The several wind blades issued by the first soul skill bought Feng Xiaotian time to get close, and then it was Feng Xiaotian's show.

Gale Demonic Wolf slashed 36 times!

It has to be said that Feng Xiaotian is really a genius.

This kind of superimposed attack method, which is similar to the chaotic wind hammer method, was unexpectedly created by him.

You must know that Haotian School's Chaotic Cloaking Wind Hammer Technique is the brainchild of countless ancestors of Haotian School for thousands of years.

And Feng Xiaotian was able to create the Gale Demon Wolf's 36 consecutive slashes from scratch when he was no more than the fourth ring, which is already very remarkable.

Some people will definitely say that Feng Xiaotian's self-created soul skills have many shortcomings, but don't forget who it is compared with.

Such as the chaotic cloak, distraction control, dragon transformation and other secret skills that have not been refined by the amazingly talented and powerful in the soul master world, or condensed by generations of highly respected generations.

Compared with them, Feng Xiaotian is naturally nothing.

Compared with his peers, he was more than a little stronger than the gentleman of the Tang family who only knew how to respect his master but stole the sect's secret skills.

On the ring, before Feng Xiaotian could strike the fifth strike, the Qingtian Vine soul master had already been kicked out of the ring.

Later, the School of Botany lined up a 37th-level high-ranking soul master, Wuhun Sunflower.

Sunflower is the inherited martial spirit of Barak's royal family. It is quite good in itself, but it still can't support Feng Xiaotian's Gale Demon Wolf's 36 consecutive slashes.

Afterwards, the captain of the School of Botany came to the stage, "Brother Feng, if you defeat me, the School of Botany will abstain!"

"Good talk!"

The captain of the School of Botany, his Martial Soul is exactly the alien of that plant Martial Soul, Red Flame Thorn.

This martial spirit is very good, not only is it not afraid of fire attribute attacks, but it also has fire attributes and weak toxins.

It's a pity that facing Feng Xiaotian, who has already broken through the Soul Sect and superimposed the 36 consecutive slashes of the Gale Demon Wolf, there is really no chance of winning.

In the end, Chiyan Thorn Soul Master was defeated by Feng Xiaotian, and Shenfeng Academy won!

While the other members of the Kamikaze Academy were celebrating, Feng Xiaotian was in a trance.

Chapter 164 Bibi Dong's Anger

Three days passed by in a flash...

Wuhun City, the holy land of soul masters in the Douluo Continent.

Here, a large population lives, and its prosperity is even higher than that of Tiandou City and Xingluo City. It is the well-deserved number one city in Douluo Continent.

Here, high-level soul masters, who are usually rare, can be found everywhere.

Not to mention low-level soul masters, sometimes when you sit at a stall on the ground, you may encounter some food spirit masters who are using their spirits to cook various delicacies.

The entire Wuhun City can be described in two words, peaceful and prosperous!

And what brought all this to Wuhun City is the one located on the mountain in the center of Wuhun City - Wuhun Hall.

Although Wuhun Hall has different reputations in different places, but in this Wuhun City, they are the most noble existence.

And the one who can do all this is naturally His Holiness the Pope of the Spirit Hall.

In the Pope's Palace, a woman who is not very tall is wearing a black robe with golden patterns, a nine-curved purple gold crown on her head, and a scepter about two meters inlaid with countless precious gems is placed aside by her.

With fair skin, almost perfect face, and the noble temperament revealed in every move, people can't help but feel a kind of worship.

Being able to sit on the most honored position in the Pope's Palace, this woman is none other than the current Pope of the Wuhun Palace——Bibi Dong.

As the pope of the Wuhun Hall, Bibi Dong has a lot of things to do every day. Besides, she has to always be on guard against the worship hall next door.

Don't look at her as the pope now, but before she reaches level 99, she must endure a little bit.

Then there are those local people, of course Bibi Dong understands why they seek refuge in the Spirit Hall.

Some things she just turned a blind eye to, and just passed it by.

After all, now is the time when she needs someone, and the support of powerful soul masters and powerful families from all over the world is indispensable.

Don't look at the present, some people simply think that Wuhundian is the hope of common people.

But in fact, Wuhundian is not much different from the two great empires.

All put profit first, in order to win over the soul master, all kinds of tricks were used.

What common people's hope is nothing more than a lie fabricated by Bibi Dong in order to better attract talents.

As the helm of a big force, it is impossible for her to help some civilians at the risk of offending a powerful family with the title Douluo in the Wuhun Temple.

Being able to provide civilians with a chance is already her most merciful charity.

Not only Wuhundian, but also the two great empires have certain channels for civilians to rise.

Because the two empires will not offend their powerful nobles for the sake of common people.

It sounds cruel, but it's the truth, and there's nothing you can do if you don't accept it.

Of course, if you have the strength to flip the table, no one will be stupid enough to fight against you.

After a tiring day, Bibi Dong gently rubbed her forehead with her fair and slender fingers. Just as she was about to leave the Pope's Palace, a temple soul master came outside the Pope's Palace.

Although she didn't know what happened, Bibi Dong felt a little upset when her rest was interrupted.

"Come in!"

The soul master of the temple walked in respectfully and handed over a secret letter.

Using her soul power, she moved the secret letter from the soul master of the temple, and Bibi Dong dismissed him with a wave of her hand.

At first, the secret letter had the mark of Ju Douluo Yueguan, Bibi Dong couldn't help but frowned, "Strange, maybe something happened to the Heaven Dou Empire?"

After tearing open the secret letter, the content of Ju Douluo's report made her beautiful eyes flash a cold light, "I never thought that the water in this Douluo Continent is so deep that even the titled Douluo of the spirit system exists."

After reading the secret letter, Bibi Dong used her soul power to shatter it casually.

She still doesn't care much about a titled Douluo, even if it is the titled Douluo with the most weird and special spiritual system, she is only a little surprised.

But what really caught her attention was that he actually used his mental power to hurt the golden generation of Wuhundian.

To be precise, it hurt Hu Liena who was regarded as her daughter.

This has seriously touched Bibi Dong's bottom line, and touched the most obvious piece of reverse scale on her body.

No matter who the opponent is, she is ready to kill him.

Holding in her hand, the scepter inlaid with various precious stones was slammed on the ground, "Don't you just want the skull of the Holy Magic Ape, then I, Bibi Dong, will be waiting for you right here!"

That indescribable, unique burst of aura made the soul masters of the temple who were patrolling near the Pope's Palace shiver involuntarily.

Thousands of miles away, Cole City, where the Tianshui team is stationed.

Team Tianshui didn't meet any strong opponents today, so they came back very early after the game.

It's just that their opponent tomorrow is not very easy to deal with, the Elephant Academy!

Although it has the name of a college, it is actually the place where the Elephant Armor Sect cultivates the clan's children.

Although a small number of students enter the Elephant Armor Academy every year, the Elephant Armor Academy's team has always been exclusive to the Elephant Armor Sect's children, and there are no outsiders.

The Diamond Mammoth Martial Soul possessed by the Elephant Armor Sect and the Plate Armored Giant Rhinoceros possessed by the Yuzhi Clan have become the strongest defense in the world of soul masters.

Unlike the plate armored giant rhinoceros, which is only strong in defense, the elephant armored diamond mammoth is not weak in attack.

This is also why, the reason why the patriarch of the Yuzhi Clan in the original book can't beat Hu Yanzhen is not just the difference in soul power.

Shui Bing'er has a delicate mind, thinking of the difficulties of the Elephant Armor Academy and the slight weakness of the Tianshui team against the Elephant Armor Sect, she also offered to give up the Elephant Armor Sect this round.

After losing the Elephant Academy, there are only Thunder and Kamikaze left. As long as they can win one of them, Tianshui Academy can maintain the top five positions.

Shui Ningyuan also glanced at Shui Bing'er quite appreciatively, "That's right, the Elephant Armor Academy is the host, and the top three are what they must guarantee. But we are different, we are a group of girls, but we are poor. No one cares at all.”

Under the double approval of Captain Shui Bing'er and Dean Shui Ningyuan, the rest of Team Tianshui had no other opinions.

Later, after discussing the order of appearance tomorrow, Shui Ningyuan sent everyone away on the grounds that it was getting late.

But what is surprising is that Su Qingyu and Shui Bing'er were kept by Shui Ningyuan.

"Tell me, did you two kill Feng Boxian?"

Su Qingyu didn't shy away from it, and directly admitted, "That's right, I was the one who killed him. As for his soul sage who was promoted by special means, he even barely used the martial soul avatar, and he was so much stronger than the peak soul emperor." line."

Hearing Su Qingyu's words, Shui Ningyuan gave him a supercilious look, "Soul Sage is Soul Sage, what does it mean to be stronger than Soul Emperor?"

But she is also very curious, Su Qingyu was able to kill the soul saint with the soul sect, how much real strength is it?

"Since it's you, be careful, Feng Xiaotian hangs around our neighborhood a lot!"

Chapter 165 Kamikaze Waiver

"Tianshui Academy targets A Academy, Elephant Academy wins!"

With the voice of the soul king referee on the field, Tianshui Academy lost the match with Elephant Armor Academy.

No matter what, losing a game will always make people feel depressed.

Rao Shui Bing'er is no exception, after all, she is still a girl and does not have the experience and vision of Shui Ningyuan.

In a hidden box in the dark, Hu Yanzhen followed behind Ju Douluo Yueguan respectfully, "Your Majesty, I just defeated Tianshui Academy, and the leader of the team is my useless grandson Hu Yanli!"

Yueguan has lived most of his life, why can't he see Hu Yanzhen's performance?

This kind of situation is nothing more than wanting to benefit, he has seen too many months.

"That's wrong. How could Sect Master Huyan's grandson be ineffective? I think he should be the proud son of heaven."

Yueguan's face remained unchanged, and he said words that even he felt disgusted, "When I go back, I will definitely tell His Majesty the Pope, maybe your grandson, Sect Master Huyan, can still be appreciated by His Majesty the Pope."

Hu Yanzhen also made a flattered look, "The old man is here, so I would like to thank Your Majesty for his great love for Ali."

Both sides are acting, if this is put on the earth, they will have to take a few statuettes.

When the two sides were pretending to be false, the duel between Shenfeng Academy and Thunder Academy had ushered in the final match.

Feng Xiaotian, the 41st-level Soul Sect of Shenfeng Academy, vs. the 39th-level Soul Zun, Yu Tianxin.

With the possession of the martial souls of the two martial souls, the soul rings shine.

It was only then that Feng Xiaotian discovered that Yu Tianxin was not a soul master at all, but a soul sect, the real soul sect!

Yellow, yellow, purple, and purple, four soul rings appeared on Yu Tianxin's body one by one.

It has to be said that Yu Tianxin hid himself very deeply, and he didn't show his true strength until facing Shangfeng Xiaotian.

It is also a level 41 soul sect, although Feng Xiaotian broke through three months earlier, he is not far from level 42.

But this gap is almost non-existent for the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex whose martial soul level is higher than that of the two-headed demon wolf.

It is true that Feng Xiaotian has 36 consecutive slashes from the Gale Demon Wolf, but how could Yu Tianxin, who is at the level of the Soul Sect, not be able to transform into a dragon?

For a while, this game was full of suspense, and it also attracted the attention of many teams.

Especially, Tianshui Academy who will face Thunder Academy soon.

Su Qingyu and Shui Binger sat together, and smiled calmly, "Sure enough, Yu Tianheng and Yu Tianxin are really stuck together. Once Yu Tianheng breaks through, Yu Tianxin, the cousin, also breaks through together."

"Do you think these are useful? I'm restricting my soul power now, and Tianshui Academy is really in trouble."

Su Qingyu quietly reached out and embraced Shui Binger's delicate body, "It's okay, it's just an extra loss, and the gap between No.4 and No.5 doesn't seem to be very big."

Shui Binger, who stuck herself in Su Qingyu's arms, did not change, but said with some hesitation, "But if this is the case, our ranking in the Five Elements Academy will really be at the bottom."

Although there was a sense of complaint, Shui Bing'er also acquiesced, after all, now is not the time for her to show her strength.

While the two were talking, the battle between Feng Xiaotian and Yu Tianxin began.

From the very beginning, Feng Xiaotian used the third soul skill Gale Wings, quickly gaining the upper hand in the air.

However, what he didn't expect was that Yu Tianxin's second dragon transformation was not the left hand, but the wings!

With Yu Tianxin fluttering his wings, the sky is no longer Feng Xiaotian's biggest advantage.

Next, it is a competition of hard power between the two sides to see who will fall first.

However, this is quite unfavorable to Yu Tianxin. It also took some soul power for him to eliminate the vice-captain of Shenfeng Academy just now.

He was originally weak in spirit power, but Feng Xiaotian seized the opportunity, and finally won the victory with a 36 consecutive slash of the Gale Demon Wolf.

So far, Kamikaze Academy ranks second in total points, only under Elephant Armor Academy.

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