Even though it was just a simple first soul skill, it was performed by Tang Hao, a super Douluo, even a Soul Douluo would not dare to take it.

He was confident that he could smash Su Qingyu into pieces under this blow, and then he would take Su Qingyu's stored soul guide.

Su Qingyu cursed secretly: Damn it, I didn't expect this thing to be used in advance!

Su Qingyu took out a group of strange machines with blue light from the tower of soul guidance hanging around his neck.

At the moment when Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer struck, the strange blue machine instantly burst out countless soul guide shells with wings.

It was Su Qingyu's five-level cluster-type custom-installed soul-guided shells made by Su Qingyu based on a kind of hive combat thinking in his previous life, Blue Bee!

Every soul guide shell fired by it is a high-explosive shell, and almost no one below Contra dares to fight head-on.

Even if Tang Hao is a Super Douluo, what is strong is the soul power after all, and he is looking for death if he meets the soul guide shell head-on with his body.

But Tang Hao is a Super Douluo after all, feeling the danger, he immediately gave up attacking Su Qingyu, and immediately used the third soul skill, Whirlwind Dance to resist the densely packed soul guide shells.

Chapter 177

There were bursts of roaring and blasting sounds, and Su Qingyu held the fifth-level wing-type flying soul guide, and used the driving force of the soul guide to quickly retreat.

Tang Hao, who was at the center of the explosion, underestimated the power of the fifth-level custom-installed soul guidance shells too much.

Although the level of this thing is not high in the soul guide, its power can seriously injure, even kill the existence of the soul saint.

With the third soul ability, it was indeed blocked, but the power of its explosion was not something a thousand-year soul power could resist.

Dozens of five-level top-notch soul guide shells exploded in succession, for a moment comparable to the explosion power of a seventh-level custom-installed soul guide shell.

Even if Tang Hao is a Super Douluo, he has to deal with it with all his strength.


Cursing Su Qingyu in his mouth, Tang Hao's Super Douluo had no choice but to burst out, which immediately attracted the attention of the experts in Tiandou City.

Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi sensed Tang Hao's aura as soon as they returned to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

A sharp breath emanated from Jian Douluo's eyes!

"Fengzhi, rest well, I'll come as soon as I go!"

After all, Sword Douluo Chen Xin walked directly with the sword, and rushed towards the north of Tiandou City.

His speed is quite fast, like a stream of light disappearing into the sky...

Tang Hao, who was bombed by the soul guide shell and even his robes disappeared, his face became extremely ugly.

The hideous and ugly scars on his face were like crawling centipedes.

Su Qingyu in front of him had long since disappeared without a trace, and his aura had just erupted, which might have attracted the attention of the Contra and above experts in Tiandou City.

"Hmph, next time, I will never let you go!"

Throwing harsh words into the air, Tang Hao left in a hurry.

There is no way, the current him is nothing in Douluo Continent, even the Haotian School is unlikely to admit his identity.

He also understood that he still needs to endure for a while, and wait for Tang San to really grow up.

A moment after Tang Hao left, as the fastest Titled Douluo near Tiandou City, Sword Douluo Chen Xin was the first to arrive here.

According to the fluctuation of the remaining soul power, Chen Xin easily discovered the characteristics of Tang Hao's soul power that belonged exclusively to the Clear Sky School.

Frowning slightly, what really puzzled him was those chaotic, attributeless soul power fluctuations.

Even though he spent most of his life in the world of soul masters, he doesn't remember any known Title Douluo whose soul power has no attributes.

Chen Xin shook her head, sighed, and said: "It's troublesome, forget it, let's talk to Fengzhi when we go back."

Immediately afterwards, Yu Yuanzhen and Dugu Bo, the suzerains of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, came together, but they didn't see anything.

Afterwards, Salas from the Heaven Dou City Spirit Temple, the three education committee members of the Heaven Dou Royal Academy, and Generalissimo Ge Long arrived one after another.

Same as the former, they didn't find anything unusual, they couldn't even detect the fluctuations in the soul power that belonged exclusively to the members of the Haotian Sect.

In the end, they can only let it go hastily. For them, the most important thing now is the soul master competition.

The sun sets, the hustle and bustle clears away, and there are no more people.

On the edge of the dilapidated wall, a human figure appeared in the evening sunlight.

As the light and shadow dissipated, Su Qingyu's figure appeared.

The sixth-level soul guide is light and shadow hiding. Su Qingyu made it based on some invisibility theories in his previous life. It is the only sixth-level soul guide.

Although he could only hide the fluctuation of his own soul power, relying on the chaos of the soul power caused by the explosion of the soul guidance shell just now, he escaped the detection of all the titled Douluo in Tiandou city.

Glancing at the clouds in the sky, Su Qingyu quickly walked in the direction of Tiandou City.

Originally, they planned to follow Shui Binger and the others to play in Tiandou City, but it was a pity that they met Tang Hao, a lunatic.

Immediately, Su Qingyu's heart became more murderous.

Su Qingyu didn't like the so-called fairy grass at all, and it was of no use to him.

Although his own blood is extremely thin, this is the greatest foundation.

If it wasn't for his parents and Shui Bing'er, he wouldn't bother to arrange those flowers and plants.

But Su Qingyu doesn't like it, it doesn't mean that other people don't like it.

Tang San discovered that at such a young age, Shui Yue'er's spirit power could be comparable to that of him who had taken Earth Origin Liquid.

So he guessed that Su Qingyu, who was not much older than him, but far stronger in soul power, might have the so-called fairy grass in his hands.

Tang San himself was also suspicious, greedy and cunning by nature, and he kept saying that he respected his master, but he betrayed him for the secret books of the sect.

So it's not difficult to explain, Tang San was greedy, bewitched Tang Hao, and let him take it by force.

Fortunately, in Tiandou City, coupled with the threat of Wuhun Temple, he dared not show his face.

Originally the last one to go out, Su Qingyu was also the last one to come back.

When Su Qingyu returned to the manor, she happened to see Shui Binger and Ye Lingling standing in front of the door waiting.

Shui Bing'er, who has a sharper perception, saw Su Qingyu first, and ran towards Su Qingyu impatiently.

The slender and white arms gently wrapped around Su Qingyu's neck, and her soft and delicate body completely embraced him.

"Where did you go? In the afternoon, my heart was very uneasy, and I always felt..."

At the moment when Su Qingyu led Tang Hao to the north of the city, she felt extremely sad, and for some reason Su Qingyu suddenly appeared in her mind.

Ye Lingling also came over and said softly: "Hingyu, Binger, let's go back first!"

Su Qingyu rubbed Shui Binger's little head in her arms, picked her up, and went back to the manor together.

What happened during the day, Su Qingyu only told his mother Lan Xiaoyue and Shui Ningshuang. As for the members of Tianshui Academy, including Shui Binger, he didn't say anything.

Tang Hao is somewhat wary now, at least he doesn't dare to mess around until he returns to Haotianzong to recognize his ancestors.

"Title Douluo, it really is so unattainable!"

Shui Ningshuang sighed, in fact, if you look at the entire Douluo Continent, all the forces that can be counted have basically produced Title Douluo, it's just a question of how many.

No matter in history or now, in terms of quantity or strength, Wuhundian deserves to be number one.

Furthermore, the last three sects and the two great empires have produced many title Douluo in the past.

Similar to the lower four sects, second-rate forces like the Five Elements Academy also produced Titled Douluo in some past eras.

It's just that time has passed, and people on Douluo Dalu rarely pay attention to history. Those brilliant figures just passed away with the wind.

"I will tell the dean about this, but you have to be careful, Herring."

After carefully instructing Su Qingyu, Shui Ningshuang left directly.

Not far from the manor where Tianshui Academy is located, the hotel where Shrek Academy is located, Tang San's room.

"Little San, I'm really sorry, I stunned the snake today, and when I go to Jujian Mountain, I will make another move!"

There was a look of gratitude in Tang San's eyes, "Thank you, Dad!"

Chapter 178 Shrek Object A

Tang Hao's failure made Tang San somewhat disappointed.

After all, in his eyes, wouldn't a 95-level Super Douluo be able to easily deal with a little soul sect who was not even a soul king? (Tang San thought)

But the reality is that Tang Hao is really tied up in Tiandou City, and he doesn't dare to make a real move at all.

He also counted on Tang San to lead Shrek Academy to win the championship of the Continental Senior Elite Soul Master Competition, and slapped him fiercely in front of the Spirit Hall.

After Tang Hao left, a strong murderous intent flashed in Tang San's eyes, "Hmph, just let you live for a while, I don't believe you will be able to save yourself from danger!"

After venting his inner emotions, Tang San's ordinary to the point of ugly face once again showed a gentle resignation.

It was obviously scorching summer in Tiandou City, but Su Qingyu in the manor shuddered shiveringly.

Reminder from the blood, his crisis does not seem to be over yet.

Su Qingyu rubbed her heart, "The damn father and son of the Tang family are really troublesome!"

He knew that Tang Hao was the only one who could make him feel the crisis.

Of course, if other people have thoughts against Su Qingyu, it will also cause a warning in his blood.

Just when Su Qingyu was about to practice, a familiar figure appeared outside the door.

Su Qingyu, who sensed it for the first time, immediately jumped off the bed, opened the door, and took the girl's soft body into her arms.

Caressing Shui Binger's soft ice-blue long hair, Su Qingyu said dotingly: "What's the matter, girl, come to my room so late, don't be afraid that I will eat you!"

Shui Binger shook her head, and said in a soft voice, "I am your person, you can do whatever you want."

What troubled Su Qingyu the most was Shui Binger's softness, she never refused him.

For Shui Binger's affection, Su Qingyu can naturally feel it, and since Ye Lingling came, he has always felt that he owes Shui Binger too much.

He felt very guilty in his heart, so he would always keep some distance from Ye Lingling in normal times.

For Shui Bing'er, even if he didn't see her for an hour, he would miss her a little.

It can only be said that Shui Bing'er knows Su Qingyu best, because Su Qingyu always feels that he is sorry for her, so he will always try his best to make up for it.

Otherwise, how could it be possible that Shui Binger, a soul master with the ultimate ice phoenix martial soul, would rapidly increase her soul power to five levels in a year and a half?

All of this is the result of Su Qingyu using his savings of rare treasures to refine those medicines that are mild in nature and will not cause any negative effects.

Gently placing Shui Binger's delicate body on the bed, Su Qingyu lay down beside her very naturally.

"Girl, you forgot what I said, the two of us are too young, if we lose our bodies now, it will be very bad for our future cultivation."

Immediately, Su Qingyu leaned against Shui Binger's petite ear, "Besides, Binger, are you ready to have children?"

The beautiful ice blue eyes gave Su Qingyu a white look, and her beautiful face was blushing.

Without saying a word, he turned over directly onto Su Qingyu's body, pinching Su Qingyu's cheek with his small white hands, and pulling hard.

"What are you talking about, it looks like I should really tell Aunt Lan and let her teach you a lesson!"

The two played around, and Su Qingyu took advantage of Shui Binger with her cultivation.

Although Shui Bing'er has a soft temper, she is not the kind of girl who lets Su Qingyu do whatever she wants.

Early in the morning, Su Qingyu put on a windbreaker with a stand-up collar, and first covered the strawberries on her neck.

At first Su Qingyu planned to use her soul power to eliminate it, but her pair of Shangshui Binger's eyes immediately withered, and she could only keep the strawberries on her neck, waiting for them to disappear by themselves.

In the Heaven Dou City competition area, after a few days of heat for the soul master competition, it finally ushered in a real master duel.

Among them, the most noteworthy ones are Shrek Academy vs. Weevil Academy, Tianshui Academy vs. Thunder Academy, Shenfeng Academy vs. Blazing Academy (ignore the last game, don't ask me why!)

Among them, the match between Shrek Academy and Weevil Academy was in the morning, and the friendly matches between Tianshui Academy and Thunder Academy and Shenfeng Academy and Blazing Academy started in the afternoon!

Because of Ning Fengzhi and Salas' manipulation, plus Shrek Academy successfully eliminated the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy with the help of three selected players.

In the end, even Shrek Academy's next few games were really impressive.

Therefore, in the Tiandou competition area, Shrek Academy's attention has already risen to the level of the five elemental academies, and some even surpassed it.

But this time, the first head-on collision between Shrek Academy and Five Elements Academy made the Tiandou Great Soul Arena gain a lot of attention.

Along with the Weevil Academy, the four elemental academies of Kamikaze, Chihuo, Thunder, and Tianshui all came to the scene of the competition.

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