Seeing Su Liefeng's cautious look, Shui Ningshuang was a little weird, but she went out anyway.

Lan Xiaoyue said impatiently: "Okay, if you have anything to say, hurry up, I'm still busy!"

"I told you, don't be angry!"

"If you don't tell me, I won't let you get out of this door, do you believe it?"

Due to his family position and status at the bottom of the food chain, Su Liefeng quickly made it clear.

"You said the two of us brought a beautiful little girl back, that's a good thing!"

Forgive Su Liefeng for not understanding what Lan Xiaoyue was thinking, let the Shui family know what to do.

It is not unreasonable for the two to become husband and wife, and Lan Xiaoyue also understands what Su Liefeng is worried about.

Not light or heavy, he slapped Su Liefeng and staggered, "Aren't you thinking about what Shui Ningshuang means?"

Su Liefeng nodded subconsciously.

"Don't worry, we have already considered this matter."

In Lan Xiaoyue's words, Su Qingyu can marry a girl other than Shui Binger, but the main wife of the Su family must be Shui Binger.In the future, the heirs of Su Qingyu and Shui Bing'er must also have a surname of Shui to inherit the Shui family's foundation.

"Otherwise, do you think the dean and Shui Ningshuang will allow Shui Bing'er to marry into our Su family instead of letting Su Qingyu be the Shui family's son-in-law?"

Su Liefeng, who seemed to understand everything, felt something was wrong, "No, why, I don't know these things?"

"Who in our family has the final say?"

Su Liefeng replied honestly: "You!"

"Isn't this the end?"

Although he understood, Su Liefeng didn't know what to say, after all, his family status was still there.

But Lan Xiaoyue's next actions made Su Liefeng a little puzzled.

Lan Xiaoyue quickly sorted out the documents on the table, took out the office key, and dragged him out.

"No, Xiaoyue, it's not time for you to get off work yet!"

"The dean is not here. I am the oldest. I also want to see how the little girl you mentioned is doing."

Pulled by Lan Xiaoyue, Su Liefeng hurried to Tianshui College, and was taken out of Tianshui College by Lan Xiaoyue.

It only took so long that Li Jing, the old lady guarding the gate, shook her head, "You're so frizzy, you're almost going to be the dean."

As soon as she got home, Lan Xiaoyue rushed into the house directly, startling Ye Lingling who had just come out of the room after setting it up.

Immediately, Lan Xiaoyue admired it quite a bit, and circled around Ye Lingling.

For a while, Ye Lingling didn't know what to do, why did this woman look abnormal!

"Mom (Aunt Lan)!"

The voices of Su Qingyu and Shui Binger resounded, and Ye Lingling, who had just been frightened, felt a lot more at ease.

"Meet my aunt!"

Although Ye Lingling followed his grandfather all the time, she was very polite and saluted Lan Xiaoyue respectfully.

Su Qingyu was quite nervous, but he remembered that Lan Xiaoyue said that if he did something wrong to Shui Binger, it would make him look good.

Just looking at the situation in front of her, it seems that her mother has no intention of cleaning herself up.

But then, Lan Xiaoyue proved with actions that Su Qingyu was simply overthinking.

Slender fingers pinched his ears, facing Lan Xiaoyue's majesty, Su Qingyu trembled.

"Someone hasn't forgotten what I said?"

Su Qingyu nodded lightly, but she didn't know how to say it, she couldn't blame Shui Bing'er!

Don't say that Lan Xiaoyue doesn't believe it, if he dares to do so, he will die.

"Okay, I won't scare you anymore. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. You can handle the emotional matters yourself, but if you know who you have betrayed, don't blame the old lady for turning her face!"

Lan Xiaoyue let go of Su Qingyu's ears, and then ignored him again, and ran directly to Ye Lingling's side, striking up a conversation.

Shui Bing'er said with a smile: "You heard me, if you dare to bully me, someone will take care of you!"

At home, Su Qingyu doesn't want to get too close to Shui Binger.

Then she leaned against Shui Bing'er's small ear and said softly: "I'll let you go this time, and you won't be so lucky next time."

Shui Binger's pretty face was rosy, and she snorted softly, "Coward!"

Chapter 153 The Weak Tianshui

The news of Ye Lingling's arrival soon spread, because of the special nature of Jiuxin Begonia, she was also chartered by Shui Ningshuang to join the Tianshui team.

Unlike Su Qingyu, the leader of the team, Ye Lingling is a regular player, and she can take turns playing with Xue Wu.

As for Ye Lingling, because they are all girls, the members of Team Tianshui still welcome her.

After all, the Tianshui team has no substitutes, only regular players, and the arrival of Ye Lingling can make up for it.

During the half month that Su Qingyu and Shui Binger left, the girls of Team Tianshui, except for Xue Wu, Yu Hairou, and Shui Yueer, who had the highest spirit power, had all raised their spirit power by one level. .

Although it is still quite far away from the Soul Sect, but after all, there is a way forward.

It's just that some things happened suddenly, and Shui Ningshuang, who was in charge of Team Tianshui, had just received the news.

Led by Lei Ting and Elephant Academies, they held an exchange competition between Elemental Academies, and the location was a bit special, it was actually near Jujian Mountain.

Jujian Mountain is located in the north of Tiandou City, relatively close to Tianshui City.

The previous soul master competitions and promotion competitions within the Heaven Dou Empire were all held here.

Therefore, there are playing fields that are under renovation all year round.

What Su Qingyu didn't understand was that this year's exchange meeting was originally held at Blazing Academy, but why it was led by Thunder Academy and Elephant Academy.

Su Qingyu couldn't bear to think too much, there were people behind Lei Ting and Elephant Armor.

Luckily for Thunder Academy, even though there is the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect behind it, it didn't use the Blue Electric Overlord Sect to bully other academies.

On the contrary, it is the Elephant Armor Academy, and the Elephant Armor Sect behind it often takes advantage of the reputation of the Wuhun Temple to pretend to be a tiger. Hu Yanzhen, the suzerain of the Elephant Armor Sect, is even more ambitious.

Tianshui College itself is a civilian college without much cohesion.Very few students stay in school after graduation, so Tianshui Academy is also the weakest among Elemental Academy.

Both Chihuo and Kamikaze are based on the clan as the core, and their cohesion is relatively strong, and their strength is much stronger than that of Tianshui Academy.

Therefore, from the perspective of strength, Hu Yanzhen should first look at Blazing Fire and Kamikaze.As for Thunder Academy, Hu Yanzhen didn't have the guts to provoke him.

As for what Tianshui Academy has that can attract Hu Yanzhen, it is the large number of female soul masters gathered in Tianshui Academy.

You must know that there are very few female soul masters in the soul master world, and the ratio of male and female soul masters is even more frightening.

Therefore, the other half of most male soul masters are ordinary people.

But there is one thing that cannot be ignored, that is, both parents are soul masters, and the probability of their offspring having soul power is higher, even the innate soul power level will also be improved to a certain extent.

Therefore, with Hu Yanzhen's ambition, how could he, who is committed to becoming the top three sects of the Elephant Armor School, let go of Tianshui College where female soul masters are concentrated.

It's not just Hu Yanzhen, there are many people who covet Tianshui Academy.

A few years ago, Tang Yuehua came to Tianshui College without such intentions.

The clansmen of the Haotian School cannot all marry close relatives, if that happens, something will happen one day.

When it was too late when the accident happened, they also set their sights on Tianshui College one step ahead.

Therefore, if Haotianzong was not scared by Qian Daoliu and did not dare to come out, it is really impossible to guarantee whether Tianshui Academy still exists.

"Hey, we girls from Tianshui College really have no place in Douluo Dalu!"

Shui Ningshuang sighed, "Jujian Mountain, it seems that the visitors are not friendly this time, and I don't know if I can go to find out first."

There is still a little more than two o'clock before this Soul Master Competition.

This time, it was nothing more than a match between the five academies.

Within the five academies, under normal circumstances, there were no secret members.

Except for the mutated martial spirit like Shui Binger, basically everyone knows the basics.

According to the current situation, among the five academies, besides Shui Bing'er, only Feng Xiaotian broke through the Soul Sect.

Blazing Huo brothers and sisters, Thunder's Yu Tianxin, Elephant's Hu Yanli, all at level 39.

In this way, in the individual exchange competition, except for Yu Tianxin, who may become a dragon, Blazing Fire and Elephant Armor can't take advantage of it at all.

The Jujian Mountain competition was scheduled for two months. During this period of time, the girls of Tianshui College still had the possibility to continue to improve.

Following Shui Ningshuang's departure, everyone in the Tianshui team immediately began to discuss, and the most talked about was Blazing Academy.

The attribute of Tianshui Academy is not just water element, for example, Shui Binger's class is mainly based on ice element.

Therefore, when Tianshui Academy is dominated by ice elements, it will always be restrained when facing Blazing Academy.

Su Qingyu doesn't pay attention to Blazing Academy now, after all, Shui Binger's Ice Phoenix has become the ultimate ice.

In this way, not only is the flame not an advantage, but it has become a burden.

Also, about the fact that Shui Bing'er's martial soul has transformed into Ultimate Ice, not many people know about it.

At that time, it is absolutely possible to catch Blazing Academy by surprise in the soul master competition.

It's just that these things are still far away. After completing a day's training, Su Qingyu brought Shui Bing'er and Ye Lingling back to Su's house.

Shui Yue'er came back with the three of them, and this girl was quite confident, saying that she wanted to protect Shui Bing'er from being bullied by Su Qingyu.

But as soon as she came in, Shui Yue'er ran into the small cafeteria directly, and the little girl's food-loving nature was undoubtedly exposed.

This made Shui Bing'er quite helpless, as her younger sister, she really didn't know what to say.

Today is still going to Liefeng to cook, Su Qingyu sits with the two girls, and strikes up a conversation with Ye Lingling, "Congratulations, Lingling, you have broken through level 36."

Being praised by Su Qingyu for the first time, Ye Lingling's little face was rosy, she hummed lightly, and then said nothing again.

Shui Binger, who had been observing the two of them, spoke in time, and changed the topic, "Brother Herring, have you found out the biggest problem of Team Tianshui right now?"

Cooperating with Shui Binger, Su Qingyu was stunned and said, "Binger, you mean the polarization of soul power in the team."

"That's right, I also want to say that Tianshui's soul power is a little bit worse now."

Ye Lingling, who was a little shy just now, also calmed down when she encountered serious business.

This point, to be honest, even Su Qingyu has a headache.

Team Tianshui, headed by Xue Wu, Yu Hairou and Shui Yue'er have both reached level 37.

But for the remaining three girls, including Shen Liuyu, the one with the highest soul power is only 33, which is four or five levels behind.

Coupled with their relatively poor talent, breaking through the Soul Sect in two years is not an easy task.

"So, my idea is, can we let them not participate in the training for a while, how about letting them improve their soul power with all their strength?"

Hearing Shui Binger's suggestion, Su Qingyu also had an idea, after all, the three soul masters are definitely different from the three soul sects.

Chapter 154 Contest Preview

After discussing with Shui Binger, the two decided to temporarily split Team Tianshui.

Among them, Xue Wu, Shui Yue'er, and Yu Hairou who had the leading soul power were handed over to Shui Bing'er.

Behind the trio, Shen Liuyu, Gu Qingbo, and Qiu Ruoshui were in charge of Su Qingyu.

After the two discussed it, Ye Lingling looked at them with silver eyes, "What about me?"

Shui Bing'er gave a gentle smile, and took Ye Lingling's arm, "Of course I'm with me, and then I'll tell you about Brother Qingyu's childhood."

"Bing'er, let Lingling follow me!"

Su Qingyu coughed lightly, and said a bit unnaturally, "After all, auxiliary system soul masters are relatively slow in cultivation, and I have a way to increase her cultivation speed here."

Seeing that Su Qingyu brought it up, Shui Binger simply pushed Ye Lingling towards Su Qingyu, "Alright then, remember to take good care of Miss Lingling."

Although Shui Bing'er is a girl, she is also a soul sect, with considerable strength.

Poor Ye Lingling, who is an auxiliary soul master, has no ability to resist at all in Shui Binger's hands, and was directly pushed into Su Qingyu's arms by Shui Binger.

Su Qingyu blocked Ye Lingling subconsciously, which prevented Shui Binger from succeeding.

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