The rest of the Alien Beast Academy, there is only one captain at level 37, and Meng Yiran at level 32.

The person standing on the stage right now is Tianshui Academy's second strength, Yu Hairou, a level 37 spirit with a coral barracuda spirit.

"Captain, let me play this time, maybe I can beat that Yu Hairou on the court!"

It was none other than Meng Yiran, a pretty girl with short, fluffy black hair, who said this.

As the captain of the Alien Beast Academy, he has nothing to do now, "Well, remember, if it really doesn't work, just abstain!"

Although the training methods of the Alien Beast Academy imitate beasts, they still have brains.

Knowing that it is impossible, I did not force it.

Meng Yiran took the stage, and soon attracted the attention of many soul masters watching the match.

If a beautiful woman can attract people's attention, then two beauties fighting are even more attractive!

In Tianshui Academy, Yu Hairou's personality is relatively optimistic.

Seeing Meng Yiran who came up, he couldn't help teasing him, "Oh, I thought the Alien Beast Academy was a bunch of men who were tall and rough. I really didn't expect that there is such a delicate flower as my sister."

Different from Yu Hairou's maturity, Meng Yiran is too immature.

After being said a few words, Yu Hairou was furious, "Hmph, come on! Meng Yiran, level 32 War Soul Venerable, Wuhun Snake Staff!"

Seeing that Meng Yiran's anger had risen, Yu Hairou sighed slightly in her heart: She really is a little girl.

"Come on, let my sister see, sister, are you mature?"

A blush flashed across Meng Yiran's pretty face, "You're courting death!"

After all, he directly held the snake stick and attacked Yu Hairou.

I saw the weird snake stick in Meng Yiran's hand biting ferociously like a spirit snake alive.

Yu Hairou lightly covered her red lips, "Hehe, little girl, you are quite violent, be careful not to get married!"

"You can't get married!"

A streak of cyan light blades issued from the snake stick, which was Meng Yiran's first soul skill, the snake blade.

However, Yu Hairou is not a vegetarian either. She didn't consume much soul power when she eliminated the student from the Alien Beast Academy just now.

So her current state is almost full.

Facing the dense snake blades that Meng Yiran used, Yu Hairou didn't panic at all, and directly used the second soul skill, Bing Liuguang.

The ice-blue light beam directly shattered all the snake blades, and directly hit Meng Yiran.

This move comes from the dragon-patterned cod, and it is a very domineering attacking soul skill. It is the strongest single-body soul skill of the Tianshui team besides Shui Bing'er.

A look of shock appeared on Meng Yiran's pretty face, but luckily she came to her senses and immediately used her second soul skill, Snake Transformation!

Meng Yiran's body quickly slid down to the ground like a boneless snake, narrowly dodging Yu Hairou's ice streamer.

On the stage, Su Qingyu, who sat with Shui Binger and watched the game together, frowned, "This soul skill is quite interesting, but it's also quite tasteless."

Shui Bing'er, who was sitting beside him, nodded indifferently, "Indeed, this soul skill is not bad below the Soul Sect, but a soul master after reaching the Soul Sect can forcibly suppress her by virtue of soul power."

Hearing the two people's comments on Meng Yiran, Shui Ningyuan, who was sitting in the chief of the preparation area, turned her head and said with a smile: "Hairou probably won't survive the next match, do you two plan to play for her?"

Su Qingyu and Shui Bing'er really don't know much about Shui Ningyuan, the dean, and it must be something bad for her to smile like this.

At this time, Shui Bing'er buried her little head in Su Qingyu's arms, as if I was asleep and couldn't hear anything.

But Su Qingyu couldn't do this, she showed a helpless look with her delicate and handsome face, and caressed Shui Binger's little head in her arms, "Yue'er, you'll be next!"

Shui Yue'er, who was eating melons and watching a show, looked at her increasingly mature brother-in-law in a daze, "Ah, it's me?"

"Yes, it's you. Your sister is not feeling well today, so I can only go to you."

Shui Bing'er, who put her small head in Su Qingyu's arms, turned her head and blinked at her half-sister. The meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Poor Shui Yue'er, after all, she still couldn't resist her dear sister.

At this time, in the audience, after Yu Hairou forced out Meng Yiran's two soul skills in a row, she finally used the third soul skill directly. The skilled Meng still blasted off the ring.

Meng Yiran has been leading Yu Hairou by the nose, feeling very aggrieved and dissatisfied with various things, but he still lost in the end.

But she didn't gain anything, at least Yu Hairou's soul power was consumed, didn't she?

The last one of the Alien Beast Academy to play was their captain, the level 37 Assault Soul Master, the Martial Soul Golden Flame Lion.

As the owner of a fire attribute martial soul, he has a lot of restraint towards Yu Hairou whose attribute is more of an ice attribute.

Yu Hairou also understands this, originally she could take the water attribute route.

However, the attack power of the water attribute is not as good as that of the ice attribute, so she chose the path of the ice attribute.

When she got her first soul ring, she also knew that she would definitely suffer a loss when facing fire attribute soul masters in the future.

Especially the Golden Flame Lion Soul Master who is at the same level and whose martial soul ability is still higher than her own, she will definitely lose in this round. soul power.

As soon as you play, it means the start of the game.

The Golden Flame Lion Soul Master did not say a word, and directly activated the martial soul, yellow, yellow and purple, and three soul rings lingered around him.

"Please enlighten me!"

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the owner of the martial soul of the Golden Flame Lion, and his attacks are quite open and closed.

Yu Hairou, who is also a strong attack type, is not very fast, and some attacks are difficult to dodge.

Shui Yue'er in the audience saw the scene on the stage, and she was already ready to play.

Sure enough, after barely holding on for less than a quarter of an hour, Yu Hairou's soul power was exhausted, so she could only choose to abstain.

In the direction of Team Tianshui, Shui Yue'er came out, just in time to meet Yu Hairou who came back in a bit of a panic.

"Come on, Seventh Girl!"

"Humph╯^╰, I won't lose, and I won't let that pair look down on me!"

Chapter 161 Breakthrough Soul King

Shui Yue'er's appearance on stage was undoubtedly amazing.

The little girl looked only fourteen or fifteen years old, but her spirit power was no worse than that of the Tianshui team who had just left the field.

Shui Yue'er, who just played, undoubtedly attracted the attention of many people.

As a big shot who has been hiding all this time, Yue Guan couldn't help but glance at Shui Yue'er, "She's really a pretty good girl, but she's still young, so she shouldn't pose any threat to them."

In Yue Guan's eyes, although Shui Yue'er's talent is good, it is limited by age after all.

Stepping onto the stage, Shui Yue'er's crisp voice rang out, tactfully, "Shui Yue'er of Tianshui College, Level 37 Sensitive Attack Department Battle Soul Master!"

As soon as the words fell, Shuiyue'er immediately possessed her martial soul, and a playful and lovely phantom of a dolphin appeared, circling around Shuiyue'er non-stop. It was Shuiyue'er's martial soul Yingyu dolphin.

The Golden Flame Lion Soul Master on the opposite side couldn't help being stunned, he never thought that a girl who looked only fourteen or fifteen years old at most was actually at the same level as him.

He was only level 37 in his early twenties, which made him feel like he lived on a dog for a while.

Different from the mainstream ice attribute of Tianshui Academy this year, although Shuiyue'er herself is in the agility department, her main cultivation is still water attribute.

Because only the water attribute can display the greatest ability of a martial soul like Yingyu dolphin.

After obtaining the Narcissus Jade Muscle and Bone, Shui Yue'er's soul skills have undergone certain changes.

The most important thing is her first soul skill, although the age of the soul ring is the lowest among her three soul rings.

But after its mutation, it is really too perverted.

The first soul skill, water spirit, is a passive soul skill that can be turned into a water element when the enemy's attack touches itself.

Of course, it was limited to physical attacks, and special types of soul skills were also unable to be immune.

But just like this, it has already caused a headache for the Golden Flame Lion Soul Master of the Alien Beast Academy.

Shui Yue'er, who can use the water element, is like a real dolphin on the ring, jumping non-stop.

At the end of the match, the golden flame lion soul master was kited by Shui Yue'er, and his soul power was completely consumed.

Although I was very unwilling in my heart, I could only admit defeat.

As a result, Team Tianshui won the first knockout match.

Shui Yue'er, who returned to the preparation area, looked up like a little dolphin proudly.

Especially when facing Shui Bing'er and Su Qingyu, it was even more impossible to say.

Seeing this, Su Qingyu and Shui Binger looked at each other, and both of them had smiles in their eyes. I really didn't expect that this little girl is quite vengeful.

After winning the first round of elimination, Shui Ningyuan didn't intend to stay, and simply took Team Tianshui and Su Qingyu back to the hotel where they stayed in Cole City.

According to the rules of this exchange match, ten teams need to be selected from the nearly forty teams of the academy.

Therefore, each academy basically needs to participate in two knockout matches before they can enter the main match of the exchange competition.

Fortunately, Tianshui Academy got a bye when Shui Binger, a little red hand, was dispatched.

It means that they don't need to play another game, they can directly enter the main match.

"Great, at least tomorrow and the next two days, we don't have to participate in any competitions!"

The one who said this was naturally the lively Shui Yue'er, although she was tricked a little by her sister and brother-in-law during the day.

But as an optimist, she has long forgotten about this matter.

After winning the first match, Shui Ningyuan is also in a good mood.

No, the delicacies on the table are all paid for by the dean himself, and the various special snacks in Cole City, even if they are as stable as Xuewu, they eat more.

In two days, a lot can be done.

After dinner, Su Qingyu called Shui Binger and Ye Lingling to her room.

It's okay for Shui Bing'er, after all, she slept with Su Qingyu a lot when she was a child.

But Ye Lingling couldn't be more shy, she held Shui Bing'er's arm tightly with her white jade hand, and said nervously: "Bing'er, what if Herring..."

Not understanding what Ye Lingling meant, Shui Bing'er tilted her head, her blue eyes revealing a trace of doubt.

Why can't she understand what her sister's words mean?

In desperation, Ye Lingling had no choice but to stick to Shui Binger's ear, and said some things that were not suitable for children.

Although Shui Bing'er is usually so close to Su Qingyu, she actually doesn't know anything about the relationship between men and women.

Even if Su Qingyu bullies her, at most it's just a light kiss, and even Su Qingyu doesn't have the guts to go too far.

Ye Lingling was different, she was with Dugu Yan before.

By her side, no matter how pure Ye Lingling is, she will inevitably be polluted by Dugu Yan.

"Oh, what did you say!"

The shy Shui Bing'er ran away directly, and the target was not Su Qingyu's room.

Ye Lingling was also a little puzzled, did she really think too much?


An hour later, Ye Lingling had to admit that she really thought too much.

It's all the fault of Dugu Yan, who whispers so many unsavory words in his ears every day!

Dugu Yan, who was far away in Tiandou City, sneezed inexplicably, what happened, could it be that Lingling missed her?

Su Qingyu called the two girls over to protect him.

He wants to take the semi-heavenly material and earth treasure-level snow lotus that he picked up during the day.

At that hour just now, Su Qingyu forcibly extracted the essence of Bai Yingying snow lotus with the fire of bright light.

In the end, a 9-year-old snow lotus, extracted by Su Qingyu, has become nine white pills.

This kind of medicine is similar to medicine, but it is not medicine. It retains the essence of medicine itself to the greatest extent.

The biggest effect of the snow lotus is nothing more than to increase the soul power, dividing it into nine parts is just for Su Qingyu's insurance.

Although the 9-year-old snow lotus is still some distance away from turning into a soul beast in 10 years, the soul power in it is no less than a first-class soul power that is no less than level 91.

After the snow lotus is divided into nine parts, each part is equivalent to a soul power of level [-].

Although the medicinal effect of this kind of thing is quite mild, it cannot be taken unless you are a soul sage.

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