The indistinct fluctuations in soul power were telling Shui Bing'er that she really guessed right.

"The 2-year-old ice phoenix torso bone, although the age limit is a bit lower, but its quality and attributes are definitely the most suitable for you."

For a moment, Shui Bing'er stared obsessively at the ice phoenix soul bone lying quietly in the lead box, which existed like a work of art.

Immediately, he shook his head and said, "No, this is really too precious, and you can also use this thing, Brother Herring."

It has to be said that the torso bones of the same origin of the ice phoenix are quite attractive to Shui Bing'er.

But she still maintains restraint, she will not force things that are not her own.

And such a cherished soul bone, she also believed that it would be better to use it on Su Qingyu than on her.

Gently stroking Shui Binger's icy blue hair with her broad hands, Su Qingyu couldn't refuse and stuffed the lead box containing the spirit bone into Shui Binger's hand, "I told you I'll give it to you, take it! "

This time, she did not refuse again, after all, she also knew that it was almost impossible to change what Su Qingyu had made up her mind to.

Shui Bing'er, who took the lead box, bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, as if she had made some important decision.

A pair of white and delicate lotus root arms quickly wrapped around Su Qingyu's neck, and before Su Qingyu could react, her rosy lips moved towards him directly.

Su Qingyu enjoyed the slightly cold and sweet softness, and subconsciously hugged Shui Binger's warm and soft body on tiptoes with both hands.

This really startled Shui Bing'er, who was planning to run away after the sneak attack, never thought that she would throw herself into a trap.

Shui Bing'er felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, but with the touch of their lips, this uncomfortable feeling disappeared long ago.

After finally having the opportunity to eat Shui Bing'er into his mouth, how could Su Qingyu let her go so easily.

Su Qingyu didn't let her go until Shui Binger's red lips were slightly swollen and her mouth was numb.

"Ah, really, you are too..."

Gently covering her red and swollen lips, Shui Bing'er was extremely shy for a moment.

She is still at least a young girl who is so close to a man, even if this man is her fiancé, Shui Binger is still very shy.

Su Qingyu, who had been wiped clean, smiled, "Okay, we have been away from Tianshui City for so long, we really should go back, otherwise Aunt Shui will really come to Xingluo to catch us."

Shui Bing'er, who was diverted from the topic, also nodded. She had been away from home for so long, if Su Qingyu hadn't been by her side all the time, she would have wanted to go back a long time ago.

"Well, it's time to go back and have a look. I don't know how that girl Yue'er is doing?"

Su Qingyu hugged Shui Binger's waist very naturally, and Shui Binger didn't mind, instead she snuggled her little head into Su Qingyu's arms.

"Don't worry, what's the matter with that girl? When we go back, we'll take a walk along the Star Dou Forest. See if we can meet the soul beast you need. If it's not possible, we'll go back to Tianshui City Extreme North!"

"Okay, then listen to you."

Here, after Su Qingyu finally managed to coax Shui Binger well, she went directly to the Blacksmiths Association.

Once here, it is no longer the sound of tinkling and chaotic hammers beating, but more of a slogan to keep quiet.

Su Qingyu did not stop to watch, and came directly to the last floor of the Blacksmiths Association.

The guards here are two soul sage-level powerhouses. When they saw Su Qingyu for the first time, they took the initiative to say hello.

After returning the gift, Su Qingyu directly stated the purpose of his visit this time, "I'm looking for the president, please tell him, I'm leaving the Star Luo Empire."

The two soul saints were startled, and they didn't dare to neglect, one of them ran to report the letter without saying a word.

The one in front of me is not simple, even their president is very respectful.

After all, it is thanks to Su Qingyu that the Blacksmiths Association can usher in a transformation. Without him, they would still be a group of reckless men who only know how to forge iron.

Chapter 122 Entering the Barak Kingdom

As the soul sage went to report, not long after, a short and fat old man suddenly appeared in front of Su Qingyu with a staggering figure.

"Young Master Su, you can't leave. If there is something wrong with the Blacksmiths Association, tell me, can we change it? Even if you want to be the president, I will abdicate immediately, old man!"

The chunky old man is none other than Lou Gao, the number one blacksmith in the Douluo Continent.

Although he doesn't have Tang Hao's soul power, nor does he have the power of a Titan, but he still relies on his own pair of skillful hands to forcibly become a well-deserved master craftsman in Douluo Continent.

Lou Gao's attitude made Su Qingyu a little dumbfounded for a while, but after some explanations, Lou Gao finally understood.

"So that's the case. You really should go home and have a look. Don't worry, as long as the old man is with me for a day, I will definitely take care of the affairs of the Star Luo Empire for you."

Su Qingyu gave a slight salute, "Okay, I will leave the Xingluo matter to Master Lou Gao, and please remember, don't try to develop offensive soul tools, otherwise it will be a disaster for the entire continent."

"Don't worry about this, the old man swore an oath with his martial soul, how could he renege on his promise and become fat?"

After seeing the master craftsman Lou Gao, Su Qingyu came to the treasure room of the blacksmith association alone.

Here are all kinds of treasures accumulated by each generation for thousands of years.

Su Qingyu was able to come here because of the life-like soul tool blueprints he gave to the blacksmith association, as well as a part of the inheritance of the soul tool pattern. Lou Gao made an exception and let him come in once before leaving Gengjin City.

Although it is said to be a treasure house, most of them are all kinds of weapons made by each generation of the blacksmith association, and they are existences that Su Qingyu despises.

Most of the rare and rare materials are very likely to be used up as soon as they get them.

Those that can stay are basically the kind that the blacksmith association has not been able to use in the past.

I don't know if luck broke out, Su Qingyu picked up a good thing as soon as he entered the door, a star sapphire half the size of a basketball, his hands trembled with excitement.

Starlight sapphire, the top space-type soul guide material in Douluo Continent, is often used in soul guides of level ten and above.

This thing can also be used to make storage rings, but if you really want to do that, you are completely prodigal.

After carefully putting away the star sapphire, Su Qingyu picked and picked from a pile of unused rare metals.

Although it is said that no top-notch materials like starlight sapphires have been obtained, there are also a lot of rare metals that can be used to carve eight or nine-level soul guide formations.

It's a pity that he is currently only a level 45 soul sect and a level five soul engineer. He just got these high-level rare metals, and he basically can't use them.

Su Qingyu glanced at the water mandarin ring in her hand, and left the Blacksmiths Association contentedly...

The next day, Shui Binger, who packed up and saluted, changed into a neat dress, her ice-blue hair was tied into a ponytail, and obediently followed Su Qingyu's side.

At some point, there was an extra veil on her delicate and pretty face, which made Su Qingyu feel a little pity.

Shui Bing'er seemed to have noticed Su Qingyu's strangeness, and stared at him with a pair of good-looking eyes, as if about the kiss yesterday, she would not let Su Qingyu go so easily.

The jade hands embraced together, squeezing the already quite expected figure to be more plump, Su Qingyu couldn't bear it anymore, and amidst Shui Binger's exclamation, she directly hugged her into the carriage.

After a long time, Su Qingyu was refreshed, and wiped the powder on her lips with Shui Binger's handkerchief, which was left when he bullied Shui Binger.

Su Qingyu also thinks that this kind of daily flirting is especially helpful for physical and mental health, it seems that in the future it is better to get closer to Binger!

Similarly, while sitting in the carriage, Shui Bing'er just flirted with Su Qingyu for a while. Although her clothes were quite messy, the corners of her mouth were raised, and she looked in a good mood. She also liked this feeling.

When Su Qingyu drove away in the carriage, Geng Jincheng had already parted ways with them slowly, and he didn't know when he would come back next time...

Then, for several days in a row, the two kept on their way, and finally arrived at the border.

This time, because they planned to go near the Star Dou Great Forest, they didn't take the road of Fasno Province.

Instead, he intends to enter the territory of Barak Kingdom, only here can he quickly enter the vicinity of the Star Dou Great Forest.

The two passed the checkpoint smoothly and entered the Barak Kingdom directly.

Unlike the poverty in Fasno Province, the people of the Barak Kingdom are still living in affluence, and there are no vagabonds or children who sell their children.

Through the curtains, Shui Bing'er wearing a white scarf sighed, "It's really good, it's much better than the Star Luo Empire."

This time, it was Shui Bing'er who expressed her feelings. After all, they had traveled in the territory of the Star Luo Empire for three years, and they also understood the real situation of the great empire of the Star Luo Empire.

It was nothing more than militarism and military rampage, and the entire Star Luo Empire was in an extremely restless state.

Su Qingyu smiled approvingly, "So this is probably the benefit of a small country. Some things are much easier for them to do than the Heaven Dou Empire."

The Star Dou Forest runs through the Heaven Dou and the Star Luo Empire. Along the way, they encountered quite a few hunter towns, all of which were derived from the spirit rings of spirit beasts.

It happened that it was getting late, and Su Qingyu also planned to find a hunter town nearby, otherwise, the two of them would have to sleep in the carriage again.

Fortunately, there is a hunting town only a few miles away, and Su Qingyu immediately headed for it.

"Well, I'm really sorry, you two also know that you are basically staying in the hotel at this time, so you really only have one room."

Su Qingyu took the key from the shopkeeper, and casually glanced at Shui Binger.

Shui Bing'er's face was flushed, and now that she is a big girl, she actually understands the relationship between men and women better.

Although she was often bullied by Su Qingyu, it was impossible for her to really sleep together with a shy personality like Shui Bing'er.

Su Qingyu gently stroked Shui Binger's soft hair, and sighed slightly, "Okay, I'll figure out a way, okay!"

Not long after, Su Qingyu took out the quilt from the Shuiyuan Ring, and it seemed that she was going to make a bed on the floor, but the gentle Shui Bing'er couldn't bear it, "How go up...come to sleep!"

These words almost exhausted all of Shui Binger's strength, and after she finished speaking, her delicate body went limp.

Fortunately, Su Qingyu reacted in time and hugged her directly.

"What silly girl, you forgot, it's not good to break up too early!"

Shui Binger nodded shyly, but at this moment, a black figure quietly broke into their room, which quickly aroused Su Qingyu's reaction, "Who, come out!"

Chapter 123 Respecting the Heaven and Earth, Treating Nature Kindly

The soul power of the comer is not high, but the lion fights the rabbit and goes all out.

Su Qingyu is still extremely cautious in his heart, as long as the opponent makes a slight change, he will strike with a thunderbolt.

Similarly, Shui Bing'er was also vigilant, quickly standing still behind Su Qingyu, if there was a slight movement, she would take Su Qingyu under control first.

When the two found out, the man in black seemed to understand that she couldn't resist, so he stood up obediently.

"Wait a minute, I'm coming out!"

A slender figure shorter than Shui Bing'er staggered out, her immature face looked about ten years old, but with her plump pair, even Su Qingyu couldn't move her eyes.

Zhu Zhuqing, the young lady of the Zhu family of the Star Luo Empire, now she is covered in wounds, her face is pale, and she looks quite scary.

She just wanted to introduce herself, but before she had time, she passed out and fell straight to the ground.

Su Qingyu was about to go forward, but unexpectedly, he was stopped by Shui Binger.

The ice-blue beautiful eyes smiled slightly, and her gentle tone could not tolerate Su Qingyu's slight rejection, "I'll take care of her injuries, understand?"

Shui Bing'er in front of her more or less frightened Su Qingyu and nodded like a chicken pecking rice, not daring to have the slightest objection.

The next moment, Shui Bing'er directly pushed Su Qingyu, pushed him outside the door, and said, "Wait honestly outside, otherwise, hum..."

After intentionally threatening Su Qingyu, Shui Bing'er closed the door behind her.

Fortunately, Shui Bing'er had been with Su Qingyu for a long time, under the influence of her ears and eyes, it couldn't be easier to deal with Zhu Zhuqing's trauma.

Half an hour later, Shui Binger opened her mouth to Su Qingyu who was locked outside the door, poked her little head out playfully, and smiled at Su Qingyu: "It's settled, come in!"

Su Qingyu glanced at Shui Bing'er with some resentment, as if complaining again, her elbow turned outward.

As smart as Shui Bing'er, she naturally knew what Su Qingyu was thinking.

A pair of small white hands rested lightly on his waist, and said with a smile: "Brother Qingyu, did I tell you that she is a girl, you old man, don't join in the fun? Unless, you yes……"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Su Qingyu glared, and Shui Binger immediately closed her mouth, but the corners of the little girl's mouth turned up, as if she had some bad thoughts.

"The Zhu family of the Star Luo Empire, I really didn't expect that a little girl like her would appear in the territory of the Barak Kingdom. Although this is not the Heaven Dou Empire, it is still quite dangerous for her!"

It was Shui Bing'er who said this, and she didn't understand why such a good little girl would come to a foreign country alone.

You know, even if she was always by Su Qingyu's side at the beginning, otherwise, even the dean of water would not be relieved of her coming out.

In this regard, Su Qingyu did not hide it, and told Shui Binger about the traditional "Brothers and Brothers Respect" program since the Star Luo Empire's royal family.

Because a certain little girl occupied the bed, Su Qingyu and Shui Binger stayed up all night until dawn the next day. After leaving a letter, they left here early.

Now this time is not the time to get in touch with the protagonist group, at least with Tang Hao nearby, Su Qingyu can't get too close to Tang San and the others.

As sensitive as Tang Hao, the Clear Sky Douluo, he is quite moody, and his temper is not much better than Dugu Bo's.

If Tang Hao were to target her, then for Su Qingyu, the loss outweighed the gain.

After Su Qingyu and Shui Binger drove away in the carriage for a long time, Zhu Zhuqing, who was sleeping comfortably on the bed, slowly opened his eyes.

Zhu Zhuqing hadn't slept so peacefully for a long time since her good sister Zhu Zhuyun sent soul masters to assassinate her one after another.

This opportunity to sleep in is really rare for Zhu Zhuqing!

Zhu Zhuqing sat down comfortably, showing the incomparably exaggerated plumpness of his body to the fullest.

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