Under Su Qingyu's secret instruction, the two coachmen deliberately headed towards the Shajin Mountains.

This move naturally attracted the attention of the bandits entrenched on the mountain.

But the bandits are not fools, if they were so easy to be fooled, naturally they wouldn't have caused the Leng family of the City Lord's Mansion a headache for so long.

But Su Qingyu was never afraid that they would not be fooled, so she stopped the carriage and took out the delicacies prepared in advance from the water mandarin ring.

"I'm really sorry. I was a little anxious when I came out in the morning. If you don't mind, please have some food first to satisfy your hunger."

Steaming steamed stuffed buns and white porridge, as well as the unique breakfast food of Tianshui City, how can the girls of Tianshui Academy, who are already hungry, bear it?

While they were eating their breakfast carefully, a black shadow flickered near them, Su Qingyu smiled and said nothing.

In Shajin Mountain, a natural cave on a cliff, a soul master with bat wings flew in with sly eyebrows.

Not long after, dozens of minions surrounded him, but they didn't care when they saw it was a bat soul master.

The bat soul master trotted all the way to the cave, "Boss, boss, there is a business down the mountain, you can do it!"

A burly man with a scruffy look opened his eyes like a pair of copper bells, "Really, tell me carefully!"

The bat soul master looked flattering, and told about Su Qingyu and his group at the foot of the mountain, "Boss, no matter how you look at it, this is a son who takes a girl on a tour, do you think we..."

A trace of surprise flashed in the sloppy man's eyes, and he thought in his heart that some young people under the age of 20, no matter how powerful they were, would not be able to cultivate the Soul Sect.

After careful calculation, the sloppy man shouted directly, "Come on, get off the cable car, let's go and invite that young master up!"

Upon hearing the sloppy man's words, all the bandits in the cave on the cliff became excited.

Out of caution, the sloppy man went down with his brothers, one soul sect and one soul king, even if the soul emperor of the Leng family came, it would not be so easy to keep them!

When the bandit movement headed by the sloppy man was less than one kilometer away from Su Qingyu, Aymo had already noticed it.

The fish is finally hooked, and the next step is to catch the net!

Chapter 132

He ate the snow rabbit stuffed buns in one gulp, and drank the white porridge in the bowl in one gulp.

It happened that those thieves were less than 200 meters away from Su Qingyu and the others under the leadership of the sloppy man.

The distance here is not too far for the Soul Sect, it's just a charging distance.

Su Qingyu stood up, stretched her slender body slowly, "Everyone who is sneaking around, don't you plan to come out now?"

The somewhat shabby-looking bat soul master said to the sloppy man in a low voice: "Boss, it seems that we were discovered by that kid?"

The scruffy man's face darkened, and he said coldly, "It's not like, but we have already been discovered by that kid!"

As soon as the words fell, the sloppy man didn't care, and directly led two or three hundred people to surround Su Qingyu and Tianshui girls.

It was the first time to encounter this kind of battle, and the faces of the girls in Tianshui Academy, except for Xue Wu, had changed.

Xue Wu glared at Su Qingyu angrily, and she knew that Su Qingyu must not be that kind.

The slovenly man looked at Su Qingyu with a gloomy expression, and four white, yellow, yellow, and purple soul rings appeared behind him. The 47th-level Soul Sect was two levels higher than Su Qingyu.

"Boy, leave all the softness on your body and all these, and I will let you live."

At the beginning, when the sloppy man saw Su Qingyu's extraordinary temperament, he already had some regrets.

Before becoming a bandit, he was still a soul master, and having been in the world of soul masters, he has naturally seen all kinds of soul masters.

An existence like Su Qingyu, who has an extraordinary temperament at first glance, is definitely something he can't afford to provoke.

But in order to protect his face in front of his younger brother, the sloppy man would say that.

But how could he have thought that Su Qingyu was a person who never played cards according to common sense.

After packing up all the tableware, Su Qingyu calmly walked in front of the girls of Tianshui College, "No, no, no, I came here for you, how could I leave so easily!"

Su Qingyu's words undoubtedly surprised everyone, but with his martial soul possessed, the first thing to react was the bandit headed by the sloppy man.

How could they not understand that Su Qingyu was fishing, and they were the ones who took the bait.

When the scruffy man thought that he was being tricked by the young man in front of him, he immediately became angry from embarrassment. He didn't care about anything, and directly grabbed Su Qingyu with a pair of sharp claws.

The sloppy man's martial soul is a relatively rare leopard martial soul, and it is also a unique ice and snow leopard in the extreme north. It is extremely fast!

Facing the menacing man, Su Qingyu smiled lightly, "It's not enough to deal with me!"

After finishing speaking, relying on the strength of her martial soul, Su Qingyu, who didn't use any soul power, directly confronted the sloppy man.

The girls of Tianshui College headed by Xue Wu were besieged by the remaining bandits. The youngest, Shui Yue'er, behaved quite unbearably, her hands and feet tied up, making Shui Ningshuang, who was hiding in the dark to protect them, a headache.

Except for Xue Wu as a support, the situation of the others was not much better, only Yu Hairou was able to handle the enemy with ease.

But she was still extra careful, if not for this, the enemy in front of Yu Hairou would have fallen long ago.

Others, such as Gu Qingbo, Shen Liuyu, and Qiu Ruoshui, had more scruples, for fear of hurting others.

Su Qingyu, who was still fighting with the sloppy man, glanced distractedly, and reminded, "You guys, if you can't kill them, you will die. Have you forgotten what you told me!"

The slovenly man seemed to be irritated by Su Qingyu's attitude, he dared to be distracted from fighting with him, and roared, "Look at me, the third soul skill, double magic leopard!"

For a moment, the slovenly man in front of Su Qingyu suddenly became two.

Su Qingyu just made a wind blow at will, and easily cracked a clone of the sloppy man.

Then, in the astonishment of the sloppy man, Su Qingyu easily grabbed the sloppy man's leopard paw.

"I said, if the person behind you doesn't make a move, will I really kill you?"

These words startled the sloppy man, and he quickly backed away as an agility attack type.

How could he not know what was behind him?

But Su Qingyu knew it, but it made the sloppy man afraid. Could it be that the other party has been seducing him?

Su Qingyu has been splitting his mind, while guarding against the man in the dark, he is also paying attention to the girls of Tianshui College.

Fortunately, he finally dared to do it. The mere great soul masters were no opponents at all under the hands of a few female soul masters in Tianshui College.

After several great soul master leaders were killed, the bandits were also in disarray.

Xue Wu, the most stable among the girls, commanded calmly, beheading and killing the bandits one by one.

The few remaining fast-running minions just escaped, but for safety reasons, Xue Wu and the girls did not go forward to chase.

The girls of Tianshui Academy couldn't bear the first murder.

The youngest, Shui Yue'er, was the first to cry, and even the most stable Xue Wu was pale, as if she had been greatly affected.

At this time, what the girls did not expect was that an inexplicable force suddenly came towards them like mountains and seas.

A huge cedar, it should be Wuhun!

"Heh, finally An can't stand it anymore!"

Su Qingyu, who had been spending time with the sloppy man, instantly attached himself to him with the flame of extreme ice, and the sloppy man was frostbitten in a dazzling effort.

Immediately, the frostbitten part of the scruffy man suddenly swelled, and with an explosion, the scruffy man's body that was directly blasted by the ice was gone.

All of this was just a split second, and Su Qingyu just caught the huge cedar.

The visitor looked like a 30-year-old man with an ordinary appearance, yellow, yellow, purple, purple and black, and five soul rings. There was no doubt that he was a real soul king!

The man chuckled, "I also want to thank you for killing my benefactor, so that I have a reason to avenge him!"

Su Qingyu's expression narrowed slightly, he would never believe what the man said.

If the sloppy man is really the benefactor of this guy in front of him, he can't just watch the sloppy man die, there must be some other reason.

He still chose to continue the man's words, "Since you want revenge, then I'll see if you have the ability."

The man didn't hesitate either, the cedar was exceptionally flexible in his hands, every swing was powerful.

Even Su Qingyu had to stay out of the way for a while, it was quite uncomfortable to be hit.

According to his attack, Su Qingyu also calculated that the soul power of the person in front of him must be above level 57, not far from the soul emperor!

It's just that this kind of plant spirit, Su Qingyu still has a way to restrain it, the fire of bright light is like a maggot attached to the bone, burning continuously, even the young man has noticed something is wrong.

Chapter 133 Binger Returns

The verdant cedar branches were burned by the bright fire, which made the man frown, "I didn't expect you to be able to hurt me, it's not bad."

Up to now, the man is still extremely arrogant. In his eyes, Su Qingyu is just a soul sect, and it is beyond his understanding to be able to hurt him.

Su Qingyu smiled slightly, "There are many things you didn't expect, try my trick—how about the stone crystal illusion barrier?"

The stone crystal illusion barrier, which can be attacked or defended, exists between the entity and the illusion.

When Su Qingyu obtained the fourth spirit ring, Shi Jing Huanbiao was such a strange spirit beast.

As the saying goes, if a tiger has three sons, there must be one tiger. Shi Jing Huanbiao itself is a variant of the earth attribute soul beast Shi Jiahu.

In addition to inheriting the earth attribute of the stone armored tiger itself, it also has the peculiar attribute of psychedelic.

So when Su Qingyu obtained the ability to control the earth element, he also obtained such a strange soul skill.

The crystal-like barrier undoubtedly covered the man's sight, but this did not attract the man's attention, but instead made him a little disdainful.

"It's not a skill to hide your head and show your tail."

Surrounded by confusion, the surrounding earth elements are extremely active. All this can only be experienced by Su Qingyu, who has entered the realm of Lingyuan and has more than [-] points of mental power in the past three years.

The fourth spirit ring on the man's body bloomed, and the cedar tree in his hand suddenly turned into shadows of trees all over the sky.

The next moment, the shadow of the tree struck all around, and it seemed as if it had hit something before breaking through the maze.

Countless sharp stones shuttle through the maze like arrows.

Suddenly, the unsuspecting man suddenly felt muddy under his feet, and when he was about to break free, sharp stones flew towards him directly.

Everything happened very quickly, before the man could react, the man was completely pierced by sharp stones and died.

This is not over, the endless sharp stones have been attacking non-stop, until the figure of the man disappeared, leaving only a stone mountain where the stones gathered, the maze was slowly dissipated.

Su Qingyu, who had known the situation in the maze for a long time, smiled slightly, and with a wave of her hand, the maze disappeared instantly.

The way the man died just now was too miserable, and Su Qingyu chose to do this because she was afraid that all the girls of Tianshui College would be frightened after she had managed to pull herself together.

However, as a boy who knows how to live, Su Qingyu also took back the man's storage soul guide.

Go back and look at the situation in front of you, how to coax this group of aunts and grandmas.

However, just at this time, Shui Ningshuang just walked out.

Although he was already in his 50s, he looked less than 30 years old. His majestic eyes glared at the girls of Tianshui Academy.

"Look at what each of you looks like, and stand up for me!"

Although Shui Ningshuang is not as violent as Lan Xiaoyue, don't forget that she is directly in charge of Tianshui Academy's team.

Compared to Su Qingyu's mother, Lan Xiaoyue, the girls of Team Tianshui are still more afraid of Shui Ningshuang, who is in charge of Team Tianshui.

As the saying goes, the first level of the official rank crushes people to death, and when Shui Ningshuang came, the girls of the Tianshui team obviously became a lot weaker.

Under Shui Ningshuang's order, the girls who had just experienced murder were uncomfortable, but they still persisted.

"That's right, the feeling of killing people is not very good, but it is ten thousand times better than losing your life! You can indeed be safe and sound in the academy, but if you are in the world of soul masters, you will be a bunch of lambs waiting to be slaughtered. If you want not to be killed by others, you must learn to hold the knife in your hand, understand!"

The faces of Xue Wu and the others were not very good-looking, and their speech was weak.

As soon as Shui Ningshuang heard this feeble answer, she felt unhappy, "I asked you if you heard it!"

Seeing her mother getting angry, Shuiyue'er shouted the loudest.

After doing all this, Shui Ningshuang patted Su Qingyu on the shoulder, and said softly: "You can come here as you think, don't worry about the academy. It's not easy for us to take the championship position, just take advantage of this period of time While improving strength, it is also a good time to teach them the rules of the soul master world."

After all, it was the first time to kill someone, so Su Qingyu still gave them some time to rest.

I believe that in the future, if they kill more people, this situation can be greatly avoided.

After resting on the spot for a while, Su Qingyu just burned the corpses of all the bandits to ashes with the bright fire.

Immediately, Su Qingyu came to the girls, "Okay, this time it's my idea, if you want to be beaten or scolded, you can do whatever you want after you go back. But listen to me now, the cave on the cliff belongs to bandits Lao Wo, let's go up now and see what good things are there!"

As soon as I mentioned this, Shui Yue'er, who was still suffering, suddenly regained her spirits and showed a very positive look.

It's a pity that only Su Qingyu can fly, and the task of entering the bandit's cave first can only be done by him.

Su Qingyu, who came to the cave, quickly got rid of the minions left behind by the sloppy man, and then put down the cable car for the girls of Tianshui College.

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