Shui Binger's beautiful eyes blinked, and she said with a smile: "Brother Qingyu, you are very skilled at hugging me. Why, you are not used to hugging other girls?"

This made Su Qingyu a little speechless, "Bing'er, you and I have known each other since we were young, we are very familiar with each other, and besides, I did not miss you when I was young."

As soon as Su Qingyu said this, Shui Yue'er gave him a supercilious look, "I'm ashamed to say, when you were young, you took my sister's place..."

Before Shuiyue'er could finish her last word, Shui Bing'er immediately froze Shuiyue'er.

Immediately, Shui Bing'er hugged Shui Yue'er, and said apologetically, "Brother Qingyu, it's getting late, Yue'er and I will leave first."

After finishing speaking, Shui Bing'er took Shui Yue'er and left Su's house, only Su Qingyu and Ye Lingling were left in the yard.

Su Qingyu spoke first, "I still have something to do, so I'll go back first."

"Wait a moment!"

After calling Su Qingyu to stop, Ye Lingling moved slowly and came to Su Qingyu.

As if she had made up her mind, Ye Lingling slowly opened her white and tender arms, and with Su Qingyu's cooperation, gently encircled his waist.

The small head was attached to Su Qingyu's arms, and the silver hair could just rub against Su Qingyu's chin.

To be able to do this is really a great courage for Ye Lingling.

Su Qingyu didn't hesitate either, and gently hugged Ye Lingling's thin shoulders with both hands, and gently rubbed her chin on her hair.

Different from the feeling of holding Shui Bing'er, Ye Lingling's delicate body is hot, and there is a faint fragrance of jasmine from her body, which makes Su Qingyu quite enjoy it.

After a while, Ye Lingling struggled slightly, came out of Su Qingyu's arms, said good night, and hurried to her room.

Watching Ye Lingling leave, Su Qingyu cast a helpless glance at Su Liefeng and his wife's room.

Su Qingyu's mental power is strong, comparable to that of an ordinary Title Douluo, so she can naturally sense that someone is peeping.

It's just that the peeping people are his husband and wife, Su Qingyu is also very helpless.

After Su Qingyu left, Lan Xiaoyue and Su Liefeng, who were hiding in the room and peeping, were quite disappointed.

Especially Lan Xiaoyue, she pursed her red lips and sighed: "Really, why did you stop? I was hoping to have a grandson soon!"

I don't know where Su Liefeng got his courage, but he suddenly said, "Why can't you hug your granddaughter?"

As a result, I only hope that Su Liefeng can resist it!

The next day, when Su Qingyu and Shui Binger came to Team Tianshui, they divided Team Tianshui into two parts according to what was discussed yesterday.

The strong group headed by Xue Wu was handed over to Shui Binger, while the weak group headed by Shen Liuyu and Ye Lingling's training were all in charge of Su Qingyu.

After the two were separated, Shui Ningshuang also came, but judging by her appearance, there must be no good news.

"Okay, girls (Su Qingyu is not on the list), I have found out the matter clearly. There will be academies from other kingdoms in the Jujian Mountain Exchange Competition. They were invited by the Elephant Armor Sect. If you have any opinions, you can talk about them."

The girls of Team Tianshui, except for Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu, who are calm and calm, and Ye Lingling, who doesn't like to talk, are all chattering and talking non-stop.

However, Su Qingyu already knew that the real mastermind of this exchange meeting was behind the scenes.

Whether it is the Kingdom or the Elephant Armor Sect, the people behind it are Wuhundian.

This time the competition can be said to be a preview of the soul master competition. It is a trial to ensure the smooth progress of the soul master competition.

As for the reason for testing, it may be because the prizes this time are too precious, and Wuhundian must ensure that nothing will go wrong.

Through the communication between several powerful colleges, we can judge whether there will be variables.

Su Qingyu, who has read the script, knows that two 3-year-old soul bones and one 6-year-old top-level soul bone are involved, and the Spirit Hall cannot be careless.

If the car overturns, Wuhundian must not be able to repent, and can only make wedding dresses for other people.

I believe it will be the same in the territory of the Star Luo Empire. Apart from the Star Luo Royal Academy, other high-level academies must try it out.

Su Qingyu didn't say this directly. After all, it might be considered a secret inside the Spirit Hall. If it was accidentally revealed by a team member present, it might cause unnecessary trouble.

It's okay to enshrine the lineage in the Wuhun Hall, but it will be troublesome if the woman in the Pope's Hall notices it.

After temporarily disbanding the team, only Su Qingyu, Shui Binger, and Shui Ningshuang were left on the training ground.

Su Qingyu didn't hide anything, and told them her guess. After all, both Shui Ningshuang and Shui Bing'er are thoughtful people, and they rarely slip up.

After hearing Su Qingyu's guess, Shui Ningshuang was a little surprised, "If this is the case, it's really possible. For a treasure like a soul bone, no matter how cautious it is, it's worth it."

Shui Binger said hesitantly: "Then shall we go to Jujian Mountain this time?"

To be honest, Tianshui Academy's previous rankings were basically the bottom of the five elements, and even if they didn't go, it might not attract attention.

"Of course I'm going, it's just that you may have been wronged, Bing'er."

Listening to Su Qingyu's words, Shui Bing'er's exquisite face revealed a look of novelty.

The current Shui Bing'er is quite extraordinary, she is a little over 13 years old and is a level 43 soul sect, even the so-called golden generation of Wuhun Temple is much worse than her.

At any rate, Su Qingyu has a strong mental strength to cover up her body, but as for Shui Binger, she really has to suffer a little bit of grievance.

Chapter 155 Departure, Giant Sword Mountain

One and a half months passed in a flash, and the weak group trained by Su Qingyu could be considered to have strengthened to a certain extent.

Shen Liuyu, Gu Qingbo, and Qiu Ruoshui have reached level 34 successively, reaching the intermediate level of Soul Venerable.

As for Ye Lingling, her progress was a bit exaggerated. She had just broken through level 36 and reached the peak of level 37 in a month and a half, which is just a step away from level 38.

Of course, Su Qingyu used rare treasures such as cinnabar lotus and snow silkworm to lay the foundation for her.

But she was able to improve so quickly, more because of her inner release.

In the past, Ye Lingling was too tired to live, thinking that she lived to find someone to marry and pass on her martial spirit.

But with Su Qingyu's company during this time, Ye Lingling seems to have discovered that there are still some different things in her life.

Because of this, her mood changed, and Ye Lingling finally discovered the true potential of Jiuxin Begonia.

And Xue Wu, Yu Hairou, and Shui Yue'er followed Shui Bing'er.

Because the three girls had just reached level 37 a month and a half ago, although they had improved in spirit power, they hadn't advanced.

However, after some training, the combat level of the three has improved a lot.

If it is said that the soul master was laying the foundation before, then the soul master is a process of accumulation.

During this period, you should not be too impatient in your cultivation, only the more you accumulate at the level of the soul master, the less bottleneck you will encounter in breaking through the soul sect.

Like Su Qingyu and Shui Bing'er, when they broke through the Soul Sect, they didn't encounter any bottlenecks, and they completed the breakthrough very naturally.

Of course, there must be two people with good talents.But it cannot be denied that the more accumulated, the greater the chance of breaking through the Soul Sect.

With the ringing of the bell, the day's training is over again.

The girls of the Tianshui team, except for Shui Binger, all collapsed on the ground without any image.

Especially Shui Yue'er, who immediately hugged Su Qingyu's thigh, refusing to let go.

Fortunately, one thing falls one thing, as soon as Shui Bing'er came over, the little girl ran away directly.

"Training for a day, hard work!"

While talking softly, Shui Bing'er took out a white silk handkerchief from her pocket and gently wiped Su Qingyu's cheeks.

Although Su Qingyu doesn't sweat much, Shui Bing'er still likes to do it.

Such a scene made the girls of Team Tianshui feel sad.


"Hehe, Sister Lingling didn't go, it's enough to give us face."

"That's right, big sister kills a dog, why don't you fight with big sister!"

Hearing some noisy voices beside her ears, Shui Bing'er looked at it curiously, "It seems that the amount of training is still a little less, and it must be doubled when I return from Jujian Mountain!"

People don't talk harshly much, maybe they are talking about people like Shui Bing'er.

Although she looks very gentle and kind, that is without touching her bottom line, otherwise... the Tianshui team in front of her is the best example.

However, for the girls of the Tianshui team, you can't always sing bad faces, otherwise, when they get used to it, this trick will be useless.

So, Su Qingyu quickly stood up and said softly, "Okay, Bing'er was trying to scare you just now. We will go to Jujian Mountain together tomorrow, so remember, don't come too early tomorrow morning, you can have a good time." sleep late."

After finishing speaking, Su Qingyu waved her hand to announce the end of the training, and the girls who were lying on the ground ran out quickly, leaving only Shui Yueer lying on the ground.

After a day of training, the little girl was really tired. Shui Bing'er and Ye Lingling looked at each other and helped Shui Yue'er up together...

This time going to Jujian Mountain, there are too many unknowns, so the team leader teacher also changed from Shui Ningshuang to Dean Shui Ningyuan.

Although Tianshui City needs her to guard it, there are still Lan Xiaoyue, Shui Ningshuang and Su Liefeng who has been at home all the time.

Although Tianshui City is located in the extreme north, but the strongest is Contra, leaving three soul saints is enough to shock Tianshui City.

There was plenty of time on the way to Jujian Mountain this time, so Shui Ningyuan allowed the Tianshui team to take the carriage.

At the gate of Tianshui College, it was time to gather, but Su Qingyu, Shui Binger, and Ye Lingling hadn't appeared yet.

As the dean, Shui Ningyuan was naturally not in a hurry, but her presence was enough to make the girls of Team Tianshui anxious.

Xue Wu is most anxious. Although Shui Binger and Shui Ning Yuan are close, Shui Ning Yuan has always been fair and impartial, and Xue Wu is also afraid that Shui Binger will be punished.

After about half an hour, Su Qingyu rushed over with the two girls, and said apologetically to everyone, "I'm really sorry, I was delayed for a while when I broke through this morning."

That's right, this morning, just after breakfast, Su Qingyu was about to come to Tianshui College to meet up. Su Qingyu's soul power reached level 48 inadvertently, which is why the three of them arrived so late.

When they heard that it was a breakthrough in their cultivation, the girls of Tianshui team breathed a sigh of relief. They finally had a legitimate reason, and they shouldn't be punished now.

"Okay, now that you're here, get in the car quickly!"

Shui Ningyuan's slightly lazy voice sounded, and everyone got into the carriage immediately.

There are four carriages in total, among them, Shui Ningyuan takes one for herself, and the others take one for every three people.

Before getting into the carriage, Su Qingyu and Shui Binger were called by Shui Ningyuan.

Seeing that Shui Binger's body has roughly the soul power level of a soul master of level 38, Shui Ningyuan nodded in satisfaction, "Well, it's not bad, at least I can't tell."

"It's all thanks to Brother Herring, otherwise I might not be able to go this time."

Mixi San, a medicine refined by Su Qingyu that can hide and suppress soul power.

This thing was made by Su Qingyu when he was in the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye. He thought it was unnecessary, so he kept it in the Water Yuan Ring to eat ashes.

Last night, Su Qingyu also searched for a long time before finding this thing.

Afterwards, under Lan Xiaoyue's coercion, Su Liefeng acted as a guinea pig for drug testing with tears in his eyes.

As a result, the effect was good, so it was given to Shui Binger.

Shui Ningyuan glanced at Shui Bing'er reproachfully, "You girl turned your elbow outside before you even passed the door!"

In front of the elders, Shui Bing'er's shy character broke out again, and her fair and pretty cheeks became rosy.

If it wasn't for Shui Ningyuan being here, Su Qingyu really wanted to kiss her.

In the end, when the two went down, Shui Ningyuan told the two of them again that no matter what happened during this trip to Jujian Mountain, they must keep a low profile and remain silent.

A group of carriages moved forward slowly like this, heading straight for Jujian Mountain, which is two hundred kilometers away.

Chapter 156

Giant Sword Mountain, as its name suggests, near this mountain range, a giant sword that looks like a stone is directly inserted into the ground.

Looking up, an ingenious giant sword can't see the top, at least a few thousand meters high.

It's unbelievable that there is such a strange existence in this world.

Jujian Mountain has a long history, and people discovered it at some point.

At that time, the huge sword that looked like a stone had been standing here for thousands of years without any change.

Through the curtains on the carriage, looking at the huge stone sword piercing the sky on the distant mountains, Su Qingyu couldn't help sighing, "It's really awe-inspiring, and I don't know how this giant sword came from."

Sitting in a carriage with Su Qingyu, Ye Lingling, who was practicing, opened her silver-white eyes, and pushed back the soft silver-white hair from her ears, "Well, when I first saw it, it was quite Shocking. It's a pity that there doesn't seem to be any records on the Douluo Continent about the giant sword."

Shui Binger stretched her waist, and the beauty of the girl's figure was directly displayed in front of Su Qingyu's eyes.

She had been reading just now, and just when she was about to reach her destination, she put away the books.

Her thoughts are as delicate as water ice, so naturally she spotted Su Qingyu who was staring straight at her body at the first time.

The girl's face was slightly rosy, and she said coquettishly, "What did you see!"

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