A pair of bloodshot beautiful eyes stared at Su Qingyu firmly, as if as long as he didn't give her an explanation, he wanted to look good today.

Su Qingyu didn't hide anything, and told Shui Ningyuan about her plan to go to Gengjin City.

Shui Ningyuan raised her eyebrows, drank a cup of tea calmly, and said: "Well, since you have greeted your parents, let's go! But..."

Su Qingyu's expression immediately became tense when he changed the subject for no reason.

"Take Bing'er and go together!"

Shui Ningyuan naturally knows about the evolution of Shui Bing'er's martial soul.

But as time went by, Shui Ningyuan suddenly noticed that something was wrong with Shui Binger's martial soul, that is, her cultivation speed was much slower.

At first she thought it was her own illusion, but as she observed slowly, she found that it was indeed the case.

Shui Ningyuan told Su Qingyu about the slowdown of Shui Binger's cultivation speed, hoping that he could find a way to solve the problem of slowing down of Shui Binger's soul power when traveling.

This made Su Qingyu at a loss for what to say, because the Ultimate Martial Soul was an existence that was beyond the current cognition of Douluo Continent.

From level [-] to level [-] is as slow as a turtle crawling, but once you reach level [-], your soul power increases as fast as riding a rocket.

But Su Qingyu can't say that, after all, Shui Binger's current situation is unprecedented.

"But I took Bing'er away, so you don't think about the next soul master competition?"

Shui Ningyuan smiled indifferently, "I never thought about it, the champion has always been determined. Besides, Douluo Dalu has always respected the strong, the success or failure of a mere soul master competition is very important to us. Tianshui Academy has almost no influence."

After understanding what Shui Ningyuan meant, Su Qingyu didn't refuse anymore.

For one thing, Shui Bing'er is now a soul master, and her strength is not too weak.

Furthermore, his personality is as calm as Shui Bing'er, and he may be able to help him at any time.

Of course this is Shui Bing'er, if Shui Ningyuan gives him the girl Shui Yue'er, he will definitely not agree.

Chapter 116

With the passage of time, the winter in Douluo Continent has begun to speed up towards the south.

Su Qingyu and Shui Bing'er walked all the way, naturally they couldn't keep up with the speed of cold winter's invasion of Douluo Continent.

When they rushed to the southernmost province of the Tiandou Empire, Fasno Province, the surroundings were already covered in silver, and the scenery of the northern country, although not as cold as the extreme north, was not warm.

This is the first time Shui Bing'er has traveled so far, she is still very unfamiliar with this impoverished province located in the southern part of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Here, there are no real strong men, no powerful sects, and no powerful academies.

The only one that can be regarded as somewhat famous is Canghui Academy, which often wins one round of the soul master competition, or struggles for two rounds.

It's just that Canghui Academy is very weird, and to a certain extent, its degree of weirdness even surpasses that of the Pheasant Academy Shrek in the corner.

The blame lies in its enrollment conditions, which uniformly recruit soul masters who have awakened martial souls for less than a year and possess gem-like martial souls.

This rule is very strange, but they can also recruit many students with gem-like spirits from Fasno province every year.

After all, apart from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, there are very few jewel-type soul master inheritances in the Douluo Continent.

And this Canghui Academy is precisely one of the few forces in the Douluo Continent that has the inheritance of gem-like soul masters, so, in the long run, it has absorbed a lot of talents in the Tiandou Empire.

Although there hasn't been much improvement in development, it has remained in the ranks of advanced colleges.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the fact that there is only one high-level academy in Fasno Province.

Not long after the two of them entered the province of Fasno, Su Qingyu found an inn and booked two upper rooms in order to take care of Shui Binger.

Afterwards, after washing up, the two of them came to the lobby of the inn by coincidence and asked the clerk to bring some local specialties to Su Qingyu's room.

After the waiter had arranged all the dishes, Su Qingyu opened the window of the room, just enough to see the snow scene above the town clearly.

"It's the first time I'm so far away from home. I feel that the wind here is much lower than that in Tianshui City. I remember one winter, a blizzard almost blew that girl Yue'er into the sky."

Looking at the soft snow scene, Shui Bing'er inadvertently thought of Shui Yue'er when she was a child.

Su Qingyu's memory is still fresh, after all, he was the one who pulled the girl off the branch, how could he not know about this matter?

Just as the two were eating and talking and laughing, there was a faint smell of blood on the street.

Su Qingyu and Shui Bing'er's expressions changed. They, who had hunted and killed soul beasts, knew that only soul beasts had this strong smell of blood!

It's hard to imagine that there would be such a bloody smell in a relatively prosperous human town?

Not long after, at the end of the inn street where the two were, a black spot was slowly moving towards them.

As the distance got closer, Su Qingyu and Shui Bing'er finally saw clearly who was coming, it was the oily-faced young master riding a relatively docile mare.

He was dressed in luxurious clothes, with a soap-carved overcoat draped over his shoulders, and he was holding a whip in his hand, looking very unhappy.

Behind him, a dozen or so soul masters with strength between fifteen and twenty were pressing the cart. On it was a black soul beast, which seemed to have been dead for a long time.

"How about it, my Young Master Ma keeps his word, he is just a dark mane lion, if he says he will kill it, he will kill it!"

The young man surnamed Ma said something very proudly, and then began to show off to the people in the town.

Upstairs, Shui Binger, who has always been a teetotaler, pecked lightly at the wine glass, "Isn't it just a century-old dark mane lion, what's there to show off."

Although Shui Bing'er is very stable, she is still quite proud in her heart.

Let alone this kind of cub that is less than a hundred years old, even if a thousand-year-level dark mane lion appears in front of her, she will not be afraid!

Su Qingyu smiled and caressed Shui Binger's smooth, ice-blue long hair, but she did not expect her to dodge directly.

Immediately, Shui Bing'er blushed slightly, lowered her head, and said with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, Brother Herring! But before we set off, Aunt Lan and Er Niang both told me to protect myself, and to protect myself. Beware of you!"

Tone down!

Hearing this, Su Qingyu almost spat out the low-alcohol ale in his mouth.

No, what does Mom and Aunt Shui mean? Am I that kind of person?

Seeing Su Qingyu's embarrassment, Shui Bing'er smiled lightly, imitating Su Qingyu's way of stroking her just now, and stroked Su Qingyu's head.

"It's okay, Brother Herring, I know you're not that kind of person. But as the saying goes: you can't have the heart to harm others, and you can't have the heart to guard against others, isn't it?"

What this girl said was nice, but she was actually just teasing him.

However, at this moment, a voice attracted the attention of the two of them.

"That's great, the elders of Xifeng Town are really grateful to Young Master Ma for his kindness and virtue, and got rid of this evil beast that has been entrenched in Xifeng Mountain for nearly 200 years!"

When Su Qingyu and Shui Binger heard this, they took another look at the dark-maned lion that was only a hundred years old.

There is no doubt that the one in the cart has not been occupied by the Dark Mane Lion for so long at all, and can only be regarded as an heir at most. Doesn't that mean... this greasy guy may cause big trouble!

Sure enough, on the west side of Xifeng Town, a lion roared with grief, and the overlord who really entrenched on Xifeng Mountain was completely enraged!

Generally speaking, Xifeng Mountain is just a barren mountain, and there are very few soul beasts on the mountain. There has been only one dark-maned lion entrenched in Xifeng Mountain.

The distance between the two places is only more than 20 miles, and the roar of the dark mane lion can reach here, and the number of years is already quite not low.

At least, the guards brought by the young master Ma outside the inn can handle it.

In just four or five minutes, a huge black figure rushed towards the cart with the little dark mane lion like a sharp arrow.

For a moment, all the soul masters guarding the cart were killed by this powerful dark mane lion.

The young master Ma, who was still incomparably high-spirited just now, was so frightened that he lost control, his clothes were soaked in light yellow liquid, and he ticked, "Don't, don't... eat me!"

The dark mane lion is a very stable soul beast, and will not leave its territory easily.

This is why Xifeng Mountain is so close to Xifeng Town, but it is still full of people.

But now, the hatred of killing the son is irreconcilable!

The dark mane lion is doomed to kill!

Shui Bing'er, who was sitting next to Su Qingyu, couldn't bear to watch the people dying on the street, but was stopped by Su Qingyu when she was about to save them.

"Look and talk!"

Chapter 117 The Vicious Horse Leopard

It's good to be kind-hearted, but in Douluo Dalu, where life is thinner than paper, it seems somewhat redundant.

Although there are very few soul beasts in Xifeng Mountain, there are still two to three hundred big cats and kittens in total.

As the eldest dark-maned lion went down the mountain, most of the other spirit beasts followed for ten years, heading towards Xifeng town one after another.

How can a small town with a population of only a few thousand people and few serious soul masters stop this tide of tiny beasts?

The young master Ma just now was shot to death by the dark mane lion, and the dark mane lion who lost his beloved son almost vented all his anger on all the people in Xifeng town.

The people who were frightened by the dark mane lion ran away in a hurry, but the more they panicked, the easier it was to be killed by the dark mane lion or other spirit beasts.

The entire Xifeng Town has been reduced to a hunting ground for soul beasts.

As for Su Qingyu, there were a few soul beasts who were blindfolded just now, and all of them had been frozen into ice sculptures by Shui Bing'er.

In the midst of this tragic killing, Su Qingyu drank low-alcohol ale with a normal expression.

And Shui Bing'er couldn't stand it anymore, her delicate little face was pale, just because she hunted and killed a soul beast, it brought disaster to the entire Xifeng Town.

She couldn't bear it anymore, she had to kill the dark mane lion to calm her down.

"Haha, this Dark Mane Lion has been hooting for so long, he must not have much stamina, everyone give it to me!"

A young man who was somewhat similar to the young master Ma who was shot to death by the dark mane lion just now stood up.

Behind him, followed by a dozen great soul masters, all of whom he hired from the mercenary group at a high price.

Moreover, he is also a great soul master himself, possessed by a martial soul, and has two soul rings, one white and one yellow, and he looks pretty good.

The mercenary man who followed behind him laughed loudly, "Don't worry, Master Ma Bao, a lion that has no strength will not take much effort, brothers go!"

Following the order of the mercenary man, all kinds of spirits on the members of the mercenary group of all great soul masters directly attacked and killed the dark mane lion.

Su Qingyu has just observed the cultivation of the Dark Mane Lion, and it is about 500 years old.

This year, plus the fact that the dark mane lion belongs to the lion tribe, is naturally powerful, even ordinary soul sects may not be able to please it.

Therefore, in order to be able to hunt and kill the dark mane lion, the young master of the Ma family, Ma Bao, and the mercenary group came up with such a poisonous plan.

Taking advantage of his younger brother's great success and filial piety to his father, let him "just happen" to kill the young dark mane lion and lure the dark mane lion down the mountain.

Everything after that followed Ma Bao's script and went very smoothly.

More than ten great soul masters fought together, although they were all from Ye Luzi, they were always in a hurry, but after paying the price of one death, they suppressed the Dark Mane Lion.

The leader of the mercenary group also yelled at the right time, "Ma Bao! Our brothers and brothers are dead, and we must give us an explanation afterwards!"

Ma Bao didn't dare to offend these ruthless people who licked blood with knives, "It's easy to say, my Ma family will definitely offer compensation!"

After a while, the Dark Mane Lion lay on the ground, and beside it, those cautious mercenaries were also covered in scars.

Ma Bao walked forward very proudly, "Hey, the bone of a thousand-year-old dark mane lion, this old man just doesn't want to hand over the position of Patriarch of the Ma family!"

On the other side, hiding in a pavilion, Su Qingyu said coldly: "The show is over, and the rest is at most the Ma family in Xifeng Town."

Shui Bing'er's little hand was always held in Su Qingyu's palm, which is why Su Qingyu felt the changes in her emotions all the time.

"So many innocent people were sacrificed for a pair of animal bones of a thousand-year-old dark mane lion."

Shui Bing'er looked a little strange, and when she sensed something unusual about her, Su Qingyu also said in a timely manner, "The mainland is so cruel, we can't change anything for the time being, and we can only follow the rules of the mainland."

Compassion is the lamentation of the strong for the weak, which directly shows that weakness is the root of grief.

Shui Bing'er is still young, and it's a little too embarrassing for her to come into contact with these things.

Taking her out this time, Su Qingyu was just trying to let her get in touch with the reality of this world.

If it didn't work, he wouldn't do it again.

Maybe Su Qingyu didn't expect it, but this inspired Shui Binger's inner pursuit of strength.

In this universe, in an unknown star field, a sliver of bud spit out from a dead sycamore tree as high as ten thousand feet, and the silent existence in it is quietly watching the direction of Douluo Star.

"Well, I see! Brother Herring, should we make a move now?"

After stroking Shui Binger's soft hair, Su Qingyu chuckled, "Of course!"

After finishing speaking, Su Qingyu directly chose the martial soul possession, his right hand transformed into a dragon, and a pair of dragon wings appeared behind him.

The disguised soul ring appeared two yellow and one purple, lingering around Su Qingyu's side.

Shui Bing'er also followed him, and a pair of phoenix wings condensed behind her who had already surpassed the original book.

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