Fortunately, there was a great soul master who stayed behind. After Su Qingyu solved it, the group went directly to the deepest part of the cave on the cliff.

Here, there is another soul master.It's just that his own strength can only break through level 31, and Su Qingyu directly freezes into an ice sculpture.

After opening a secret door, they finally came to the place where the bandits really hid the treasure.

A small box of jewels, neatly stacked various soul coins, and some strange gems.

Adding up all these things together, the value is no more than [-] gold soul coins.

Although this made the girls of Tianshui College a windfall, for Su Qingyu, it was better than nothing, better than nothing.

This time the experience is considered to be over, even though the girls from Tianshui College have performed unsatisfactorily, it can be regarded as a hands-on.

This kind of thing can't be rushed, you must know that it took Su Qingyu a long time to adapt in her previous life.

Until the end, when she fell on the border, Su Qingyu herself became numb.

It was still the original carriage, and it took them back to Tianshui College in the afternoon.

Su Qingyu didn't go to Tianshui again, he planned to let them delay for two days.

Just as he was about to leave, a familiar figure appeared. After absorbing the fourth spirit ring, Shui Bing'er seemed to have matured a lot.

Looking at each other and smiling, the two walked on the way to Su's house, and Su Qingyu told her everything about these days.

"It's true of you, this offended Sister Xuewu and the others badly, what a pity, I didn't see what that girl Yue'er was like at that time."

Su Qingyu laughed dumbfounded, she didn't expect her own Binger to have such a dark side.

Immediately, he also changed the subject, "By the way, Bing'er, how about the spirit ring you absorbed this time?"

Upon hearing this, Shui Bing'er seemed quite disappointed, as if something was wrong.

Chapter 134

Early in the morning, the door of the Su family opened.

The one who opened the door was none other than Su Liefeng who had been unemployed at home for several years.

He really has nothing to do, he can only manage the Su family's shop at home, cook for his wife and son, and so on.

If outsiders know that he is such a majestic soul sage, he doesn't know how he should feel.

But Su Liefeng enjoys it, and enjoys this kind of life quite a bit.

It is worth mentioning that Shui Binger stayed at Su's house last night.

Don't get it wrong, the Su family has a guest room.

But even so, Shui Bing'er was quite shy, after all, she was staying at her fiancé's house.

Because the girls of Tianshui Academy took a break for a while, Shui Binger didn't go to Tianshui Academy.

She changed into a white dress, with a light blue belt gently bound her light waist, and her ice blue hair was tied into a ponytail.

Taking a sip of porridge comfortably, Shui Bing'er's beautiful eyes turned into crescent moons, the girl enjoyed it quite a bit.

"Morning, Bing'er!"

Su Qingyu, who had just woken up, greeted Shui Binger a little sleepily.

Shui Bing'er's beautiful eyes showed a hint of worry, and she gently put down the porridge in her hand, "Brother Qingyu, why do you look a little bit wrong!"

Regarding Shui Bing'er, Su Qingyu would never hide anything from her, and directly told her about the consumption of medicinal materials collected from the Star Dou Great Forest during this period.

"Hehe, no wonder Brother Herring you are so sad, it is indeed quite painful for you."

Su Qingyu flicked Shui Binger's smooth forehead angrily, and the provoking girl gave Su Qingyu a supercilious look.

However, what Shui Binger said next exceeded Su Qingyu's expectations.

"Whatever they need, you just go to the academy and report it, and you are not allowed to use your own medicinal materials to subsidize it, understand?"

In Shui Binger's eyes, she and Su Qingyu will be a family after all.

For her own interests, Shui Bing'er is still very concerned, but if this matter makes Shui Ningshuang, she will probably be very sad.

Caressing Shui Binger's icy blue soft hair, Su Qingyu smiled slightly, "Okay, I understand."

At this moment, the butler, Old Uncle Li, came over suddenly and handed a letter to Su Qingyu, "Master, this is a letter from Tiandou City, and your name is written on it."

Hearing about Tiandou City, Su Qingyu's heart was still quite uneasy.

He was also very annoying, if Qian Renxue wrote it, he didn't know how to reply her.

However, things were not as bad as Su Qingyu thought, or in other words, the handwriting of the letter was not her.

Slightly relieved, Su Qingyu finally settled down after opening the letter.

It was none other than Yu Tianheng who wrote the letter.

The meaning is obvious, it is to plan to fight Su Qingyu again.

Yu Tianheng has always been worried about losing to Su Qingyu, who was younger than him, because the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Wuhun may obtain the secret skill of dragon transformation after the third ring.

Therefore, there is a qualitative difference between the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon soul masters before the third ring and those after the third ring.

Yu Tianheng's talent is not bad, at level 39 he got some dragon transformation.

However, out of caution, he did not choose to directly challenge Su Qingyu when they met in the forest.

Of course, Su Qingyu had just gone through a battle at that time, and he was unwilling to take advantage of it.

It's not that after obtaining the fourth soul ring and successfully completing the second dragon transformation, he wrote a letter to challenge Su Qingyu.

Su Qingyu handed Yu Tianheng's challenge letter to Shui Bing'er, and said, "I'm quite interested, but the location of this challenge is very tricky."

Shui Bing'er was a little confused when she heard the babbled words.

Su Qingyu is already planning to give up this challenge, because the place in Soto City is not very safe now.

Unlike Ning Fengzhi's tolerance, Tang Hao's tolerance is very small, or in other words, people in the Tang family are narrow-minded.

Now that he is more than 13 years old, he has already broken through the soul sect. If he just wandered in front of Tang Hao with such a big thorn, it is hard to guarantee that this guy will not suddenly fall ill.

Although Haotianzong expelled Tang Hao, Tang Hao still only thinks about Haotianzong.

For the sake of the so-called sect, killing a soul sect at random, for him, maybe this can be regarded as eliminating hidden enemies.

Immediately, Su Qingyu had no choice but to write a letter to tell Yutian Hengtian Doucheng goodbye.

After handing the written letter to Uncle Li, let him mail it out.

Su Qingyu's heart is a little heavy, has the prelude to everything finally begun?

The thoughtful Shui Bing'er immediately noticed the changes in Su Qingyu, and asked with some concern: "What's the matter, I feel like you are hiding something from me?"

The fair and pretty face was full of anger, and the moist ice-blue eyes seemed that as long as Su Qingyu didn't say anything, Shui Bing'er could cry for him at any time.

"Oh, that's right. I'm still considering including you in Team Tianshui's next training."

"No problem, follow the leader's orders at any time."

Shui Binger winked playfully at him, she was the captain of Tianshui team, of course he had to participate in the team's training...

Happy time always flies by quickly, Su Qingyu's stipulated rest time is over, and the girls of Tianshui team regroup again.

Compared to half a month ago, this time there was one more Shui Binger in the team.

The relationship between Shui Binger and Su Qingyu is no secret at Tianshui College.

So as soon as Shui Binger came back, the girls from Tianshui College frantically ran to her side and began to whisper soft words in Shui Binger's ear.

Especially the little girl Shui Yue'er, who has been complaining to Shui Bing'er non-stop, and who doesn't know what Su Qingyu has done to her.

But although Shui Bing'er has a soft temper, she never makes any concessions when it comes to Su Qingyu.

The majesty of the captain and the aura of the soul sect instantly suppressed the members of the Tianshui team without even panting.

The next stage of training started as usual, and it was still the same as last time, besieging a bandit near Tianshui City.

It's just that not all bandits are very powerful. This time, Shui Bing'er and the others met neither the soul sect nor the soul king.

Everything went smoothly, and this was also the reason why the girls of Tianshui Academy overcame their inner fear, at least it also made them realize the cruelty of the world of soul masters.

Next, is the normal cultivation and battle training.

The main target of the Tianshui Academy's female duel is Su Qingyu.

Possessing multiple elements of water (ice), fire, wind, and earth, as well as a powerful dragon-like beast spirit, Su Qingyu can be said to have integrated the existence of the assault system and the control system, even the soul emperor is also in his hands. to good.

In addition, Su Qingyu also has a lot of new ideas for the fusion of soul skills recently.

Although the improvement in soul power is not much, but in terms of combat power, he will soon have a qualitative leap.

The first match of the training match was between Su Qingyu and Shui Binger. As soon as the news spread, many teachers and students from Tianshui College rushed over.

Su Qingyu's dear mother, Lan Xiaoyue, is about to arrive at the battlefield in 500 meters!

Chapter 135

Although Su Qingyu is not a student of Tianshui College, but in Tianshui College, there is a feeling that my brother is not in the Jianghu, but there is a legend about my brother in the Jianghu.

Shui Bing'er, without a doubt, was hand-picked as the captain of Team Tianshui at a young age.

At first some people would be dissatisfied, but with Shui Binger's return this time, the strength at the level of the Soul Sect directly shut up all the teachers and students of Tianshui College.

Coupled with the close relationship between the two, their duel is naturally full of interest.

Li Jing, who was guarding the gate of Tianshui Academy, also grabbed a teacher to take her place on duty, and the old woman quietly came to the Tianshui team's training ground alone.

On the training ground, Su Qingyu and Shui Binger were already a little embarrassed. They never thought that a training competition would attract so many people.

Most of the girls in Tianshui College were shouting "Shui Bing'er will win!" and so on.

There are even some students who are tigers and wolves who say something like conquering Su Qingyu, which makes Shui Binger, who is already thin-skinned, blush.

At this time, Su Qingyu's familiar voice sounded, "Okay, Su Qingyu, you kid can do it, but dare to bully Bing'er, let's see how I deal with you!"

The person who came was Su Qingyu's mother, Lan Xiaoyue, who seemed very angry, as if she would attack Su Qingyu in the next second.

Fortunately, Shui Bing'er was able to persuade her, otherwise, Su Qingyu would definitely suffer this beating.

Knowing the reason, Lan Xiaoyue suddenly realized, "It turns out that's what happened. Some people said that you were fighting on the training ground. I thought you were bullying Bing'er."

This made Su Qingyu's face darken, good guy, are you spreading rumors?

"It's just a sparring, you have to let Bing'er, do you understand?"

For the existence with the highest status and the top of the food chain, Su Qingyu has no choice but to agree.

After discovering that everything was a misunderstanding, Lan Xiaoyue didn't stay any longer. After all, after this soul master competition, she is the dean, and there are still many things that need to be dealt with by her.

Watching Lan Xiaoyue leave, Su Qingyu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Shui Bing'er with beautiful eyes covered her red lips lightly, and said with a smile: "Brother Qingyu, you have to thank me this time, otherwise you will be beaten up by Aunt Lan."

These words are nothing more than watching Su Qingyu's excitement, Su Qingyu stared at her angrily, "Hmph, girl, I think you can still laugh now?"

It's too late to say it, but Su Qingyu, the top six, never needs to shout when releasing his soul skills, and he doesn't need to release his soul ring. It always makes people feel caught off guard when he makes a move.

Of course, in this situation, ordinary people can't do it, after all, he figured out the trick of hiding the spirit ring himself.

Fiery red flames emanated from under Su Qingyu's feet, and huge waves of flames directly hit Shui Bing'er.

Shui Bing'er glanced at Su Qingyu rather resentfully, she never thought that this one of her own would actually use such a skill.

However, Shui Bing'er's reaction was not slow either. The second soul skill Scale Ice Sacred Armor was activated, and the ice blue armor instantly protected her.

Immediately afterwards, Shui Bing'er directly linked the first soul skill - Frost Imprisonment, the two soul skills were unimpeded and used very smoothly.

The ice quickly condensed under Su Qingyu's feet, but Su Qingyu's bright fire also sublimated into the ultimate fire. For a while, Shui Bing'er's frost confinement did not play its due role.

Su Qingyu has various abilities, which is also something that makes Shui Binger quite a headache.

After some probing, Shui Bing'er was also decisive and serious, only to see the bright purple third soul ring appearing beside her, Hanhuang Transformation!

Increase one's own attributes by [-]%, attack by [-]%, and last for half an hour, which is quite a top-notch boosting soul skill.

With Shui Binger's strength, except for Su Qingyu's feet, the entire training ground has completely turned into a world of ice and snow.

The teachers and students of Tianshui Academy who were watching around the training ground shuddered. The ultra-low temperature of the ultimate ice is not something ordinary people can bear.

Many of the teachers and students present are basically ice and water attribute soul masters, and the ultimate suppression on them is quite great.

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