It's a pity that Su Qingyu, who has already left, has no chance to see her.

Immediately, Zhu Zhuqing remembered something, quickly checked his body, and heaved a deep sigh of relief when he found that there was nothing wrong.

It's just that she was also puzzled, who were those two people she met last night, and why did they save her.

Su Qingyu and Shui Binger, who had left, resolutely gave up the carriage near the Star Dou Forest and entered the outskirts of the forest.

Because the Star Dou Great Forest spans north and south, the vegetation of the Star Dou Great Forest in different regions is not the same.

The only time Shui Binger came to Star Dou Great Forest was with the three members of the Su family, and that time was mainly at the northern edge of Star Dou Great Forest.

The Great Star Dou Forest located in the Barak Kingdom belongs to the central part, and most of the vegetation in it is tropical plants.

Compared to the northern part of the Star Dou Great Forest, the plant species in the central rainforest are much more abundant.

Because Shui Binger didn't have enough jungle experience, she had no choice but to follow Su Qingyu.

Not long after, the two met a group of soul masters who looked like they had just returned from hunting, and many of them were soul kings or even soul emperors.

But after staying in the Star Dou Great Forest for such a long time, they themselves were very tired.

As a result, when they saw the two young men Su Qingyu and Shui Binger, their first reaction was to be vigilant and prevent sneak attacks.

Fortunately, neither side had any intention of doing anything, and they both left Ke Ke in place.

After all, in this forest of spirit beasts, the most dangerous ones are never the spirit beasts themselves, but the insidious ones who hide in the dark and try to murder people and seize treasures.

Because of the increase in soul power, Su Qingyu planned to take Shui Binger to the mixed zone this time.

All the way to the northern edge of the Great Star Forest, he really couldn't find a suitable soul ring for Shui Binger, so he had no choice but to go to the Extreme North Ice Field.

To be honest, even though Su Qingyu grew up in Tianshui City, so close to the Extreme North Ice Field, in fact he has never seen the real Extreme North Ice Field.

Of course, with the improvement of Shui Binger's soul power level, he also believes that sooner or later he will be able to enter the inner circle of the Extreme North Land and see the real Extreme North Ice Field.

Leaving aside the extreme northern ice sheet for now, the mixed area of ​​the Star Dou Forest usually has far fewer people coming here than the outer areas.

Therefore, there are many more soul beasts and treasures that can be encountered.

Of course, in the Star Dou Great Forest, few people would dare to collect resources wantonly on a large scale here, because doing so would easily attract the attacks of powerful spirit beasts.

Even if Su Qingyu had the protection of Ditian and even the real owner of the Star Dou Forest, she wouldn't be too reckless.

If the soul beast doesn't provoke him, he won't kill innocent people indiscriminately.

He would only charge half of the various treasures in the forest at most, or even less.

As a qualified herb collector, it is only natural to respect the heaven and the earth and be kind to nature. Being too greedy will only add disaster to one's body.

Chapter 124 Narrow-minded Baekhyun

Day by day, Su Qingyu's progress is not very fast.

Carefully picking up a green fruit tree seedling that is helpful for soul power cultivation, Su Qingyu glanced at Shui Bing'er apologetically, "I'm sorry, I have disappointed you these two days, and I didn't find a soul beast that suits you. That said, it wasted a lot of your time."

Shui Bing'er smiled slightly, took out a white handkerchief, and gently wiped the sweat off Su Qingyu's forehead.

Immediately, he said softly, "It's okay, besides, it's very difficult for ice-type soul beasts to appear in this environment."

This is true, because the speed of the two of them has been unable to increase, and they have just left the central area of ​​the Star Dou Forest.

Next, in the north-central region, the forests here are mainly in the temperate climate zone, and there is a certain possibility that ice-type soul beasts will appear.

Similarly, similar to the temperate climate in the central and northern part of the Star Dou Great Forest, the products here are also quite rich.

Especially soul beasts, powerful soul beasts like wolves and tigers also mainly live in this area.

Not long after the two of them entered this area, they encountered many teams hunting soul beasts.

Among them are the Barak Kingdom and the Heaven Dou Empire, and the outside world just corresponds to the place where the Outside Heaven Dou Empire borders the Barak Kingdom.

Although the Star Dou Great Forest is called a forest, in fact there are various terrains inside it.

No, Su Qingyu, carrying Shui Binger on her back, climbed a hillside all the way, and just came to a valley.

The entire valley is covered with greenery everywhere, covered by waist-high grass, stretching as far as the eye can see.

From time to time, there will be gusts of breeze blowing, carrying the dry heat on Su Qingyu's body.

Shui Bing'er, who had been lying on Su Qingyu's body, patted Su Qingyu's shoulder, motioning for him to put herself down.

With her toes back on the ground, Shui Binger looked at the endless grassland in the distance. She was so happy that she really wanted to lie on the lawn and roll around.

But before she could move, Su Qingyu stopped her.

Su Qingyu patiently explained to Shui Binger, "This kind of place with lush grass can easily hide some small spirit beasts, such as snakes and mantis-like spirit beasts. If they lie down without authorization, they will easily be killed. They attack."

Saying that, Su Qingyu took out a five-level long spear melee soul guide with a length of more than two meters from the water ring, the Chiyu Spear.

Apart from anything else, Su Qingyu, who was holding a red feather gun, directly swept towards the meadow in front of him, and a turquoise snake-like soul beast with a length of more than two meters was easily swept out by him.

"Yeah, there really are!"

Shui Bing'er was also slightly frightened. After all, snakes were something that many men were afraid of even in Su Qingyu's previous life.

The little green snake just now was easily killed by Su Qingyu, but he can't be careless, who knows what else is hidden in the grass.

Su Qingyu was in charge of opening the way in front, and Shui Binger was also holding a level [-] melee long knife soul guide, ready to make up for Su Qingyu at any time.

Fortunately, the area of ​​this waist-high grass is not very wide. After walking for about ten kilometers, Su Qingyu and Shui Binger came to a place with only a shallow layer of grass.

Here, a group of original soul beasts of the Star Dou Great Forest, the Hercules, are grazing leisurely, flicking their tails to drive away the flies, and mooing a few times from time to time.

As for Su Qingyu and Shui Binger, the uninvited guests, they didn't take it seriously, they were still happily eating the delicious green grass.

"I'm going ⊙?⊙!, this Dali Niu actually has more than 1 years of cultivation, it's really unreliable!"

Shui Bing'er covered her red lips lightly, "Yeah, with more than 1 years of cultivation, someone's idea of ​​eating beef is probably going to come to naught."

In a one-on-one situation, Su Qingyu wouldn't frown on a soul beast with a cultivation base below 3 years.

But the group of strong bulls in front of him is different, even if there is only one that is more than [-] years old, Su Qingyu doesn't dare to provoke it.

After all, once hundreds of cows go crazy, Contra will have to detour when he sees them.

Under Shui Binger's "persuasion", Su Qingyu had no choice but to let go of her desire for beef, and headed honestly towards the north of the Star Dou Forest.

But sometimes, people are unlucky enough to drink cold water and get stuck in their teeth, and they are talking about Su Qingyu and Shui Bing'er now.

Not long after the two walked out of the valley, they met an acquaintance.

Feng Xiaotian, before the age of 14, was in the limelight. After the age of 14, he was obsessed with self-created soul skills, which led to a slow breakthrough in soul power. He has only broken through the fortieth level of soul sect in his early twenties.

According to his current talent full of soul power, he can completely advance this time by five years, but he did waste five years for a self-created soul skill.

It was his father, level 71 soul saint, Feng Boxian who came to accompany Feng Xiaotian, the young patriarch of the Feng family, to hunt the soul ring himself.

Maybe it's because he hasn't seen Su Qingyu and Shui Bing'er for a long time, even Feng Xiaotian didn't recognize their identities in the first place.

Feng Boxian took the initiative to block Su Qingyu's way, with a simple and honest smile on his honest face, "Dare you two friends, have you seen the Gale Demonic Wolf Clan in this Wind Wolf Valley?"

"No, I only saw a herd of Hercules!"

Su Qingyu frowned, but he didn't lie, after all, he really only saw a herd of strong bulls.

But the answer Su Qingyu gave didn't seem to be what Feng Boxian wanted.

I saw that Feng Boxian's chubby face darkened, and he said in a low voice: "What you said is true, otherwise, you can't afford to lie to my Feng family!"

When Su Qingyu got cold, sure enough, his Uncle Feng was still so annoying.

Feng Xiaotian, who is good at observing words and expressions, suddenly came out to smooth things over, "Little brother, don't get me wrong, my father just wanted to ask you if you have seen the pack of Gale Demon Wolves nearby. If so, please give Take us for a ride, and our Feng family will give you a satisfactory reward when the time comes."

"I've said it all, I didn't see it, so farewell!"

Not to mention that Su Qingyu didn't meet the Gale Demon Wolf, but if he did, why should he tell the Feng family.

Holding Shui Binger's white jade hand, Su Qingyu hurried away in front of Feng Boxian whose anger was about to be overwhelmed.

Narrow-minded, jealous of talents, Feng Xiaotian's father has always had this personality since he was a child.

Back then, when he and Su Liefeng were in the Shenfeng Academy, as long as someone had surpassed him, he would definitely be retaliated by Feng Boxian, the young master of the Feng family.

Therefore, in order not to anger the dean's son, all the students desperately suppressed their cultivation.

Shenfeng Academy has been at the bottom for nearly ten years. It was not until Feng Boxian was about to graduate that Feng Zhengjie discovered the situation and publicly explained everything before it ended.

Now being ignored by a junior, he naturally couldn't swallow this breath!

Chapter 125 Siege and interception

"Wait a minute, someone is following you!"

Ai Mo, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly spoke. Although under normal circumstances it seems to be on standby, don't forget that Ai Mo's body is the Tower of Soul Guidance.

Usually relying on Su Qingyu's soul power, as long as the radius of the detection range does not exceed one kilometer, all existences that are hostile to Su Qingyu's life will be easily detected by it.

Therefore, Ai Mo told Su Qingyu all the information at the first time of the detection.

There are eight people in the target information, which is the same as the number of Feng's family just now. You don't even need to guess, it must be that idiot Feng Boxian.

In the past, Su Qingyu had heard from her father that Feng Boxian had done such stupid things outside, but he would do everything possible to get rid of him if he couldn't see it.

Later, the idiot Feng Boxian also provoked Douluo in the Chamber of Secrets. If it wasn't for Douluo in the Chamber of Secrets who didn't take Shenfeng Academy into his eyes, it would be a matter of debate whether the Feng family still exists.

Since this incident happened, Feng Boxian has calmed down a lot, but now, God knows if he fell ill again.

At the beginning, Su Qingyu didn't believe it. After all, people are not Erha, how could they be so brainless.

But now Su Qingyu really wants to slap herself, this Feng Boxian's brain is really not as good as Erha!

Unknowingly, Su Qingyu quickened her pace and was spotted by Shui Binger.

There was a hint of worry in the ice-blue pretty eyes, "Brother Herring, what's the matter, why do I feel that your heart seems to be impatient."

Su Qingyu didn't hide anything from her, and simply told her about Feng Boxian.

It can only be said that Feng Boxian is too famous, and Shui Binger is also a little pale, "Then what should we do, the Feng family is so powerful, we are probably no match!"

Just as Shui Bing'er was worried, in addition to Feng Xiaotian, the quasi-soul sect, and Feng Boxian, the soul sage, in the Feng family's team.

The others are at least five-ring soul kings. It's okay to say that it's just Su Qingyu, but the existence of Shui Bing'er undoubtedly adds too many variables.

On the other side, less than one kilometer away from Su Qingyu and Shui Binger, Feng Boxian still led the Feng family to fish behind them.

Feng Xiaotian, who was following at the end, couldn't help feeling a little worried, "Father, the origin of the other party is unknown. If we really provoke some unnecessary existences, our Feng family will not be able to handle it!"

Feng Xiaotian is already 21 years old, and he has also experienced Feng Boxian's provoking to Douluo in the Chamber of Secrets.

At that time, the entire Feng family was in panic, and everyone was ready to flee.

Such a nightmare, Feng Xiaotian thought it was good enough if he could bear it once.

If it happens again, it is difficult to guarantee whether the nightmare will become a reality and befall the Feng family.

There was also a look of fear in Feng Boxian's eyes, but he quickly adjusted it.

At first, he didn't believe that the two teenagers without guardians would be genius disciples of some powerful force.

Secondly, it was because of the secret room Douluo incident that made Feng Boxian a sinner and shame of the Feng family!

He urgently needs the world to prove that he, Feng Boxian, is still that Feng family, and even the number one genius of Shenfeng Academy!

"Xiaotian, if you still think I'm your father, shut up!"

The coercion of the soul sage directly pressed towards Feng Xiaotian, how could Feng Xiaotian of the soul sect who had not formally broken through could stop it, and was crushed to the ground by Feng Boxian's coercion after a stagger.

Seeing that Feng Xiaotian, who is a quasi-soul sect, was easily overwhelmed by himself, Feng Boxian felt that he was back, and he was still the super genius who dominated the Kamikaze Academy.

However, after all, the poison of a tiger does not eat its offspring. Although Feng Boxian is stupid, he has no intention of hurting Feng Xiaotian after all.

"Leave two people here to watch Xiaotian, and the others will follow me!"

Except for Feng Boxian, the soul sage, the remaining two soul emperors stayed to watch Feng Xiaotian.

Feng Boxian, with five soul kings alone, continued to pursue Su Qingyu and Shui Binger.

In the forest, the terrain and the existence of soul beasts put great restrictions on Su Qingyu and Shui Binger. They couldn't rely on the soul guide, so their speed naturally dropped a lot.

And the members of the Feng family all have wind attribute martial souls, and there is basically no hindrance to their walking speed in the Star Dou Great Forest.

Seeing that the distance between the two sides has been continuously drawn in, Feng Boxian's eyes flashed a hint of viciousness, and a blue wind blade was thrown towards Su Qingyu with all its strength!

Wind Blade, the usual attack method of the Gale Demon Wolf clan, is also the first soul skill of the vast majority of soul masters who possess the Gale Demon Wolf martial soul.

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