At this time, Su Qingyu decisively pretended to be stupid, otherwise Shui Bing'er would not forgive him so easily.

The two have been together since childhood, and when Shui Binger saw Su Qingyu pretending to be stupid, she felt a little aggrieved, and after glaring at him angrily, she ignored him.

Half an hour later, the group from Tianshui College finally arrived at their destination.

Although it is basically only used once every five years, in normal times, there are troops from the Heaven Dou Empire stationed here to guard it.

Just such a venue, the Heaven Dou Empire certainly wouldn't care so much.

What really caught their attention was the mysterious Giant Sword Mountain, so the Heaven Dou Empire also built a city near it, named Cole City!

The cultivation of Cole City has started since the establishment of the Heaven Dou Empire, and now it is already a very prosperous city.

Su Qingyu and the rest of the group also happened to be here.

With the token of Tianshui College, the group easily passed through the city gate and came to Cole City.

The organizers of this exchange meeting, Elephant Armor and Thunder Academy, also prepared residences for the various colleges in advance.

Each college lives in a hotel alone, in order to avoid conflicts between the major colleges.

For so many years, as long as it is an academy that has been established for more than a hundred years, there must be a lot of filth among them.

Because Tianshui City is relatively close to Jujian Mountain, the Tianshui team came here more than ten days earlier.

Apart from the Weevil Academy and Thunder Academy as hosts, they are the only ones in Cole City.

Of course, in a few days, the soul master team from the Heaven Dou Empire and its subordinate kingdoms, the Principality, will also arrive.

Taking advantage of this time, Su Qingyu formulated a proper amount of training for the girls of Team Tianshui.

In addition, Su Qingyu also inquired about the rules of this college exchange competition, as well as some rewards.

According to the rules, there is only one day, and that is to fully follow the process of the Giant Sword Mountain promotion competition.

It is worth mentioning that this time the rewards are some rare treasures that are beneficial to cultivation, as well as one hundred thousand gold soul coins, but the provider of the rewards has never been disclosed.

On the surface, the rewards of this exchange competition are very good, at least second only to the soul master competition.

In addition, the Elephant Armored Sect also directly announced that all academies participating in the competition will have different specifications of rewards.

From this point of view, Wuhundian is still very kind. Although it is a test, it is also based on the principle of fair trade.

Of course, this was before Bibi Dong was completely influenced by Rakshasa God, so I don't know what will happen in the future.

On the third day after the arrival of Tianshui Academy, Shenfeng Academy, which is also the Element Academy, also came to Cole City under the leadership of the dean Feng Zhengjie.

It's just that he is different from the high-spirited Feng Zhengjie before, now he looks several years older, and he has a lot more gray hair on his head.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man, Feng Boxian's death finally brought him a big blow.

So much so that Feng Zhengjie still regrets it very much, why did he agree to accompany Feng Xiaotian to hunt the soul beast, if it weren't for him, he wouldn't have died.

Feng Zhengjie is already an old man in his early 90s, and he doesn't have much work left.

Relying on his own Contra cultivation, he can support the Feng family for at most ten years.

Originally, he thought that within ten years, Feng Boxian could be piled up to the realm of Contra even if he used the pile.

But he never expected that Feng Boxian died so inexplicably.

It is conceivable that after ten years, if there is no descendant in his lineage who can grow up to be a soul sage, his lineage will have difficulty making progress in the Feng family.

Thinking of this, Feng Zhengjie couldn't help but glance at his grandson beside him - Feng Xiaotian.

A mutated martial soul, born with full soul power, is an extremely rare soul master of the strong, sensitive, and dual-attack system.

For a long time, Feng Zhengjie had placed high hopes on him, hoping that he could become the first Titled Douluo of the Feng family, even a Super Douluo.

But Feng Xiaotian's cultivation progress over the years has been appalling, not at all what a genius born with full soul power should have.

It is only now that he can break through the soul sect. He is 22 years old and has a level 41 soul sect. Compared with geniuses of the same age, he is no different.

He also knows why his grandson is so slow in cultivation, isn't he just practicing that self-created soul skill of continuous slashing?

He also persuaded him several times, but Feng Xiaotian, who has a stubborn personality, has no intention of giving up at all.

On the contrary, when he was his father, there was a tendency to intensify.

At this time, a student from Kamikaze Academy in a blue shirt came in, "Dean Qi, I have made a clear inquiry, only Tianshui Academy is here."

Feng Zhengjie waved his hand casually and sent the student away.

Afterwards, he glanced at Feng Xiaotian who was still practicing self-created soul skills, and said, "Oh my god, what happened to your teacher is ultimately our Feng family's fault, people from Tianshui College have already arrived in Cole City , you go and say hello for me."

Upon hearing Tianshui Academy, Feng Xiaotian's eyes changed slightly.

He quickly put on the black mask and said in a low voice, "Yes, I'm going right away!"

After leaving the inn where the Shenfeng Academy was located, Feng Xiaotian came to the hotel where the Tianshui Academy lived according to the information that the student had inquired about.

It is inevitable to meet again, everything will come to the surface soon, what choice will Feng Xiaotian make?

Chapter 157 Feng Xiaotian's Choice

Now, the relationship between Shenfeng Academy and Tianshui Academy is not very good.

As a result, when Feng Xiaotian came to Tianshui College's residence, he had to hand in the greeting card first.

Naturally, this invitation was sent directly by the hotel staff to Shuining Yuan, the dean of Tianshui College.

"Oh, it turned out to be this little guy. It's a pity that his father, but I didn't expect that crazy guy to meet a strong man and die."

The graceful and luxurious Shui Ningyuan is a little lazy, and its moist eyes are like a ball of soft water, as if it can trap people.

Although she doesn't have much affection for going to the family-oriented Kamikaze Academy now, but the other party is still one of the Five Elements Academy after all.

The principle of "connecting branches with the same qi" made the Five Elements Academy somewhat restrained, so Shui Ningyuan didn't mean to embarrass Feng Xiaotian, and simply agreed to Feng Xiaotian's visit.

Under the guidance of the hotel staff, Feng Xiaotian quickly came to a meeting room prepared by the hotel for Shui Ningyuan and Tianshui team.

"Feng Xiaotian, captain of the Shenfeng Academy team, has met Dean Shui."

As soon as he entered, Feng Xiaotian saluted respectfully.

He knew that Shui Ningyuan was a strong man on the same level as his grandfather Feng Zhengjie.

Moreover, she is still young, she has just turned 60 years old, and there is no small possibility that she can break through that barrier and advance to the title in the future.

"Let's talk, you ran to our Tianshui College as soon as you came to Cole City, did you fall in love with a girl from our Tianshui College?"

The rosy lips were slightly raised, and a strange smile made Feng Xiaotian's heart tremble.

Immediately, Feng Xiaotian smiled wryly, "Dean Shui, it's not like you don't know what happened back then, how could I provoke the students of Tianshui College?"

She rested her chin on her white jade hand, and her voice was gentle, but she directly gave him an order to evict him, "Oh, I see, if I have nothing to do, I'll go back to sleep first, after all, if I don't sleep well, my skin will be damaged." worse."

At this moment, Feng Xiaotian finally understood what his grandfather Feng Zhengjie said, that Shui Ningyuan is the most difficult to deal with among the deans of the Five Elements Academy, and her inability to marry is also due to her personality.

In desperation, Feng Xiaotian had no choice but to say goodbye, and retreated from the meeting room.

Not long after exiting, Feng Xiaotian was walking in the corridor of the hotel, and happened to meet Shui Binger and Ye Lingling who had returned from shopping outside.

Feng Xiaotian's expression was startled, he had seen Shui Bing'er in the Star Dou Great Forest, but he didn't know her.

After all, the appearance of Shui Bing'er when she was a child is very different from the current Shui Bing'er.

If you are not close relatives, you really can't recognize that the already slim and beautiful girl will be the little girl who followed behind Su Qingyu before.

No matter how unbearable Feng Boxian was, he was also Feng Xiaotian's father, and his death was a great blow to Feng Xiaotian.

Therefore, Feng Xiaotian was very clear about everything he encountered that day.

In the end, the targets worthy of his suspicion happened to be Su Qingyu and Shui Binger, whose appearance had changed drastically.

He saw just now that Shui Binger was wearing the uniform of Tianshui College.

Although he was about the same age as Huo Wushuang, Feng Xiaotian was much calmer than Huo Wushuang in terms of behavior.

After discovering Shui Binger, he was not angry, but came to the bar downstairs and inquired about Shui Binger.

As the saying goes, rats have their own way, Wang Tiexi, the hotel staff who is in charge of recording at the bar, has been working here for more than ten years, so some things are naturally very clear.

Every time it comes to the soul master competition, someone will specially inquire about the news in the hotel where each team lives.

At this exchange meeting, he couldn't guarantee whether someone would come to inquire about the news.

But out of professionalism, he still collected a lot of news about Team Tianshui.

It's just that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. No one has come to inquire about the information in his hands. Is it really for nothing?

"How many people are here at this hotel?"

Hearing the familiar incision, Wang Tiexi suddenly looked up, and just in time saw Feng Xiaotian approaching.

In fact, Feng Xiaotian was just giving it a try. In this kind of low-heat exchange competition, these intelligence collectors really might not be successful.

Even if the two were destined, Feng Xiaotian was also quite excited. After spending a huge sum of one hundred gold coins, he was able to get information on the members of Tianshui's trip.

Also excited was Wang Tiexi, who was taking notes at the hotel. He had been in business for three years. He really didn't expect that there would be someone selling information in the exchange game.

After getting information about the members of Tianshui Academy from Wang Tiexi, Feng Xiaotian hurried back to the hotel where Shenfeng Academy was located.

In the strange eyes of all the children of the Feng family, Feng Xiaotian got into his room directly.

Soon, he saw the messages of Su Qingyu and Shui Binger, which made him unbelievable, "This, how is this possible?"

Feng Xiaotian also couldn't imagine that Su Qingyu and Shui Binger would be the ones who killed his father and enemy that he had always suspected.

He thought that he had a relationship with Su Liefeng, and the relationship between him and Su Qingyu would not come to this point.

But in fact, his father's death may have something to do with Su Qingyu.

Although it was Feng Boxian who wanted to die at that time, the human heart will never be fair.

Although because of Su Liefeng's matter, Feng Xiaotian felt guilty towards Su Qingyu.

But his father, Feng Boxian, may have died at the hands of people behind Su Qingyu.

"I hope you have nothing to do with my father's death, otherwise, I, Feng Xiaotian, will really feel sorry for you!"

Not long after Feng Xiaotian left the hotel where Tianshui College was located, Su Qingyu, who went to Fangshi to use the Eye of Everything to pick up leaks, also came back.

Along the way, humming a ditty, looking in a good mood.

Cole City itself is quite prosperous, but because of its particularity, there are not many powerful soul masters in the local area.

Therefore, Su Qingyu picked up a lot of mistakes in the square city of Cole City this time.

Among them, the most valuable is a 9-year-old snow lotus of half-day material and earth treasure level.

Don't think that snow lotus is in the extreme north with the word snow.

On the contrary, there is really no such thing in the extreme north, and only some mountains with relatively high altitudes have such treasures.

This snow lotus, when it was picked off, already possessed the spirituality of shrinking, and it was self-obscuring. If it wasn't for the Eye of All Things, Su Qingyu might have been deceived by it.

Unknowingly, Su Qingyu came outside Shui Binger's room, just in time to meet Shui Binger who was going out to talk to Ye Lingling.

"Brother Herring, why are you here?"

Shui Bing'er was a little surprised, and suddenly remembered something, "I happen to have something to tell you, I saw Feng Xiaotian coming just now."

Although Shui Binger's strength was concealed, her soul power was still two levels higher than Feng Xiaotian's after all, so she was naturally aware of Feng Xiaotian's.

This incident surprised Su Qingyu, after all, he killed his father himself.

He thought that killing Feng Boxian was not at fault, but Feng Xiaotian might not think so.

However, since the matter can't be kept secret for long, as for Feng Xiaotian wanting to die, it depends on how he decides.

Chapter 158 From the Crown of the Pope's Palace

In the Douluo Continent, a world dominated by soul masters, activities among soul masters often attract most people's attention.

For example, this exchange meeting also attracted many vendors from the mainland.

During the few days of waiting for the start of the competition, the prosperity of Cole City has risen to two levels again, second only to Wuhun City, Xingluo City, and Tiandou City, the three most prosperous cities in the Douluo Continent.

During this period, the Blazing Academy located in the southern part of the Heaven Dou Empire, the farthest away from Jujian Mountain, the Beast Academy and the Botanical Academy in the Barak Kingdom, and other participating teams from the far-away academies also arrived one by one.

The entire Heaven Dou Empire plus the major kingdoms and principalities have nearly forty participating teams.

Of course not all the academies came, the only Lanba Academy located in Tiandou City.

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