What's more, he is still seriously injured now, and he is definitely not the opponent of Golden Crocodile!

Golden Crocodile also knows something about a Douluo in the secret room, but for the stability of Wuhun Temple, he must take down Tang Hao now.

Without further ado, the golden crocodile struck directly, a terrifying soul power erupted, and the golden crocodile claws directly grabbed Tang Hao.

Tang Hao's face changed, and he raised the Haotian Hammer violently to resist.

But how could the current Tang Hao be able to block the blow of the golden crocodile, like a cannonball, it directly smashed out of the small courtyard where Su Qingyu and the others were located.

Then, after hitting dozens of courtyards in a row, it barely stopped.

With such a powerful fluctuation of soul power and such a large-scale destruction of buildings, all forces located in Tiandou City and nearby were alarmed in an instant.

Tang Hao, who had eaten the claw of the golden crocodile, was also horrified. He never thought that the gap between level 95 and level 98 was so big.

Even if he goes all out now and uses Haotianzong's unique skills, he is only comparable to level 96, and compared with the golden crocodile, it is still far behind.

"Hmph, Tang Hao, you dare to challenge my Spirit Hall, die for me!"

Chapter 149 The Bloody Nine-Hearted Begonia

With the martial soul possessed, nine soul rings came out together. It seemed that Golden Crocodile was planning to make a full-strength attack to keep Tang Hao here completely.

Especially the last red soul ring beside the golden crocodile made all the soul masters in Tiandou City feel awe and fear.

A 10-year soul ring, a legend in the world of soul masters, synonymous with power, why does this make them excited or afraid?

Although there is a big gap in soul power with Golden Crocodile, Tang Hao is not easy to provoke.

There are also nine soul rings, yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, and red. The last soul ring also exists for 10 years.

"Does Tang Hao also have a 10-year soul ring?"

Because of Qian Daoliu's order, no one in Wuhundian who knew what happened back then dared to tell Qian Renxue the truth about that year.

She also never knew that Tang Hao had a 10-year soul ring, and that Tang Hao wasn't really killing her father and enemy.

Su Qingyu, who was hiding in the corner together, said casually: "What's so strange about this, maybe it's because of his luck that a soul beast volunteered to provide him with a soul ring."

Shui Bing'er couldn't help laughing at what she said, "Brother Herring, you are really too, soul beasts are not stupid, how could they give their own soul rings to humans."

Ye Lingling also nodded, apparently she didn't think there were such stupid soul beasts either.

Well, indeed, soul beasts are not stupid, but soul beasts that transform into humans are, especially female soul beasts.

Of course, Su Qingyu didn't say much to Shui Bing'er and the others, the most important thing now is to watch the show.

Tang Hao, who was seriously injured himself, has been hanged and beaten by the golden crocodile. Perhaps because of his own injury, he now dare not use the ring explosion, or the big Sumeru hammer and other unique skills of Haotianzong.

Once he really uses it, it is completely fighting for his life, no matter what the result is, he will definitely die.

Thinking that Tang San's strength is still very weak, he has been silently bearing the attack of the golden crocodile before letting Tang San identify his ancestors for him.

Golden Crocodile, a veteran of the soul master world, naturally discovered this situation.

Immediately, he didn't intend to spend any more time with Tang Hao, and the huge golden crocodile tail directly slammed towards Tang Hao.

Seeing this, Su Qingyu's eyelids twitched, this old man is really not ordinary violence, with a tail down, the west area of ​​Tiandou City is in danger.

Fortunately, Su Qingyu and Qian Renxue were in the blind spot of the golden crocodile's attack, otherwise they would have been whipped to death by the old man's tail!

Whether it should be said or not, the golden crocodile pulled out its tail and immediately regretted it.

It's really not worth killing a Tang Hao and destroying nearly a quarter of Tiandou City!

He acted like this, let the world think of the Wuhun Palace, isn't this a reason for the Pope's Palace to attack them old immortals?

Fortunately, in Tiandou City this day, someone's calculations were very loud, and he took the initiative to resist the ultimate move of the golden crocodile.

After Tang Hao was beaten to the ground and kept vomiting blood, the two giant snakes in the Heaven Dou Empire finally made their move.

The blue-purple thunder and the weird skeleton struck together, and under the blessing of the colorful brilliance, they barely blocked Golden Crocodile Douluo's killing move.

"Senior Golden Crocodile, don't get angry anymore, or else Tiandou City won't be able to resist your old destruction!"

In his left hand he held a cane inlaid with precious stones, and in his right hand was the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda. The person who came was Ning Fengzhi, the patriarch of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

The person who made the move just now, besides Yu Yuanzhen, the suzerain of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, happened to be the enshrined of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, Bone Douluo—Gu Rong.

As soon as he saw the arrival of the two suzerains, Golden Crocodile knew that it was impossible to do anything else.

What Ning Fengzhi said just now sounded fine, but in fact it had already warned Golden Crocodile.

If he makes another move, he will completely tear himself apart from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, the Blue Lightning Overlord School and the Heaven Dou Empire.

It is true that Golden Crocodile disdains to take care of the affairs of the Pope's Palace.

But no matter how you say it, the Pope's Palace is a part of the Wuhun Palace after all, and it really doesn't make sense to disrupt that woman's plan for a mere Tang Hao.

It was also at this time that Tang Hao quickly got up and left, and with his Super Douluo's speed, he quickly left the range of Tiandou City.

Seeing Tang Hao leave, Ning Fengzhi and Yu Yuanzhen did not continue to make things difficult for Jin Crocodile.

After all, the strength of Wuhundian lies there. If it is true, the two of them cannot bear the anger of Wuhundian.

As soon as Golden Crocodile came back, he said apologetically to Qian Renxue: "I'm sorry, Xue'er, I was really incompetent, so I let Tang Hao go."

For Tang Hao's escape, Qian Renxue had no intention of blaming the golden crocodile at all.

If he escaped, he escaped, and he was not in a hurry to arrest him.

However, Tang Hao was always an unstable and dangerous person. For the next period of time, Golden Crocodile would still follow Qian Renxue's side to ensure her safety.

After bidding farewell to Qian Renxue, Su Qingyu brought Shui Binger and Ye Lingling to return to Tiandou Imperial Academy.

That is, not long ago, Qian Renxue handed over a secret letter, which meant that if she wanted to take Ye Lingling away, she could just send this secret letter to the education committee Mengshenji.

But the reason was that Su Qingyu was a little speechless, and ordered to enter the East Palace!

Even so, Su Qingyu still accepted it, even if it was really ordered to enter the East Palace, so what, the two women...

Su Qingyu shook her head resolutely, and poured out the unhealthy and prohibited-color waste from her head.

The three of them left Tiandou City, they hadn't gone far when they happened to run into two acquaintances.

Yu Tianheng and Duguyan who had not recovered from their recovery soon!

Yu Tianheng also heard about the rescue this time, if it wasn't for Su Qingyu's action, he and Duguyan would really be useless.

Both of them also know how to repay their kindness. They are not the kind of people who judge whether others are worthy of repaying because of their value.

Without saying anything, Yu Tianheng directly threw a storage soul tool to Su Qingyu.

Said that it was personally selected by his father, and hoped that he would be satisfied.

Su Qingyu was also curious, but after checking it, she was stunned!

After that, I couldn't help but think of a word from my previous life, big dog!

"Hey, Lingling, what are you talking about, you are leaving!"

Ye Lingling nodded silently and said nothing.

Although they are descendants of the Three Earth Sects, they are actually the most miserable existence.

The owner of Jiuxin Begonia Wuhun, whether male or female, is basically someone else's vassal.

Even some powerful soul masters, because of the special nature of the Nine Hearts Begonia, are still unwilling to accept the owner of the Nine Hearts Begonia as their other half.

Since the first day of awakening her martial soul, Ye Lingling also knew her own destiny, and passed on the line of Jiuxin Begonia!

Furthermore, Jiuxin Haitang does not have any attack power as an auxiliary system. It is the same as the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and even more stringent. The other half must be a powerful battle soul master.

When she was a child, she even heard that some of her ancestors married powerful soul masters in their seventies and eighties for their own safety, and there were many of them.

After all, everything is for the inheritance of Jiuxin Begonia!

Now that he has made up his mind, he must follow Su Qingyu.It wasn't until the day when she gave birth to a child with the nine-heart Begonia that she was half freed.

After getting old, suicide is also necessary for the inheritance of future generations.

This is the Nine Heart Begonia, there will never be a third Nine Heart Begonia stained with blood.

Chapter 150 Ning Rongrong's Tangle

Knowing that her best friend is about to leave, she can't do anything but wish silently.

Looking at the figure of Su Qingyu and the three going away.Dugu Yan lamented, "Nine Heart Begonia!"

After getting along for a long time, Yu Tianheng also knew something about Jiuxin Begonia.

This kind of martial soul that makes people bleed and cry, he also can't figure out why there is such a cruel martial soul in the world.

Although Jiuxin Begonia does not have a strong increase like the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.But as a teammate, Yu Tianheng didn't feel how unnatural Jiuxin Haitang was.

Immediately, Yu Tianheng shook his head. It was useless to think about it. If the problem of Jiuxin Begonia was so easy to solve, the inheritance of Jiuxin Begonia would have been solved for thousands of years.

On the other side, with the secret letter of "Xue Qinghe", although Meng Shenji hesitated, there was nothing he could do.

After all, the three of them are firmly on the prince's side. Since it is the prince's order, they cannot disobey it.

In this way, Ye Lingling's identity in Tiandou Imperial Academy was completely eliminated.

The three education committee members with the highest authority in the academy took action, and it was as if Ye Lingling had never appeared before.

After doing all this, Su Qingyu didn't linger, and brought the two girls to the apartment where Ye Lingling lived.

Ever since Su Qingyu graduated, Ye Lingling was the only one left here.

Although there were quite a few aristocratic dandies who coveted Ye Lingling's beauty and used their connections to move in, they were all scared back by Yu Tianheng and Duguyan.

After all, they are just some dandies, and when they meet a real strong man, or the heir of a big family, they are really nothing.

On Ye Lingling's side, she was already determined to leave with Su Qingyu, and she only came back to pack her things.

For a long time, Ye Lingling, who lived alone, didn't have many things, and she packed them up in a short time.

"That... Herring, shall we go back to Tianshui City now?"

Ye Lingling's character is very introverted. Even though she showed her heart, she was still very reserved in front of Su Qingyu.

What's more, with Shui Bing'er by her side, Ye Lingling didn't know what to do.

Before Su Qingyu could speak, Shui Binger took Ye Lingling's arm, with a smile in her blue eyes, "Of course, Brother Qingyu and I are both members of Team Tianshui. It is time to go back."

Ye Lingling is no stranger to Tianshui Academy, no matter how you say it is the top academy in Tiandou Empire.

What made Ye Lingling curious was how could Su Qingyu, a man, be able to enter Tianshui College?

Looking at Ye Lingling's suspicious eyes, Su Qingyu knew that this girl might be thinking too much.

He is just a team leader on the left and right. If he really plays, it is almost impossible to be his turn.

By the time the three of them spoke, they had already left the Tiandou Royal Academy.

Not long after he left, he ran into an acquaintance who was not an acquaintance.

The person who came was a woman with loose fiery red hair and a beautiful appearance. She looked extraordinarily graceful and luxurious. It was Ning Fengzhi's wife, Yanyun, who had been treated by Su Qingyu.

Behind her, a very immature and pretty girl with straight black hair took a few sneaky glances at Su Qingyu.

Ning Rongrong, ever since she returned to Heaven Dou City, people from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School have known about it.

This is not after Ning Rongrong took a few days off, he just brought her here to test it out.

"Master Su, long time no see!"

For Yan Yun, Su Qingyu didn't have much impression, after all, they didn't have much contact with each other.

Ning Fengzhi, on the other hand, made a deep impression on Su Qingyu, even though it was not a good impression.

Seeing that Su Qingyu had no impression of her, Yan Yun introduced herself patiently, and then began to introduce Ning Rongrong to Su Qingyu.

"This is the little girl, called Rong Rong, who is just 12 years old today, and is a little younger than Mr. Su."

Immediately, Yanyun winked at Ning Rongrong, "Rongrong, I haven't seen you, Big Brother Su!"

Ning Rongrong was able to come here because she was forced to come here.

After all, the little girl is only an auxiliary-type soul master, and her ability to resist is almost zero in front of an attack-type soul Douluo like Yan Yun.

Although the little girl was a little unhappy, out of good family education, she still greeted Su Qingyu politely.

Su Qingyu didn't pay too much attention to it, but now Ning Rongrong is just a yellow-haired girl with no scheming or anything like that.

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