Older people are more likely to fall in love with each other, and for a while, Su Qingyu couldn't understand her Aunt Shui.

I don't know, when the few people were talking, their words had already been heard by some beasts who had followed Su Qingyu secretly since he entered the Star Dou Forest.

Star Dou Great Forest, the core of reality, the lake of life.

Di Tian, ​​who was still meditating and practicing on the spot, suddenly opened his eyes, a pair of golden eyes looked extremely majestic and domineering.

As he finished training, the other soul beasts that absorbed a large white charging treasure near him also came to life.

"What's wrong, Di Tian!"

Wearing an emerald green long dress, she has a beautiful appearance, and a pair of emerald eyes are filled with endless tenderness.

Even Ditian, upon hearing her words, couldn't help but feel a little better.

Regarding Su Qingyu's matter, Ditian did not hide anything, and directly spoke out.

"The news from the demon spirit, what he needs now is thunder, light, and darkness, these three soul beasts that are more than 5 years old. Do you have any good options to provide?"

However, to Ditian's surprise, all the beasts present remained silent, including Bi Ji, who had the closest relationship with him.

The scene looked a bit awkward, but God himself was also mentally prepared, "I know what you mean, but you must also be clear, as long as he can rewrite the rules, it will be an unprecedented success for us soul beasts."

"Di Tian, ​​have you forgotten that we still have the goddamn God Realm above our heads! Do you think they will just watch us get on this boat?"

The one who said this was the Wan Yao King whose main body was a plant soul beast. Because of the importance of the plant soul beast to the Star Dou Great Forest, the Wan Yao King had a special position in Di Tian and his small circle.

But Di Tian's mind has been made up, or he is just the spokesperson of that one.

"Well, I'm not here to listen to your doubts. I can only tell you that helping him is the Lord's will."

After Ditian's words came out, all the beasts fell silent.

"I do have an idea. Didn't the little snake and the little monkey who were guarding the lake of fake life just beat off a Dark Devilgod Tiger?"

The complexions of the many beasts changed, and they looked at Zi Ji, the abyss dragon who spoke.

That thing, these ferocious beasts are too clear.

They have also encountered the Dark Devilgod Tiger before, and as long as there are tiger-type monsters in this world, they will not disappear.

Even if it is wiped out, one will reappear soon.

But even so, they still did not give up on suppressing the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

So far, no Dark Devilgod Tiger has survived 8 years under the suppression of the Star Dou Forest.

Di Tian was also quite moved. The Dark Devilgod Tiger indeed met Su Qingyu's conditions, but he didn't know how old it was?

Afterwards, Zi Ji also gave the age limit of the Dark Devilgod Tiger, "That Dark Devilgod Tiger has reached more than 5 years, which is very suitable for his requirements. It is the strength of the Dark Devilgod Tiger..."

Ditian stood up calmly, and said calmly, "I'll go in person!"

After all, Di Tian's figure disappeared in this strange space located in the lake of life.

It's just that what many ferocious beasts didn't know was that when Di Tian left, a certain large power bank placed in the middle also moved quietly.

"Mom, why did Di Tian help him catch the soul beast? Hey, it's a pity that I can't get out, otherwise I really want to hug my thigh!"

Only he could hear his voice. After Di Tian left, those ferocious beasts continued to sleep, absorbing the energy of his large power bank.

After rushing out of the hidden lake of life, Ditian directly rushed towards the lake not very far away from the lake of life.

A quiet lake, filled with a trace of life force, there are many rare treasures on the surrounding shores, even some genius treasures.

Unfortunately, there is a huge black monkey tossing and turning on the shore.

Suddenly, the surface of the water exploded, and a figure with a bull's head appeared, and then a tail hit the black monkey fiercely.

A deep voice sounded from the mouth of the giant bull-headed beast, "Daming, the sky blue bull python, has seen your lord!"

Chapter 168 Emperor Heaven Exterminates the Dark Demon

The arrival of Di Tian made Da Ming extremely nervous.

Er Ming, who was playing around by the lake just now, also lowered his head obediently.

"Let me ask you, what is the age of the Dark Devilgod Tiger that appeared in the Star Dou Great Forest, and where is it now?"

Daming's expression was clear, "Master Ditian, that Dark Devilgod Tiger has been around for nearly 6 years, and was driven away by his subordinates and Erming some time ago. Go to the northern part of the Star Dou Great Forest."

After getting the answer he wanted, Di Tian didn't stay any longer, and flew directly towards the northern part of the Star Dou Great Forest.

Watching Di Tian's departure direction, the big name who is the Azure Bull Python couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

Then, it looked at the shivering titan giant ape Erming hiding behind it, and slapped its tail angrily.

"Looking at you, you are so timid as a Titan giant ape!"

"Ho Ho Ho (Brother, you don't look much better than me!)"

After understanding what Er Ming meant, Da Ming's blue bull face suddenly turned black.

"It's been too long since I taught you a lesson, have you just forgotten that I'm still your elder brother!"

After a period of painful beatings that he couldn't bear to look directly at, Er Ming, the titan giant ape, lay straight on the ground, breathing in more air than exhaling it.

Daming stopped in time, and a trace of worry flashed in his giant eyes like bronze bells, "Master Ditian has appeared, if the news of Xiao Wu's transformation is revealed..."

He knew Ditian's attitude towards human beings. The majestic 10-year-old Beastmaster was wrong, and he didn't dare to face the catastrophe after a thousand years. Instead, he transformed into a human being, which would easily arouse the resentment of some soul beasts...

At the same time, a giant black tiger that was driven to the northern part of the Star Dou Great Forest by the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape was the legendary Dark Devilgod Tiger.

Although it itself is extraordinary, it is a soul beast that can reach 6 years.

Before fighting with the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape, who are also super soul beasts, although its rank is much higher than the former two, it is still hard to beat four hands with two fists.

What's more, both of them have reached 10 years of cultivation, and when its own cultivation is far inferior to the other's, the Dark Devilgod Tiger has suffered serious injuries.

During this period of time, it was also afraid that the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape would come to chase and kill it again, so it had always been cautious, hiding by day and coming out at night.

After finally hunting and killing some low-level soul beasts under ten thousand years old, it is considered that they barely have enough food and clothing.

As time passed, the injuries on his body gradually improved, and the Dark Devilgod Tiger felt that he was alright again.

However, with the previous lessons learned, it didn't rush to the central area where the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape were located, but lived in the northern part of the Star Dou Great Forest.

Although there are much fewer soul beasts here than in the central area, their cultivation strength is not weak.

Every time a soul beast is hunted, it will be of great benefit to the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

Also because it is in the northern part of the Star Dou Great Forest, the Dark Devilgod Tiger also killed many soul masters who came to hunt for souls these days.

But this time, it has already set its sights on Su Qingyu and his party who came to hunt the soul beast.

The Dark Devilgod Tiger's senses are quite unique, it can sense the strength of creatures with its own consciousness.

Among the group of four, the one who attracted him the most was undoubtedly Su Qingyu who had reached the edge of breaking through.

As for why it wasn't Su Liefeng and his wife with higher soul power, or Shui Ningyuan.

It is precisely because the Dark Devilgod Tiger can detect the origin of the Ice Fire Dragon King in Su Qingyu's body.

The original power that surpasses the soul power makes it coveted.

Accompanied by a roar of the tiger, in an instant, the Dark Devilgod Tiger rushed towards Su Qingyu and the others.

Even the mentally powerful Su Qingyu didn't notice this sudden situation.

"Dark Demon Evil God Tiger!"

Shui Ningyuan and Su Liefeng and his wife recognized the origin of the Dark Demon Tiger, and their faces became quite ugly.

Su Liefeng's expression was pale, "I said that along the way, why did I encounter so many thousand-year-old soul beasts, it turned out to be it!"

Shui Ningyuan chose the martial soul possession without hesitation, a pale dragon body suddenly appeared, it was the true body of Shui Ningyuan's martial soul Beihai ice dragon.

"It's not too late, you two will retreat with the herring first, and I will be the rear!"

The Su family, a family of three chose martial soul possession together, and were about to run towards the periphery of the Star Dou Forest.

There are quite a lot of records on the Douluo Continent about the Dark Devilgod Tiger. The seniors of Tianshui College have seen this kind of spirit beast by chance, and they also understand its frightening nature.

That's why Su Qingyu's family ran away without hesitation. If they stayed here, they would be dragging Shui Ningyuan down.

And Shui Ningyuan didn't have the restraint of the three members of the Su family, so it would not be that troublesome to escape from the Dark Devilgod Tiger who was less than 6 years old.

But before the three members of the Su family could run far, Di Tian, ​​who was dressed in black, directly punched the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger on the forehead.

Immediately, Ditian quickly sent a voice transmission to Su Qingyu, "Don't run away, leave this guy to me!"

Su Qingyu naturally recognized Ditian's voice, so she simply stopped and ran back, "Dad, Mom, it's Senior Ditian who is here!"

Su Liefeng and Lan Xiaoyue exchanged glances, and immediately followed Su Qingyu.

They have also seen Di Tian, ​​the Title Douluo should be able to deal with this legendary beast.

Sure enough, as soon as the three of them came back, Di Tian just smashed the Dark Devilgod Tiger into the ground with one hand.

Shui Ningyuan at the side was stunned, she didn't know Ditian, and she didn't understand that this seemingly powerful senior would save her.

Di Tian, ​​who had just beaten the Dark Devilgod Tiger, stretched his wrist, "No wonder, it's really rough-skinned and thick-skinned. If it were a Bright Sacred Tiger of fellow cultivation level, I would have smashed it to death several times."

Unexplainably beaten up by Ditian, the Dark Devilgod Tiger knew that he was no match for Ditian, so he immediately planned to run away.

Although it has the heaven-defying skill of the arena of life and death, it does not dare to use it unless it is in a life-and-death crisis as a last resort.

But how could Di Tian let it go, grabbed its tail hook with one hand, and chuckled at Su Qingyu, "Little friend, how about this tiger as your fifth soul ring?"

Su Qingyu reacted quickly, and quickly shouted to Ditian, "Senior Ditian, be careful with his skill Life and Death Arena!"

But it was too late after all, the Dark Devilgod Tiger was pushed into a hurry by Di Tian, ​​and he immediately resorted to the Arena of Life and Death.

Even Di Tian couldn't stop him, and was directly pulled in by the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

As for Su Qingyu, who was looking at the arena, he couldn't help feeling a little worried. If something happened to Di Tian, ​​the Star Dou Forest would be in trouble.

In the arena, looking at the shrunken figures of himself and the Dark Devilgod Tiger, Di Tian couldn't help sighing, "It's really a magical ability, what a pity!"

Following Di Tian's words, a low voice sounded, "Dragon God's Claw!"

The huge dragon paw print directly attacked the Dark Devilgod Tiger. Under the strength of the Dragon God's magical skills, the Darkmoongod Tiger was a little inferior after all.

A generation of evil beasts finally died in Ditian's hands, but Su Qingyu's soul ring is missing...

Chapter 169 The Realm of Darkness

"Hey, it looks like I have to find one for him!"

When the arena of life and death was lifted, Ditian sighed, just as he was thinking of finding some kind of soul beast for Su Qingyu.

A black bead cut through the space quickly, and when he was about to escape, Di Tian noticed it and immediately blocked the surrounding space.

Di Tian's strength had already reached the peak below the gods, and it was really not difficult for him to imprison the evil bead that caused the Dark Devilgod Tiger to appear after his death.

Di Tian with a serious face reached out to catch Hei Zhu, and quickly came to Su Qingyu's family.

"I'm really sorry, I originally planned to use it as a soul ring for you, but now it died in my hands. I will find another one for you later."

Su Qingyu didn't care about anything. The situation just now was very critical. If Ditian hadn't killed the Dark Devilgod Tiger, Ditian might have died.

After all, the skill of the arena of life and death is really against the sky, even Ditian must be cautious.

At this time, Ditian controlled the black bead in his hand that seemed to be conscious, and handed it to Su Qingyu.

"It is said that the appearance of the Dark Devilgod Tiger was formed when a first-level god under the evil god possessed himself on the body of the Bright Sacred Tiger King, which is comparable to the peak of a first-level god. The power of the evil god reversed its attributes. There is one more death that makes people hate evil!"

"This thing should be the result of the remaining origin after the fall of the evil god's possession..."

Before Ditian could finish speaking, the entire universe fell into an endless stillness.

Su Qingyu, whose eyes had completely turned blue, showed a look of contempt, "This kind of rubbish, throw it on the ground, even beggars won't pick it up!"

Even though he said so, "Su Qingyu" still showed a hint of helplessness in his eyes, "This Hengsha world is really weak, so I can only use the dark attribute of this thing to shape this kid."

Immediately, the black bead, which even Ditian had to be careful with, was lightly tapped by "Su Qingyu", and it was directly shattered into fine powder.

A cyan brilliance appeared in the hands of "Su Qingyu", but the moment the cyan brilliance appeared, the entire universe began to shatter.

This also made "Su Qingyu" black-headed, "Weakness is really troublesome!"

As soon as his words fell, the universe where Douluo star was located instantly stared at it, and its intensity surpassed the original by hundreds of millions of times!

Even the strength of some medium worlds may not be as powerful as the current universe.

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