Su Qingyu, who was holding a five-level melee soul guide with the flame attribute, blocked the wind blade with one hand, "Feng Boxian, I didn't expect you to be more than 50 people, and you still don't change your nature!"

Being recognized by Su Qingyu immediately, Feng Boxian panicked for no reason.

In his impression, people who can know him are basically impossible for him to beat.

Because he was able to fight those, they were basically abolished by him back then, how could he still appear in the Star Dou Forest.

Coupled with Su Qingyu's age, Yuan Congxin was convinced that Feng Boxian believed that this must not be the people he couldn't afford to offend back then.

Simply, Feng Boxian took five soul kings and directly surrounded the two of them, "Boy, you dare to deceive my master Feng family, this time I will let you die without a place to bury you!"

Shui Bing'er leaned tightly behind Su Qingyu, "What to do, Feng Boxian is still a soul sage anyway, if we do something, we have little chance of winning!"

One soul sage and five soul kings, Su Qingyu doesn't know how, he and Shui Bing'er may not be able to match Feng Boxian together.

After all, the skill of Martial Soul Avatar is too incomprehensible, and the unreasonable increase directly raises the level of the soul master.

Su Qingyu said in a deep voice: "I know Bing'er is difficult, but you must help me hold off the other five soul kings first. As for Feng Boxian, leave it to me!"

In fact, Su Qingyu didn't need to take any risks at all.

Don't forget, this is the Great Star Forest, as long as he calls Di Tian, ​​Feng Boxian can't escape from the Great Star Forest even if he can fly.

But Su Qingyu is more aware that favors are not so easy to owe, especially life-saving grace.

Unless it was absolutely necessary, he would not let Ditian and the others take action.

After all, this favor, how much you owe now, you will have to pay back more in the future.

Su Qingyu is not Tang San, he must repay his kindness, so he is doomed not to owe others too much kindness, after all, this will be a huge debt in the future!

A clear dragon chant sounded, and Su Qingyu completed the martial soul possession in an instant, and was disguised as two yellow and two purple four soul rings lingering around him.

Shui Bing'er's body is two yellow and one purple. Although her aura is weaker than Su Qingyu's, she still has no timidity in the face of the five soul kings.

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect to meet such a genius in the barren mountains and wild mountains. Since he is not from the Feng family, then die to me, Feng Cutter!"

Chapter 126 Meeting Dugu Bo Again

A series of cyan wind blades directly hit Su Qingyu.

Wind Cutting Blade is the second soul ability of Gale Demon Wolf's spirit. It fires a large number of wind blades at once. Although it is not much stronger than the first soul ability, this amount is enough to cause headaches.

Su Qingyu didn't show any weakness either, and directly used the power of the third soul skill, Phaseless Wind Gang, Transformation!

Feng Gang melted all the wind blades for a while, which also made Feng Boxian stunned. He never thought that Su Qingyu could defuse his attack like this.

As a soul sage, Feng Boxian has always been very proud. Seeing that his first and second soul skills have not been completed, he can't help being annoyed.

"Die to me, array of wind blades!"

Wind blade skills have always been the core skills of the Gale Demon Wolf, and it is also a very powerful wind elemental soul beast.

But in front of Su Qingyu's third ability, controlled by the wind element, all of this is just pediatrics after all, and all moves evolved from the wind element are invalid attacks on Su Qingyu!

Moreover, Su Qingyu is not used to him, a thousand winds and strong winds, all the wind elements in a radius of tens of miles are condensed by him in an instant.

The huge cyan hurricane directly caused Su Qingyu to fly, and the cyan wind gangs shone brightly.

Seeing this, Feng Boxian's face changed, and he also abandoned his last face, and directly used the martial soul avatar that only soul masters above seven rings can use.

The seventh soul skill of each martial soul is the martial soul avatar, but the functions of the martial soul avatar are different, and they all greatly improve one's own quality.

For Feng Boxian, speed is the existence that has the greatest influence on him, and it is also one of the few places that he can be proud of.

In the werewolf state, Feng Boxian's speed reached an incredible level for a while, comparable to some weaker Contras.

This made him a little overwhelmed, and for a while, Su Qingyu's waist was severely torn by Feng Boxian's claws, bloody and bloody.

The sudden pain was also Su Qingyu's sense of danger. Soul sages are soul sages after all, so they can be defeated so easily.

Quietly releasing the field of rejuvenation, Su Qingyu's injuries are slowly recovering.

But how could someone like Feng Boxian ignore Su Qingyu's recovery?

"Hahaha, go to hell, Sirius slash!"

Feng Boxian's wanton laughter sounded, and a faint blue wolf's head appeared behind him, and then directly rushed towards Su Qingyu.

The speed of the wind element's attack naturally doesn't need much, and it has already come to Su Qingyu's side in an instant.

Su Qingyu's waist injury is not healed, so it's just a dream to avoid such a large-scale long-range attack.

Stone Crystal Illusion!

It was Su Qingyu's fourth soul ring, the ability bestowed on him by a 2-year-old top-quality gem-like soul beast Shi Jinghuanbiao, the ability to combine earth attributes with illusion.

When Sky Wolf's Wrathful Slash touched the stone crystal illusion barrier, it melted like ice and snow. Su Qingyu also took the opportunity to seize the opportunity, holding the Blazing Yang Divine Sword, and the dazzling light bloomed again, making Feng Boxian unable to open his eyes at all.

Immediately, the ice fire energy that Su Qingyu had accumulated for a long time burst out in an instant, with a distance of less than 30 meters, even though Feng Boxian was a soul sage of the agility department, he still couldn't dodge it.

Ice and fire shattered!

Opposing elements can both fuse and repel each other.

Su Qingyu uses the interaction between elements to interpret the power of water and fire to the extreme.

The destructive power generated by the extension of water, ice and flames is enough to severely injure Feng Boxian, the soul saint.

What's more, Su Qingyu's water and fire were both nourished by the origin of the Ice Fire Dragon King, and its power is self-evident.

The impact of the explosion fully blasted out a huge crater with a radius of 30 meters. Feng Boxian lay in it covered in blood, and from time to time he could still see frostbite and flame marks on his body.

Feng Boxian, who was lying in the huge pit, was dying, and he fell into fear. He couldn't believe that his majestic soul sage would lose to a young man who only had the cultivation of the soul sect.

He is obviously the most talented soul master in the mainland, how could he be reduced to this level!

This is something Feng Boxian has never been able to believe, why he is invincible at the same level in Shenfeng Academy and Feng Family!

Once it comes out, it will be inferior to even a soul sect!

I don't know, he was never a genius, but his old father, Feng Zhengjie, has been showing his old face at Shenfeng Academy in order to maintain his poor self-esteem.

The Feng family is much simpler, the son of the owner, this is enough.

Soul saints are not so easy to deal with, especially for Su Qingyu. Although he has initially mastered the skill of element fusion, it is extremely difficult to kill a real soul saint.

Although Feng Boxian is also a soul sage, he is only a parallel importer with weak soul power who was promoted by relying on rare treasures.

Su Qingyu, who has been being repaired by the field of rejuvenation of all things, came directly to the giant pit, gave Feng Boxian a cold look, and immediately started to do it.

Feng Boxian was frightened by Su Qingyu, "Don't, don't kill me, I am Feng Boxian, my father is soul..."

Before he could finish speaking, Su Qingyu directly cut off his neck with a wind gang.

Immediately, Su Qingyu quickly rushed towards Shui Binger.

The five soul kings are really dangerous to Shui Bing'er.

If it weren't for helplessness, how could Su Qingyu make her face it hard?

But when Su Qingyu rushed over, the scene in front of him made him a little dumbfounded.

The gray-haired old man was accompanied by a young man and woman, and the woman was taking care of Shui Bing'er, who was pale.

However, the five soul kings of the Kamikaze Academy who were chasing and killing Shui Bing'er were forcibly suppressed by the old man with powerful soul power and knelt on the ground.

"Senior Dugu, why are you here?"

That's right, the person who came was the Poison Douluo Dugu Bo, and the man and woman who followed him were not the granddaughter Duguyan and the grandson-in-law Yu Tianheng.

Because of Su Qingyu's Ice Fire Transformation Heaven Pill, this boy Yu Tianheng also enjoyed the benefits. At the age of 19, he has already broken through level [-], and it seems that there should be more than that!

Dugu Bo caressed his gray beard, "Yanzi followed that Qin Ming out to practice, and the two of them broke through, I will take them to obtain the soul ring."

Dugu Yan, who hadn't seen him for a long time, also grabbed Su Qingyu's cheek with his hands, and stroked it gently with his white hands, "Not to mention, you look really good, if it wasn't for my old lady Tianheng, I would really like it." I want to kiss you!"

Su Qingyu's face darkened, "Could you pay attention, what a grown-up!"

Didn't you see that Yu Tianheng is still here? If you tease me like this, you won't be afraid that he will be jealous, will you?

After finishing speaking, Su Qingyu quickly came to Shui Binger's side, and put a piece of Longzhi leaf into her mouth.

Seeing Su Qingyu's nervous look, Shui Bing'er smiled, and gave him a gentle hug, "It's okay, it's just that the soul power is a little too exhausted, how do you deal with those people?"

Chapter 127 Breakthrough at the Edge of Life and Death

Looking at the five soul kings of the Feng family who were kneeling on the ground, Su Qingyu naturally didn't say much.

Just because Feng Boxian led people to chase him and Shui Bing'er, Liang Zi had already formed, and there was nothing to say.

It is true that Feng Boxian was a mad dog before, but this is not the reason why he can lead the Feng family to hunt him down.

"Feng's dog looks like an eyesore, so I'm going to trouble seniors to do it."

Dugu Bo smiled lightly, stroked his gray beard, and said, "Hehe, how old are you, don't worry about any troubles!"

As soon as the words fell, a poisonous soul power like ink directly penetrated the hearts and lungs of the five people.

Five soul king level powerhouses who were all masters in the Douluo Continent died here in an instant!

To Dugu Bo, there was no difference between killing five soul kings and five chickens.

At this time, Dugu Bo suddenly came up to her, with a pair of purple eyes looking at Shui Binger all over her body, looking at the thin-skinned Shui Binger somewhat embarrassed.

"Hey, this is your fiancée, Brother Herring, she is indeed a rare beauty, no wonder you are so fond of..."

Yu Tianheng, who stopped Dugu Yan in time, gently wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead, this is not something that can be said casually.

Even Dugu Bo broke into a cold sweat for his granddaughter, he would rather demolish ten temples than ruin a marriage.

He doesn't want his granddaughter to do such a thing that lacks great virtue.

Fortunately, Yu Tianheng, the hairy grandson-in-law, has quick eyes and hands, otherwise, when we meet in the future, he won't know what to say.

Shui Bing'er was somewhat confused, but as smart as she was, she still guessed something.

Although they kept it from her, she didn't force it, because she firmly believed that she was Su Qingyu's childhood sweetheart and the person who accompanied him the longest.

For this kind of thing, Shui Bing'er has long been prepared, and talent is her best way to deal with it.

Moreover, Shui Bing'er also has sufficient confidence, not everyone can accompany her brother Herring to grow up all the way.

As for Su Qingyu, he himself was quite confused, not knowing what Dugu Yan meant.

Similarly, this was seen by Shui Bing'er, and the corners of Shui Bing'er's mouth rose, revealing a beautiful arc.

It seems that things are much better than she imagined. From Su Qingyu's reaction, she can see that maybe only some people are interested.

Don't blame Shui Bing'er for being suspicious, at the age of her first love, she pays special attention to every move of her sweetheart.

Seeing that Su Qingyu didn't respond, she immediately felt a lot more at ease.

Immediately, Su Qingyu felt that the atmosphere was not right, and took the initiative to change the topic, "Senior Dugu, you can continue to look for the soul beast, Binger and I will leave first."

After all, Su Qingyu took Shui Binger's little hand and was about to leave.

What Su Qingyu didn't expect was that Yu Tianheng stopped him.

When they were in Tiandou City, the two had a good relationship, and Su Qingyu didn't know why Yu Tianheng stopped her?

"Tianheng, what's the matter?"

Yu Tianheng sighed, put his arms around Su Qingyu's shoulders, and said in a low voice: "Let's go over there and talk, some things are really inconvenient."

Although he didn't understand what Yu Tianheng meant, Su Qingyu still followed.

After some words, Su Qingyu understood, "You mean Ye Lingling?"

"That's right, don't forget that you promised Senior Ye Shengxin to take care of her."

Su Qingyu caressed her forehead, and said helplessly: "I promised, but now Ye Lingling is an adult, and according to what you said, she is already a high-level soul master. What else do I have to do?"

Hearing this, Yu Tianheng also had a headache, there was no way for Dugu Yan to cause trouble, so how could he not bear it!

Simply, Yu Tianheng didn't continue to hide it, and directly told Su Qingyu about Duguyan's matching of Su Qingyu and Ye Lingling.

"No, what you mean is that Dugu Yan..."

This time, I can't fix Su Qingyu, "You mean, Ye Lingling is now..."

Yu Tianheng sighed, "I think it's almost the same."

This painful thing also made Yu Tianheng quite speechless, but it happened to be his girlfriend who made a living.

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