaining two soul kings and soul sects attacked each other.

Under the fear deep in his heart, all kinds of soul skills directly greeted the death, for fear that they would not be able to kill the "them" in front of them!

It didn't take long for casualties to appear one by one, and only the Falcon Soul King survived to the end with scars.

Su Qingyu, who was holding a self-made oiled paper umbrella by the side, finished eating the chicken leg in his hand, and beheaded the Eagle Soul King with a sword in his hand.

As for the Mouse Soul Sect, Su Qingyu never expected that he would hide in a nearby cave to rest.

"Forget it, I'll see you all the way!"

Su Qingyu saw a yellow package weighing more than ten catties in Su Qingyu's hand. He ignited the fuze, and when the roar sounded, everything was over.

In the drizzle, the boy holding an oil-paper umbrella gradually headed north.

Chapter 103 Birthday

The sky was still drizzle, and Sword Dou Luo Chenxin, who was flying towards Yujian in the northern part of Tiandou City, also arrived on his hind legs after Su Qingyu walked for half an hour.

It's not that Chen Xin's speed is slow, but that the news Ning Fengzhi got was not first-hand, and there was a slight delay in time.

But it was precisely because of these delays that Su Qingyu and Chen Xin just missed it.

The abnormality on the ground naturally attracted Chen Xin's attention. When he came to the ground, the bloody smell from the killer's corpses had already attracted several ten-year-old soul beasts.

Chen Xin didn't say anything, just slapped it casually, and the poor little beasts turned into meat sauce in an instant.

Although the corpses of many killers on the ground were gnawed to pieces, what reassures Chen is that the skeletons of these people are all adults.

After checking the remaining soul power fluctuations on their bodies, Chen Xin found that the soul power of these people is basically at the side of the soul sect and soul king.

"Seven soul sects, three soul kings... No, this smell is..."

Moving around, Chen Xin quickly discovered the special cave according to the special breath of the explosive explosion that Su Qingyu configured.

To be precise, it should be the stone pile that was blown down.

In front of Chen Xin, a Super Douluo who just broke through 96, some trivial stones were forcibly removed by him with his soul power.

As a result, only some broken black cloths were found, very similar to the killers he encountered in front of him.

At this point, a smile appeared on Chen Xin's cold face, "Young people nowadays are not simple!"

Since Su Qingyu has no worries, then he is fine.

With a soft sword chant, the Seven Kills Sword was unsheathed, and then Sword Douluo Chen Xin returned with the sword like a sword fairy.

On the other side, in the East Palace, She Long just came back to report.

When Su Qingyu left the city, he followed him secretly.

He didn't come back to report the situation until Su Qingyu solved all the killers.

Putting down the memorial in his hand, "Xue Qinghe" showed a bit of bitterness on his face, "I'm going back after all!"

The vast East Palace was deserted and deserted, except for the Second General Heng Ha who was secretly protecting her, and a few maids whom she had inserted in from outside.

Others, as long as they appear in the East Palace, they all come from the existence in the East Palace, and most of them are the eyeliner of others.

To put it bluntly, when she woke up, she was surrounded by enemies.

Qian Renxue was also a little confused, why was she so self-willed back then?

To be honest, after so many years away, she also misses her grandfather and that woman...

Seemingly aware of something wrong, Qian Renxue shook her head violently, how could she miss her, that woman wished for her to die soon!

Realizing that she was thinking wildly, Qian Renxue looked at the north with complicated eyes.

He doesn't know his real identity yet, and he doesn't know how to explain it to him in the future.

She Long, who was following Qian Renxue, seemed to have sensed something, "Young master, you..."

"Enough, I don't need you to take care of my business!"

It was very rare to be reprimanded, and She Long also understood that her current state was not right, so she did not continue to speak.

In short, Su Qingyu's departure brought many changes to Tiandou City.

Especially Xue Xing, who knew that the interception failed, has started to run to Dugu's mansion frequently recently, keeping a distance from Xue Beng.

After all, a prince and a prince, the two of them are also afraid that their dear nephew (big brother) will kill them both.

As for Su Qingyu, after he left Heaven Dou City, in order to avoid being attacked again, he did not follow the official path of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Along the way, he actively avoided all the cities, and walked along the mountain forest with spirit beasts.

Although he has not obtained the third spirit ring yet, it is still no problem for some spirit beasts under ten thousand years old.

Even if he couldn't beat the soul beast of seven or eight thousand years, he could easily run away.

Moreover, in places where spirit beasts inhabit, there are inevitably all kinds of precious medicines.

Although he arrived in Tianshui City nearly a month later than taking the official road, he himself has gained a lot.

It's just that he just came out of a soul beast mountain range, his clothes are ragged, and he smells weird.

As soon as he walked in front of Tiandou City, many people pointed at him.

Fortunately, after all, Tianshui College had the final say in Tianshui City, and after taking out his mother's token, the soldiers guarding the city obediently let him pass.

As soon as she entered the house, Su Qingyu bumped into Su Liefeng who was lying on a chair lazily basking in the sun.

Since my father resigned, I don't know what happened. Apart from cooking, he hardly does anything every day.

But just like this, his soul power cultivation is still advancing rapidly, and it can be said that he has reached level one a year since he broke through to the soul sage.

Now Su Liefeng is a level 75 soul sage, and he is only one level behind Lan Xiaoyue, a soul sage who has broken through for several years.

This kind of breakthrough speed, even Su Liefeng himself didn't know what was going on, every time Lan Xiaoyue questioned him, he felt extremely wronged.

Although Su Qingyu who just came back was embarrassed, Su Liefeng recognized him at a glance.

"Stinky boy, what did you do, hurry up and change clothes!"

Without waiting for Su Qingyu to explain, Su Liefeng directly pushed him to the bathing room.

After washing up, Su Qingyu felt comfortable, but when he was arranging his clothes in front of the bronze mirror, he found something weird.

Gently lifting the icy blue hair, he found that the long-lost black appeared at the root of his hair.

This made Su Qingyu very surprised, but also very kind.

He understood what was going on, and it might be the horribly thin blood in his body again.

When Su Qingyu came out, Su Liefeng was already busy in the kitchen.

Seeing the handsome Su Qingyu who had changed into a new outfit, Su Liefeng nodded and said casually, "Wait a minute, Bing'er, Aunt Shui and the others will come over, and you can help."

Responding casually, Su Qingyu quickly ran into the kitchen.

If Lan Xiaoyue was here, Su Qingyu's family status would undoubtedly be higher than that of Su Liefeng.

But without Lan Xiaoyue, Su Qingyu didn't dare to stab her father in front of her, so she could only cook properly.

At the end of autumn, the weather is much later and earlier.

Especially Tianshui City, which is located near the extreme north of Douluo Continent, gets dark earlier.

Two big and two small, four women in blue clothes came, it was Lan Xiaoyue, Shui Ningshuang, and two sisters, Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er.

"Aunt Shui, mom, do you miss me?"

Lan Xiaoyue flicked the head of Su Qingyu who had just jumped out angrily, "Silly boy, you still know when you come back, did you forget that today is your birthday!"

Su Qingyu was taken aback, his birthday, doesn't that mean it is also Shui Binger's birthday?

Shui Bing'er, who has just turned ten years old, has grown a lot even though she is underage.

Facing Su Qingyu's staring eyes, as shy as her, it is easier to feel shy.

Chapter 104 Shui Binger's Snow Mandarin Flower

Su Qingyu hasn't celebrated her birthday with Shui Binger at home for a long time since she awakened her martial soul.

This time, it happened to be their birthdays.

When she heard that Su Qingyu had cultivated to thirty, Shui Binger's delicate little face showed a look of sadness.

She knew that her own talent was not as good as Su Qingyu's childhood sweetheart, but she never thought that she would be left behind so much.

It's impossible not to be disappointed, Shui Bing'er clenched her little white hands slightly, she really didn't want to be left behind too much by Su Qingyu.

Although the girl's mind is delicate, Shui Bing'er is younger after all, and the two adults, Shui Ningshuang and Lan Xiaoyue, can see the clues at a glance.

Lan Xiaoyue took the initiative to embrace Shui Bing'er's soft body, "Silly girl, don't think too much. With Aunt Lan here, if this brat dares to mess around, I'll break his leg!"

Su Qingyu, who was eating happily at the side, suddenly felt weak in his calves. When he was a child, his off-line mother was especially attracted to Shui Binger.

Generally, whatever mistakes are made are his fault.

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