And after watching the match at Shrek Academy, Su Qingyu held Shui Binger's soft jade hand and left the Heaven Dou City Great Soul Arena together.

His departure also attracted the attention of some people. Ning Fengzhi also left with the accompanying Sword Douluo after apologizing to Emperor Xue Ye.

On the other side of the palace, a young man just happened to rush towards this side with two entourages.

Chapter 175 Excited Tang San

At this time, the people nearby were basically still watching the match inside the Great Soul Arena.

Except for a small number of people, there is almost no choice to come out early.

Just after coming out of that noisy environment, Shui Bing'er felt that her ears were much more clean, and stretched comfortably in front of Su Qingyu.

"Not to mention, the people from Shrek Academy have made great progress, at least not worse than Xue Wu and the others."

Shui Bing'er's words carried a trace of solemnity, obviously she has now faced Shrek squarely, and is already planning how to deal with them.

Falling into deep thought, Shui Binger's temperament became different.

Su Qingyu, who was following her, hugged her waist from behind, "Okay ^[-]^~, I'll think about it when I go back."

Turning around, Shui Bing'er caressed Su Qingyu's cheek helplessly, and said coquettishly, "Okay, I got it!"

"Little friend, please stay!"

Su Qingyu shuddered for no reason, and he was not to blame for that, after all, there was a person in his impression who was famous all over China because of this sentence.

Fortunately, the one behind him was not that one, but just Ning Fengzhi.

Facing the suzerain of the upper three sects, Su Qingyu also showed a professional smirk that made people feel spring.

"It's such a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet Sect Master Ning right after I came out of the Soul Arena."

Ning Fengzhi is also an old fox, in an instant, he knew that he couldn't answer this question, otherwise it would be tantamount to admitting that he came here after Su Qingyu.

"Hehe, Mr. Su was joking, the suzerain and I came out to meet my young lady."

Although Chen Xin's words were a little more tactful, there were thorns in her words, which meant that Su Qingyu was less self-indulgent.

At this time, whether it is the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School or Ning Fengzhi, they are still hoping that through the union of the previous three schools, the Spirit Hall will be intimidated.

Following Su Qingyu and Shui Binger out was nothing more than to recruit them.

If it weren't for Jian Douluo's words, Su Qingyu might have spent a lot of time arguing with Ning Fengzhi for a while.

As soon as Chen Xin said this, Su Qingyu directly performed a traditional Chinese skill in front of Ning Fengzhi, changing her face!

The smile froze, and Su Qingyu's face gradually turned cold, "So that's the case, then goodbye, Sect Master Ning!"

After speaking, Su Qingyu took Shui Binger and left without looking back.

Ning Fengzhi rubbed his forehead helplessly, "Uncle Jian, you can't speak, but don't bother me?"

Chen Xin's expression was indifferent, and she had no intention of apologizing to Ning Fengzhi at all, "Oh, this kid has a high spirit, and he looks down on our three-acre land."

Although what Chen Xin said just now is naturally true, Ning Fengzhi is still a little unwilling.

In the end, he could only forcefully convince himself from the heart.

After knowing that his precious daughter Ning Rongrong came out with the people from Shrek Academy, Ning Fengzhi's mood became better...

In the afternoon, Tianshui Academy also ushered in its first match.

The opponent of the competition is not an old school similar to the Elemental School, but a high-level school in a province of the Heaven Dou Empire.

In fact, they are not very strong, there are only four soul masters above level 35, and the other three players look like they have just broken through to soul masters.

After several games in the morning, the audience at the scene was somewhat fatigued.

The appearance of Tianshui Academy undoubtedly made people's eyes bright, especially those playboys from Tiandou City who couldn't take their eyes off one by one.

Except for Shui Yue'er, a little girl who hasn't grown up yet, the six girls including Shui Bing'er are all top-notch in appearance.

Especially Shui Bing'er, perhaps due to the consumption of Qiluo Tulip, the indescribable noble temperament on her body, among the people Su Qingyu has met, there is only one person who can compare with her.

Undoubtedly, a second-rate team couldn't hold out against the Tianshui Academy team for even half an hour.

Among them, Shui Bing'er never made a move, otherwise, they wouldn't be able to last even ten seconds.

Like Su Qingyu, Tang San also came to watch the match of Tianshui Academy.

Except for Shui Bing'er who didn't make any moves on the field, the strength of the others was not weak at all, Tang San also felt quite difficult for a while.

Being able to become the Soul Sect before the age of 15, even if it was Su Hui who had a previous life, Tang San thought he should be the most talented person in the Douluo Continent.

But he never expected that a little girl (Shui Yue'er) who looked to be about his age in Tianshui College also had the cultivation base of the Soul Sect.

This made the rather confident Tang San suffer some blows in his heart.

He knew that he was born full of soul power, and how he got his name as a genius.

If it weren't for Tang Sect's skills, his innate soul power might be very low, or he might be a waste who can't cultivate.

The self-esteem in his heart made him completely unbelievable that a mere native talent would be better than a reincarnated person like him!

Suddenly a flash of light flashed through his mind, and he suddenly remembered the Tang Sect's secret book about immortal grass.

That's right, it must be the fairy grass, if it wasn't for a mere aborigine who caught up with him who took the earth essence liquid in terms of cultivation speed!

In an instant, Tang San's breathing became rapid, which also attracted the attention of Xiao Wu beside him, "Third brother, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, Xiao Wu!"

Tang San fondled Xiao Wu's head, making Xiao Wu somewhat "shy".

But she didn't think so in her heart at this time: Great, it seems that he really fell in love with me!

Although I am sorry for Da Ming and Er Ming, but he is the future god king, and entering the God Realm in the future may revive them, making them legendary beasts.

Immediately, Xiao Wu secretly made up her mind that she must marry him and let him bring her mother back to life!

Tang San didn't know what Xiao Wu was thinking, what he wanted to do most now was to find his father.

That's a fairy grass, let a native eat it, it's a waste of money!

I don't know how many fairy grasses they have in their hands, but I hope there is a kind of fairy grass that is suitable for me!

After taking a leave with the master, Tang San couldn't wait to engrave the imprint of his connection with Tang Hao on Tiandou City, praying that Tang Hao would come to Tiandou City as soon as possible.

In Tang San's eyes, it is a fairy grass, even if Tianshui Academy is destroyed, it must be found after digging three feet!

Not long after Tang San left, Su Qingyu happened to walk towards the residence of Tianshui Academy with Shui Binger and Ye Lingling on her arm.

That is, at the moment when Tang San had evil thoughts in his heart, he frowned, feeling a trace of ominousness somewhere.

This is the throbbing from the depths of the blood, and danger prediction is just the most basic ability.

Because of the poor bloodline, Su Qingyu can only perceive the danger, but doesn't know what the danger is and when it will come.

Chapter 176

Two days passed, but the danger that Su Qingyu was worried about did not come.

During these two days, Tianshui Academy easily defeated two second-tier teams.

They played for three consecutive days, but on this day, Tianshui Academy did not qualify for the match.

So in order to celebrate Tianshui Academy's three consecutive victories, Lan Xiaoyue waved her hand under Shui Ningshuang's almost murderous gaze and gave her a day off!

It's rare to have time to go shopping in Tiandou City, and the girls of Team Tianshui are very excited.

It's just that Su Qingyu was a little unhappy, and said with a little grievance: "Bing'er, are you and Lingling really willing to abandon me?"

Shui Bing'er tiptoed lightly, rubbing Su Qingyu's head with her white hands, "Don't be sad, I'm just going out with Lingling for a while, and I'll bring you something delicious when I come back."

Seeing Shui Bing'er coaxing Su Qingyu as if coaxing a child, Ye Lingling couldn't help laughing.

In the end, Shui Bing'er and Ye Lingling still left, leaving Su Qingyu alone in the manor.

As elders, Lan Xiaoyue and Shui Ningshuang smiled at each other and came to Su Qingyu's side together.

"Hello Mom, Aunt Shui!"

"Qingyu, why don't you follow, this is Tiandou City, if anything happens to Bing'er and Lingling, I won't spare you!"

After Lan Xiaoyue finished singing "Bad Face", Shui Ningshuang stepped forward and straightened his clothes, "Herring, these two are girls after all, remember to protect them."

The two of them almost made it clear to Su Qingyu that they just wanted to give the three of them some time to be alone.

After understanding the meaning of the two, Su Qingyu didn't stop, and simply hid behind the two, preparing to meet them by chance.

Watching Su Qingyu leave, Lan Xiaoyue and Shui Ningshuang left together arm in arm.

Although both of them are in their early fifties, they still have the hearts of young people. When they came out, they also left the station.

Not long after following Shui Binger and his two daughters away, Su Qingyu kept pretending to be nonchalant on the other road.

When the two girls were about [-] meters away from Shui Binger,

A burly man in a black shabby robe blocked his way.

"Boy, if you don't want anything to happen to those two girls, just follow me."

The voice was extremely low, and there was a trace of domineering that could not be rejected.

The familiar voice and figure immediately made Su Qingyu recognize the person who came, Haotian Douluo, Tang Hao!

Su Qingyu's expression remained unchanged, he could clearly feel that he had been locked by a powerful soul power.

In order to prevent Tang Hao from going crazy in Tiandou City and possibly hurt Shui Binger and the others, Su Qingyu ran straight to the outside of Tiandou City.

Relying on her own speed far surpassing that of the Soul King, and her nimble movement, Su Qingyu came to the north of Tiandou City without attracting much attention.

Although the Soul Master Contest is a grand event every five years in the Douluo Continent, there are not many people passing by in this remote place, let alone powerful soul masters.

After coming here, just as Su Qingyu stopped, Tang Hao in a tattered robe appeared in front of Su Qingyu.

"Senior Haotian, this junior doesn't know why you forced me out of Tiandou City."

Tang Hao slowly stretched out his calloused palm the size of a cattail fan, and said, "Hand over all the grass jelly!"

Upon hearing this, Su Qingyu's heart had already locked her target on Tang San.

After all, not many people know this thing in the entire Douluo Continent, except him and Tang San.

There is only Ju Douluo Yueguan, the broken clan who is not in common with the Haotianzong and has gone far away from the Star Luo Empire.

No matter which one it is, it is impossible to tell Tang Hao such important information related to them.

In this way, only Tang San was left, maybe he found it from Shui Bing'er or Shui Yue'er.

These are not realistic, after all Tang San is not Yueguan, and he doesn't have such a strong perception of the so-called fairy grass.

The biggest possibility is that Tang San passed Shui Yue'er's subjective imagination.

"Your Majesty Haotian, what do you mean, this junior really doesn't understand."

But Tang Hao didn't intend to talk to Su Qingyu at all, and the tyrannical soul power surged directly towards Su Qingyu!

Su Qingyu also didn't expect that Tang Hao's actions would be so ruthless. Although a piece of soul power had little effect on him, an ordinary soul king would definitely be crippled on the spot.

Possessed by the martial spirit, with a clear dragon chant, Su Qingyu turned into a dragon with his right hand, blocking Tang Hao's attack.

Seeing that his attack was so easily blocked by Su Qingyu, Tang Hao was quite surprised.

"Not bad, I'm not as good as you at your age, but I'll say it again, hand over all the celestial grass!"

A huge pitch-black hammer appeared in Tang Hao's hands. Unlike Tang San's small hammer, Tang Hao's hammer was nearly two cubic meters in size.

Not many people can bear this hammer.

Tang Hao's attitude was more resolute than Su Qingyu imagined, as if he believed that Su Qingyu still had fairy grass in his hands.

At this time, Su Qingyu's face turned cold, "Your Majesty Haotian, please don't go too far!"

Tang Hao lifted off the black robe on his head very naturally, revealing a bearded, rather haggard old face full of vicissitudes of time.

It stands to reason that he is the youngest among Title Douluo, even now, he is only less than 60 years old, not as good as Ning Fengzhi.

But in terms of appearance, Su Qingyu firmly believes that he is Ning Fengzhi's father.

He grinned at the corner of his mouth, revealing his faint yellow teeth, "If you keep your mouth stubborn, then don't blame me for being rude, go to hell!"

After all, Tang Hao started directly, the first soul skill Titan's Hammer!

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