In [-], Zixing Academy, which became a senior academy, did not send anyone from these two schools.

However, no one cared about this. The young men of the Lanba Academy were so young that they didn't have any good prospects.

The Purple Star Academy has been established for too short a time. No one would think how powerful a college that has just become a senior college will be.

The Elephant Armor School's residence is different from other academies. They have their own property in Cole City, and there is a large manor that can be provided for the Elephant Armor Academy's students to train.

Although they are all in the name of the Elephant Armor Academy, they are all from the younger generation of the Elephant Armor Sect.

Here, these young people in their twenties are all tall and strong men who are more than two meters long and weigh no less than three hundred catties.

The seven figures on the training ground happened to be the seven participating team members of the Elephant Armor Academy, and the leader was their captain Hu Yanli.

At this moment, a tall and strong old man who looked a little like Hu Yanli appeared.

The fluctuations in the soul power on his body are quite terrifying, even if he is only one line away from Title Douluo.

This old man is none other than the current suzerain of the Elephant Armor Sect, an 89-level peak Contra with a diamond mammoth spirit—— Hu Yanzhen!

After Hu Yanzhen arrived, led by Hu Yanli, seven burly men stood in front of Hu Yanzhen like a wall.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Hu Yanli, seven burly men half-kneeled in front of Hu Yanzhen and roared, "See the suzerain!"

Hu Yanzhen glanced at these Elephant Armored Clan disciples quite satisfied, "Well, yes, this competition is up to you. Alright, except Ali, everyone else will be disbanded!"

Following Hu Yanzhen's order, the other six disciples of the Elephant Armor Sect left immediately after thanking them.

Hu Yanzhen looked at the grandson in front of him who was half a head taller than him, and patted his shoulder heavily, "Ali, this time there will be a crown prince from the Palace of the Pope coming down to watch, you must give us the Elephant Armored Sect To win glory, beat all the people from those high-level colleges to the ground!"

Upon hearing the word Mianxia, ​​Hu Yanli also became excited.

In the Douluo Continent, only Titled Douluo can be called under the crown.

Because of his strength and status, Titled Douluo is a noble existence no matter where he is.

Compared with ordinary people's admiration for Titled Douluo, most soul masters struggling in the soul master world worship them more.

"Grandpa, I understand. I must perform well and not disappoint His Majesty the Pope's Palace!"

Another hotel, the people who live here are the participating teams from Thunder Academy.

A tall young man who looked eighty percent similar to Yu Tianheng was none other than Yu Tianxin, the captain of Thunder Academy.

"It's a pity. Why didn't my dear cousin come here? It really makes me less interesting."

Reluctantly spreading his hands, Yu Tianxin said to Lei Tian beside him: "Tell me, who is our biggest enemy this time?"

"It is said that Feng Xiaotian from Shenfeng Academy has broken through the Soul Sect, and is the only Soul Sect in this exchange match. Maybe it's because they are a relatively big threat to us."

There are still two years before the soul master competition, except for Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan of the Huangdou team.

In the Tiandou Empire, among all the teams, the strongest have basically reached the peak of the soul master, and they are only one step away from being promoted to the soul sect.

Feng Xiaotian was an exception, his advancement to the Soul Sect did not attract anyone's attention.

Of course, this is mainly related to Feng Xiaotian's talent.

On the bright side of the Heaven Dou Empire, the only person in this generation who was born with full soul power, he has only now advanced to the Soul Sect, but he already gives people a feeling of stretching.

Without a doubt, Yu Tianxin also knew about Feng Xiaotian.

"I've heard that he only broke through a few months ago and is a real threat."

At this time, Lei Tian couldn't help but remind Yu Tianxin, "Captain, the family has explained that we can't win too much this time."

Yu Tianxin waved to Lei Tian casually, and said, "Okay, okay, I understand, I will take care of myself."

After finishing speaking, Yu Tianxin left directly.

Watching Yu Tianxin leave, Lei Tian sighed slightly in his heart. Although he is also a member of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, he does not have the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Wuhun after all. Compared with Yu Tianxin, the heir of the sect, his status is even worse. No reason.

Lei Tian has already seen the clues of this match, but sometimes, people speak lightly, even if they know, so what.

In a blink of an eye, it was already the next day. Early in the morning, all the participating teams living in Cole City had gathered together.

For a while, the front of the city gate of Cole City was already occupied by the team from the advanced academy of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Among them, Su Qingyu, relying on her strong mental power, was able to accurately discover that almost none of the soul masters present were below the thirtieth level.

The future elites of the entire Heaven Dou Empire's soul master world have basically concentrated here.

If at this time, someone wiped out all these people in front of them, then Tiandou's world of soul masters would fall into a stagnant stage in the next 50 to [-] years.

However, no one dared to do this. There were nearly forty high-level colleges present, and behind each college, there were all kinds of forces.

Once someone really does this, it is very likely that they will be wiped out by the entire soul master world.

As the host of this exchange competition, Hu Yanzhen, the lord of the Elephant Armor Sect, appeared in front of everyone.

After a speech mixed with private goods, under the leadership of Hu Yanzhen, all the contestants from the academy came to the promotion arena which is only ten miles away from Cole City.

According to the rules of the promotion competition, nearly forty soul master teams will compete in one-on-one arena competitions one by one, and they will automatically become the winners of the competition until there is no enemy in the battle.

It's just that the competition only lasted more than ten days, and nearly forty teams must be eliminated.

And the first three days of this exchange match happened to be the knockout round.

Although Tianshui Academy received Su Qingyu's instruction to release the water this time, they still have to pass the knockout round, otherwise the play would be too fake.

Chapter 159 vs Beast Academy

"Good luck, I actually got the Lanba Academy!"

In order to deceive others, Xue Wu, the oldest and most stable member of Team Tianshui, has always been the captain outside of her identity.

As the real captain, Shui Bing'er, under Su Qingyu's deliberate arrangement, was outside as the vice-captain.

Therefore, this time the lottery was drawn by Xue Wu.

When she heard that it was Lanba Academy, Su Qingyu was amazed. It stands to reason that the name should be changed at this time, why is it still called Lanba Academy.

Although he was a little puzzled, Su Qingyu didn't show it.

When gathering in Cole City before, he just checked the soul power hastily, and didn't care about which college.

Immediately, Su Qingyu's mental power was quietly released, and within a short time, he found the location of Lanba Academy.

It's just that the leader of Lanba Academy is somewhat familiar to Su Qingyu. Isn't this Yu Luokun from the collateral branch of the Yu family?

Because of what happened back then, coupled with his peculiar body shape, Su Qingyu still remembers it clearly.

It stands to reason that the head of Lanba Academy should be Liu Erlong, why did he become him?

After thinking about it for a while, Su Qingyu didn't get entangled. In his opinion, it was most likely due to some kind of error caused by his appearance.

Although I don't know what kind of impact this kind of error will have on the original protagonist of the world, the Shrek Seven Monsters, Su Qingyu has never cared about it.

That's the way he is, he never wastes his time with a group of irrelevant people.

Lanba Academy, which has not been renamed Shrek Academy, is so weak that it is almost horrible.

In basically all soul masters, and even a small number of teams, in the lineup of soul masters with all members above level 35.

There is only one 34th-level soul master, three 31st-level soul masters who have just broken through, and Lanba Academy, which has three great soul masters, are directly at the bottom.

Tianshui Academy's match has been rescheduled for the third match, and in terms of the number of matches, it should be their turn this morning.

Soon, after the lottery ended, the first group of academies participating in the duel had also entered the field.

They are the Elephant Armor Academy under the Elephant Armor Sect and the not-so-famous Canghui Academy in Fasno Province.

The people of the two academies can be said to be two extremes. The students of the Elephant Armor Academy are tall and majestic, while the students of the Canghui Academy are all thin and fragile.

Of course, everything cannot be seen on the surface.

In fact, Canghui Academy's team members are not very weak in terms of overall strength, especially in team battles.

In the original book, a seven-in-one fusion skill almost took away countless Shrek Academy.

It was also thanks to Tang San's strong mental power, otherwise relying on the Seven Asura illusion, he would have died without knowing how.

But this is also in the group battle, similar to the personal arena of the promotion competition, Canghui Academy can't survive two rounds even if it is not a round.

After all, their gem spirits are generally not very suitable for frontal combat.

The first person sent by the Elephant Armor Academy was none other than Hu Yanli, the grandson of the Elephant Armor Sect Master.

The level of the 39th-level peak soul master almost scared Cang Hui's student opposite, who only had 34th-level soul power.

In the end, Hu Yanli didn't spend too much effort and eliminated him directly.

It lasted until the fifth member of Canghui Academy, Hu Yanli gave up the position of the ring leader because of his lack of soul power.

The thoughtful Shui Bing'er frowned, she didn't know why, but she always felt that Hu Yanli still had some strength left, so why did she go down?

Similarly, watching the performance on stage, Su Qingyu couldn't hold it anymore, and really wanted to say to them: Brother, even if you are acting, you have to be more dedicated. Don't learn from those one, two, three, who can't tell the gender people.

That's right, Elephant Jia and Canghui were really acting, and Hu Yanli didn't continue because he wanted to save the face of Canghui Academy.

As for why you do this, it's very simple. They are all eating in the same pot, so there is no need to smash each other's pot, right?

In the end, the two academy members took the stage one by one, and the Elephant Armor Academy won the first match with four of them off the field.

Then came the School of Botany from the Kingdom of Barak. Even though they all have plant-type spirits, in fact their strength is not weak at all.

Even if it weren't for their geographical location, Su Qingyu wondered if they would become the sixth Elemental Academy.

There is no doubt that the School of Botany easily defeated the opponent and won the first knockout round.

In the third match, Tianshui Academy played, and the opponent was also from Barak Kingdom.

The Alien Beast Academy is pretty good in terms of strength.

Their leader was an old couple. The old man looked quite normal, but the old lady gave Su Qingyu a sinister feeling.

"Unrivaled Dragon Snake, I didn't expect these two old guys to come out."

With a soft voice, regardless of gender, wearing a chrysanthemum-yellow robe, the person who said this was none other than the great figure from the Pope's Palace, Chrysanthemum Douluo——Yueguan.

The first one to play, Tianshui Academy's side is Shen Liuyu, a level 34 assault system soul master, Wuhun Enamel Fortune Crocodile.

At the same time, students from the School of Beasts also stepped onto the stage, with soul power level 35 and martial spirit Spotted Leopard.

In terms of soul power, the piebald leopard soul master has a slight advantage, but there is not much advantage in the agility attack department and the assault department.

Su Qingyu looked at the stage. He didn't know much about the academy, so he had to ask Shui Binger what specialties this Alien Beast Academy had.

Shui Bing'er sat next to Su Qingyu very naturally, and said softly: "The characteristic of the Alien Beast Academy is that the students they accept are basically beast spirits. Maybe you don't believe it, but their teaching is so Different types of beast soul masters learn the attack methods of soul beasts of the same type as the martial soul."

On the stage, Su Qingyu also paid a little attention to testing, just as Shui Binger said, some of the attacking movements and habits of the piebald leopard soul master really have the shadow of leopard-like soul beasts.

Tricky, vicious, with a wildness all over his body, this also made it difficult for Shen Liuyu to parry for a while.

Su Qingyu knew in her heart that she really couldn't underestimate others.

Others may not be clear, but he understands that Huaxia's martial arts skills may have originated from the imitation of various tigers, leopards and wolves.

Gradually turned it into its own use, and after thousands of years of evolution, it gradually formed a system of martial arts.

However, this kind of learning in the Alien Beast Academy is still too low-end, and coupled with the variable of soul skills, it is not realistic for the piebald leopard soul master to defeat Shen Liuyu.

Following Shen Liuyu's angry roar on the stage, a purple soul ring bloomed, which was her third soul skill, Black Crocodile Ice Break!

Although the piebald leopard soul master was very fast, he was suppressed by Shen Liuyu to the corner of the ring, where could he hide?

Not reconciled, he could only resist, and also used the third soul ability.

After all, it was Shen Liuyu's black crocodile ice-breaking power that was so powerful that the piebald leopard soul master could only exit with regret.

However, Shen Liuyu's consumption is not light, and she will definitely not be able to persist in the next round.

Chapter 160 Yu Hairou, Meng Yiran

Among the Tianshui team,

Shen Liuyu, Gu Qingbo, and Qiu Ruoshui, these three members with low soul power were knocked out of the ring by the students of the Alien Beast Academy one by one.

But the Alien Beast Academy didn't feel very good, even very uncomfortable.

Although the three of them ranked at the bottom of Tianshui College, they are stronger than the students of the Alien Beast College.

The price for the three of them going off one by one was that the five students of the Alien Beast Academy lost their fighting ability.

The third game is here, and it is already drawing to a close.

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