Su Qingyu, who was standing on the field, smiled slightly, "Really, it seems that I have to be more serious, or I will be bullied by you!"

As soon as the words fell, Su Qingyu was surrounded by blue wind gangs, and the ice and snow were blocked by the wind gangs.

Shui Bing'er, who was flying in the air, frowned, and she knew that she was not so easy to deal with.

The intersection of the blazing red flame and the blue wind gang is one of Su Qingyu's achievements during this period of time.

Through the control of the wind element and the fire element, a type of element fusion move has been successfully mastered.

In Douluo Continent, any fusion soul ability is synonymous with power.

From the weakest martial soul fusion skills to the most powerful martial soul fusion skills, they can all display power beyond the norm.

Using the wind to help the fire, Su Qingyu's move is no less than the spirit fusion skill Nether White Tiger of the Soul Sect of the Star Luo Empire, and its destructive power is comparable to that of the Soul Emperor.

It's hot!

For a while, with the help of countless wind gangs, the ice and snow world originally built by Shui Bing'er melted instantly.

The sky was blazing red, and the scorching breath made people very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Su Qingyu kept his hand. This move was so hot that he naturally didn't use all his strength.

But it also forced Shui Bing'er to use her fourth soul ability, which is also her only soul ability of the ten thousand year level!

That's right, originally Su Qingyu thought that Shui Bing'er would only get a 9000-year soul ring at most, but how could she have thought that Shui Bing'er would have a [-]-year soul ring.

In the original book, this is exclusive to Tang Junzi. Even after ten thousand years, only his daughter and son-in-law will have this treatment.

For a while, Su Qingyu was also a little absent-minded, "No wonder this girl has kept silent, so that's what happened."

"Brother Herring, be careful!"

The crisp and sweet voice rang in Su Qingyu's ears, and the kind-hearted Shui Bing'er naturally couldn't bear to see him hurt because of herself, so she reminded him.

At this time, Su Qingyu was also ready, and Shui Bing'er immediately activated her fourth soul skill, the Ice Phoenix descended into the world!

This soul skill is said to be the birth of the ice phoenix, but in fact it is a large iceberg summoned out of thin air by Shui Bing'er.

The area of ​​the training ground is not very large, only less than [-] square meters.

The iceberg summoned by Shui Binger took up more than half of the training ground.

The iceberg was falling very fast, and Su Qingyu had no choice but to resist when it was inevitable.

The hands turned into dragons, and the flame of bright light was attached to them, and a long sword formed by the condensed flames directly slashed at the iceberg.

With the roar of the earth, the iceberg finally came down, and Su Qingyu disappeared.

"Brother Herring!"

Shui Bing'er panicked, maybe she...

However, it turns out that Shui Bing'er is chaotic if she cares.

There was a slight cracking sound, and the iceberg was split into two, and Su Qingyu, who had been released into the sea, came out with a smile.

Chapter 136 Brother-in-law, I Hate You

"Scared me to death, you!"

Shui Bing'er buried her little head in Su Qingyu's arms, her soft body hugged him tightly.

The scene just now really frightened Shui Bing'er, she thought she had hurt Su Qingyu, or even accidentally killed Su Qingyu.

But it turned out to be Su Qingyu's bad taste, which made Shui Bing'er cry for nothing.

Soon, the sweet appearance of the two on the training ground caused discomfort to all the students of Tianshui College.

Grandma Li Jing couldn't stand it anymore, so she went back to her guard room immediately.

It was also at this time that Shui Bing'er realized that she had hugged Su Qingyu in such a large crowd.

She has a thin skin, and her pretty face is as red as a ripe apple. If there are not too many people, Su Qingyu will definitely taste it.

Although they can't get rid of their bodies too early now, it's not a big problem to do some kissing movements.

Perhaps it was really unbearable, most of the teachers and students of Tianshui Academy left, only a few girls from the Tianshui team remained here.

Xue Wu, the oldest, chuckled, "I never expected that our captain also likes this tune, Zun Zan!"

When Shui Binger heard this, she quickly escaped from Su Qingyu's arms like a kitten whose tail was stepped on.

Immediately, there was a cold look on the little face, "Okay, then you can form a team to compete with Brother Herring, if you lose, don't blame me for not talking about sisterhood."

What I said, even Xue Wu didn't expect that the usually stable elder sister would avenge her personal revenge like this.

Due to Shui Bing'er's majesty in the Tianshui team, even Shui Yue'er, the younger sister, dare not touch her bad luck.

Therefore, even if they knew that Shui Bing'er was avenging herself, they didn't dare to say anything.

Shui Bing'er turned her head back, tied her loose ice-blue hair into a ponytail, and said to Su Qingyu in a warm voice: "Don't hold back, or I'll tell Aunt Lan that you bully me!"

Being slightly threatened by her own girl, Su Qingyu didn't care much.

And he can also see that since leading them to strangle the bandits near Tianshui City, the girls of the Tianshui team are also a little bit smug.

As the old saying goes, if a small tree doesn't repair it, it won't go straight, and if a person doesn't repair it, Jiu Jiu Jiu, the girls of the Tianshui team really need to be taught a good lesson.

Facing the members of the Tianshui team, Su Qingyu was not as gentle as she was with Shui Binger.

The first group of players was Xue Wu and Yu Hairou, plus Shui Yueer who had just broken through level 37.

Apart from Shui Bing'er, the three of them are considered to be the top combat power of Tianshui Academy, and they are most likely to break through the existence of the Four Rings Soul Sect in the Soul Master Competition in more than two years.

Apart from Xue Wu as a support, Yu Hairou was the main attacker, and Shui Yue'er interfered.

The division of labor between the three is clear, and there are not many flaws in the offensive.

Su Qingyu nodded and smiled, "It's true that there are not many, then you can try my trick, Fengchuang Tornado!"

The storm formed by overlapping wind gangs was seven or eight small tornadoes about ten meters high, and surrounded the three of them tightly, with nowhere to hide!

Do you have such a cup of tea?

Including Xue Wu who was in charge of the support, the three of them were thrown up by Su Qingyu's tornado.

Especially Shui Yue'er, a soul master of the agility attack system with water attributes, jumped up and down in the tornado at first.

But in the end, Su Qingyu's wind-cracking tornado was the worst. The little girl almost vomited bile.

There was a trace of resentment in the beautiful ice blue eyes, Shui Yue'er said quietly: "Brother-in-law, I hate you!"

Su Qingyu couldn't help laughing, the girl thought about it before saying this, didn't you see that your sister is still here?

Sure enough, as soon as Shui Yue'er finished speaking, she felt something was wrong, and happened to see Shui Bing'er, who was sitting on the side reading a book, looked at her with a half-smile.

Although Shui Yue'er wanted to admit her mistakes to Shui Bing'er, she seemed to understand from Shui Bing'er's eyes that it was too late.

The first group of the Tianshui team failed to survive a move under the premise that Su Qingyu released the water a little.

Afterwards, the second team of Tianshui team consisted of Gu Qingbo, Shen Liuyu, and Qiu Ruoshui, three soul masters with soul powers around level 32.

Although compared to the first group, their group has one more combat power, after all, the three of them are all attack-type soul masters.

But in terms of soul power, the three of them are still not as good as Xue Wu, after all soul power occupies the most critical aspect in the duel between soul masters.

As Xue Wu announced the start, the three girls instantly activated their martial souls, nine soul rings, six yellow and three purple, all with the best configuration of soul rings.

As attack-type soul masters, Gu Qingbo and the others don't have any good battle plans. After all, they are attack-type soul masters, and they only need to focus on offense.

Seeing the three girls rushing towards her, Su Qingyu was not polite, she waved her palm lightly, before she got close, she was frozen into an ice sculpture, motionless.

Compared with the first group, Shen Liuyu and the others failed more thoroughly, and it was over at the beginning.

Although they were quite dissatisfied, they also understood the gap between themselves and Su Qingyu...

Just when Su Qingyu was practicing with the members of the Tianshui team, he just broke through the soul sect, but his complacent big brother Yu Tianheng ushered in someone's crazy revenge because he injured a female rabbit.

In Suotuo City, Yu Tianheng planned not to play because the strongest opponent was only a level 37 soul master.

Not only him, Dugu Yan, who also broke through the Soul Sect, also didn't plan to play.

If you lose, you lose. Yu Tianheng, who has broken through the Soul Sect, doesn't care about the outcome of this match anyway.

However, Master Yu Xiaogang, who thinks highly of himself, approached Yu Tianheng directly through Qin Ming, the team leader of Tiandou Royal Academy.

Yu Tianheng was very happy to see his uncle, who valued family ties more.

But Yu Xiaogang's words almost made Yu Tianheng unable to react, saying that he is the team leader on the opposite side, and if he doesn't play, he is pitying him, a waste.

In desperation, Yu Tianheng agreed to play in order to take care of his own uncle with weak self-esteem.

Dugu Yan also married a chicken and followed the chicken, married a dog and followed the dog, and played with Yu Tianheng together, which made Yu Xiaogang, his uncle, look a little better.

As soon as he played, Yu Tianheng felt that Dai Mubai, who possessed the white tiger spirit, seemed to be like those uncles in his family who suffered from kidney deficiency, needing no strength.

Tang San's performance, who was aliased as Qianshou Shura, made his eyes shine. Although the martial spirit was a bit weak, his strength was not bad.

But his unlucky luck was also on Tang San, Yu Tianheng just grabbed Xiao Wu's leg and threw her off the ring with skillful strength.

In the blink of an eye, he ushered in Tang San's various shady operations.

Locust rocks, bone-penetrating nails, dragon beard needles, tight-backed piercing flowers...

How did it come about? Without noticing it for a while, Yu Tianheng was scratched a little.

The fatal thing was the poison on Tang San's hidden weapon. In the end, although Yu Tianheng was unwilling, he still chose to admit defeat.

But this also angered Dugu Yan, who had refined the Ice-Fire Transformation Heaven Pill, her toxin had already undergone transformation, mixing ice and fire with poison, Tang San was completely paralyzed for a while.

Until the end, a man in black captured Tang San, Dugu Yan and Yu Tianheng.

Chapter 137 Yu Yuanzhen's Call for Help

It was slightly bright, and Su Qingyu was still practicing in her room.

Shui Bing'er has also gotten used to it during this time, she wakes up early every day to have breakfast at Su's house, and then takes Su Qingyu to Tianshui College.

There's no way, Li Jing wouldn't have put Su Qingyu in if it wasn't for Shui Bing'er.

After arriving at Su's house, Shui Bing'er came to Su Qingyu's room with ease.

Without knocking on the door, Shui Bing'er pushed the door open and walked in.

She also knows Su Qingyu quite well, and she has been busy practicing during this period, and it seems that she is about to break through again.

Sure enough, when Shui Bing'er came in, Su Qingyu was calming down her soul power fluctuations.

Immediately, Su Qingyu opened her eyes, just in time to see the graceful figure of Shui Bing'er.

"Congratulations, another breakthrough!"

Su Qingyu shook his head, different soul powers appeared in his hands, "There is nothing to congratulate, now my breakthrough speed has also slowed down a lot, otherwise, I might have broken through to the soul king long ago."

This is what Su Qingyu discovered only recently, don't look at how he can control the power of the four elements at will.

But in fact, every time he controls the power of one more element, his own cultivation speed will be weakened.

However, this is unavoidable, which means that Su Qingyu is in a dead end.

Shui Bing'er snuggled into Su Qingyu's arms lightly, and gently touched Su Qingyu's warm and jade-like cheeks, "Isn't there a treasure of heaven and earth, at least it is of great use before the soul saint."

"It's useless. My cultivation speed has slowed down. It's more because Douluo Dalu's status is too low to support my cultivation needs."

When it comes to these, Shui Bing'er doesn't quite understand, after all, she is just a native of Douluo Continent, and basically has no concept of world personality.

But Shui Bing'er still comforted him, stroked his head once in a while, and said: "Don't worry (*^ω^*), if others don't want you, I still won't despise you."

Although a bit dumbfounded, Su Qingyu still accepted Shui Binger's kindness.

Immediately, Su Qingyu embraced Shui Binger's waist amidst Shui Binger's exclamation.

Lips touching, Shui Bing'er also enjoyed it quite a bit, and actively catered to Su Qingyu.

Considering that Shui Binger is still young, Su Qingyu didn't taste it for too long, so she let her go.

In addition, Su Qingyu still noticed that her father was rushing towards them.

After tidying up the messy clothes, Shui Bing'er also quietly pretended to be holding a book.

Su Liefeng just entered the door, glanced around, and then walked out.

When going out, he muttered softly, "The books are all turned upside down, hey, young man, I really don't know restraint!"

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