Of course, if someone hadn't asked his teammates to release water, Kamikaze Academy might be the number one right now.

Another day of competition was over, just as Su Qingyu left with Team Tianshui, Feng Xiaotian, who had come off the field just now, looked in the direction of Su Qingyu with a cold expression.

But how keen Su Qingyu's perception is, when Feng Xiaotian's eyes touched him, he had already noticed it.

Feng Xiaotian's attitude is understandable, after all, it was Su Qingyu who killed Feng Boxian himself.

But Su Qingyu has never regretted it, even if he does it all over again, he will kill Feng Boxian without hesitation.

Even Feng Xiaotian, he would not let it go.

There is never any right or wrong in this matter, it is all for myself...

Another day has passed, and there is still one day before the end of this exchange competition.

Although Feng Xiaotian had never been taken seriously by Su Qingyu, his grandfather Feng Zhengjie made Su Qingyu feel quite troublesome.

The old guy is almost a hundred years old, and with his lifespan, it is normal for him to do impulsive things.

What Su Qingyu was afraid of was that Feng Zhengjie, an old fellow, would not die. After all, a level 86 Contra was not easy to stop.

This time the competition is the second vertical competition of Tianshui Academy, and the opponent happens to be Kamikaze Academy.

To everyone's surprise, Feng Xiaotian was the first to play again.

However, the soul masters and ordinary people who watched the match were not too surprised. Feng Xiaotian did this when he faced off against the Botanical Academy.

On Tianshui Academy's side, Shui Yue'er was the first to play.

Seeing Shui Yueer, Feng Xiaotian chuckled, "I didn't expect it to be Sister Yueer."

"Hey, I also ask Captain Feng to enlighten me!"

Feng Xiaotian didn't intend to do anything, pointed to Su Qingyu who was sitting with Shui Binger and Ye Lingling in the preparation area, and said, "You are not my opponent, how about letting him come up?"

Some things, as Shui Bing'er's younger sister, Shui Yue'er is naturally clear.

She understood what Feng Xiaotian meant, so she said with a smile, "Sorry, Captain Feng, our Tianshui team are all girls!"

After all, Shui Yue'er directly chose to do it, but she had no advantage in Feng Xiaotian, who was a strong dual-element of agility and whose soul power was much higher than hers.

Relying on the peculiarity of the mutated first soul skill, Shui Yue'er consumed a lot of Feng Xiaotian's soul power.

Just when Shui Yue'er was getting ready to be knocked off the ring by Feng Xiaotian, everyone was stunned by Feng Xiaotian's actions.

Feng Xiaotian quickly stopped his movements, and raised his hand to signal to the referee on the side of the field, "As the captain of the Kamikaze Academy, I choose Kamikaze Academy to give up the game!"

For a time, everything was in an uproar.

The referee also announced Tianshui Academy's victory after repeatedly following Xiaotian's confirmation.

Xue Wu's eyebrows frowned, and said softly: "Feng Xiaotian, what does he mean by that, do you have pity on us?"

A strangeness flashed in Su Qingyu's eyes at the side, only a few people understood that Feng Xiaotian was targeting him!

Chapter 166 Enviable Feelings

In the match against Thunder Academy, Tianshui Academy won by a narrow margin.

Fortunately, Shui Binger's students this year are mainly ice-type students. If they were water-type students, they really couldn't beat Thunder Academy.

Among the top ten colleges, each college had nine matches. Tianshui College tied for second place with Kamikaze College by losing to Blazing Fire and Elephant Armor.

The first place is undoubtedly the Elephant Academy, and the two losers are Kamikaze and Thunder.

As for why they also lost two games, the Weevil Academy is still number one, after all, they are the hosts.

Besides, it's just an exchange game, so there's no need to take it too seriously.

Moreover, the Elephant Armor Academy also gave up the No. 1 reward for this first place, and at the same time added a bonus of [-] gold soul coins.

So, everyone is already like this, why do other academy forces disagree?

At the final awards ceremony, Xue Wu took the stage to bring back the prize money and the rare treasures sponsored by the Elephant Armor Sect.

As the dean, Shui Ningyuan casually threw those rare treasures to Su Qingyu without saying a word.

The gold soul coins were shared by Shui Binger and the others, except for Xue Wu and Ye Lingling who did not participate in the competition, the other six were divided equally.

It just so happened that on this day, the golden generation of Wuhundian who had been beaten half to death by Su Qingyu also woke up.

The faces of the three of them turned pale, except for a healthy blush on Hu Liena's face, Yan and Xie Yue looked as if they were terminally ill.

"Damn it, if you let me know who is plotting against us, I will definitely let him live or die!"

The one who said this was naturally Yan, who had the hottest temper.

Being hit hard with a mental attack, the feeling really can't be described in words.

If I have to describe it, it is very uncomfortable, much more uncomfortable than the cruelest punishment in the world.

Hu Liena, who had recovered a bit, showed deep fear in her fox eyes.

Chrysanthemum Douluo Yueguan, who had been following the three of them, suddenly scolded Yan, "You trash, you know how to lose your temper, if you have the ability, you can go to that spirit-type titled Douluo to fight one-on-one!"

As soon as the words titled Douluo appeared, Yan immediately shut his mouth.

Are you kidding me, is Titled Douluo someone he Yan can deal with?

Don't look at his potential to become a Super Douluo, but that's just potential after all. Before becoming a Title Douluo, which strong person would really care about his identity?

Seeing that Yan closed his mouth, Yueguan deliberately suppressed his anger, "Okay, the younger generation of powerful men in the Tiandou Empire have basically appeared, let's talk about your feelings!"

"Overall, it's worth seeing!"

"No opponent!"

"It's all a bunch of trash, I don't care!"

Except for what Hu Liena said was a little more tactful, Xie Yue and Yan directly spoke out their inner voices.

Including Hu Liena, the three of them didn't look down on anyone from the Heaven Dou Empire.

In the eyes of the three of them, these younger generations of the Heaven Dou Empire are not worth mentioning at all.

Their expressions were naturally seen by Yue Guan.

This also made Yueguan sigh slightly in his heart: so arrogant, I hope no one will be their opponent, otherwise...

As the golden generation of Wuhundian, the three of them did not develop their pride in a day or two.

Among their peers, they were always invincible, like the favored ones of heaven.

I really don't know when their useless arrogance will disappear.

With the end of the exchange match, Shui Ningyuan took the members of Team Tianshui back to Tianshui City, and placed Shui Binger and the others in Tianshui College.

After two more days of preparation, Shui Ningyuan plans to take Su Liefeng and his wife to the Star Dou Forest to obtain the fifth soul ring for Su Qingyu.

As for why Shui Ningyuan made a move, it was because Su Qingyu's fifth spirit ring had a lifespan requirement of 5 years!

5-year soul beasts, even high-level soul saints can hardly deal with them.

There are even some powerful soul beasts that can fight against Contra without losing the wind.

Furthermore, like the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear, even the ordinary Titled Douluo would flee for their lives when they saw it.

Although Ditian promised that the Star Dou Forest would be his guardian, Su Qingyu was not sure that the Star Dou Forest would really help him.

Sometimes speculating on others with the greatest malice will cause others' disgust.

But if he relaxes his vigilance, he will lose his life.

After bidding farewell to Shui Binger from Tianshui College, Su Qingyu took Ye Lingling back to Su's house.

As usual, Su Qingyu's father, Su Liefeng, was already preparing meals.

When Lan Xiaoyue saw the two of them coming back, she immediately hugged them in her arms.

"Great, you guys are back!"

Being held in Lan Xiaoyue's arms, Ye Lingling was somewhat cautious, but Su Qingyu felt warm.

As the saying goes, mothers worry about children traveling thousands of miles, and mothers' love for children is definitely the most selfless.

Don't think that Lan Xiaoyue can let Su Qingyu travel around the Douluo Continent and run around the world.

But in fact, she was also very worried.

Therefore, she also cherishes Su Qingyu's time at home very much.

Su Liefeng, who is at home, has a deep understanding of this point. If Su Qingyu is not at home, Lan Xiaoyue will often be busy in Tianshui College, trying not to think about Su Qingyu as much as possible.

But when she got home, her temper became much more irritable.

But whenever Su Qingyu came back, Lan Xiaoyue would become as offline as before.

Therefore, Su Liefeng also didn't want Su Qingyu to be away all year round.

When the family was eating, Su Qingyu also told Su Liefeng and his wife the news that he had broken through to the Soul King.

Lan Xiaoyue excitedly called me a genius, with the appearance of being a god!

As a father, Su Liefeng is much calmer, of course, if you don't pay attention to his trembling palms.

Immediately, Su Qingyu also took out the remaining five Snow Lotus Essences, "Dad, Mom, each of these Snow Lotus Essences is equivalent to a spirit power of level [-]. I prepared these for your elders."

Currently, Su Liefeng is at level 76, and Lan Xiaoyue is at level 78. It is estimated that he will be able to break through to level 79 in a month or two.

When distributing the essence of snow lotus, Su Qingyu gave three to Lan Xiaoyue, and the remaining two were enough for Su Liefeng to break through level 77.

With such a distribution, although Lan Xiaoyue was a little concerned about Su Liefeng's thoughts, Su Liefeng was very satisfied.

"That's it. In this way, if you break through Contra this year, you will be able to officially take over Tianshui Academy next year."

Under Su Liefeng's insistence, Lan Xiaoyue finally compromised.

This is also what made Su Qingyu discover that although her mother, Lan Xiaoyue, always said what she wanted at home, when it came to major events, her mother would automatically consider her father's thoughts.

Also noticed Ye Lingling, she really envied the relationship between her future father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Chapter 167 Dark Demon Evil God Tiger

After some discussion, Shui Ningyuan took the Su family couple and Su Qingyu together on the road to the Star Dou Forest.

Starting from Tianshui Academy, it is natural for Su Qingyu and his party to enter from the northern part of the Star Dou Forest.

It's not just Tianshui City, starting from the cities north of Tiandou City, they basically enter from the northern entrance of the Star Dou Forest.

Therefore, within the scope of the Heaven Dou Empire, the northern entrance of the Star Dou Great Forest is more prosperous.

In some hunter towns near the entrance, you can see soul master families or academies going to hunt souls from time to time, and mercenaries stand on the streets to solicit business.

With such a scene, Su Qingyu couldn't help but think of the grand occasion of playing dungeons in some online games in the previous life.

Where this kind of soul beast is closest to a soul master, there are often many risks hidden.

Soul beasts are the biggest threat to soul masters, and sometimes, the threat of soul masters is much greater than soul beasts.

After packing up her belongings in Hunter Town, Su Qingyu, her parents and Shui Ningyuan entered the dense forest from an entrance of Star Dou Forest.

Fortunately, because of the terrain, the forests here are not like those in the Star Luo Empire or the Barak Kingdom.

In some places, the sun is completely covered by the woods, and even in the daytime, there is no light in the woods.

"Hingyu, have you decided what kind of soul beast you want?"

It was Su Liefeng who was walking in the front to explore the way who said this, "There are some special soul beasts, but you have to go to some special areas in the Star Dou Forest to obtain them."

Su Qingyu responded in time, "Think about it, my fifth attribute, thunder, can be light or dark, as long as the age of the soul beast is not less than 5 years."

Hearing this, Su Liefeng, who was walking in the front, almost fell down.

"Your kid's appetite is really not small, your father and my seventh soul ring are only 7000 years old!"

Lan Xiaoyue sneered, "What face do you have compared to Xiaoyu? You didn't seem to be a soul master when you were 14 years old!"

After being stabbed in the back by his wife, Su Liefeng immediately fell silent.

It was only now that he realized that this son of his family didn't seem to be a human being, and he really followed the old saying that people are more irritating than others!

I don't know if it's because there are too many people moving in the north, and they have gone ten kilometers deep into the Star Dou Forest, but they still haven't seen any thousand-year-old soul beast.

Shui Ningyuan also couldn't help sighing, "Unexpectedly, the sacred land of the Star Dou Forest has also declined. Remember, in the past, there were many thousand-year-old soul beasts active on the edge of the Star Dou Great Forest."

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