But this is all temporary, "Su Qingyu" can't really be idle and do nothing to strengthen a Hengsha universe.

With the stabilization of the space, all the elements after the black bead was shattered, except for the core dark elements, were all removed by "Su Qingyu".

"It's obviously weak and pitiful, and it's messed up, it's really..."

"Su Qingyu" complained about the dead Dark Devilgod Tiger again, and then added the soul power of other elements removed from the Dark Devilgod Tiger to the dark element.

In the blink of an eye, a black spirit ring with traces of white lines appeared in front of him.

"Su Qingyu" also did not hesitate, directly completed the absorption of the soul ring, and then let it disappear, and the stillness of the entire universe gradually loosened after he disappeared.

As far as Su Qingyu and Ditian were concerned, they had no idea what had happened.

Not to mention them, even the master behind Ditian and the gods of Douluo God Realm didn't feel anything wrong.

"Uh, senior Ditian, why did the things you mentioned disappear?"

Di Tian was also unbelievable, but fortunately, dragons have a relatively sensitive sense of smell, and he sensed a different kind of aura from Su Qingyu.

Moreover, he who has reached the top of the Douluo Continent, Su Qingyu's concealment of soul power cannot be hidden from his eyes at all.

"Why don't you release your martial spirit?"

Hearing Ditian's words, Su Qingyu was quite surprised, and understood what Ditian was talking about.

Green light lingered, bursts of dragon chant sounded, and the sapphire dragon was possessed, yellow, purple, black, and black, and five soul rings appeared on Su Qingyu's martial soul one by one.

His soul power has also reached level 53, not the kind of existence that has just entered the soul king realm.

Even though he didn't know what happened, Ditian still sighed, "Cultivate well, the future of our clan rests on you."

Through sound transmission, Ditian told Su Qingyu what he said, but did not let others hear it.

After finishing speaking, Di Tian didn't linger, and left directly.

One is that Su Qingyu has obtained the soul ring, and the other is that he cannot stay outside for too long.

Raksha God's movement and aura are too obvious on Douluo Continent, and he can't hide it from the master behind Ditian.

The appearance of an inheritor of a god is definitely an unprecedented disaster for the soul beast family.

This is also the reason why, where Ditian and the others are, the real lake of life is hidden.

The place where the Sky Blue Bull Python, the Titan Giant Ape, and the two rabbits were located was just a small piece of life gold, which was a deception created by Ditian and other ferocious beasts.

Although it can't be hidden from the gods, the gods also have laws, and they can't interfere with the lower realms.

Using the rules to preserve the heritage of the soul beast family as much as possible is also their last resort.

After Ditian left, Lan Xiaoyue from the corner of her eyes noticed some clues on Su Qingyu's fifth spirit ring, "Son, there seems to be something wrong with the color of your spirit ring, so there should be no problem."

Su Qingyu was stunned for a moment, and carefully checked the fifth soul ring he had just obtained.

The soul skill is the realm of darkness, controlling the dark elements, there is no problem.

The only weird thing is the appearance of the soul ring, the white lines on the pitch black soul ring are too obvious.

The lines are very mysterious, and Su Qingyu vaguely feels that she knows these lines, but she doesn't understand what these lines mean.

"I don't know, there's nothing wrong with the details, it's just that I can't tell what the white lines on the top mean."

Su Liefeng patted Su Qingyu on the shoulder, and said, "It's good that there's nothing wrong, since there's nothing wrong with it, then it's okay, isn't it?"

Su Liefeng said something half-jokingly, which also made Su Qingyu a little dumbfounded.

Indeed, people, sometimes it is really rare to be confused.

Now that the soul ring has been obtained, the group of people did not stay in the Star Dou Forest anymore.

As for Su Qingyu's soul ring, neither Su Liefeng and his wife nor Shui Ningyuan kept their mouths shut. They knew about it themselves, so they just kept it in their hearts.

Because the age of the soul beast that Su Qingyu needs is really not low, the group is already almost reaching the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest.

Therefore, they are far away from where the exit is located.

After walking halfway, when they were in the mixed area, they met three acquaintances.

Chapter 170 Bullying you, what can you do?

"Senior Dai is really amazing, breaking through the Soul Sect at such a young age, he really deserves to be the No.1 of our Shrek Academy!"

"Not necessarily, although senior Dai Mubai has the highest spirit power, he may not be the opponent of Senior Tang San."

Hearing the compliments from the juniors who came to hunt the soul beasts together behind him, Dai Mubai couldn't help but feel a little elated.

I was secretly proud of myself, the elementary school girl who admired me just now looked really good.

Among the women he saw, she was second only to Zhu Zhuqing.

For a moment, Dai Mubai's heart became hot, anyway Zhu Zhuqing is not here, when the time comes out of the Star Dou Great Forest, maybe...

Dai Mubai was so distracted by his wild thoughts that he kept waving his claws towards the place he had cleaned up in front of him.

Without much fighting ability, the Grandmaster who had been following Dai Mubai's eyes showed a look of anger, and he scolded in a cold voice, "Dai Mubai, what are you doing!"

Being reprimanded by the master, Dai Mubai reacted in an instant, and said to the master rather awkwardly: "Master, I am really sorry, I was thinking about the fourth spirit ring in the order of spirit rings passed down by our Dai family. Something special."

Hearing this, Master Yu Xiaogang frowned, and he looked even more ugly than a good person.

Immediately, the master said solemnly: "Don't worry, I have studied your Dai family's martial spirit, and your fourth spirit ring, the terrifying Demon Tiger, is not the most reasonable choice. Think about it, the most powerful attacking spirit master can attack The most important thing is to attack, a spirit-type strong control soul skill is too weak for the white tiger martial soul, so this time I plan to find you a soul beast that can increase the attack method."

Dai Mubai couldn't help being a little hesitant, the order of his own spirit rings had been handed down for countless years, it was summed up by the ancestors of the royal family from generation to generation.

Moreover, when he was in the Star Luo Empire, he often saw the high-ranking soul masters of the royal family frequently use this powerful fourth soul ring.

For Grandmaster, Dai Mubai also had a little doubt, maybe Grandmaster is only strong in theory, he doesn't know much about actual combat.

Although Yu Xiaogang has always claimed to be a master, he has always been rigid and rigid, and he doesn't know how to be flexible.

But after all, he is in his fifties, two years older than Su Liefeng, and he is already in his sixties.

How could he not see Dai Mubai's doubts about him?

Regarding other people's doubts, Yu Xiaogang's best apprentice is undoubtedly Tang San.

"What are you worried about? Look at Xiaosan. His martial spirit is Blue Silver Grass. Under my guidance, he can compete with you. Do you still doubt my ability?"

Yu Xiaogang had already talked about this, and the trace of doubt in Dai Mubai's heart disappeared immediately.

He also has an old enemy, that is his dear elder brother, if he really just follow the order of spirit rings set by the family like his elder brother, his chance of victory may not be great.

But if the sword goes slanted, maybe it is really possible.

"Suddenly awakened" Dai Mubai said apologetically: "Master, I shouldn't doubt you, I will definitely listen to what you say!"

Yu Xiaogang was also quite satisfied in his heart, his poor self-esteem was satisfied like never before under Dai Mubai's "respect".

The big rough hand patted Dai Mubai's shoulder, Yu Xiaogang said with a smile: "Don't worry, the teacher will definitely help you find a soul ring that suits you best."

All this was just in a moment, the change between the two was not even thought of by Zhao Wuji who was always following behind.

In this way, the two people who had their own ghosts reached an agreement temporarily.

After walking a short distance, a silver-white figure caught their attention.

Yu Xiaogang, who had read the General Compendium of Douluo Soul Beasts in Wuhundian, also recognized this silver-white figure for a while, and said excitedly: "Meteor Tiger has a handsome body, silver-white fur, and a body length of just five meters. It's 5000 years of cultivation!"

Dai Mubai was rather surprised, he also knew the Meteor Tiger, after all the Star Luo Empire's inherited martial spirit was the White Tiger.

He was also taught the knowledge of various tiger-like soul beasts by the Star Luo royal family since he was a child, so that they could obtain soul rings without the help of the Star Luo Empire.

This Meteor Tiger happens to be one of the spirit beasts he has learned, but this Meteor Tiger is not a very powerful existence among the spirit beasts he has learned, it can only be ranked in the middle, not as good as the terrifying Demon Tiger.

At this time, Zhao Wuji, who was following behind the team to ensure safety, also jumped out, pointing at the meteor tiger grinning at them with his thick carrot finger, "Master, is this the one?"

Yu Xiaogang nodded, Dai Mubai's struggling eyes became firmer, and he was willing to go all out!

Zhao Wou-ki twisted his neck, and was directly squeezed by gravity, but Meteor Tiger was good at speed, and easily ran away from Zhao Wou-ki's gravity range.

"Heh, the little tiger can run quite well!"

"Try this trick of mine, Roar!"

The rare sonic soul power has the ability to intimidate the spirit of others, thereby achieving the effect of control.

But when Zhao Wuji used this move, Su Liefeng, who was cleaning the road, was only 50 meters away.

Fortunately, Shui Ningyuan reacted in time and directly blocked the sound waves with her soul power.

"It's a soul skill, prepare to fight!"

Except for Su Qingyu, Shui Ningyuan, and Su Liefeng and his wife are all veterans in the world of soul masters, and they immediately recognized the soul skills of soul masters.

Among the four, there is no weak person. Although Su Qingyu seems to only have the cultivation level of a five-ring soul king, there is no pressure to single out a soul sage.

The always good-tempered Shui Ningyuan is also angry, she wants to see who dares to attack her!

As soon as Zhao Wuji, who finished sending out the sound wave, felt the powerful wave of soul skills suddenly appearing in front of him, he felt bad, thinking that he must have caused trouble.

The cyan wind gang was like a sharp blade, sweeping all the obstacles in front of it, and the two people happened to bump into each other.

Yu Xiaogang and Zhao Wuji had met Su Qingyu, not to mention Dai Mubai, he was beaten by Su Qingyu more than once.

"It's you!"

As the saying goes, when enemies meet, they are extremely jealous, Dai Mubai can't wait to tear Su Qingyu to pieces.

Due to time constraints, Su Liefeng and Lan Xiaoyue didn't have much impression of Dai Mubai.

Shui Ningyuan directly released eight soul rings, and glanced at everyone in Shrek Academy with interest, "It seems that you are also from the academy, but I don't know which one?"

"Hmph, we are naturally from Shrek Academy!"

The one who said this was naturally Dai Mubai, even though they were in a disadvantageous situation, he really couldn't swallow this breath!

Su Qingyu also didn't expect to meet these people after obtaining a soul ring.

Glancing at the Meteor Tiger who was dumbfounded by Zhao Wou-ki's roar, Su Qingyu immediately transformed into a dragon with wings and threw it out.

The soul beast was let go, Dai Mubai's face was ugly, he pointed at Su Qingyu and said, "What do you mean, bullying people!"

"Yes, bullying you, what can you do?"

Chapter 171

"you wanna die!"

Of the so-called Shrek Seven Monsters, only Tang San and Oscar have real brains.

An idiot like Dai Mubai who was born in the royal family and can be led by others, usually he can rely on his own strength of force is fine.

But in the face of people who are much stronger than him, he can only be incompetent and furious.

His clenched fists crackled, but Dai Mubai was not stupid, if he made a move, maybe they really wouldn't be able to get out of the Star Dou Forest alive.

"This should be the dean of Tianshui College."

The one who spoke was none other than the most ruthless and proud master of Shrek Academy.

Shui Ningyuan's icy blue eyes are slightly condensed. Although she is in her early sixties, it seems that the years have not left many traces on her pretty face.

"Oh, know me, I don't know who you are!"

"The mentor of Shrek Academy, others call me a master!"

As soon as Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, Lan Xiaoyue laughed, her smile was very low, it seemed that what Yu Xiaogang said was very funny.

"Hahaha, a 29th-level great soul master, returning to the master, how shameless!"

Lan Xiaoyue's straightforward personality makes her unable to hide anything, and it is precisely because of this reason that Shui Ningyuan has a headache, and she is not allowed to take over as the dean of Tianshui College until now.

Being ridiculed by Lan Xiaoyue, Yu Xiaogang seemed to think of his clansmen who were ridiculed by Lan Xiaoyue in the past. How could he bear it with his fragile heart?

Immediately roared, "Enough!"

For a moment, Yu Xiaogang was directly possessed by the martial soul, two pitiful yellow soul rings, and a small pig-like beast came to his side whimpering.

Zhao Wuji's complexion changed slightly, and he suddenly stepped forward, "Two people from Tianshui College, I, Zhao Wuji, was at fault just now, I accidentally attacked a few of you, Zhao is here to accompany everyone, please forgive me!"

Although Zao Wou-ki is a jerk, but his temperament is very good.

As a teacher and the vice president of a college, Zao Wou-ki is very competent.

For the safety of the students, he can bend and stretch, even if he suffers a little humiliation, it is nothing to him.

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