"You two Soul Venerables, I don't know if I have some advice!"

There is no doubt that the sudden appearance of Su Qingyu and Shui Binger scared Ma Bao and the mercenary group.

After all, soul masters never look at age. In their eyes, Su Qingyu and Shui Binger are very likely to be the son or daughter of a certain powerful force.

However, Su Qingyu didn't intend to talk to them at all.

Whether it is horses and leopards or mercenary groups, they are all unscrupulous people who can pursue their own interests without any limit.

For this kind of person, Su Qingyu will never be soft-hearted!

In an instant, the water and wind elements around Su Qingyu became active.

The wind blades and ice thorns surrounded Su Qingyu, and in the next moment, they directly attacked the horse and leopard.

Just a great soul master, an ordinary soul master, he can still resist a few times.

But in front of Su Qingyu, it was like a mantis turning into a cart, and the wind blade that came and went without a trace directly tore him into pieces.

At the same time, Shui Bing'er relied on the strength of Ultimate Ice to directly use the first soul skill, Frost Imprisonment, to directly freeze those mercenaries into ice cubes.

Looking at these mercenaries who were frozen into ice, Su Qingyu said warmly: "If this guy is released now, he will definitely go back to his old business. Sometimes killing one person is saving a hundred people. How to do it depends on Your own."

After a little thought, Shui Bing'er actually decided to let Su Qingyu directly use Ice Burst to deal with them.

Su Qingyu was quite surprised by this answer, and he didn't expect Shui Binger to grow up so fast.

Since her little princess ordered, Su Qingyu didn't hesitate, and directly used Ice Burst on the ice sculptures.

In an instant, the roar of the ice explosion sounded one after another, endless!

Chapter 118


In a place like Xifeng Town, the rare high-rise compound always highlights the identity of the local rich man.

Unlike the chaos on the streets of Xifeng Town, this place is extraordinarily secluded.

It was just one or two ten-year-old soul beasts who didn't have long eyes that came here and were directly killed by the soul master of the Ma family.

For ordinary people, the Ma family can be said to be well-defended.

It was just a figure flying across the sky, but it didn't attract any of them' attention.


Su Qingyu put down Shui Bing'er, who was in her arms, maybe after getting along with her for a long time, she was no longer shy, but acted very naturally.

Shui Bing'er smiled slightly, "This is Ma's house, it looks like we should be in the backyard."

The two people who walked together in Ma's house were strolling in the courtyard. If it wasn't easy to startle the snake by coming in from the front, they would have broken in directly from the front door.

Different from the heavily guarded outside, in the inner courtyard, there are pitifully few people.

After walking all the way, Su Qingyu and Shui Binger didn't meet many people, and they were all maids and servants.

Go all the way to the end, the largest yard of the Ma family.

There are no tall buildings here, only low thatched huts, which look rather weird.

Holding Shui Binger's bright wrist with one hand, Su Qingyu said softly: "Behind me, I always feel that something is wrong here. If I guess correctly, the problem lies here."

Although she was a little worried, Shui Bing'er still chose to obey Su Qingyu's words, and followed behind him obediently.

Immediately, Su Qingyu quietly completed the dragon transformation of her body.

This time, not only his right arm, but Su Qingyu, who usually doesn't use his left arm very much, also completed the dragon transformation.

As the saying goes, the unknown is the scariest thing.

Although the strength of the two young masters before the Ma family is quite impressive, Jiang is still old and hot. If the person hidden here has the cultivation base of the soul king, even he will have to go through a lot of trouble.

After a while, when the dragon wings behind Su Qingyu moved, he flew towards the courtyard like a blue arrow.

The solid wooden door couldn't resist, and when it shattered, it also alarmed the existence behind the compound.

"Hmph, my two rebellious sons are really useless, and someone actually found them here!"

An old man with white beard and hair and a thin figure snorted coldly, "I want to see who came to destroy my good deeds of Master Ma!"

Immediately, Master Ma possessed his body quickly, and the blood-red soul power instantly filled his surroundings.

Soon, Su Qingyu saw clearly who this Master Ma was.

Five-ring soul king, the configuration of the soul ring is two white, one yellow, and two purple!

The breath on his body is extraordinarily weird, although he is the soul king, it is quite vain.

If he really fights alone, even some ordinary soul sects, he may not be able to fight!

A thought passed through Su Qingyu's mind, evil methods, only evil methods can cause this kind of unstable foundation, and people may lose control at any time.

Bloody's soul power permeated, Master Ma has been frantically attacking Su Qingyu desperately.

But in the end, all the attacks were easily dodged by Su Qingyu, just playing a lonely one.

In order to get rid of it as soon as possible, Su Qingyu said to Shui Bing'er, who was helping her, "Bing'er, get out of the way first, and I'll deal with him!"

After Shui Bing'er used the first soul skill Frost Imprisonment to lock on Master Ma, she quietly exited the stage.

Seeing Shui Binger leave the stage, Su Qingyu acted decisively.

The condensation of the fire element made the surrounding air much drier in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, there was another gust of breeze, and the strength of the wind was increasing.

He held the Chiming Yang Divine Sword in his hand, and a brilliance mixed with red and blue condensed on it.

The moment Master Ma approached, Su Qingyu swung the blade directly, and the blue and red sword light directly slashed out.

In an instant, Master Ma, who was very arrogant and domineering just now, was cut into two halves by Jian Guang, and his expression was unwilling to lose his vitality...

Outside the West Mountain, Su Qingyu and Shui Binger were walking on the road scattered, chatting occasionally.

Shui Bing'er tilted her head, "In other words, the Ma family must have come into contact with some sorcery cultivation methods from somewhere, and just started to practice, so they bumped into us?"

Su Qingyu nodded, "That's right, after all, that old man from the Ma family seems to have forcibly used sorcery to break through the Soul King..."

After briefly talking to Shui Bing'er, the two continued to move towards the direction of Gengjin City.

After roughly two or three days, the two arrived at the border between the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire.

Here, the two empires have powerful armies stationed here, and there are people patrolling the border all the time.

And because of the weakness of the Heaven Dou Empire, the soldiers of the Heaven Dou Empire patrolling here have suffered a lot, and every time they provoke and fight, they suffer a lot.

Therefore, here sometimes you see soldiers with bruised noses and swollen faces.

It's just that the two of Su Qingyu don't have such a big leisurely heart now, and going to Gengjin City is their main purpose at present.

Following behind some business travelers, the two quickly passed the inspection.

After passing through the buffer zone between the two empires, they can truly enter the Star Luo Empire.

It's just that for Su Qingyu, this is quite a revisiting of the old place.

The mountain range not far away is the Tianluo Mountain Range, where the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire really confront each other.

After walking for about ten kilometers, Su Qingyu and Shui Binger came to the pass of the Star Luo Empire.

There are quite a few people coming and going, but most of them are ordinary people doing business, and soul masters are relatively rare.

After entering Xingluo, this very strange country, Su Qingyu became much quieter.

After all, it is a foreign country, not the Heaven Dou Empire, and God knows what strange behaviors this country that is similar to a military-state unity will do.

Therefore, for two consecutive days, Su Qingyu and Shui Binger stayed in the inn.

He was not idle either, he sat in the lobby of the inn for a long time from morning to night, and got some information.

Among them, the most famous one is the early marriage between Davis and Zhu Zhuyun at the beginning of the month.

Su Qingyu pursed her lips and smiled after hearing this. Although Shui Binger who was following him didn't know what was going on, she felt that it was very likely that the person next to her did something good...

At dawn, early in the morning, Su Qingyu had already hired a carriage and was about to go to Gengjin City.

Unlike ordinary girls, Shui Bing'er washed up very quickly and walked out of the room very quickly.


Su Qingyu smiled slightly, "It's okay!"

Immediately, Su Qingyu, who was sitting on the carriage, waved her hand and directly pulled Shui Binger up.

Just like that, Shui Bing'er was sitting on the carriage as the eldest lady, and Su Qingyu, the coachman, walked slowly towards Gengjin City as if traveling in mountains and rivers.

Chapter 119 Silong, Gengjin City

The road is surrounded by strange rocks, and the mountains not far away are even more bald.

It has been three days since Su Qingyu and Shui Binger left the Xingluo border, and they have already entered the vicinity of Gengjin City, their destination this time.

As an important steel city in Douluo Continent, there are naturally many mineral deposits near Gengjin City.

The long-term mining has resulted in the mountains around Gengjin City being almost barren of grass.

From a distance, it gives people a feeling of desolation and loneliness.

"Have we reached Gengjin City?"

Shui Bing'er poked her head out of the carriage, her pair of ice blue eyes were hazy, as if she had just woken up.

Su Qingyu, who was playing with the whip in her hand, immediately turned her head, and pushed Shui Binger's cute little head back with her hands.

"Girl, as I said, you are not allowed to show your face before entering the city."

Hearing Su Qingyu's words, Shui Bing'er's pretty face was slightly rosy. She didn't pay attention just now, and she took Su Qingyu's words as wind.

She still remembered that Su Qingyu told her when they set off.

Two people who don't seem to be adults can easily cause some unnecessary troubles.

One must know that the trading of population is quite rampant in the Douluo Continent, and the fact that the royal family can end it shows that its benefits are huge.

Although both Su Qingyu and Shui Binger are soul masters, there are always those who don't have eyesight, right?

Therefore, in order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, Shui Binger was arranged by Su Qingyu in the carriage.

And he himself also drew some costumes, and even changed into rather shabby clothes. Overall, he looked like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy driving a car.

Soon, Su Qingyu drove the carriage to Gengjin City.

It's just that the scene in front of the city gate makes people quite sigh. Ordinary people actually have to pay the entrance fee twice to enter the city.

One side received the city fee from the officials of the local city, while the other was soldiers from nearby military camps.

It soon fell to Su Qingyu, who first paid a certain entrance fee to the local official, and passed smoothly.

But, the next is not so lucky.

Su Qingyu handed over the copper soul coins prepared in advance to the soldier who collected the entry fee, but the soldier had no intention of letting it go.

There was a ferocious smile on that face full of flesh, "Boy, you are dishonest!"

Bear it as long as you can, Su Qingyu doesn't want to make a move for the sake of the little guy, so he asks quite respectfully: "Why do you say that, my lord?"

The soldier with a full face pointed at the carriage behind Su Qingyu and said, "Miss in your boy's carriage, why don't you let her come out and let us check it..."

The more he talked, the weirder the man's expression became, the greed in his eyes was undisguised.

When the man said this, Su Qingyu undoubtedly sentenced him to death.

How dare a mere miscellaneous soldier do this!

"Presumptuous, Gengjin City is not the final decision of your White Tiger Legion!"

An ordinary-looking middle-aged man suddenly stood up, and the power of the soul sage in his body pressed the soldier to the ground.

Then, under everyone's disbelieving eyes, the man stomped on the soldier's head with one kick.

The surrounding officials quickly surrounded him, "Hey, Master Silong, why did you beat someone to death again? Isn't this embarrassing for the brothers!"

Although the official complained, he was not slow at all in cleaning up the blood on the corpse.

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