Of course, this is only for ordinary people, so there is no problem for Su Qingyu to take it.

Picking up a white pill casually, Su Qingyu put it in his mouth.

Running the martial soul and her own breathing method with all her strength, Su Qingyu could feel a huge soul power filling herself.

Fortunately, Xuelian's soul power is not violent, so Su Qingyu can slowly absorb it.

However, this process of absorption is continuous.

After one night, Shui Bing'er and Ye Lingling's pretty faces were a little embarrassed.

And Su Qingyu also completed the absorption and refining of the pill.

He has now reached the realm of a fifty-level soul king, but judging from the still quiet soul power in his body, he should be able to increase his soul power by one level.

Chapter 162

Su Qingyu asked Shui Binger and Ye Lingling, who were in charge of protecting the law, to keep the news of breaking through the Soul King secret.

Afterwards, he told the dean Shui Ningyuan about this matter.

"Oh, you broke through so quickly, did you find anything good again?"

A strange brilliance flashed in Shui Ningyuan's eyes, after all, she had witnessed the Qiluo tulip that Shui Bing'er took and the narcissus jade that Shui Yue'er took.

It's a pity that they are all based on the existence of Peiyuan, even if the two geniuses and treasures are given to her, it may not be able to help her break through to the first level.

Su Qingyu put the jade bottle containing three white pills on the table.

Shui Ningyuan's jade hand was so fast that she could hardly see it, and she grabbed the jade bottle directly.

After opening it and sniffing it lightly, she knew it was useful to her.

At least it can help her break through the current level and be promoted to level 86 Contra.

"It's really a good thing. Auntie owes you a favor."

Su Qingyu smiled lightly, "We are all one family, why bother talking about two families."

Immediately afterwards, after chatting with Shuining Yuan for a while, Su Qingyu left.

As for why the snow lotus essence was given to Shui Ningyuan instead of keeping it for herself.

That's because snow lotus essence, a treasure that can only be used to increase soul power, will have the disadvantage of vain soul power if you keep taking it.

It's like ten thousand years later, those soul engineers in the Sun Moon Empire, without their soul tools, are really the kind waiting to be beaten.

Su Qingyu only took one, and the soul power in his body was already agitated a lot.

In the past two days, he should not even think about resting, he should focus on stabilizing his cultivation base.

Moreover, he has already agreed with Shui Ningyuan that after this exchange meeting is over, he will be taken to obtain the fifth soul ring.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye, and the two knockout rounds were all over.

In addition to Tianshui Academy, which qualified ahead of schedule, Thunder, Elephant Armor, Blazing Fire, and Kamikaze Elemental Academy also successfully qualified.

In addition, there are also the Botanical Academy of Barak Kingdom, etc., and ten teams have qualified from the knockout round.

The next match will be played according to the rules of the promotion match, that is to say, Tianshui Academy will play against the remaining nine teams present.

This time, it was none other than Xue Wu who came to the stage to draw lots. I don't know whether it was luck or bad luck, but the first one was drawn to Blazing Academy.

Among all the academies, Tianshui Academy was the one that caused the most headaches.

It was Shui Bing'er who didn't expose the ultimate ice, an existence that Tianshui Academy couldn't defeat at all.

On the other side, as soon as Huo Wu, who represented Blazing Academy, was praised by the captain, Huo Wushuang, "Xiao Wu really deserves to be my sister. She was the first one to win Tianshui Academy!"

This year's Tianshui Academy's overall attribute is ice, and only one Shuiyue'er has a water attribute, so Huo Wushuang is so happy.

He had already noticed before that there was not much difference in soul power between the two sides, so Blazing Academy, which had an advantage in attributes, undoubtedly won the pass to victory.

However, Huo Wu was not so excited, instead she gave Huo Wushuang a blank look.

In the Huo Family, the talented Huo Wu had a much higher status than Huo Wushuang.

Coupled with her marriage contract with Feng Xiaotian, and Huo Wu with the implicit support of the Feng family, even if Huo Wushuang is the heir of the Huo family, she would not dare to underestimate her as a sister.

"Brother, are you stupid? Don't forget that we have to play nine matches in the exchange match of the promotion competition mode. Sooner or later we will meet Tianshui College. Why are you so excited!"

After Huo Wu said something, Huo Wushuang's originally excited energy was poured cold water by Huo Wu.

Yes, they will meet sooner or later, so why is he excited?

"What to do, the first one is Blazing Academy, we are restrained by them in terms of attributes!"

Shui Yue'er had a small face, her ice-blue hair was loose and her head was buried.

Seeing Shui Yue'er's appearance, Su Qingyu tugged at the little girl's soft, fair and smooth face rather amusingly.

"What's there to worry about? I'll keep my strength later, won't it be fine if I lose the game?"

Shui Ningyuan nodded in agreement, she has spent most of her life in the world of soul masters.

She can see this kind of thing, she can fight if she can, and run if she can't.

In this way, Huo Wu, who was the first to appear on the stage at Blazing Academy, completed the feat of one penetration and six under the Tianshui Academy's style of play.

Seeing Shui Binger bouncing down from the stage, Su Qingyu smiled slightly, hugged her in her arms and comforted her for a while.

Although they say they don't care about the outcome, Shui Bing'er and the others are not old fritters like Shui Ningyuan or Su Qingyu who have gone through countless life and death tests, so they feel somewhat uncomfortable.

So, at this time, Su Qingyu naturally wants to enlighten Shui Binger, he really doesn't want to see this girl who grew up with him feel a little bit unhappy...

Although the promotion arena is open-air, there are also some hidden boxes, but most people don't know about these places.

In a secret box, two men and a woman, three young people are sitting in it.

Behind them was Chrysanthemum Douluo Yueguan, who was wearing a chrysanthemum-yellow shirt and had a neutral face.

A young man with long fiery red hair hit the table made of precious wood with a hammer, and the powerful force directly smashed a crack.

"Hmph, what a bunch of cowards, they gave up the game so easily!"

It was Yan who spoke, one of the members of the so-called golden generation in the Pope's palace.

Another man and a woman are none other than members of the golden generation, namely Xie Yue and Hu Liena.

The fair face looked pure, and there was a hint of charm in the soft eyes, Hu Liena's voice was slightly sandy, "Hehe, Yan, you don't understand, she is preserving her strength!"

Xie Yue, who was sitting beside Hu Liena, also nodded, approving what her sister said.

Yan didn't care, and glanced disdainfully at all the teams on the promotion field.

To be honest, he never looked down on these soul masters outside.

In his opinion, the three of them are already the top talents of the younger generation, and they will definitely become Title Douluo in the future.

As for the group of people outside, they might not even be able to reach the soul sage, so they died on the mainland.

Not just Yan!

Hu Liena and Xie Yue also had this kind of arrogance, but they didn't show it like Xiang Yan.

"It's not just Tianshui, these people really can't do it, I want to test it out and see if they will cry!"

Yan's words made Hu Liena giggle, "Okay, I also want to play with those little girls from Tianshui College..."

Before Hu Liena finished speaking, she, Xie Yue, and Yan, the three of them immediately felt the pain of being hit hard on the head with a hammer, and then lost consciousness immediately.

Su Qingyu, who was leaving the field with Team Tianshui, thought to himself: Sao Fox, I usually turn a blind eye to you because I don't want to bother you, so I insist on forcing me to take action, why bother, why bother!

Chapter 163 The Powerful Feng Xiaotian

Yueguan was still practicing, so he didn't even notice the golden generation who was knocked unconscious by Su Qingyu's sudden mental attack.

By the time Yueguan finished his practice, two hours had passed.

"Okay, it's almost over, and it's time for us to leave."

With her eyes closed, Yueguan adjusted her own soul power and said a few words, but no one responded to him.

This can't help but make Yueguan a little unhappy, although the three of you have a high status in the Wuhun Temple.

But don't forget, I, Yueguan, are elders, second only to the Pope and the priests, you are not qualified to be arrogant in front of me!

When Yueguan opened his eyes, he couldn't help being startled.

The three of them staggered to and fro, and the most outrageous one was Yan, who just lay down on the table.

But in the end it was Titled Douluo, Yue Guan soon noticed that something was wrong with the three of them.

With a dodge, he quickly came to the front of the three of them. After some investigation, Yue Guan's face was gloomy and terrifying.

The souls of the three were traumatized to varying degrees, among which Yan was the most injured, and his mental strength was the worst.

Xie Yue's situation was much better than Yan's. Only Hu Liena, who was good at charm and had strong mental power, was not seriously injured, but she couldn't wake up for a while.

"This Douluo Continent, when did another spiritual titled Douluo appear?"

The attack of mental power made Yueguan mistakenly think that Su Qingyu was the title Douluo of the spiritual department.

After all, only the titled Douluo of the spiritual department could silently launch a spiritual attack under Yueguan's nose.

Yueguan's eyes were cloudy and uncertain. He never and never thought that it was just a small investigation of the power of the various colleges, which would attract such a strong man.

For a moment, Yueguan couldn't help but think of the 6-year-old skull of the holy magic ape as a reward in this soul master competition, it must be possible!

In Yue Guan's view, this matter must be reported to the Pope as soon as possible.

Thinking that the other party might be the "Title Douluo" of the spiritual department, Yue Guan couldn't help but a look of fear flashed across his eyes.

Compared to Dugu Bo, he was more afraid of this mysterious "Title Douluo".

Firstly, Dugu Bo's poison had no effect on him, and secondly, Yue Guan, who was familiar with the classics of the Hall of Spirits, knew that the methods of the titled Douluo of the spiritual department had always been very strange and special.

Sometimes, inadvertently, it is possible to fall into the way of the other party, and thus die without a place to bury.

In this way, the matter of the "Title Douluo" of the spiritual department was directly spread to Wuhun City by Yueguan.

As for the golden generation who were attacked by mental power, fortunately, Yue Guan usually carried medicine to treat mental trauma.

After taking it for three people, they should be able to wake up after ten and a half months.


Team Tianshui, after losing the match against Blazing Academy, although the girls said they didn't care, they didn't think so in their hearts.

Finally, I met a bully master from the Sith Soul Master Academy in the Kingdom of Silves.

The strength of this academy is not very weak, but only the captain and vice-captain are soul masters of level 36.

Therefore, when facing the suffocated Tianshui team, it was indeed a bit miserable to be beaten.

Especially the girl Shui Yue'er, she completely regarded them as the Blazing Academy, and directly came to the opposite side with a string of three.

Usually by Su Qingyu's side, the gentle Shui Bing'er also played.

After returning, Su Qingyu also found that Shui Bing'er looked similar to Shui Yue'er, and it seemed that the Sith Soul Master Academy was really pitiful.

After the match between Tianshui Academy and Sith Soul Master Academy, it was the turn of Botany Academy to face off with Kamikaze Academy.

Because of Feng Xiaotian, the only soul sect at the moment, none of the present team left.

And Feng Xiaotian seemed to know something, he was the first to appear on the stage.

On the other side is the School of Botany, which is an existence that is not weaker than the School of Five Elements in terms of soul power.

Among them, there are three high-level soul masters of level 37 and above in the School of Botany, which is just on par with the School of Divine Wind.

Because it is an exchange match, there is no restriction on the order of appearance in the match.

So when Feng Xiaotian was the first to appear on the stage, the first one on the opposite side was a level 37 control system soul master, Wuhun Qingtianvine!

As soon as the competition started, Feng Xiaotian immediately possessed his spirit, and the third purple spirit ring flashed and directly rose into the air.

This is Feng Xiaotian's third soul skill, the Gale Wings, instantly lifted into the air and at the same time slashed two wind blades at the enemy.

The sudden attack made the Qingtian Vine soul master of the School of Botany panic.

Fortunately, relying on his own soul skills, he finally stabilized.

But at this moment, Feng Xiaotian had already used his first soul ability, Wind Blade Array, followed by his second soul ability, Twin Wolf Possession.

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