The real purpose is Ning Rongrong's mother - Yan Yun.

"Mrs. Ning, I don't know what you want to do. You don't just bring Miss Ning to see me, do you? If that's the case, then we will leave."


Yan Yun stopped Su Qingyu, cursing inwardly: This little brat is really out of character.

Slightly calming his heart, Yan Yun smiled softly, "That's right, it will be my little girl's birthday soon, I wonder if Mr. Su will appreciate you?"

Sure enough, Yan Yun is also a difficult character if he is not a family member and does not enter a family.

According to the original book, this girl Ning Rongrong's birthday has passed long ago, so what's wrong with this girl?

"Madam Ning's kindness is appreciated, but Tianshui College still has a lot of things to do, so I will leave!"

After all, Su Qingyu left with the two daughters, only Yanyun and her daughter stayed where they were, in a mess in the wind.

"Hmph, let me just say, it's impossible for people to be fooled!"

Ning Rongrong said angrily, with a pair of swarthy eyes rolling, she was as weird as she was, and she also wanted to catch her mother's words, "What is the origin of that Mr. Su, even you are so polite to him. "

Yan Yun pampered Ning Rongrong's little head, and then told the story of Su Qingyu's detoxification for her and saved her life.

For a moment, Ning Rongrong hesitated, not knowing what to do...

Purple Star City, a city only two hundred miles away from Heaven Dou City, has a high-ranking academy at the bottom of the Heaven Dou Empire - Purple Star Academy.

After being kicked out by Yu Luomian, Flender, Yu Xiaogang and other Shrek Academy teachers and students came here.

Flender wanted to stop talking, "Xiao Gang, do you really want to do this?"

Seizing the Purple Star Academy was exactly what Yu Xiaogang had prepared for the record.

The Soul Master Competition, the top competition in the Douluo Continent, has attracted a lot of attention.

In order to prove himself, Yu Xiaogang has prepared too much in these years, and the Purple Star Academy is just a kind of record for him.

"It doesn't matter, as long as we can win the championship, it will be a great honor for them. They have no objections."

Liu Erlong who just joined in, her heart has always been biased, "That is, Boss Fu, when did you become such a mother-in-law, just do it!"

The teachers of Shrek Academy didn't speak, but Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun were very active.

Flender and Zhao Wou-ki looked at each other, they both saw each other's helplessness, the right to speak in the academy was no longer theirs.

Chapter 151

The dean of the Purple Star Academy is named Zi Yuanshan, a level 72 Artifact Soul Sage, and the Wuhun is a Purple Soul Saber.

Over the past few decades, Zixing Academy has gradually become an advanced soul master academy from a junior soul master academy in his hands.

Although the current Purple Star Academy is the bottom existence in the Heaven Dou Empire, but they are only lost in the bottom line.

After all, Purple Star Academy has only become a high-level academy for a few years, and the Soul Master Competition has only participated in one session.

However, under the coordination of Zi Yuanshan, Zixing College has been developing steadily.

Most of the graduates of Purple Star Academy will basically stay in the academy to contribute to the development of the academy.

Everything is developing in the best direction, Zi Yuanshan also sees the prosperity of Zixing Academy.

As the dean, Zi Yuanshan stroked his beard and smiled. He didn't have any big pursuits in his life. He just wanted to build Zixing College well and make it a well-known college with a profound heritage and a long-standing heritage like the Five Elements College. .

But God seems to have made a joke with Zi Yuanshan, the fate of Zixing Academy will die today.

While Zi Yuanshan was giving lectures to some students, the concierge who was in charge of guarding the college ran in hastily.

Zi Yuanshan was a little displeased, what annoyed him most was the people who disturbed him in class.

"Dean, there are some people outside who call themselves Shrek Academy and say they are here to communicate with our academy."

Zi Yuanshan frowned. Shrek Academy, if he remembered correctly, should be an academy near Soto City in Barak Kingdom.

Shrek Academy is only about 20 years old, much younger than Purple Star Academy.

But this so-called Shrek Academy, no matter whether it is in the Barak Kingdom or the Heaven Dou Empire, there is no clear classification.

To put it bluntly, it is a pheasant soul master academy.

Therefore, for Shrek Academy, Zi Yuanshan, who has always sought stability, scoffed at it.

It's a lie to hear that graduates have the title of Viscount of the Heaven Dou Empire, and that some students are elders of the Wuhun Temple.

The admission requirements are still set so high, Zi Yuanshan doesn't think there are many young soul masters who can meet the admission requirements of Shrek Academy.

Even if students can be recruited, how many people can be recruited?

Besides, those who can reach level 12 or above at the age of [-], and have two century-old soul rings, their family conditions are not too bad.

So, ever since he heard about Shrek Academy, Zi Yuanshan didn't think much of them.

He is so ambitious and thinks highly of himself that he doubts that Shrek Academy is really a soul master academy?

You know, in order to be able to organize the Purple Star Academy, he often went to the Soul Beast Forest to hunt soul rings for others to earn funds for the academy.

However, Zi Yuanshan also considered Flender's reputation, so he still planned to meet him in order not to make a strong enemy for the Purple Star Academy.

"Amin, take them to the reception room, I'll be over in a while."

About the time of burning incense, Zi Yuanshan just arrived at the reception room, and Flender and other people from Shrek Academy were already waiting.

"I'm really sorry to keep you waiting for a long time. I don't know what you can do for you from Shrek Academy to come to my Purple Star Academy?"

Flender sat on the chair without saying a word. He still has a bottom line, and there are some things he really can't do.

Because Flender didn't say a word, the scene was a bit awkward for a while.

Yu Xiaogang frowned, he couldn't stand it any longer, and simply revealed his plan.

After listening, Zi Yuanshan's face turned cold, "Heh, your Excellency is too insincere, let us give you the places to participate in the soul master competition, and you will earn your reputation, such a good thing in this world !"

Zi Yuanshan, who has risen since the end of the century, has a relatively straightforward personality, and doesn't know much about the twists and turns of the three teaching committee members of Tiandou Royal Academy.

Since it's something you don't like, there's no need to talk about it anymore!

Immediately, Zi Yuanshan waved his hand, "Dean Flender, Purple Star Academy doesn't want to cooperate with your academy, so please leave."

The work-study students of Zixing Academy who were serving at the side couldn't stand it any longer. After receiving Ziyuanshan's order, they made a gesture of asking for the important task of Shrek Academy.

But Shrek Academy came to Purple Star Academy just for the competition quota, and did not get what they wanted, how could Yu Xiaogang give up?

In Yu Xiaogang's eyes, Zao Wou-ki's character is too upright, and Flender is too soft-hearted.

He had no choice but to let Liu Erlong, who admired him, take action, and the powerful pressure of the 76th-level soul saint directly crushed the students of Purple Star Academy.

As the dean, Zi Yuanshan trembled, "You... what do you mean by this!"

Yu Xiaogang directly bowed to Zi Yuanshan, "I'm really sorry, Mr. Zi, our Shrek Academy really needs this quota."

Zi Yuanshan was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, you need it, so don’t you need it at Zixing Academy?

Liu Erlong was even more irritable, and he yelled directly: "Xiao Gang, what's the point of talking to this old man, just beat him up and he'll be honest!"

"Enough, stop it, let's go!"

Say it.Flender walked out of the reception room directly, and Zao Wou-ki took the initiative to follow.

But what Flender didn't expect was that Liu Erlong's gesture at Yu Xiaogang actually directly possessed him with a martial spirit.

Flender's face was ugly, and it was completely unexplainable now.

In an instant, Liu Erlong and Zi Yuanshan started fighting, but the old Zi Yuanshan had too many scruples in Zixing Academy in his nineties.

In addition, Zi Yuanshan was already in a weak position in terms of spirit power, so he was no match for Liu Erlong after all.

Flender glared at Yu Xiaogang angrily, "Xiao Gang, what do you want to do!"

Yu Xiaogang turned his head, "I'm sorry, I don't want to, but I really need a victory! Do you know how those outsiders look at me? Do you know how many cold eyes I have endured?"

"Little San, he has always been my pride, and I, Yu Xiaogang, will one day prove to the world that I am not a waste!"

Seeing Yu Xiaogang roaring in front of him, Flender's heart softened.

With Flender's move, only the Purple Star Academy, a soul sage in Ziyuan Mountain, fell into a crisis of life and death.

In the end, Shrek Academy's borrowing chicken to lay eggs succeeded.

However, this is based on sacrificing Ziyuan Mountain and Zixing College...

In the setting sun forest, Xiao Wu, dressed in pink clothes, looked at the ordinary-looking Tang San, her rabbit eyes were full of mist, "Brother San!"

When the two hugged each other, the pale and unshaven Tang Hao had a gratified smile on his face.

That's right, Xiao Wu was rescued by him!

After being rescued by Yu Yuanzhen and Ning Fengzhi, Tang Hao found Xiao Wu in Dugu Bo's medicine garden following a hint of a hidden existence.

Fortunately, his cultivation base is advanced, and that place is not the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, otherwise, it would be difficult for him to rescue Xiao Wu.

But Yu Yuanzhen and Dugu Bo, who discovered Xiao Wu's disappearance and were about to share the spoils, cursed all day and all night in the medicine garden.

The feeling of being picked peaches is really not very good!

Chapter 152

In the God Realm, an evil god dressed in jet-black stared fixedly at God Shura in blood-colored clothes.

"Sura, are you breaking the rules!"

There was no emotion in God Shura's blood-colored eyes, and a slightly hoarse voice sounded, "Sorry, it's just this time, and it involves that one, I have to make some adjustments to my successor."

These words made the God of Evil feel extremely funny, "Hehe, can I think that the God of Law Enforcement knows the law and breaks the law?"

"Whatever you think, I haven't asked you about the death of my second-level god subordinate in the Five Elements Continent."

A woman dressed in white with a gentle expression suddenly appeared, "Isn't it because you are in the same line as you, the little girl who wanted to interfere in the underground, but was killed by that little girl."

Following the arrival of the kind god, God Shura fell silent, and left without saying anything.

"Hey, do you think something is wrong with Shura?"

The God of Good rolled his eyes at the God of Evil, parted his red lips lightly, and said flatly, "Maybe it's because the one on Douluo Continent feels a little unwilling."

The black light flickered, and the God of Evil said meaningfully: "I'm afraid it's more than that. You must know that we have stayed in the realm of God King for too long. You and I are fine, but Shura has been looking for a way forward."

They are all old goblins who have lived for an unknown number of years. Why doesn't the God of Good understand what the God of Evil means?

But the God of Shura is too bold!

The two stood on the center of the God Realm, and the God of Evil gazed at the entire God Realm, "It doesn't matter if he pursues the way forward, but I'm afraid he will bring disaster to the God Realm!"

Some information was disclosed by someone, in the words of that person: Don't look at you so-called gods, in our world, any adult can break through your so-called god realm.

Because of that person's means, this sentence has been imprinted in their souls.

The God of Kindness held the arm of the God of Evil, and said with a smile: "Not necessarily, maybe Shura is not worthy of that shot."


Tianshui City, after leaving for less than half a month, came back much earlier than expected.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the house, he met Su Liefeng who was unemployed at home.

At first, seeing Su Qingyu and Shui Binger return, he was in a good mood.

But when Ye Lingling came down, Su Liefeng felt that his head was not enough.

A girl who is not inferior to Shui Bing'er in appearance, what if a girl from the Shui family sees this?

When Su Qingyu saw Su Liefeng at the door, he was about to say hello, but before he could speak, Su Liefeng ran towards the direction of Tianshui College, making Su Qingyu a little confused.

Running on the street, Su Liefeng felt so anxious in his heart, it's over, this brat of his family dared to find a young one, how can he explain this to the Shui family!

Su Liefeng was a soul master of the strong and sensitive double attack department, and he rushed to the gate of Tianshui College in a short time.

After saying hello to Li Jing, she quickly ran to Lan Xiaoyue's office, "Honey, something is wrong!"

As soon as he entered the door, Su Liefeng froze, why is Shui Ningshuang here?

"Hehe, the girl from the Shui family is here too."

Lan Xiaoyue put away the documents, took a sip of tea calmly, "Tell me, what's the matter, there are no outsiders here."

Su Liefeng winked at Shui Ningshuang, "That Ningshuang, can you avoid it for a while?"

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