Maybe it was justified, Silong scratched his head, "That's all right, if you have any difficulties in the future, come to the Blacksmith Association and report my name!"

After finishing speaking, Silong, who had just returned from inspecting the mine outside the city, didn't say anything more, and strode directly into the city.

Following Silong's departure, Su Qingyu also drove the carriage and entered Gengjin City.

Su Qingyu also remembered the person who was called Master Silong just now, but he was the apprentice of Lou Gao, the president of Gengjin City Forging Association!

Lou Gao, an old guy, was usually immersed in forging, and some tedious matters of the Gengjin City Blacksmith Association were basically handed over to his apprentices.

And this Silong, as his big apprentice, is usually very busy.

Anyway, I really want to thank him this time.

It's just that Silong's attitude also shows from some aspects that the relationship between the Blacksmiths Association and the Star Luo Empire is very subtle!

After parking the carriage in front of an inn, Su Qingyu and Shui Binger moved in together.

"Gengjin City, as its name suggests, is full of metal products."

Shui Bing'er caressed the cold metal long table in front of her eyes, and looked at the distant view of Gengjin City through the window.

Su Qingyu, who was going to pack her clothes, just came out, "Yes, Bing'er, you also have the inheritance of a ninth-level soul engineer, so let's go to Metal Square City to have a look."

"Yeah, good!"

Shui Bing'er smiled gently, said goodbye to Su Qingyu, and went back to her room.

When it was almost evening, both of them changed into clothes in the style of the Star Luo Empire that had just been sold and went out.

After some inquiries, they finally arrived at their destination, the metal workshop city under the control of the Blacksmiths Association.

As the metal capital of Douluo Continent, the square city here is not only big in size, but also has an endless stream of merchants coming and going.

In a place where such people gather together, even if Su Qingyu and Shui Binger are younger, they are not eye-catching.

Su Qingyu took Shui Binger's hand and searched aimlessly on the first floor.

Fangshi itself has three floors. The second and third floors are all really good products, but the prices are also prohibitive.

Only on this first layer, the quality of the metal ore is mixed. It cannot be said that there are no good things, but that there are very few good things.

Therefore, most of the people who come here also stay here, and there are very few people who can go to the second floor of Fangshi.

As for why Su Qingyu kept wandering around here, he just wanted to be like Ning Rongrong in the original book—to catch the leak!

Unlike her Martial Soul cheating, Su Qingyu can see it at a glance with the Eye of Everything.

However, I don't know if it's because of Su Qingyu's bad luck. He has visited several stores, and he hasn't found anything that can be used to pick up the leaks.

Shui Binger on the side frowned slightly, "Brother Qingyu, what are you looking for?"

After walking for such a long time, Su Qingyu kept looking left and touching right, but it was Ye Ye who didn't catch her.

Su Qingyu was a little bit embarrassed to catch the leak but didn't meet it.

"It's okay, it's still early, let's go shopping first."

Shui Binger, who grew up with Su Qingyu since she was a child, naturally knows that he is lying now.

But she also vaguely guessed Su Qingyu's little thoughts, that is, she didn't care about him.

And at this time, Su Qingyu, who has never encountered any good things, seems to have a turn of events.

Chapter 120 Lucky Shui Binger

In addition to the first floor below the main building, the metal workshop city under the Blacksmiths Association is also considered to be the first floor of the trading workshop city.

It's just different from the bustling downstairs of the main building. This place is a bit more desolate, with only sparse pedestrians coming and going.

As soon as Su Qingyu came here, she couldn't wait to check it out.

As the saying goes, hard work pays off, and as expected, Su Qingyu's desire to pick up the loopholes finally got a response.

Casually pushing a piece that was about the size of a grinding pan, Su Qingyu said to the boss who was doing nothing in the shop: "Boss, how did you sell this stone!"

The boss who was sitting in the store doing nothing casually glanced at Su Qingyu, and said casually, "The ones on the stall outside are worth one gold coin!"

A gold soul coin, if the price is an ordinary stone, even iron ore is not worth a silver coin.

Because these are the boss's free time, and they are used to make up for it.

But Su Qingyu knew the value of the stone, so he didn't bother to bargain with the shop owner.

He took out a gold soul coin from his purse and threw it on the counter.

In the next moment, Su Qingyu used the water mandarin ring to easily put the stone away.

The first harvest of picking up leaks, this feeling makes Su Qingyu feel ecstatic.


Su Qingyu pretended not to understand, "Ah, what do you mean?"

Shui Bing'er gave him a cute look, and said coquettishly, "Ask the question knowingly!"

After finishing speaking, she walked straight ahead. She also planned to buy some metals to try. The inheritance of the ninth-level soul engineer can't be wasted, can it?

Next, Su Qingyu, who was following Shui Binger, became a little numb.

It stands to reason that Shui Bing'er doesn't know much about ores, so she shouldn't be able to choose any good ones.

Therefore, every time Shui Binger chooses a piece, Su Qingyu will use the eye of all things to help her investigate. If he encounters something useless, he will dissuade Shui Binger from buying it.

But in fact, Shui Binger's luck was really good. She bought more than a dozen pieces of ore in total, and each piece showed that there was a good product in it.

Especially for a long strip of rock, Su Qingyu's eyeballs were about to pop out.

Ten thousand years of cold ice marrow, Su Qingyu is really familiar with this thing.

Because he had eaten this thing when he was a child, it was just a small piece of thousand-year-old ice marrow the size of a boxing technique.

And the Ice Essence in front of him is almost as tall as Shui Bing'er, and it is also the more powerful Ten Thousand Years Ice Essence.

Seeing that Shui Bing'er took in the Wan Zai Han Bing Essence, which was almost as tall as her, Su Qingyu admitted that he was really envious.

Well, with such a big piece of ice marrow, she must not be able to use up Binger...

For no reason, Shui Bing'er felt a sudden chill on her back, she didn't know that her icy essence had been targeted by someone with cheating eyes.

To be honest, Shui Binger's ability to find this thing was not entirely due to luck.

As the owner of the Ultimate Ice Martial Soul, Wanzaihan Ice Essence, the most suitable natural treasure for her to absorb, is also invisibly attracting her in the dark.

Of course, why Su Qingyu also has the ultimate ice on his body, but he doesn't feel it, it's just because the breath on his body is too complicated, even the will of heaven and earth can't distinguish his existence for a while.

Su Qingyu also harvested it. After spending thousands of gold coins, he managed to get a cold spirit iron metal.

This thing looks like a gem at first glance, but it is not easy to trap Su Qingyu.

For one night, Su Qingyu and Shui Binger walked around happily.

The lucky Shui Bing'er couldn't keep up with Su Qingyu's cheating after all, and was easily overtaken without knowing it.

When it was dawn, the two of them were out of breath. Sometimes shopping is really a tiring job.

This piece of metal workshop city has accumulated 20 years of inventory, and they have completely emptied it.

Back at the inn, Shui Binger, who was immersed in picking leaks, was still extremely happy.

In fact, she was better in the early stage, but she made a lot of mistakes very quickly. Luck is really unstable.In the later stage, Su Qingyu basically cheated online.

Su Qingyu is no different from her, and the feeling of hanging out is really great.

He also couldn't help but think of the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, who was born with the talent of appreciating treasures. It's hard not to make a fortune!

It's no wonder that Ning Fengzhi goes secretly every time, borrowing other people's identity information to go to Tiandou Auction.

I'm afraid that the Tiandou Auction House also knows about the abnormal ability of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda. If it wasn't for the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, there might be a sign saying Ning Fengzhi and dogs are not allowed to enter the auction house.

Of course, his eye of all things is also very good!

For a while, their biggest goal of coming to Gengjin City has been achieved, and the stored soul guides are slowly stuffed with rare metals, Shui Binger said with some hesitation: "Brother Qingyu, our goal has been achieved this time, Should I go back?"

Su Qingyu's expression froze for a moment, to tell the truth.He didn't expect Shui Bing'er to say that.

"Are you homesick?"

Shui Bing'er nodded lightly. This time was the longest time she had been away from home. She really missed the people of Tianshui College.

I saw Su Qingyu took out a letter from Shui Bing'er, which said Shui Bing'er personally signed it.

"Headmaster Shui gave it to me, saying that you want to go home, so I will show you this."

Taking the envelope from Su Qingyu's hand, Shui Bing'er carefully tore off the wax on it.

After reading the letter carefully, Shui Bing'er seemed to understand something, and continued to follow Su Qingyu's side.

Su Qingyu grabbed the palm of the girl who grew up with her, and said warmly: "That's right, it's still early, let's go to the city to find a house, always live in an inn, It's really inappropriate."

"Okay, but find a quieter place!"

The two checked out the room at the inn together, and Su Qingyu offered to take her around Gengjin City while it was still early.

It's just that Shui Bing'er refused in this life on the grounds of finding a good house first.

In Gengjin City, there are blacksmiths beating and selling metal almost everywhere, shouting and beating can be heard endlessly, it is really not easy to find a quiet place.

Fortunately, they still found it, but the location is a little remote and the level is high.

But this is already very good, Su Qingyu decisively spent a hundred gold coins to buy it.

During this period of time, whether it is Su Qingyu or Shui Binger, let's study the soul guide.

What they got from Aimo told them that the soul guide would be of great benefit to them in the future.

In terms of the cultivation of soul power, the two are still going step by step, striving to achieve a joint breakthrough in soul power and soul guidance within three years.

For a time, winter went to spring.

No one knew that in this quiet small courtyard, there would actually be someone re-enacting the lost inheritance.

Chapter 121

Three years have passed in a flash, and the children who were once children have now become teenagers and girls in their prime.

Wearing a white dress, long ice-blue hair reaching to her waist, and a dignified look on her delicate pretty face from time to time.

Girls need to develop faster. The 13-year-old Shui Binger is now a slim and gentle girl.

At this time, she was holding a carving knife in one hand, and a piece of rare metal used to carve the core formation in the other.

It can only be said that Shui Binger's talent in the aspect of soul tools is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

In just three years, she was already a fourth-level soul engineer, and not just the one who just entered the fourth level.

Many fourth-level soul guides, including the ones she usually uses, were designed and made by herself.

Bai Nen's slender jade hands held the carving knife to complete the carving of the last pattern, and she also breathed a sigh of relief, "It can be regarded as completed, I didn't expect that the fourth-level fixed-mounted soul-guided weapons would be so much better than other types of soul-guided weapons. There are so many more core formations."

The corners of her mouth rose slightly, and Shui Bing'er couldn't help feeling a little proud.

"Bing'er, what are you so happy about?"

A chuckle sounded from behind her. The person who came was a man with a handsome face and quite resolute, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, his hands were naturally put on Shui Bing'er's slender waist.

The person who came was Su Qingyu. As he got older, his appearance was more inclined to the previous life.

Although he didn't know what to do, there was nothing he could do about it.

Shui Bing'er raised the core of the custom-installed soul guide in her hand as if offering a treasure, and said proudly: "Here, Brother Qingyu, look, this is the core of the custom-installed soul guide, I did it! "

Su Qingyu also praised her, after all, the little girl usually needs some encouragement.

What Su Qingyu didn't expect was that Shui Binger's soul power had also broken through, and at the age of 13, she officially entered the threshold of the Soul Sect.

She also remembered what Su Qingyu said, and she handed Su Qingyu's small white hand in front of Su Qingyu's eyes, "The promised gift, brother Qingyu, are you going to break your promise?"

Su Qingyu scraped Shui Bing'er's little nose with her finger, and said dotingly: "How could it be, this thing is given to you, it can be regarded as making the best use of it."

Saying that, Su Qingyu took out a lead box from the Shui Yuan Ring, which made Shui Bing'er a little familiar, and thought of something for a while.

Shui Binger's pretty face changed, and she said in disbelief, "Brother Qingyu, this is really..."

Su Qingyu nodded, and opened the lead box casually, a bone-piercing chill still came out of the lead box in an instant.

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