"Yuexuan's name is also resounding in the Tiandou Empire. It's rare for Mrs. Yuehua to come to Tianshui City. Please correct me for the Tianshui Academy's performance these two days. If there is nothing wrong, Su will leave."

After finishing speaking, Su Liefeng, who was the only parent, took Su Qingyu and Shui Binger and sisters away.

A smile appeared in Tang Yuehua's eyes who were still there, "It's really cautious enough, but I don't know what kind of character that person from Tianshui College will be."

The person who helped Tang Yuehua just now, that is, the manager of Yuexuan, a member of the Haotian School with a few foreign surnames, Ode, said respectfully: "It doesn't matter how extraordinary the person from Tianshui College is, in front of you, Madam, he is nothing more than mediocrity." you."

Aode's words seemed to speak to Tang Yuehua's heart, and the small fan decorated with soul animal feathers covered her red lips lightly, "Giggle, Aode still knows how to talk. Let's go, the day after tomorrow, let's go to Tianshui College to visit end."

After finishing speaking, Tang Yuehua twisted her slender waist and disappeared into the street.

On the other side, Su Liefeng didn't go home, but directly brought the three little ones to Tianshui College.

Immediately, he came to the small courtyard where the dean of Tianshui College usually lives.

Without hiding anything, Su Liefeng and Su Qingyu told Shui Ningyuan the news about Tang Yuehua.

"I know everything. I've seen that woman before. She really shouldn't be underestimated. But it's nothing special. A person who is in love with his own brother is not a big enemy."

Shui Ningyuan's words really surprised Su Qingyu, the dean is amazing, you know all about feelings!

Shui Ningyuan lazily stretched her waist, and said lightly: "That woman will be the day after tomorrow at the latest, she will definitely come to visit me, and you just need to watch from the sidelines."

Tang Yuehua has bad intentions, and others are not all fools, if he wants to murder others, he must be prepared to suffer for himself.

The next day, the father and son of the Su family were still observing the performance, and Tang Yuehua did not show up until the performance officially ended.

But Su Qingyu was not careless, he didn't believe that Tang Yuehua came all the way to Tianshui City just to watch the ice dance show of Tianshui Academy.

On the third day, early in the morning, all three members of the Su family came to Tianshui College after having breakfast.

Not long after their family arrived, Shui Ningshuang rushed over with Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er.

Shui Ningshuang could be said to be the last to know about Tang Yuehua.

She herself was also quite worried, after all, Tianshui College and the Tang family of Haotian School must be too weak.

If the Tang family really targets them, she doesn't know what to do!

Shui Ningyuan saw her sister's worry, so she comforted her in a soft voice, "Don't worry, there is a reason why the members of the Haotian Sect have not appeared in the arena for many years."

Immediately, Shui Ningyuan changed the subject, "Besides, according to my speculation, if Haotianzong really wants to attack us, the person who came might not be Tang Yuehua."

As the saying goes, when Cao Cao arrived, a youthful student who looked seventeen or eighteen years old came to Shui Ningyuan's small courtyard, "Reporting to Dean, Li Jing asked me to speak, a woman named Yuehua said I'm here to visit you."

Chapter 114 Empty Gloves White Wolf

Wearing a long silver palace dress, with a small fan covering her red lips lightly, and her almond eyes full of spring, the person who came was Tang Yuehua, the owner of Yuexuan.

The one who followed her respectfully all the time was also the remaining one of the Haotian School, the chief supervisor of Yuexuan with a good cultivation level, Aode.

Stepping into the small courtyard of Shui Ning Yuan, Tang Yuehua swayed, enjoying the beauty of the countryside very comfortably.

But before she could close her eyes and feel it, Shui Ningyuan's rather cold voice sounded, "Come in as soon as you come, your smell is too strong, don't spoil the flowers and plants in my yard."

One sentence made Tang Yuehua extremely ashamed and annoyed, but after all, this was his territory, even if she was from the Haotian School, what should be restrained should be restrained.

The pretty face with exquisite facial features still has a pure smile, which is what Su Qingyu can't stand, this woman is really not an ordinary person!

Coming into the house, Tang Yuehua smiled and performed a courteous courteous gesture towards Shui Ningyuan, "Little girl Yuehua, I have met Shui Dean here."

A playful smile appeared on Shui Ningyuan's face, "Hehe, Mrs. Yuehua really deserves to be the lord of Yuehua. This court etiquette is really more proficient than that of the royal family."

"The trivial path cannot be praised by the head of the water."

Tang Yuehua is eloquent, although she has been talking with Shui Ningyuan all the time, she has never said why she came to Tianshui City.

This made Shui Ningshuang on the side quite impatient, she didn't have the patience of Shui Ningyuan, she was willing to accompany Tang Yuehua here to argue.

"Okay, Mrs. Yuehua, to make a long story short, what is your intention in coming to Tianshui City!"

Maybe it's because I've been with Lan Xiaoyue for a long time, although these words sound polite, but they are full of gunpowder.

Tang Yuehua patted her fair little hand lightly, and laughed, "Vice President Shui's feelings are still straightforward. If that's the case, then Yuehua will just talk about it."

Shui Ningyuan glanced at her sister helplessly, is this the legendary Hei who is close to ink?After working with Lan Xiaoyue for a long time, her temper has really increased a lot.

However, Shui Ningyuan didn't care, after all, Tang Yuehua came to Tianshui City because the weasel gave the chicken New Year's greetings, so she must have no good intentions.

"To tell you the truth, my sisters, my surname is Tang, and my name is Yuehua, and she is the youngest sister of the current master of the Haotian School. I have something very important to think about all of you from Tianshui Academy when I come here today."

It was rare for Lan Xiaoyue not to get angry, but looked at Tang Yuehua with interest, "Let's hear it, the Haotian School, the number one sect in the mainland, can think of us weak women who are digging around. "

Tang Yuehua was slightly proud, the name of the Clear Sky School meant that both the two empires had to buy it, not to mention your Tianshui College, a mere third-rate power.

Immediately, Tang Yuehua also revealed her purpose of coming to Tianshui Academy, "In the near future, my Clear Sky School will come back, and I need some cultivation resources during this period. Therefore, I hope that Tianshui Academy can undertake the training of Hao Tianzong in the extreme north." The important task of collecting local resources."

As soon as these words came out, Shui Ningshuang and Lan Xiaoyue already had the idea of ​​driving people away.

Of course, with the dean Shui Ningyuan here, it's not their turn to speak to the two vice deans.

"Oh, if that's the case, what good does it do for me, Tianshui College?"

It costs money to get someone to work for you, and the meaning of Shui Ningyuan is obvious.

Let us work for you, but you must at least be able to pay the wages.

Tang Yuehua smiled, "Of course, [-]% of the total resources collected by Tianshui Academy belong to you. In addition, you can gain the friendship of the Clear Sky School. After the Clear Sky School returns in the future, you can also become the vassals of the Clear Sky School."

Su Qingyu, who was drinking tea, almost choked on these words, and Shui Bing'er quickly cleaned it up for him.

However, Su Qingyu's commotion still attracted everyone's attention, Shui Ningyuan's eyes flashed a little slyly, and she said softly: "Qingyu, did you think of something interesting, how about telling auntie?"

Throughout the whole work, Su Qingyu saw at a glance what Shui Ningyuan meant.

"It's nothing, I just remembered an interesting incident in Tiandou City. The soldiers of the Royal Knights went to the Lizhi Clan to fight weapons, saying that the Yuzhi Clan was very professional in building walls, and went to the store of the Pozhi Clan to buy some anti-fall On the way, I heard people say that the mother clan of the wife of the former suzerain of the Clear Sky School is so poor that it is almost impossible to get rid of it. And what this lady just said, it sounds like a white wolf!"

In a word, apart from the tragic situation of the four clans, Su Qingyu made out of nothing from the beginning to the end.

As soon as these words came out, Shui Ningyuan smiled, "Tsk tsk, I really don't know whether they are the vassals of the Haotian School or cannon fodder. If it is the latter, it would be too pitiful; you think so?" , the youngest sister of the contemporary Haotian Sect master."

Tang Yuehua sighed, her eyes were red and swollen, "The incident happened suddenly, our Haotian School didn't just watch them being wiped out by the Spirit Hall, but it happened for a reason!"

It can only be said that it is indeed Tang Yuehua, a woman who lives like a fish in water in the upper reaches of the Tiandou Empire, and she can make her die if she dies.

With tears streaming down her face, if Shui Ningyuan didn't know who Tang Yuehua was, she would have really believed it.

Similarly, Su Qingyu was quite disdainful in her heart.

Among other things, the elders of the Haotian School have always lived well.

Although it is not clearly stated in the original book, it is indisputable that Haotianzong has become a turtle.

Except for some disciples who were outside, Haotianzong hardly suffered any major losses.

Relying on the gentleman's agreement between Tang Chen and Qian Daoliu, he was able to survive in the clan.

Crying didn't bring any effect, so Tang Yuehua didn't continue to act.

With a straight expression, he looked at the people of Tianshui Academy with extremely sharp eyes, "I have already brought the words, to put it mildly, if I don't get the answer I want today, I ask you to weigh it in the future when the Clear Sky School is liquidated." It's over."

Since it was not enough to be soft, Tang Yuehua threatened on the face of it, if he did not agree, Haotianzong would record this matter.

"What's the point of talking about the future now, besides, do you guys have the ability to take a step forward?"

Shui Ningyuan said something in a cold voice, immediately blocking Tang Yuehua's back path.

People from the Clear Sky School can't get out, as long as they are old people in the soul master world, they will be more or less clear about this matter.

It's just that Tang Yuehua didn't have stage fright, and took out a token with a swan pattern that was eight points similar to the "Xueqinghe" prince's token.

After staying in Tiandou Palace for a while, Su Qingyu recognized it at a glance, it was the token of Emperor Xue Ye.

"That's right, the Clear Sky School can't move you now, but what about the Heaven Dou Empire?"

Seeing Tang Yuehua with a crazy expression, Shui Ningyuan also felt quite a headache, "Gie Feng, help me send away the sister-in-law of the patriarch of the Haotian Sect."

With a chuckle, Su Liefeng lifted Tang Yuehua and Aode directly with each hand, and walked straight out of the small courtyard.

Shui Ningyuan rubbed her forehead, "The Haotian School is really dreaming of being the number one sect in the world. If they were really that powerful, they wouldn't be chased into the clan by the Wuhun Palace."

Tang Yuehua's arrival, or Haotianzong's plan to collect the resources of the extreme north is after all a daydream.

After all, even the Clear Sky School itself may not be able to escape unscathed in the extreme northern ice field.

Chapter 115 Departing from Gengjin City

Tang Yuehua, who was forced to leave, returned to the place where she temporarily stayed in Tianshui City.

A small courtyard with a quiet environment used to be the property of a certain Viscount, but unfortunately his family's fortunes fell, so it fell into the hands of the Clear Sky School and became a stronghold of the Clear Sky School.

Because of Wuhundian, the current Haotianzong is cautious even when he usually comes out to hunt spirit beasts.

The Clear Sky School would not even pay any attention to such a base of low value.

If the sect hadn't sent her here this time, Tang Yuehua would not have known that the Haotian School still had such an estate in Tianshui City.

As soon as he returned to the small courtyard, Aode said angrily: "It's too much, Tianshui College doesn't take us seriously at all!"

Looking at the loyal old servant Ode who has been by her side for many years, Tang Yuehua stretched her graceful body lightly, and said very calmly: "Oh, you really only hoped that Tianshui College would meet you Promise!"

Ode's expression froze for a moment, and he suddenly understood, "Madam has long cared about this matter?"

Tang Yuehua sat slowly on the brocade quilt made of velvet unique to the Heaven Dou Royal Family, with a pair of white and tender jade arms supporting her head.

"As the saying goes, if you want a horse to run, you have to let the horse eat grass. Those old guys in the sect are used to being superior, even if they understand this truth, they still can't hold back their face!"

As soon as he heard Tang Yuehua talk about the internal affairs of Haotianzong, Aode decisively shut his mouth.

There are some things that he cannot hear alone.

After Aode voluntarily retreated, Tang Yuehua also took off her silver palace attire, revealing her exquisite figure.

Open the window on the north side, and you can see Tianshui College from this direction.

"You are indeed right. The four clans are our Clear Sky School's fault. But who knows that the Clear Sky School is not monolithic. If the seven elders hadn't fled without a fight, the Clear Sky School would not have been reduced to the present state ah!"

Tang Yuehua had a self-deprecating look on her face. Her heart was suffering, but who could understand it?

Regarding the matter of Tianshui College, she considered it a matter of business. Now that the words have been brought, whether it can be achieved depends on God's will.

Although her actions were somewhat perfunctory, but with her special status in the Clear Sky School, no one would dare to do her any harm.

Before the sky was clear, Tang Yuehua had already left Tianshui City with Yuexuan's manager, Aode.

The news of their departure also spread to Tianshui Academy immediately.

Seeing the news from the eyeliner in the city, Shui Ningyuan, who hadn't rested yet, yawned softly, "Hehe, I really left, but I don't know what Haotianzong will do next to organize the power in the extreme north region gone."

Shui Ningyuan suddenly stood up, a pair of cold eyes calmly looked towards the southwest direction where Tiandou City was located...

"Brother Herring, why are you here?"

Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er, who were just about to go to school, met Su Qingyu as soon as they went out.

The two women were also quite curious, why Su Qingyu came to them suddenly at this time.

Without waiting for Su Qingyu to explain, Shui Ningshuang, who was following behind the two sisters, said with a smile: "I asked you brother Qingyu to come here. He needs to ask the dean for instructions on some things."

Su Qingyu nodded with a smile, "That's right, let's go together and talk while walking."

One big and three small, in the early morning, they walked slowly on the relatively quiet Tianshui City Street.

Different from Shui Bing'er's An Wen, Shui Yue'er chattered like a lark, chatting with Su Qingyu all the way.

Shui Bing'er is fine, but as Shui Yue'er's mother, Shui Ningshuang still has high requirements for Shui Yue'er.

Seeing her chattering daughter, Shui Ningshuang couldn't bear it anymore, and finally chose to punish her. The girl Shui Yue'er also felt the love from her mother.

Even the shy Shui Bing'er, who had been trained since she was a child, couldn't help smiling.

Soon, they came to Tianshui College.

Since Su Qingyu's age has become a problem, Grandma Li Jing no longer allows him to enter Tianshui College without permission. He must have a letter from the dean.

Fortunately, Su Qingyu prepared in advance and handed Shuiningyuan's handwritten letter to Li Jing. After Li Jing confirmed the authenticity of the letter, he successfully entered Tianshui College.

Even so, he was still warned, which made Su Qingyu somewhat dumbfounded.

When Su Qingyu came to Shui Ningyuan's small courtyard again, she knocked on the door for a long time before Shui Ningyuan came out of her small room.

Her appearance surprised Su Qingyu even more. Her messy clothes and hair, dark circles around her eyes, and the trace of resentment revealed in her eyes made Su Qingyu even more cautious.

After all, others need a reason to beat him, but Shui Ningyuan never needs one.

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