When he woke up again, he saw his grandfather who was standing by his side.

Yu Tianheng also had lingering fears. After all, he almost became a useless person. It was really hard for him, the heir of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, who was aloof in heart, to accept it.

"So, if you meet that Tang San, you must be careful! The people behind him are really unreasonable, and they are really domineering."

Su Qingyu pushed Yu Tianheng down on the bed, and grinned his teeth in pain for a while, "Okay, I understand, let's take care of your wounds."

After finishing speaking, Su Qingyu ignored him.

As soon as she went out, Su Qingyu happened to meet Shui Bing'er who brought Duguyan back with food.

Just don't know what's going on, Shui Bing'er looked at Su Qingyu with complicated eyes.

Su Qingyu, who didn't realize it, came directly to Shui Binger's side, and gently held Shui Binger's warm and jade-like palm, "Binger, I'm really sorry, Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan's injuries are not bad either. How about I accompany you to Heaven Dou City tomorrow?"

Shui Bing'er smiled sweetly, and took the initiative to squeeze her delicate body into Su Qingyu's arms.

For a moment, Su Qingyu was also a little stunned.

Surrounding Shui Binger's delicate body, Su Qingyu gently stroked her icy blue hair on Shui Binger's small head with her forehead, "What's the matter, I always feel that you have something to hide from me."

Shui Bing'er raised her head, caressed Su Qingyu's cheeks with a pair of warm hands, and said shyly, "No, don't guess, go back to practice!"

Although Su Qingyu wanted to know what happened, she still didn't ask, and was pushed back to the room by Shui Binger.

After a sleepless night, Su Qingyu, who used meditation instead of cultivation, opened her eyes.

After changing his clothes, he came to Shui Binger's door.

From childhood to adulthood, the two seemed to have formed an invisible tacit understanding. As soon as Su Qingyu arrived at the door, Shui Binger, whose clothes were still a little messy, opened the door for him.

After a while, the two leaped to the cliff together, and left the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye from the poisonous miasma set by Dugu Bo.

In an hour's time, the two of them had arrived at Tiandou City.

It's still morning, and there are many shops selling breakfast in Tiandou City.

When it comes to food, almost every girl has no resistance, and so does Shui Binger.

In front of almost every booth, the two would stay for a while.

Shui Bing'er took the food and put it near Su Qingyu's mouth, and Su Qingyu ate it without hesitation.

Maybe it was intentional by someone, every time he would bite Shui Binger's slender fingers, causing Shui Binger to give him a supercilious look every time.

Not long after, Shui Bing'er gently touched her slightly swollen belly, her fair face turned rosy, "It's all your fault, if I get fat, just wait!"

Su Qingyu hugged him into his arms, "Whether you are fat or thin, you are mine, where do you want to go?"

Although these words sound very vulgar, to girls, they are very sweet.

Walking in Tiandou City in the early morning, everything is so quiet and peaceful.

But after the early morning, except for the royal family and nobles in this capital where the rich and powerful gathered, ordinary people started a busy day.

Just when Su Qingyu brought Shui Binger to the street selling clothing in Tiandou City, she met a familiar figure.

Seeing her, Su Qingyu subconsciously wanted to leave.

Shui Binger, whose fingers were interlocked with him, also sensed that something was wrong with him, "Well, let's go, it doesn't look too good here."

The two turned their heads together, but they were stopped by the woman with long blond hair, "Stop, two little guys, don't you know your sister?"

Still being recognized, Su Qingyu and Shui Binger looked at each other tacitly.

As soon as they turned around, the two were suddenly embraced by the woman.

Especially Shui Binger, she is relatively petite. Although Su Qingyu has been helping her improve these years, she is only 1.7 meters.

In front of Qian Renxue, who is 1.8 meters tall and still in her early years, she is really a little girl.

After successfully hugging the two of them, the corners of Qian Renxue's mouth rose, "Why, you two don't seem to want to see my sister so much!"

Regarding Qian Renxue's words, Shui Bing'er directly chose to ignore her, and kept her gaze on Su Qingyu.

Feeling helpless, Qian Renxue let the two go, and rubbed her forehead with her white palm, "You two little fellows are really convinced, come with me!"

After hesitating for a moment, Su Qingyu led Shui Binger and followed behind Qian Renxue.

Not long after, the three of them came to a rather unique courtyard together.

There is no one else here, Qian Renxue poured a cup of tea for the two of them, and she held a cup in her own hand, "Tell me, why did you come all the way to Tiandou City? Tell you, I am here to eat human!"

This is for Su Qingyu, after all, Qian Renxue is also a girl, so if she doesn't have any resentment in her heart, then there is something wrong with her.

Su Qingyu did not hide anything about the treatment of Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan.

He said with great interest: "I learned a piece of news from Yu Tianheng's mouth. Back then, they were taken away by a burly man in black robe, but the figure of this man in black robe was similar to that of Shrek Academy. The teacher bears no resemblance."

Qian Renxue's green fingers, which were as white as jade, moved slightly, and the abundance in front of her suddenly hit Su Qingyu.

Unlike Shui Bing'er, Qian Renxue is a familiar Yujie, her charm is not comparable to that of Shui Binger, a half-grown girl.

"I'm quite interested, why can't you tell my sister about it?"

Su Qingyu pressed Qian Renxue's shoulders with both hands, and pushed her back, "If you have something to say, don't get so close, I'm afraid she might misunderstand!"


For a moment, Qian Renxue's willow eyebrows were erected, her heart was burning, her white teeth were grinding, "If you talk nonsense, just wait for me!"

Chapter 140

The angry Qian Renxue made Shui Bing'er a little scared.

When Su Qingyu talked about Tang San, and emphasized that Tang San's martial spirit was Blue Silver Grass, Qian Renxue's face immediately changed.

For a while, Qian Renxue couldn't calm down for a long time.

Afterwards, Qian Renxue said with a serious expression: "Don't go out and talk about this matter, or you two will lose your life."

Su Qingyu sighed, it was too late for him to avoid such things, so why would he go out and talk nonsense?

Otherwise, that unreasonable guy Tang Hao would definitely chase after him.

Immediately, Qian Renxue took out a letter from the soul tool she carried, which seemed to be from Tiandou Imperial Academy.

Depending on the level of the letter, only the three education committees of the Tiandou Royal Academy can send it.

Don't ask Su Qingyu why he is so familiar, the main reason is that he has seen it too many times.

Because it was only the affairs of the Tiandou imperial family, Qian Renxue had no need to avoid Su Qingyu.

The letter said it very clearly, even boasting how miraculous Shrek Academy is.

The two education committees didn't distinguish whether Flender's bragging was true or false, so they wrote about the fact that the youngest elder of the Wuhun Temple was from Shrek Academy.

This made Qian Renxue a little puzzled. According to the letter from the three education committees, there is a titled Douluo in the Wuhun Temple who came from Shrek Academy.

But as the little princess of the Spirit Hall, how could she not understand that apart from that woman Bibi Dong, none of the elders in the Hall of Spirits was under 60 years old.

And Flender himself is only in his early fifties, so could it be that Flender has already taken in an apprentice before he was born in the womb?

There is no doubt that this is obviously a lie, and it inadvertently lowered Qian Renxue's favorability towards Shrek Academy a lot.

Handing the letter to Su Qingyu, Qian Renxue rested her chin on her hands, and looked at him with a smile in her golden eyes, "What do you think about this matter?"

Suddenly, Qian Renxue remembered something, "By the way, when you came out of Tiandou City, the people who chased and killed you were Prince Xuexing's subordinates, and the one who deliberately spread the news was the Tiandou Imperial Academy's teaching committee Zhizhi." Forest."

Su Qingyu's expression remained unchanged, and she said softly: "Why did you tell me this, but I remember that he is not from your side?"


Qian Renxue's slender white palm gently pinched Su Qingyu's cheek, "He supports me only for profit, and you are my younger brother!"

The three people present, Su Qingyu and Shui Binger are not fools, how could they not understand what Qian Renxue meant.

Shui Bing'er walked lightly and came to Qian Renxue, "Sister Xue, can you help Brother Qingyu?"

Qian Renxue's golden star eyes and Shui Bing'er's blue eyes met each other, she was also very playful, and her jade hand gently lifted Shui Bing'er's forehead, "Okay, but I want you to put your Brother Herring, give it to me, can you do it?"

Before Shui Binger could speak, Su Qingyu pulled Shui Binger behind her, "Okay, don't make such jokes, there will be a period later, sister Xue!"

After finishing speaking, Su Qingyu pulled Shui Binger and left without looking back.

Watching the two of them leave, Qian Renxue's golden starry eyes felt a little lost, and she murmured softly, "Really, I haven't finished my words yet, why are you in such a hurry!"

No one noticed that when Qian Renxue was muttering to herself, her exquisite and petite earlobes became extremely rosy.

It was only for a moment, and with the appearance of She Long and Lianxue, the second generals beside her, she became the cold young master of Wuhun Hall again.

"My young master, the matter has been found out, that Tang San is most likely the son of Tang Hao. Besides, this subordinate also discovered an interesting thing."

"tell me the story!"

She Longping calmed down her emotions, but her voice was still a little excited, "I found that next to that Tang San, the girl named Xiao Wu was a 10-year-level spirit beast incarnation, it is very likely It is the fish that slipped through the net of that woman hunting souls in the Star Dou Great Forest."

For a 10-year soul beast, even Qian Renxue couldn't help being moved.

Although she can open the test of the angel god, it doesn't mean that she won't be tempted by the 10-year-old soul beast.

Even if she can't use it, she can give it to others, right?

"This matter is kept secret, don't let that woman know, understand!"

Facing the majestic Qian Renxue, the Second General Heng Ha could only agree not to talk nonsense. After all, this was a mother-daughter matter, and outsiders like them were really not suitable for meddling.

After the Second General Heng Ha retired, Qian Renxue was thinking about how to squeeze out these people from Shrek Academy?

Tang San was also a ticking time bomb for Qian Renxue. After all, Tang Hao's position was unclear, and she had revenge for killing her father. No matter what, she couldn't keep Tang San by her side.

After thinking about it for a while, Qian Renxue pursed her red lips, and a smile appeared in her starry eyes, "My dear uncle, and fourth brother, everything still depends on the performance of the two of you."

Although the strategy of driving away wolves and tigers is not very clever, the current Royal Academy is in her hands, so Xue Xing and Xue Beng, uncle and nephew, cannot be fooled.

The news spread quickly, and Xue Beng, who got the news for a while, had a look of despair.

"It's over, everything is over, now the Heaven Dou Empire is basically his Xue Qinghe's dictatorship, our efforts are completely in vain!"

For a long time, Xue Beng, who wanted to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, has really collapsed now.

In front of the absolutely powerful force of "Xue Qinghe", he immediately flinched, and even had no intention of competing for the throne.

Fortunately, he still has Xue Xing by his side.

Seeing Xue Beng's disappointment, Xue Xing was so angry that he slapped Xue Beng hard, "Get up, have you forgotten how you promised Uncle Huang?"

Xue Beng was awakened by Xue Xing's slap, and hugged Xue Xing's thigh as if grabbing a life-saving straw.

And Xue Xing sighed silently when he looked at Xue Beng, who wanted to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, but was no different from a pig.

"You get up first, I still have a solution, but you need to sacrifice..."

There is no doubt that Xue Xing is quite talented, and she is also quite quick-witted.

At the gate of Tiandou Royal Academy, Xue Beng played his true colors, playing the role of a dandy to the extreme.

In this situation, the pushy Dai Mubai couldn't bear it anymore, and directly crackled, beating up Xue Beng and his little followers.

Afterwards, in front of the disdainful gazes of the Shrek Seven Devils, these geniuses, they left in a desperate state.

But these teachers and students who are proud of Shrek never imagined that the storm waiting for them would be unprecedented.

Even the record that Flender had prepared long ago, Lanba Academy had no choice but to give up.

Chapter 141

After leaving Qian Renxue's courtyard, Su Qingyu desperately wanted to explain to Shui Binger.

But Shui Bing'er stopped him, "Needless to say, if Sister Xue really treats you well, then that's fine."

Shui Bing'er knew Qian Renxue very well.

In Shui Binger's impression, what Qian Renxue brought her was nothing more than strength and beauty.

In terms of talent, Shui Bing'er thinks she is not much weaker than Qian Renxue, but she has to admit that she has flaws in strength and age.

Shui Bing'er has been with Su Qingyu since she was a child, and if Qian Renxue really likes Su Qingyu, she will not stop her.

On the contrary, she will support Qian Renxue in her pursuit.

As smart as she is, she also understands that with Qian Renxue around, Su Qingyu's road will be much easier, and some difficulties will be easily solved.

Furthermore, Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er's fathers also married two, so on this point, Shui Bing'er does not dislike Su Qingyu for liking other girls.

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