But Shui Bing'er would not agree to Su Qingyu marrying other girls casually, at least in terms of talent or background, she couldn't be much worse than her.

This point, Shui Bing'er is also based on the two people getting along for more than ten years, childhood sweetheart, she believes that no one can shake her position in the palace!

Undoubtedly, Su Qingyu was quite shocked by Shui Binger's words.

He never thought that such words would come from Shui Binger's mouth.

In fact, it means that Su Qingyu has not changed from the thinking of the previous life.

His identity in the previous life was destined to make it impossible for him to have three wives and four concubines.

But in fact, as long as it is not in his circle, it is common for some businessmen to have wives and concubines in groups.

There are many people who can keep the red flag at home and have colorful flags fluttering outside, but the circle he was in in his previous life made him unable to adapt.

"Okay, don't say such things in the future, or your Aunt Lan will think I'm bullying you."

It flicked lightly on Shui Binger's smooth and fair forehead, and Su Qingyu didn't say anything else.

But since Shui Binger said these words, everything has started to change quietly.

Afterwards, Su Qingyu accompanied Shui Binger to play in Tiandou City again.

Heaven Dou City is really big, for a while the two of them haven't walked through one tenth of the area of ​​Tian Dou City.

Although there are quite a lot of nobles and dandies in Tiandou City, Su Qingyu has the token of His Royal Highness "Xue Qinghe", and there are few who don't have eyes and dare to trouble him.

This is also the fundamental reason why no one dared to disturb Su Qingyu along the way with the outstandingly beautiful Shui Bing'er.

After all, it is the face of "Xue Qinghe", this point, even Su Qingyu will not deny it...

A day passed suddenly, and Su Qingyu was still playing in Tiandou City with Shui Binger.

Among the Tiandou Royal Academy located outside Tiandou City, Mengshenji, Baibaoshan, and Zhilin, the three teaching committees of the Tiandou Royal Academy welcomed their long-awaited guests.

Shrek's teachers and students, led by the dean of Shrek Academy, stepped into the resplendent and resplendent education committee building proudly with their heads held high.

Under the recommendation of Qin Ming, a Tiandou-level teacher at Tiandou Royal Academy, the three education committee members and Flender exchanged business compliments and exchanged polite greetings.

Then he introduced the teachers of Shrek Academy, and the most eye-catching one was Shao Xin, the sugar bean soul master who is the soul sage of the food department.

Then there is Zhao Wuji, the last Lu Qibin and Li Yusong are quite common, and did not attract the attention of the three education committees.

It is worth mentioning that when the theoretically invincible master Yu Xiaogang was introduced, the expressions of the three education committee members obviously changed.

In the eyes of Flender, Yu Xiaogang and Tang San, they thought it was the shock of the three education committee members.

But in fact, the three education committees were thinking in their hearts whether they should give the Blue Lightning Bawangzong some face.

A mere Yu Xiaogang, in the eyes of a master like Contra who is only one step away from Title Douluo, is actually nothing at all.

Even, if it wasn't for the students of Shrek Academy, they wouldn't have given Yu Xiaogang a place as a teacher.

As for Yu Xiaogang's theories, please, no matter how bad their Heaven Dou Imperial Academy is, it is also an advanced soul master academy.

The most basic theories are generally learned in elementary and intermediate academies, while advanced academies pay more attention to the improvement of soul power level and combat effectiveness.

Because of this, teachers with higher soul power levels are more popular in the academy.

Even the teacher's experience in martial arts cultivation can sometimes allow some students who are similar to their martial arts to make rapid progress and make amazing progress in a short period of time.

And all of this is definitely not something that was piled up by the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, only a 29th-level useless great soul master possesses it.

Therefore, Yu Xiaogang was able to be so arrogant outside without being beaten, and the surname Yu gave him too much convenience.

As the last member of the three education committees, Zhi Lin suddenly said: "Who is Tang San?"

Under Yu Xiaogang's signal, Tang San immediately stood up, with a calm expression, but said without the slightest respect: "Next Tang San, I have seen the Education Committee."

To be honest, Tang San's attitude made the senses of the three major education committees not very good.

But considering that there is arrogance among geniuses, they didn't take it seriously.

After all, when they were young, they had seen arrogant geniuses, or maybe they were quite arrogant geniuses.

However, Zhi Lin didn't get used to Tang San, the sudden coercion of spirit power caught Tang San by surprise.

Tang San wasn't a vegetarian either, relying on the kung fu he stole from his previous life—Xuan Tian Kung, and using the profound meaning of Taoism to forcibly block Zhilin's fortieth-level soul power coercion.

Tang San didn't stop until level 45, after Tang San's spider legs fused.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang came out to show off again, "Thank you Zhilin Education Committee for your help, otherwise it will take a long time for Xiaosan to fuse this external soul bone. Please keep the three education committees secret here, so as not to confuse my student. Come to kill yourself."

Being taken advantage of by Yu Xiaogang invisibly, to be honest, the three education committee members must feel uncomfortable.

But once they considered Flender, Zao Wou-ki, Shao Xin and other soul sages, as well as the Shrek Seven Monsters, the three education committee members didn't care too much.

In order to prove the sincerity of Tiandou Imperial Academy, the three also swore that they would not reveal the matter of Tang San's external spirit bone.

At this time, he came, and he, Xue Xing, brought people to smash the scene!

In front of Xue Xing, a man who looked like he was five or sixty years old walked in front, not angry and pretentious, it was Yu Yuanzhen who came to ask for an explanation.

Even Xue Xing didn't expect that when he went to invite Dugu Bo, this one also came along, which was really a surprise.

A pair of bell-like eyes glared fiercely at the ordinary Tang San, and then glanced at his youngest son, Yu Xiaogang, with a rather complicated expression.

"Little Gang..."

Seeing his son again, Yu Yuanzhen's heart was touched in an instant, and his anger towards the people behind Tang San was also reduced a lot!

But Yu Xiaogang didn't seem to agree with his father at all, "Why did you come here, why did you come here!"

Chapter 142 Dugu Bo: I Got Rich

Yu Xiaogang's questioning made Yu Yuanzhen not know what to say for a while.

Fortunately, Dugu Bo, who was following behind him, reminded Yu Yuanzhen, "Xiao Gang, get out of the way first, I'm here today to ask for an explanation for my poor grandson whose veins are broken!"

After all, nine soul rings emerged from Yu Yuanzhen's body, yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black!

Nine soul rings, the last soul ring even showed a faint blush, which itself has been infinitely close to 10 years.

Although Yu Yuanzhen is the most non-existent Super Douluo in the original work, his soul power itself is only level 95, which can barely reach the threshold of a Super Douluo.

But in fact, he can be hailed as the toughest one by the Hall of Spirits, so his strength should not be underestimated.

In a one-on-one situation, Sword Bone Douluo from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School is no match for him at all.

After all, he played one against four in the original book without any support, killing one person and seriously injuring another person. Sword Bone Douluo without Ning Fengzhi's boost would definitely not be able to do this.

Here, Tang San was horrified: Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is really shameless, a fight between juniors, a majestic Titled Douluo would actually intervene!

Although Tang San scolded Blue Lightning Bawangzong secretly in his heart, he didn't dare to talk nonsense now, after all his father wasn't around.

Being able to bend and stretch things, this is Tang San, "The junior was confused for a while, please forgive me, senior!"

Dugu Bo, who followed him, said in his heart: What a cunning junior, this means that the old dragon bullied him, a junior!

Yu Yuanzhen has been intriguing all his life in the world of soul masters, and he has never met anyone.

In Yu Yuanzhen's eyes, Tang San is a poisonous snake that spits out a message, and it will bite you every chance it has.

For such a person, Yu Yuanzhen really can't like his temper.

"Hmph, boy let the person behind you come out, just because you are not qualified to talk to me."

There is nothing wrong with what Yu Yuanzhen said, after all, only Tang Hao, the Clear Sky Douluo, is qualified to talk to him.

Tang San is just the son of a Titled Douluo, not a Titled Douluo, he himself is not equal to Yu Yuanzhen.

But when these words reached Tang San's ears, he thought that Yu Yuanzhen looked down on him, and sooner or later he would make Yu Yuanzhen look good!

Yu Xiaogang, who is Tang San's teacher, has long been in a daze. When did his disciple provoke his father?

However, although Yu Xiaogang is stubborn, he is not an idiot, he also heard what Yu Yuanzhen said just now.

Although he cared about Tang San very much, it would be absolutely false to say that he didn't care about Yu Tianheng, his own nephew.

For a while, Yu Xiaogang also hoped that Tang San could give him an explanation, that his apprentice had abolished his nephew, this incident undoubtedly planted a deep rift between the master and apprentice.

He was indeed the one who abolished Yu Tianheng. Even Tang Hao didn't know about it. After all, whoever let him injure Xiao Wu and didn't take Yu Tianheng's life was already his big brother in Tang San's eyes. Endaded.

But in the current situation, Tang San understood that he absolutely couldn't admit it!

"What senior said, Tang San really doesn't understand!"

Yu Yuanzhen's patience was exhausted by Tang San, and he smiled angrily, "Okay, I don't understand!"

Just when Yu Yuanzhen was about to teach Tang San a lesson, Dugu Bo, who was watching the show with the old god, found a big surprise!

For a moment, Dugu Bo directly summoned the martial soul avatar, which made Yu Yuanzhen a little confused.

Without saying a word, Dugu Bo grabbed Xiao Wu who was hiding behind Shao Xin, the Jelly Bean Soul Saint.

Yu Yuan came back to his senses, and he, who had been focusing on Tang San and Yu Xiaogang, noticed Xiao Wu's true identity.

Immediately, Yu Yuanzhen scolded, "You old poison, you dare to eat alone!"

Dugu Bo, who was too excited, was found, and he was also a little embarrassed, "Well, Laolong, you see, we are also in-laws, is it right?"

Dugu Bo's meaning is very clear, one wants a spirit ring and the other wants a spirit bone.

"You are not afraid of being strangled to death!"

Dugu Bo chuckled, "I'm also giving it to Yanzi, and it will be her dowry at that time, so it will be cheaper for your Yu family."

Speaking of this, Dugu Bo has implicitly stated that he wants the soul bone and the soul ring to Yu Yuanzhen.

This made Yu Yuanzhen unable to refuse, after all, there were many Contras in the Landian Bawangzong.

Among other things, his son, Yu Tianheng and his father are Contras.

If one can obtain a 10-year soul ring, even though the attributes do not match, it can definitely give it the potential to reach level 96 or higher.

Xiao Wu, who was stared at by the two Titled Douluo, was also a little bit cold, and regretted extremely in her heart, why did she follow her to Tiandou City.

"Hehe, two seniors, what are you doing?"

A hearty laugh sounded, and Su Qingyu walked into the Education Committee Building with Shui Binger on her arm.

For a moment, everyone was attracted by Su Qingyu's arrival. The expressions of Zhi Lin, Prince Xue Xing, the third education committee member, changed. This kid probably came here to seek revenge for what happened back then!

Dugu Bo came to Su Qingyu's side and winked at Su Qingyu, "Hey, let me tell you, I've made a fortune!"

Xiao Wu was pinched by Yu Yuanzhen, Su Qingyu naturally saw it, but he could only pretend to be deaf and dumb about this kind of thing.

The 10-year soul ring and soul bone are indeed very fragrant, but now he is not eligible for a piece of the pie, so the best choice is to ignore it.

Su Qingyu cupped her hands to Dugu Bo, "Okay then, since that's the case, you can buy me a drink when the time comes!"

At this time, in order to guard against Ye Chang's dream, Yu Yuanzhen left Tiandou Imperial Academy with Xiao Wu.

Dugu Bo was in charge of the rear, and helped Xue Xing drive away the people from Shrek Academy!

No, just as Yu Yuanzhen took Xiao Wu away, Tang San lost his composure and rushed towards Su Qingyu and the others.

Dugu Bo's Title Douluo's aura spread out, and Tang San was immediately suppressed by it.

Because he heard that Yu Tianheng was broken by Tang San, and what happened just now, he has always been indifferent, not helping each other.

But as soon as Yu Yuanzhen left, Tang San was bullied by Dugu Bo, and Yu Xiaogang stood up again, "Your Majesty Dugu, let's get out!"

Unconvinced, Flender looked at Yu Xiaogang dully, he never thought that his good brother would do this!

It's just that Flender's ears are soft, and Dugu Bo, the title Douluo, still chooses to trust Yu Xiaogang.

The three education committee members didn't even dare to stand out this time, nonsense, Yu Yuanzhen is not Dugu Bo, they can't afford to provoke or hide!

Still the same as the original book, Shrek Academy has become a homeless dog.

It's just that they hadn't walked out of the Education Committee building when they were stopped by a voice, "Stop, let you go!"

It was Su Qingyu, some things were not over, and Su Qingyu had no intention of letting them go about what happened back then.

Chapter 143 The Desperate and Powerless Tang San

Being kicked out of the door was already enough to annoy Flender, but Su Qingyu, a junior, called him to stop, and he could no longer suppress the fiery temper in his heart.

"Too much deceit, what do you want from me!"

As a level 78 high-level soul saint, Flender also has a temper.

Being bullied by Yu Yuanzhen is nothing, because of his relationship with Yu Xiaogang, he has to be called uncle.

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