"Hingyu, lying is not a good habit. Although I usually look down on that idiot Feng Boxian, I would never believe you if you said you killed him."

Su Qingyu smiled, "Dad, how could I lie to you about this, Feng Boxian is indeed dead, and died in my hands!"

Su Liefeng stopped eating, and Su Liefeng was silent for a while, then sighed, "Unexpectedly, he was also a man of the hour when I was young, but in the end he died at the hands of a junior like you. It's just this matter, laughing God knows ?"

"I shouldn't know. If he knew, I wouldn't let him live."

Su Liefeng is quite satisfied with Su Qingyu's handling attitude, "We must get rid of the roots. Although Xiaotian can't find it for a while, can you guarantee that he won't find it in the future?"

Having been in the world of soul masters for many years, Su Liefeng naturally understands soul masters better than Su Qingyu.

If Feng Boxian killed him, he would kill him. The most important thing was how to deal with the follow-up matters to avoid some troubles.

Su Liefeng taught Su Qingyu a lesson, that is, to be cautious in everything, once it is disclosed, many people will be unlucky.

At night, the father and son talked for a long time and drank a lot of wine.

When Su Qingyu woke up, she found that her head was aching.

After washing up and changing into clothes, Su Qingyu came to Tianshui College led by Lan Xiaoyue.

Because it is a man, Li Jing who is in charge of watching the gate finds Su Qingyu quite unpleasant, even if the person who brought him here is Lan Xiaoyue.

Relying on her childhood memory, Su Qingyu soon came to the training place of Tianshui Academy's team.

Because it was outside the school, Su Qingyu was the first to come, and Shui Binger and sisters were the second.

After parting with Shui Bing'er for half a day, Su Qingyu held Shui Bing'er's soft hand with concern, "How about it, did the dean agree to take you to the extreme north to obtain the fourth soul ring?"

In front of the girls headed by Xue Wu, Shui Binger's delicate and pretty face was slightly rosy, and she nodded gently, "Well, I'm leaving today, and the dean also asked me to tell you to be your training partner, otherwise She won't let you go when she comes back."

After finishing speaking, the thin-skinned Shui Bing'er couldn't help being too intimate with Su Qingyu in front of the girls, so she let go and left the training base lightly.

Su Qingyu's acquaintance Xue Wu and Yu Hairou suddenly approached her, and her fair and slender hands pinched Su Qingyu's cheek lightly, "Not to mention, Binger's eyes are really good enough, she really makes my sisters envious Woolen cloth!"

Fortunately, Su Qingyu usually treats Shui Yueer well, and she herself is quite conscientious.

Seeing that Xue Wu and Yu Hairou, the eldest of the two girls in the middle grade, flirted with Su Qingyu, she hurried up to stop her, "Sister Xuewu, sister Hairou, if you molested my brother-in-law again, be careful when my sister comes back to clean up the two of you." indivual!"

After all, everything depends on strength, Shui Yue'er carried Shui Bing'er out, Xue Wu and Yu Hairou, the two big girls, had a lot of rules.

Shen Liuyu, who was a little moved and wanted to tease Su Qingyu, Gu Qingbo and Qiu Ruoshui also settled down.

Su Qingyu can also see that the girls in front of them are not low-minded, and sometimes it is really necessary to show off!

Chapter 130 Stimulating the Women of Tianshui

For a moment, along with Su Qingyu's martial soul, a slight dragon chant sounded, yellow, yellow, purple, and four soul rings lingered around him.

"Let me introduce you formally, Su Qingyu, Wuhun Qingyulong, level 45 attack control system Zhanhunzong. Has anyone come to challenge me?"

The color of the soul ring was disguised by Su Qingyu into a normal color in advance, otherwise Ma Wei might have played with Ma Wei this time.

But even so, it also frightened the six girls of Tianshui College.

They have known each other since they were young, and Xue Wu and the others are no strangers to Su Qingyu's age.

"Is there any mistake, I remember this guy is not yet 14 years old!"

Yu Hairou was the first to take it no longer. She really couldn't imagine that Xiao Douding, who hadn't awakened her martial soul back then, surpassed her in soul power.

Xue Wu was also disturbed. After all, she was Lan Xiaoyue's apprentice, and she often went to Su's house to play with Su Qingyu.

Seeing that the younger brother next door is so powerful, Xue Wu touched her own Guanghua fair and delicate face, feeling as if she was getting old.

Generally speaking, the effect of dismounting Mawei is naturally quite good.

As Su Qingyu patted his palms, everyone reacted, "Okay, everyone here, there is no one who doesn't know me, and there is no one who I don't know. Since everyone is acquainted, I will not be polite Already!"

Immediately, Su Qingyu directly asked the six lovely girls of Tianshui College to stand under the sun, and let them stand there so quietly.

Today's weather is already in August, even in Tianshui City, it is quite warm, and it is best to bask in the sun.

Su Qingyu would not admit it, but suddenly remembered that she wanted the girls from Tianshui College to stand honestly under the sun for a while.

The time was like this, and the girls who gritted their teeth and insisted on standing couldn't bear it when the sun was getting bigger and bigger.

Su Qingyu has never been a villain, so she asked the beautiful seniors from Tianshui College to drag her back to the bathroom one by one in advance.

There are precious medicinal materials that Su Qingyu brought from the Star Dou Great Forest to temper the body, just soak for an hour a day.

After lunch, in the afternoon, even Xue Wu, who was physically weakest, felt refreshed, with an inexhaustible energy.

"As we all know, soul power is the foundation of a soul master! But the vast majority of soul masters are not qualified to control their own soul power, and cannot control their own soul power."

In front of Su Qingyu, the little girl Shui Yueer always felt that something bad would happen when she heard Su Qingyu's words.

But everyone suffered together, just as Shui Yue'er took a step back, she was stopped by Xue Wu and Yu Hairou.

The current Shui Yue'er is more or less regretful, when they molested Su Qingyu just now, why did she stand out, and now she completely shoots herself in the foot!

For the control training of her own soul power, Su Qingyu didn't make things too difficult for the ladies and sisters of Tianshui College.

There is only one item, and that is to keep releasing the martial soul!

At the beginning, Shen Liuyu and the others felt quite relaxed, because they just released their martial spirits.It's so easy.

But Xue Wu, who knew Su Qingyu's temperament quite well, had a serious expression on her face. She really didn't believe that Su Qingyu would be so kind.

With the release of the martial soul, everyone's soul power was also quietly consumed unconsciously.

The girls also reacted, and Xue Wu, who had the highest cultivation of soul power, turned pale, "Sisters, this boy Qing Yu has no good intentions, everyone pay attention to the consumption of soul power."

That's right, how could Su Qingyu have good intentions? No one pays attention to the loss of soul power when she usually releases her martial soul.

Just when Gu Qingbo and Shen Liuyu, who had the lowest soul power, were about to lose their hold, Su Qingyu stopped them in time.

"How is it, how fast do you feel the loss of soul power?"

Although a little ashamed, they did feel the changes in their own soul power.

"Soul power is the essence of soul master's battle or assistance. Without soul power, the profession of soul master will lose its meaning..."

Listening to Su Qingyu's teaching, Xue Wu and the others, who were imprisoned in the academy for a while, also understood a lot.

At the same time, they also found that the gap between themselves and Su Qingyu was not as simple as the gap in soul power.

The combat experience of the soul master they were always proud of was so pale in front of Su Qingyu.

As the oldest Xue Wu, she was also the first to raise this question, "Herring, what do you think we can gain a certain amount of combat experience in a short period of time."

Su Qingyu still had a good impression of this young lady who took good care of her when she was a child, and patiently explained for Xue Wu, "It's very simple, there is great opportunity in the battle between life and death, but it is also trapped in great terror. It’s easy to say if you survive, but if you can’t survive, that’s the end of it.”

Normally, as team members of Tianshui Academy, they often participate in the competitions on the fighting spirit stage.

But what they participated in was never a life-and-death soul fight, and the soul masters in all the soul fight competitions they participated in basically would not let go, after all, once someone died, it would be troublesome.

It does not rule out existences similar to the Silves City Fierce God Team, but in the end there are only a few of them.

After listening, the girls of Tianshui College were also much silent.

However, Su Qingyu also explained that these are not suitable for college students like them.

It's just that in the world of soul masters, no matter whether they are suitable or not, the cruel facts will not change them in any way.

"So, there is absolutely no need for you to play in the academy competition. You can honestly improve your soul power. Let's talk about the future, right?"

No one will ask for trouble for themselves, so the girls of Tianshui College are also planning to regress.

But only Shui Yue'er, Xue Wu, and Yu Hairou looked at Su Qingyu with burning eyes.

If they don't want to leave Tianshui Academy, they will become vases, or they will disappear into the world of soul masters without a sound.

"Brother-in-law/Brother Herring, we are not afraid, please teach us!"

Driven by the three of them, Shen Liuyu, who was not very talented in soul power cultivation, and Gu Qingbo and Qiu Ruoshui also joined in.

The three of them have just broken through to the soul master, and in their words, they hope to reach the fourth ring before the graduation ceremony!

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but as long as you start, all problems will be solved.

Stimulate them a little, make the six girls of Tianshui College firm up their determination, Su Qingyu's first step is considered a success.

Shui Ningshuang, who had been observing in the dark, also showed a gratified smile, "Finally, you have contributed, and now Bing'er will be much more relaxed when he participates in the competition."

As Shui Ningshuang said, all that Su Qingyu did was for Shui Binger.

It is true that Shui Bing'er can easily reach level [-] Soul King at the beginning of the competition, but the team is too weak and will eventually hold her back.

Su Qingyu caressed the water mandarin ring in his hand, he had already begun to feel sorry for his precious medicinal materials.

Chapter 131

Half a month passed in a flash, and the girls of Tianshui College who were originally weak have become a lot stronger now.

Because of this incident, Su Qingyu was often troubled by Shui Ningshuang and her mother.

A good group of girls turned you into a female man, do you exist to make trouble!

Fortunately, although the tempers of the girls in Tianshui College have changed a little, the essence has also changed a lot.

This is the result of Su Qingyu taking them to the Hunting Soul Forest for half a month to train, and now they can be regarded as half-baked mercenaries.

However, next, the level that Su Qingyu prepared is not so easy to pass.

After Shui Ningyuan left, Shui Ningshuang, who had been in charge of Tianshui Academy's team, looked at Su Qingyu with a cold face, "Hingyu, are you sure you really want to do this?"

Su Qingyu was still holding his notebook for modifying the formula of medicinal materials, and said calmly: "Of course, this is the path they chose, so they have to finish it no matter what?"

Shui Ningshuang sighed slightly when she heard this, "It's too early for them, but since you have decided, I won't interfere."

With the support of Shui Ningshuang, the real team leader of Tianshui Academy, Su Qingyu smiled slightly, and the next thing was undoubtedly much easier.

The next day, early in the morning, two rather luxurious carriages stopped in front of Tianshui College.

Li Jing, who was in charge of the door, had already been greeted by Su Qingyu, so she just turned a blind eye to the old man's place and passed by.

At dawn, Su Qingyu walked out of the academy with the sleepy girls from Tianshui Academy.

When the girl Shui Yue'er saw the carriage, her eyes lit up immediately, "Brother-in-law, are you taking us out to play?"

Su Qingyu nodded with a smile, "Of course, everyone has been very tired from training during this time, so I won't take you to Tiandou City to have fun, I will be responsible for all the expenses."

Now, not only Shui Yue'er, but Shen Liuyu, Gu Qingbo, and Qiu Ruoshui were all excited.

Only Xue Wu and Yu Hairou, who had a relatively calm personality, did not participate in it, and Xue Wu, who knew Su Qingyu quite well, was also skeptical, is this kid really so kind?

Xue Wu knows Su Qingyu quite well, so why doesn't Su Qingyu know Xue Wu's prudence and calmness?

Simply, Su Qingyu was the first to jump into the carriage, "The one behind is yours, hurry up, don't wait when it's out of date!"

As soon as the words fell, Su Qingyu ordered the carriage to leave.

There is no room for Xue Wu to think about it, she finally met Su Qingyu for a treat, even though Xue Wu was skeptical, she still got into the carriage.

Tianshui College, guard room, Shui Ningshuang, who was sitting with Li Jing drinking tea, stroked her forehead with her jade hand, "These girls were really sold by Herring, and they counted the money for him!"

Li Jing chuckled, "No, the girls in our college are so innocent, I like the old lady."

Glancing at the old lady Li Jing beside her, Shui Ningshuang said angrily, "You like me so much, I won't chat with you anymore, let's go!"

Watching Shui Ningshuang follow the girls' carriage of Tianshui Academy, a smile appeared on Li Jing's kindly face, "You are not girls from Tianshui Academy, I really miss you, you were so innocent and lovely in the past... "

Just early in the morning, the carriage in which Su Qingyu and the girls from Tianshui Academy had left Tianshui City.

Su Qingyu, who was sitting in the first carriage, took out a map from the water ring.

On the map, some red spots are marked, which seem to indicate danger.

This is a map that Su Qingyu got from a caravan from Tianshui College.

For the caravan, the most dangerous thing has never been the soul beast, after all, there are basically no soul beasts on the official roads opened by the two empires.

Therefore, most of the red marks marked on the map by the caravan are bandits near the official road.

There are three official roads leading to Tianshui City, the longest of which is undoubtedly from Tiandou City to Tianshui City.

Around the three official roads, there are many bandits. The area near the official road from Tianshui City to Tiandou City is undoubtedly the most lucrative, and also has the most bandits.

Sand Gold Mountain, thirty li near the official road leading to Tiandou City, is a mountain range with an altitude of no more than 2000 meters.

Although the forest is dense, there are not many soul beasts on it, not even ten-thousand-year-level soul beasts.

It is precisely because of the advantage of the location that a group of bandits have gathered here since ten years ago, entrenched in the Sand Gold Mountains. The Leng family, the lord of Tianshui City, has suppressed them many times, but they have not found their lair.

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