It's okay to be bullied by Dugu Bo, Dugu Bo is a title Douluo with bigger fists than him.

But now, being bullied by a small soul sect like Su Qingyu, even if Flender's martial soul is not an owl or a tortoise, he will not bear it any longer.

"Principal Flender has such a big temper, but I don't know when we said goodbye outside the Star Dou Forest, do you still remember me, the junior who beat your student to serious injury?"

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun caused many troubles, even Flender can't remember how many times he got them.

But as the parties involved, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun were too impressed with Su Qingyu.

Because only that one time, they were the worst time they were beaten.

Ma Hongjun was the first to speak and said: "Okay, boy, you still dare to show up, this time I won't let you go no matter what!"

Although Dai Mubai didn't speak, his claws rattled, obviously he also hated Su Qingyu very much.

However, at this time, a very discordant voice sounded, breaking the tit-for-tat scene between the two sides.

"It's you!"

It was Zhu Zhuqing who was rescued once by Su Qingyu and Shui Binger who said this. She herself was very grateful to the two of them. If Su Qingyu and Shui Binger hadn't left quietly, she would have planned to thank them.

Shui Binger, who was holding Su Qingyu's arm, smiled softly, "I'm really sorry, we had some important matters at that time, so we put you in the inn."

Zhu Zhuqing shook his head, and said softly: "Why, I still want to thank you, but it's a pity that you left when I woke up."

Seeing his fiancée chatting enthusiastically with Shui Binger, Dai Mubai immediately couldn't stand it anymore.

Roaring like a tiger, he questioned Zhu Zhuqing, "What on earth do you mean? Didn't you see that they are our enemies!"

Although Zhu Zhuqing had initially accepted Dai Mubai, the barrier in his heart could not disappear so easily.

There was a look of displeasure on the delicate little face, Zhu Zhuqing said to Dai Mubai in a cold voice: "They are my saviors, if it wasn't for their rescue, I might not even be able to go to Shrek Academy. The guest died in a foreign country."

These words made Dai Mubai speechless, he never thought that his fiancée was actually saved by his enemy.

With a cold snort, Dai Mubai glanced at Su Qingyu threateningly, "Although you saved Zhuqing, let me tell you, I, Dai Mubai, are different today, try it if you have the ability!"

"Boss Dai, I'll help you, don't forget that we are one monster, the matter between you and Hongjun is mine!"

Tang San wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said something very boldly, which moved Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun so much.

"Little San!"

"Third Brother!"

It's just that at this time, Oscar, who has always been low-key, didn't say anything, and the eccentric Ning Rongrong frowned cutely, feeling more and more familiar with Su Qingyu in front of him.

No wonder, when Ning Rongrong met Su Qingyu, she was only five years old.

Seven years passed in a flash, and Su Qingyu's appearance changed too much, especially when her hair color became black.

Only his parents and close relatives like Shui Bing'er can recognize him.

Zhu Zhuqing stopped between Su Qingyu and Dai Mubai, bit the bullet and said: "If you have something to say, can't you talk about it, why do you have to do it!"

Shui Bing'er, who had a tacit understanding with Su Qingyu, directly pulled Zhu Zhuqing away. Zhu Zhuqing was just about to struggle, but was frozen by Shui Binger and forcibly pulled away.

Immediately, a clear dragon chant sounded, and the disguised soul ring showed yellow, yellow, purple and purple colors.

The Soul Sect of the Four Rings looked younger than Dai Mubai, and not much older than Tang San.

This made Yu Xiaogang, who loves talent, very excited, he stood up in one step, and said, "Dare to ask..."

Before Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, Su Qingyu directly punched him in the face, "For the sake of Senior Yu, I don't want to provoke you, so don't be dishonest!"

Seeing Yu Xiaogang being beaten, Flender immediately became angry, but he was stared at by Dugu Bo all the time, unable to move at all, and could only watch helplessly as Yu Xiaogang was beaten.

In order to maintain his image of respecting teachers, Tang San also temporarily suppressed the resentment in his heart that Yu Xiaogang didn't stand by him just now.

"You insult my teacher, you already have the means to die!"

"Blue-silver entanglement!"

Facing Su Qingyu, Tang San didn't say anything, and directly used kiss... Blue and silver twine.

Countless blue silver grass vines grew from Tang San's vicinity, and entangled directly towards Su Qingyu.

A bright red flame was thrown out by Su Qingyu casually, and the blue silver grass that was still aggressive just now was turned into ashes in an instant when faced with the burning of the ultimate flame.

"One year old and one dry, it's autumn, isn't this blue silver grass a bit out of season?"

Su Qingyu said something playful, making Tang San so angry that he immediately used his remaining three axes.

"Parasite, bound by spider webs!"

A gust of wind blew past, directly blowing back the blue silver grass seeds that Tang San was parasitic on.

Then, the spider web was seven or eight meters away from Su Qingyu, and it was frozen into an ice web, fell to the ground, and shattered instantly.

At this time, Tang San couldn't figure out why, his ability was completely restrained by Su Qingyu.

Whether it's ice or fire, dealing with his Blue Silver Grass is simply not too easy.

A sense of powerlessness welled up in his heart, Tang San had never found himself so vulnerable.

Unwilling to admit defeat, he planned to fight Su Qingyu at close range. He believed that with the unique skills of the Tang Sect, he would never lose to Su Qingyu!

But there is one thing he doesn't know. In his previous life, Su Qingyu killed a lot of people at the border, and his melee combat strength is naturally comparable.

But even if Tang San has unique skills, so what, after all, he is a little killer who can't stand on the stage.

In front of someone like Su Qingyu who has shed blood on the battlefield, it is nothing.

In an instant, Tang San was thrown to the ground by Su Qingyu, his chest felt constricted, and he almost couldn't breathe.

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun gritted their teeth and rushed forward.

Su Qingyu, who didn't have much patience, just hit the wind tornado, and even the soul king would not resist the powerful storm.

The two of them were mere soul masters and great soul masters, and they were thrown out by the storm in an instant.

After doing all this, Su Qingyu took a deep look at Zhilin who had been evasive all the time, "Master Education Committee, your eyesight is not very good, this kind of waste should be sent back to where it came from as soon as possible!"

Chapter 144 Don't Live Up to Your True Love

Su Qingyu did not forget Zhilin's tip-off to Xue Xing.

Although he has nothing to do with Xue Xing and Zhi Lin now, he still has to say something.

Blindly forbearance will only make people gain an inch.

Therefore, Su Qingyu also used the name "Xue Qinghe" to beat Zhi Lin and Xue Xing.

Otherwise, as long as he is still in Heaven Dou City.These two will still find ways to target themselves.

Although Su Qingyu is a junior, but what she said in the name of "Xue Qinghe" still has a certain deterrent effect on Zhi Lin and Xue Xing.

Especially for Xue Xing, he is quite afraid of his eldest nephew "Xue Qinghe", and he will not provoke him if he can.

Having taught Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Ma Hongjun a lesson, Su Qingyu was too lazy to talk to them, and simply let Dugu Bo let them go.

As soon as Dugu Bo got out of the way, Tang San became anxious, kept shouting Xiao Wu, and rushed out of the Education Committee Building.

This also makes Su Qingyu a little confused. It is really strange that a Sichuanese would fall in love with a rabbit.

After all, the status of rabbits in Sichuan and Sichuan is well known.

Just when Su Qingyu was thinking wildly, Shui Binger took Su Qingyu's arm very naturally, and said with a smile: "Brother Qingyu, since I came to Tiandou Royal Academy, I also want to see sister Ye Lingling."

As soon as these words came out, Su Qingyu's expression froze, "Bing'er, you..."

Shui Binger covered Su Qingyu's mouth lightly with her white hands, and smiled gently, "Don't get me wrong, I just want to meet her to see if she is really qualified to be my sister."

For a long time, Shui Bing'er regarded herself as the main house of the Su family.

Since she is the main wife of the Su family, she has the right to judge whether the girls Su Qingyu likes, or the girls who like Su Qingyu, are worthy of Su Qingyu.

Facing such serious Shui Bing'er, Su Qingyu really didn't know what to say.

After pulling Shui Binger away from the Education Committee building, Su Qingyu hugged Shui Binger's soft waist and touched her lips.

After a long time, Su Qingyu panted slightly, looked at Shui Bing'er, whose face was flushed red, and said, "Girl, it is enough for me to have you. Are you planning to share me with other women?"

Shui Bing'er put her arms around Su Qingyu's neck, and gently pressed her soft face against Su Qingyu's arms, "Of course, don't forget that my father married my mother and my second mother, so I don't mind being with others. Girls share you."

Immediately afterwards, Shui Binger changed the topic, "But I also promise that the girl who shares you with me has a certain talent, at least not too much worse than me."

To be honest, Su Qingyu, who had never stepped out of her own circle in her previous life, really couldn't figure it out.

The concept of a couple for a lifetime is deeply impressed in his mind.

So, when he decided on Shui Bing'er, he never considered other people.

He has been a childhood sweetheart since he was a child, and he is so kind, smart, and understanding, there is really no reason for him not to choose Shui Bing'er.

But he never thought that his favorite girl would persuade him to like other girls one day.

Su Qingyu hugged Shui Bing'er tightly, and buried her head in her soft hair, "You know, I only like you, and I don't want to be beaten up by my mother for denying me. This son."

Gently standing on tiptoe, Lan Yingying's eyes met Su Qingyu's eyes, and her white jade hands gently stroked Su Qingyu's straight black hair, "My brother Herring, don't you know that I am It is because I like you that I hope you can marry other girls. In this way, you can get a helping hand and also get the support of the forces behind them."

"Since then, your journey will be much easier. It's just that Brother Qingyu has always liked Binger, and Binger won't care about these things."

At this time, Shui Bing'er was like a ball of soft water, completely trapping Su Qingyu, making him immersed and unable to extricate himself.

Both of them like each other the most clearly. Su Qingyu's persistence and Shui Binger's tolerance make the relationship between them more sincere and inseparable.

Su Qingyu finally agreed to take her to meet Ye Lingling under Shui Binger's soft and hard paving.

In the afternoon, the Huangdou team's training ended. Because of Qin Ming's departure, they were destined to not have any more classes tonight.

Outside the Huangdou team's training ground, Yufeng is playing tricks. On days without training, this guy is so happy.

The Shimoshi brothers, who had been silent all this time, were also quite relaxed. After all, the training Qin Ming arranged for them was quite tense.

Only Ye Lingling, a look of doubt flashed in her cold silver eyes.

In the past few days, there has been no news of her good sister Duguyan, Yu Tianheng has not returned, and the team leader teacher Qin Ming has also disappeared, which makes her a little inexplicably worried.

"The man in front looks familiar."

Oslo, who has a ghost and leopard martial spirit, said something casually, which immediately attracted the attention of other members of the Emperor Fighting Team.

Ye Lingling also raised her head, just facing Su Qingyu's blue eyes.

For a while, she recognized Su Qingyu's identity directly, but her character and Shui Bing'er beside Su Qingyu did not allow her to rush directly in front of Su Qingyu.

Afterwards, it was Yufeng who ran directly to Su Qingyu's side, gestured to Su Qingyu and behind him, and then said dejectedly: "It's over, it's over, all the little kids back then are taller than me."

Different from Yufeng, who loves to play tricks, Brother Shimomo and Oslo have a more stable personality.

At this time, Shui Bing'er sent Su Qingyu's arm and came to Ye Lingling's side.

Perhaps it was because of the strong aura in Shui Bing'er that Ye Lingling was inexplicably afraid of this girl who was two years younger than her.

However, in front of the powerful Shui Bing'er in terms of soul power, Ye Lingling, the auxiliary soul master, really didn't have much ability to resist.

It was too late to resist, and was directly taken away by Shui Bing'er arm in arm.

Before leaving, Shui Bing'er gave Su Qingyu a special look, signaling him not to follow.

Although a little helpless, he still didn't follow.

After a long time, Shui Bing'er came back with Ye Lingling.I don't know what Shui Bing'er said, but Ye Lingling willingly fell behind Shui Bing'er, with an appearance of focusing on Shui Bing'er.

On Su Qingyu's side, he also told Yufeng and the others that Yu Tianheng and Duguyan had recovered from their injuries.

The rest of the Huangdou team were very happy when they heard that Yu Tianheng and Duguyan had recovered.

When parting, Shui Bing'er brought Ye Lingling to Su Qingyu's side, "Brother Qingyu, sister Lingling has admired you for a long time, don't let me down!"

Su Qingyu was quite helpless, Ye Lingling really didn't know what to say.

Grabbing Shui Bing'er into her arms, Su Qingyu flicked her smooth forehead angrily, "You're really good."

Shui Bing'er did not shy away from it, the blue Yingying eyes really made Su Qingyu unable to do anything.

Immediately, she said to Su Qingyu in a gentle voice: "Brother Qingyu, I can accept it, why can't you accept it? I know you consider my feelings, but please don't disappoint the girl who likes you."

As night fell, under the colorful lights, the figures of the three formed a strange picture scroll.

Chapter 145 My business, I don't need you

In Tiandou City, two people became a threesome. Under Shui Binger's insistence, Su Qingyu also acquiesced in Ye Lingling's joining.

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